The Gays (TM) are using OUR word

0  2018-06-04 by htmlcoderexe


Jews did this


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/r/htmlcoderexe what're you doing in gay_irl you flaming homosexual?


what the hell, that whole thread is fucking disgusting


It was our word first

I've had anal and I have to say... I feel really bad for gays that they can never experience vaginal intercourse. It's a totally different thing.

I think I know how sexuality happens, btw. Everyone is pre-determined at birth to pick up on different ideas for two opposing sexes. You can have different ideas for what the traits of each sex are depending on culture, but you are desperate to separate them... and to only be attracted to one.

Gayness happens when this "goes wrong" and the person becomes attracted to the opposite sex of what's normal. Not that there is anything bad about being gay, of course. I'm just explaining the process of how it happens. Similar to left and right-handedness... if you are left-handed, it means you'll develop your dominant motor skills and ability to speak on the right side of your brain instead of left. But it has to be one side.

Dude bussy lmao