Another one bites the dust

11  2018-06-04 by XhotwheelsloverX


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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>kills self

>fucks up suicide title


Incels are retards. More news at 11.

My one GF my whole life had sex with the guy who was just a "friend" when i was inside, and they are now married, and have a beautiful family. *He took her virginity in the first 2 weeks, and i dated her for a year. *

Lmao, I can just see this confused chick dating this guy for a year and wondering the whole time when he was gonna put the moves on her.

and i dated her for a year

her virginity

How is this even possible?

Yeah, after reading through his comments I'm pretty sure this is fake.

Like the subhuman I am, I've gone through different user histories for various braincels posters and I've come to the conclusion that while most of them are legit there's def has to be a few shit stirrers that make increasingly outlandish posts to see what they can get away with.

Never doubt a man who cites J.R smith in his suicide thread

Once he said he was taking quaaludes I knew it was fake.

Lol, I didn't even see that, definitely fake.

Men need to sex to live happily


My penis doesn't work, and the doctor said i will never regain full capability. Porn ruined my life.

Is this guy saying he literally tore it off from tugging too much?

30 day old account

hits every β€œincel” talking point (ugly, porn addict, criminal, virgin etc etc) like some HuffPo legbeard’s wet dream

in short it’s the most authentic thing I’ve ever read