JWG's post actually hit 5K upvotes

120  2018-06-04 by uniqueguy263


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Someone tell him to go prime his bussy

Hopefully in a better place now.

I hope everyone who upvoted that post looks at the image of his spread ass and realise that it's not funny

well, thank god he is suspended

ur not getting out of this so easily

you will look upon your works and despair.

gaze long into the abyss, and the abyss will also gaze into thee


Riperoni peperoni

Dude don't you ever watch gay porn just for laughs haha no homo it's just funny πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Femmey horsebois don't count right

it doesnt matter if its funny or not, what matters is the friends we made along the way

I don’t wanna see it, I just wanna judge that mod for lying

I'll just post mine instead.

It's like getting a used Civic for graduation when you were promised a brand new Mustang convertible, but you get what you get

Can you go a bit closer? I don't think I can see it very well.

Do you wipe your ass with pizza?

Imagine slowly licking at that ambiguous black liquid and savoring its umami flavor.

Seriously noodles, what the fuck am I looking at? How did you have time to take this when you should be stalking u/jewdank?

Can you please stick a buzzsaw up there and turn it on full-bore?

Shove the camera further up there you fucking idiot.

Where do I see the bussy shots?

Why is he suspended though?

Thus JWG's post entered the annals of history as part of the long and hallowed tradition of OP not delivering.

More like the anals of history, amirite?