BREAKING: Trump declared his dictatorship! The military is on its way to your neighborhood now!

35  2018-06-03 by 73696D756C6174696F6E


Jews did this


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If there are still true Americans (read: Democrats) out there, grab every weapon you can to defend yourself: forks, spoons, butterknifes, etc.


I was promised Right Wing Death Squads years ago. About time they happened.

Be the change you want to see in the world

How much longer must we await the God Emperor's ascension?

Because everybody knows, the hallmark of a tyrant is hinting about economic data prematurely

Trade wars is the bedrock of star wars white supremacy nute gungray

I'm literally shaking rn too scared to go outside I can hear a tank rolling down my street or maybe it's a hyundai I'm not sure

also letting the media call you a tyrant

This might be one of this dumbest reddit threads out conspiracy subs and places like /r/gangstalking

its like watching a bunch of white suberban kids call the kids across the street "crackers"

And listen to nwa and be like yo nigga popo out here and shit

links entire thread

circlejerking OP disgrees with

no drama


But OP disagREEEEEEEEs with their REEEEEEEEEing! Lol

Somebody had to say it. It looks like people aren't happy at you for pointing it out though.

There's only one ping in the entire thread and even that one is agreeing with the user.

It's funny to see r/drama rage screech about SRD being smug and circlejerky yet nearly the same thing is happening here.


Are you new to agendaposting?

You know what? I fucking wish he would go full dictator to give you whiny fucks something real to bitch about.

lol same u/Cockford_Ollie

The military? Shit, I know those guys. My whole neighborhood is going to be covered in beer cans and dick graffiti.

Im so fucking tired of /r/politics hyperbole they have a good point with trump being a retarded authoritarian and shitting over any concept of acting in good faith and manage to fuck it by screaming dictator.

This is peak retardation. They don't have a good point about anything.

They don't have a good point about anything.

Yeah, they are a political sub. That kinda goes with the territory.

 >not electing a christian radical centrist meritocracy technocratic constitutional electoral non hereditary monarchy

These people need to read a fucking book

It's about time, I was afraid all of those pre election predictions would never come true...

Why did Trump tweet, “Looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8:30 this morning” on Friday, tipping off the American people — and investors — that the jobs numbers he’d previewed the night before would be good news? Was Trump aware that his tweet — 69 minutes before the Labor Department released the report — violated not only long-standing presidential practice but a 1985 rule laid down by the Office of Management and Budget? Possibly not. Does Trump, with his clique of billionaire friends, give anyone else this insider information? Who is going to check?

This is why Drumpfh is a dictator.

Because he said he was looking forward to something. And that is apparently insider information.

Trump is abusing his pardon power to reward his friends and other high-profile celebrities. If the president is deploying any of his institutional prerogatives “to the hilt,” it’s the blanket power to issue pardons and clemency in federal cases, as granted by the Constitution. That power is a remarkable opportunity to overturn a perceived past injustice and reward redemption — but also to benefit a president’s cronies, or even help protect the chief executive himself from prosecution.

Where was the outrage when Obama and Bill Clinton pardoned terrorists and cocaine traffickers/dealers?

Were those presidents also dictators?

This week, the president made headlines by meeting in the Oval Office with fellow reality-TV icon Kim Kardashian West, who appealed for criminal justice reform and pleaded for a pardon for Alice Marie Johnson, a 63-year-old great-grandmother and model inmate, volunteering in her prison’s hospice, serving a life sentence for a first-time, nonviolent drug arrest.


This dude needs to skip the Soylent for a few days.