Mayos in 2018

33  2018-06-04 by JabroniMark99


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Tbqfh, there's no country like Canada...

Surprised you somehow managed to not mention poutine in your comment

Leafs don't show off ...

Thank allah for that

Man, Americans are so pathetic these days.

Not as Pathetic as leafs. They believe people care about canada

wtf is up with that safe 😳 I bet he keeps his cum jars and prostitute heads in there

Aside from the retardation, I can't think of anything on Earth you could do that is less controversial and more socially approved than to say that you like Pink Floyd. Even liking dogs or being pro-gay don't hit those heights.

Additionally, there is a correlation of 0.0 between people who listen to a lot of Pink Floyd and people who feel the need to display Pink Floyd-related merchandise.

Are you bragging about listening to a lot of Pink Floyd?

Imagine listening to British bands...


Why do amerimutts hate murica so much? Don't they have any concept of tribalism?

It's just an extension of being a cuck

Search google images "canada flag"

make up a bullshit, somewhat flattering title

Get easy 6K karma for your shitpost in /r/Canada, the biggest joke of a subreddit behind /r/politics