I'm not sure what to title this

26  2018-06-03 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome




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"Children taught the brutality of nature by one sick puppy"

He should have fed it to a Spinosaurus or a velociraptor instead. Maybe a utahraptor would’ve been better

Did someone say Utahraptor?


was it a pibble ? 🤔

Probably not, no students were reported killed before.

That's one sick puppy 🤣

The author could have improved the title lol

parents rally behind teacher

He fed a fucking puppy to a snapping turtle. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE? It was a fucking puppy. Jesus fucking god.

Right ? He should get a promotion for his dedication to the doggocide.

Fucking quitters, he should have gone through the entire litter

At least someone doing something for the doggocide.

We must secure the existence of our cats and a future for their kittens.

lmao they killed the turtle bc of what it was fed

Obviously the Turtle now has a craving that can only be satisfied with puppies.

where does it say that

There's some drama here with omnis stumbling over their hypocrisy.

snibbedy snab :DDD

oh fug :D

An arraignment date before Magistrate Judge Eric S. Hunn has not yet been announced.

The judge's name is erection lmao

Good Catch.

I remember this story from awhile ago. Word travels fast in Idaho when it comes to inconsequential bullshit.