You modders were so preoccupied with whether or not you could gender swap Link that you didn't stop to think if you should

21  2018-06-03 by charlesgrodinfan


/u/Potato13579 Link is a set character like Mario, you fucking retard.

There are multiple sets of Link like there are multiple sets of dinosaurs 🦖!

Yes but all the sets are male. All are your dinosaurs male, is that why they went extinct?


Collecting three stories of hardcore dinosaur sex, Turned Gay by Dinosaurs is a great bundle for anyone looking to peer into their beastly side. These stories include rough sex, anal, oral, straight-to gay, and cream pies! 

Not suitable for anyone under 18!

This collection includes:
Turned Gay by Spinosaurus
T-Rex Made Me Gay
Brachiosaurus Made Me Gay

All of these stories are 3,000-4,000 words.


Not all dinosaurs 🦖 are male; Therefore not all Links are male

In Jurassic Park all the dinosaurs were female but life, ah, finds a way.


defending the masculinity of Link the Twink


I didn't say anything about masculinity. Did you respond to the right person?

How embarrassing.

I too am offended when I encounter options.

I’m offended by people having the option to dislike dinosaurs 🦖

MRW I ponder my options to respond to this comment.

Other people might choose options that I dislike, and that must be prevented.


You just want to see Linkle tinkle.

A video game character has to look like me a certain amount and share certain qualities with me, or else I just can't identify with the character and their struggles due to my crippling autism. So if the creators of this game could make a character that's more like me personally, that'd be great.

Appearance customization are generally a good idea in vidya under most circumstances, but that's beside the point. Who gives a shit if a fan makes a genderswap mod? People make mods for any number of things in popular games, but genderswapping crosses the line to the point where people will hotly debate it? Who cares? Why not just not install the mod and get on with your life?




How queer.

I don't even play this game. Smugposting for the sake of smugposting. Stay assblasted. The only thing you're right about is that it doesn't matter at all.


Just an FYI that convo linked here isn’t about modding at all - it’s about the assertion that nintendo should include a first party gender selection mechanism in zelda.

Which is just lol, Japan has some of the most backwards views on sex/gender out there, and they've been publishing the same stories with the same characters for decades. They could not give two fucks if some middle aged American wants to play as a female Link.

Link already is digital eye candy in botw. You can even make him crossdress😍

Same that's why I play fat orcs every game

If you're a one-armed Scottish woman I have good news.

Hmmmm. A Zelda game with a female link (same mechanics) would cause so look much drama. Nintendo, get on it.

that character model looks like trash and the clean white panties and bra she has on is weird, why not give her the same style of underclothes that link himself wears

also why the fuck do people care so much, linkle is a shit-ass character anyways

why not give her the same style of underclothes that link himself wears

because most of the people installing the mod are probably going to be using it to get off

also why the fuck do people care so much

because video games are serious business!

Why give her any underclothes at all.

Character modders are pretty much all neckbeard virginasauruses. There is a not so surprisingly high amount of people who install mods just to add more tits/ass/revealing clothing to their games.

Ok but I also want to gender-swap the fairy to be a small naked man.

I don't get it. Geruda Link is already hotter than all women ever, why would you need to give him a gussy?

I'm more frustrated by their referring to Link as the hero of time in a way that implies they're all the hero of time. That is only one single Link.

only one that mattered. none of these other posers can compare. they might be the hero of their respective shit, but that one is the HERO OF MOTHER-****ING-TIME BIYATCH!

Would smash tbh.

My question is why isn't she nude

I'm trying to get to play as a female version of a character who at their very nature is a generic, voiceless hero archetype.
