Menslib encounters higher level player in video game, comes to the conclusion that women are IRL n00bs and that this is why we need feminism

236  2018-06-03 by BIknkbtKitNwniS

I ask in open chat if he can get out of our doorway, but he doesn't move. So I tear down a nearby wall to give us an exit, and suddenly my character is blacked out. He had shot me with a tranquilizing arrow from a crossbow. He then proceeded to shoot my girlfriend before she could make it out of the hut.

He stalked around our defenseless bodies and rifled through the stuff we had stored in boxes. Then he started taking things out of our inventory as well. I see a message in open chat: "I'll let you two live." As if he's done us some kind of favor. Then he just leaves.

[This] made me realize the fear and uncertainty women go through when dealing with someone who clearly has ill intent and that they know they cannot realistically fend off. The difference in size/strength is often just too much to overcome. This is something that I was aware of, but until that experience could never empathize with.


Shouldn't the actual conclusion of your epiphany be that women need to git gud?


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Jesus Christ men's lib makes me want to drink.

Whats your drink pizza boy? Soy schnapps?

Trump cummies

idk, reading MensLibs makes me thinks r/MaleGenocide wasn't created soon enough

Sausagecide now

Is /r/mandatorysoycide a thing? Cuz it should be

If you think about it, they're basically the same thing.

The most hypermasculine toxicity imaginable is preferable to menslib's ideal.

men in general were a mistake tbh


Women where a mistake, homosexuality was the only way. And no women, no more breeders, problems solved.

What about lesbian tho?


Want to? The fuck are you doing with your saturday night?

It makes more sense when you realize /r/menslib is just a rebranding of /r/againstmensrights

Drink cyanide

The cringe of /r/MensLib will kill yah faster.

Bleach right? Because nothing else seems strong enough.

Virtual safe spaces intensify

This is so moving

I know, I hope to be in the assailant's shoes one day too

Ok this has to be some femoid feminist who wrote this, I refuse to believe someone with a ballsack would write this

femoid feminist

someone with a ballsack

these arent mutually exclusive

Imagine thinking people with ballsacks would post in menslib...

/u/FeatherShard imagine being too weak to play vidya.

Imagine getting PTSD from lines of code.

/u/FeatherShard do you commit suicide irl when you get invaded in dark souls?

Dark souls is however a leading cause of irl suicide.

Top response also says he's

5' tall and 100 lbs soaking wet.

This whole thing has to be performance art in trolling.

holy fuck, i have 120 pounds on this dude. jesus, this has to be a joke.

120 pounds on this dude

Stop being such a fatass, fatass.

being under 6’4 in current year


Even if he was 6'4, he would still be a


Still a fatass, hamplanet.

double rude

Am I wrong, tho ?

no u

Just here to offer support, fellow fatty. If you're 6'5 220lbs you ain't fat dude. I'm 6'8 385lbs and I'm fat as fuck. I'd cut off my legs to weigh 220, although somehow I think that might eventually happen on its own...

being a swolet too

There’s no hope for you

No u.

Everyone in my company (army) that is over 210 is swole fam


>Drama posting

Keep your lie believable fatass.




>Unironically thinking infantry is not support.

This is why we have friendly fire.

eat more skelly

Surething ham monster

for your information I have really big bones

Surething, hamplanet.


In your mouth? Put down the ribs.

pork chops to be exact

He’s cultivating mass.

220 isn't heavy if you go to the gym and get swole-ish.

Then again, this is Reddit.

220lbs = 100kg.

Even if you're 2m you have to be really fucking swole not to be a fatty at this weight.

Oh wow a conversion, that makes your point a lot better.

Normal people have to use normal units for it to make sense. Sorry it's triggering you.

Are you suggesting those guys aren't fat?

Just reggos, I didn't know this was a twink sub.

regggos Murcia


twink confirmed

The belly on them disprove not fat

But he's overweight my friend.

Most 220 dudes who lift are still >15% bodyfat though which is pretty fat.

It's not a dude, it's a "transman". That is, a mentally ill woman.

ahhh it makes sense

Are you also 5 feet tall?

5.0 feet = 1.52 metres

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Read: extra-butch lesbian

can you even ever be considered butch with those stats?

everyone as a man now

Definitely a troll.

5' tall and 100 lbs soaking wet.

Ultimate twink? That's when you start the gay-conversion therapy, to become gay that is, of course.

Why did this not exist?

they truly never learn.

God I hate these types so fucking much.

And of course, the most reasonable comment is the most downvoted. I hate these types so fucking much.

>getting your ass beat in a video game is the exact same thing as a woman fearing for her life

What a world we live in.

"It was in this moment as I was getting teabagged in Halo 3 by 12 year olds that I realized how women in real life had to fear assault like this every day of their lives."

Every time a woman goes outside she risks being stabbed by an energy sword or bludgeoned by a gravity hammer. #resist




Social justice is rationalized by empathizing with your/our/their inferiors.

The empathy for inferiors gives them a leg up on the other superiors.

/u/Wil I imagine this is how every tabletop game goes for you.

Male feminists actually believe this.

I was once playing ARK and my entire tribe was exterminated by another tribe. I finally witnessed first hand what happened to Jews during the Holocaust.

Oy vey

Never happened.

OK, this isn't funny you piece of shit, do you know how much we grinded just to raise those dinos? And now you deny it happened? Go fuck yourself.

Look guys, all in saying, LITERALLY all I'm saying, now hear me out, is..

Didnt happen.

This is peak soy boy.

lmao. People take video games too seriously. I remember i saw a headline like "how the mew God of War made me a better father" and i was like, but I thought "hey who knows, maybe the video game is really transforming".Then I saw the whole video game, every chapter and whatnot and i realized I was right.

Jesus christ these dudes blow up video games in their lives so much. It's really retarded how much vidya is important to them.

I don't want to think about what type of father that guy is if he had to learn that sometimes you should be supportive of your child from a fucking video game.

God of war's story was above average for a vidya, but if it actually changed your life in any significant way, you should probably reconsider that life.

Yeah. I thought the history was okay, like all other gow games. I think it makes a lot of difference now because of the voice acting and all that. I played them all but what a disappointed and let down the ending was. I didn't like it at all.

the history


like all other gow games

oh so this is why people don't know shit about history

As if he's done us some kind of favor. Then he just leaves.


He did really did.

So tell me how often does your girlfriend cower at the thought of men she can't fend off? I mean realistically there are a LOT of men you can't fend off and men are far more likely to experience violence against them than women. Really how do you manage?

Taking all of our stuff and leaving us unconscious is pretty much the same as killing us, so not really. Unless you're referring to some kind of "life lesson", in which case... no. That people are dicks isn't exactly news.

And you're right, men are more likely to experience violence. But like I mentioned, as a fairly big/strong dude myself I'm unlikely to have a violent encounter in the first place and reasonably likely to be able to defend myself if I do end up in one. Obviously, if my assailant is using a weapon I'm pretty well fucked, but just in terms of physicality I've always done okay. But like I mentioned, the vast majority of women don't have that peace of mind.

As for my girlfriend, well, she carries an asp for a reason. A steel rod does a lot to encourage someone to leave you alone. That she's an inch taller than me doesn't hurt either. However, she does live with a much higher degree of uncertainty that I have ever had to. If she can't get to her asp or if somebody also has a weapon then the situation quickly devolves into that unfortunate circumstance of women (generally) being much physically weaker/smaller than men. (And that's not to say that women are never perpetrators of violence, either, it just doesn't fit into the context of what I'm talking about.)

Anyway, I manage pretty well, thanks for asking.

My wife carries a Sig p229. Its more effective than a steel rod.

My girl always preffered the ol broadsword.

Tell your wife to git gud. Scimitars are where it's at

Ur wife gay fucking dexfag

Ur wife gay fucking dexfag

Fuck you i bet you're an intdick aren't you? You squishy little shits should've stayed inside the anus

There can be only one.

Ah there she is, doesn't look a day past 80

So you say you’re a big guy, and then you say your gf is taller than you?


It would make more sense if he left the quotes around girl.

>As for my girlfriend, well, she carries an asp for a reason. A steel rod does a lot to encourage someone to leave you alone.

You do realize using an asp against someone significantly stronger than you is basically going "hey you weren't going to beat me hard enough, let me hand you this blunt weapon so you can do it better!"

What's it like being so pathetic and weak that a game mode which was specifically made for players to kill each other (PvP), and which is completely optional to join, makes you quiver in fear?

What a graceful response

You have a way with words, your story about the Flak Armor dude attacking you and your ff made me feel like it was real, even though it was just a game. It might just be me being retarded and you being not so good with words though, I'm not sure.

I fucking stupid are you to play a game where this kind of thing can happen and then complain about it

You are a "big and strong dude" but your girlfriend is an inch taller and you say without hey weapon has to deal with being physically weaker/smaller than men. Then what way are you big then?

The Second Amendment is the most feminist piece of legislation anywhere, ever.

But like I mentioned, as a fairly big/strong dude myself

Post OHP/bench/squat stats

Unless she’s carrying a gun, she’s essentially just handing over a weapon.

Taking all of our stuff and leaving us unconscious is pretty much the same as killing us

You literally described that you'd have annoying semi-random spawns if you died so no it's preferable to not be killed. You played on a PVP server, if you don't want to PVP pick a pve server, that's literally what the difference is.

Taking all of our stuff and leaving us unconscious is pretty much the same as killing us, so not really.

Seeing as how you love to extend video game experiences into real-life metaphors, would you say there's a difference IRL between being robbed and pistol whipped and being slain where you stand?

Both you and your gf are retarded. Her carrying around an asp isn't going to do shit besides piss an attacker off even more. She doesn't have the strength to defend herself physically so you really think a metal bar is going to do much more for her? Fucking idiots.

> as a fairly big/strong dude myself I'm unlikely to have a violent encounter in the first place

From my own anecdotal experiences that works the other way around. Plenty of asshole tough guys out there who will start and escalate a fight with another big dude, but wouldn't dare hurt a woman.

Of course, we're talking about a video game here so I have a hard time believing anybody involved in the story is actually a "big strong dude".

Libcels lol.

I would have tea bagged his girl while they were both tranquilized if I was Chad Thunderarmor.

I would go to that sub and comment but I got banned after saying that I'm not going to pretend men are women and women are men.

cool story bro

You will never find a cooler one.

Grande si cierto

This the nerdiest/gayest thing I've ever experienced, and I'm currently getting pegged with a strap-on with an Infinity Guantlet head and Cosmic Cube testicles.


I wish I could think up and write this kind of drivel.

i would have killed the dude, sexually assaulted the girl, but left her alive to suffer, just like richard ramirez used to do. btw what game is that it sounds cool.

Do you mean the game that the OP in the linked thread was playing?

So when my girlfriend and I first started playing Ark: Survival Evolved it taught me a surprising lesson in how to better empathize with women

Yet another person who cannot lay connections without the use of fictional media.

As a six foot tall dude of considerable size ive nevr had something like that happen to me in my adult life

This denies the lived experience of manlets, as he assumes all men are strong enough to fight off potential aggressors

racist tbh

I believe "a wimp" is the term everyone here should be using.


Amazing how he's managed to both insult men and women separately and yet still gets upvoted. That sub is on another planet.

this is what male feminists actually believe


Jesus H. Christ, stick to raping kids like the rest of your kin, fanfiction is not your strong suite.

/u/FeatherShard It's genuinely scary that you think this taught you empathy for real problems people face.

But hey how else would (((men))) learn fear and uncertainty, it's not like they every face it and it's not like menslib is meant to be about those issues men do face....nope.

These nerds have to compare everything to games or star wars

This game sounds fucking awesome.

...the advantage of being a man is that you have far more practice with being aggressive than a woman has had.

That's as stereotypical a statement as it can be.

They've achieved self-awareness.

I'm pretty sure other people doing what they want with his girlfriend while he can only watch isn't anything new for him...