Qultists Appropriate /r/drama Culture, Declare Themselves Reddit's Bastion of Radical Centrism, (But the Liberals Are Still Child-Raping Satanic Maoists, ofc)

74  2018-06-03 by GuillotinesNOW


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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there's bound to be some paradox to blame


Their flairs are like rosary beads, little prayers they’re desperately holding onto, except theirs were made up by a squad of neckbeards trying to make some dough

My culture is not your goddamn dress.

I was expecting this.

Holy shit I saw it as gold for a split second.


Oh boy SO TRUE!! If we don't get this RED PILL and break out of bi-partisan politics... it will only be a matter of time till we find ourselves slaves to the swamp AGAIN!! We citizen voters have been long and hard by this scam. Vote for TRUTH, vote with your brain... NOT PARTY!!

Do people like this realize how jaw-droppingly stupid they sound to normal people?

If you think that sounds stupid, you're an intellectual. And if you're an intellectual, you're part of the swamp.

Checkmate, Deep State.

Can't argue with that logic.

Do people like this realize how jaw-droppingly stupid they sound to normal people?

Nope because they just justify it with 'they can't handle the TRUTH!' whenever somebody calls them stupid or crazy so that they come out ahead in their weird little minds.

It really does irk me about how they go on and on about how they're non-partisan and accepting but will unironically reference 'liberal snowflakes', 'libtards', drop casual racism, accuse anyone who isn't sucking Trump's dick of shilling, etc. Sometimes in the same post. Their minds have been so warped by this PATRIOT shit that they have lost any sense of ideological consistency or coherence.

Making fun of old fucks going senile isn't fair

They're a pretty standard proto-fascist/full on fascist movement. They unironically talk about hanging Obama and putting their enemies in camps.

They also just deny reality to an extent that lines them up with far-right Weimar crazies.



Given our political system, the alternative to bipartisanship is called "not having a government for 90% of the time". The system isn't going to be stable without the parties working together, unless you do something like amend the constitution to abolish the senate and have the house elected every four years at the same time as the president. So that they'll all likely be of the same party.

Do I look like someone who knows anything about politics? I'm just here to make fun of Q retards.

I'm just a retard looking for excuses to write dumb essays.

You should stop that. Serious posting causes cancer.

The adderall compels me.

What's the Q thing?


QAnon, also referred to monoliterally as Q, is the originator of a conspiracy theory popularized by supporters of U.S. President Donald Trump. The theory involves a series of cryptic internet postings by a person claiming to have access to classified information involving the Trump administration and its opponents in the United States. QAnon's posting campaign is also referred to as The Storm, detailing a supposed secret counter-coup by the Trump administration against the alleged "Deep State".

Adherents believe Q's claim that he is a "high-level government insider with Q clearance"[1][2] — a United States Department of Energy security clearance comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI).


Are you right in the head? He obviously meant the two party system and political tribalism.

How do you lack the reading comprehension to understand a Qtard's third grade drivel?

The sad part is the message is actually correct. ("be critical, not fanatical when voting.") It's just the delivered in a completely shitty form that defies the message.

They aren’t wrong, ya know. And tbf has anyone here even been to comet pizza? If you saw the basement you would never vote for another liberal in ur life imo

Why don't right wingers ever like to say their right wing? I don't think I've ever heard anyone say "fuck yeah I'm literally as right wing as they come".

This trend is so annoying, it's like when some hipster band that makes the most generic of indie rock refuses to list any genres because their ineffable music cannot be encapsulated in such labels. So you just write down "douchebag".

Ideology is just a system of ideas. If you have any set of opinions on political issues at all, that is all ideology. If you hate ideologies, part of your ideology is a hatred of ideology. And I am always very suspicious of that, because too often what people really mean when they say that is that they hate other ideologies. When the biggest problem with ideology is that one could get too powerful and run around unchecked.

Lenin's biggest mistake was to denounce factions in the Bolshevik party. That's what gave Stalin the excuse me needed to ban all of them besides his, and transform an authoritarian society where there was at least some checks on power within the Communist party, into a totalitarian society in which one man had absolute power.

Madison had a much more restrained opinion on the issue, and wrote "liberty is to faction as oxygen is to fire", and went on to describe ways in which the constitution could check factions and prevent any one from becoming too powerful. Unfortunately so many on the right just reduce the message of the essay did "Madison hated factions". And I am 90% certain that have teh libtards in their crosshairs when they say that. They're just constitutional patriots after all, that's not a faction.

Why don't right wingers ever like to say their right wing?

Because most of them aren't. You can be centrist, you can be pro-Bernie socialist, you can be apolitical and tired of this shit, you can be a meek monk in a strict religious order, the leftists will always label you alt-right, because according to them, everyone who doesn't support them 100% is alt-right.

Me for example? I'm pro socialdemocracy but strictly against mixing issues of sexuality into politics. That's a very classic leftist. Reply? "Alt-right retard!"

Polish people are the most retarded Europeans.

And that's including Turkey as part of Europe.

shrug in one of the first free elections we had 20 different parties enter the parliament. Therefore this split between "us and them" is for us silly. There are far more ways to divide the political scene than "left" and "right" and trying to bundle everyone who doesn't agree with you with "the opposite side" is plain stupid. But hey, we're the ones retarded.

Because alt right = teh Nazi

There is no ideology. There is only RomeAmerica.

Because they're centrists in their own mind.

Man, since Q fucked off, they’ve managed to get even more crazy.

So... they're just in denial now their LARP is up?