Feminists and the NRA both agree: Guns aren’t the problem with recent mass shootings

87  2018-06-04 by HodorTheDoorHolder


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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Is there any evidence that suggests Nicolas Cruz indeed hated women?

I saw his pre shooting tape – I couldn’t detect any. He had a chance to say it for all. But no, he just wanted infamy. His name to mean something. He wanted to be remembered.

People who scrapped off his social media footprint couldn’t either.

Could this be then autists using horrible incident to push their ideology?

I don’t know…

You need to understand how feminists operate, or better maybe how progressives in general operate.

When a normal person like me, or maybe you watch a crime happen, we see just the crime. We don't pretend to know the motivations for said crime unless it's beyond obvious.

When a progressive/feminist watches a crime happen, they first do an identity scan. For example, let's say a black guy is shot by the police.

The check looks like this:

"Black victim white officer = racism."

Nothing else ever enters the thought process, there's no room for nuance. Identity is the primary way in which they view the world.

The only check that occurs after this for them is:

"Racism = victim points = show everyone else how good I am."

So that's how you end up with articles like this.

In this example, the identity scan is like this:

"Male offender, at least 1 female victim = sexism."

It doesn't matter that many boys or men are also killed, the only demographic in this equation in the feminist lens worth any oppression points is the girl or woman.

When a normal person like me


You doing a quick identity scan?

I'm just fucking with you, autisto... chill out lol


Just did a quick identity scan, and if the person you replied to is autistic, this comment is ableism.

no one who's seen any of your posts needs a scan to know you're autistic

How do you do, fellow normies

When a normal person like me

alright folks you can disregard literally everything after this phrase

when a normal person like me

Uhhh pizza good buddy you might want to workshop this one a bit

When a normal person like me

what about WoW obsession, /r/drama tendie spilling, and a complete lack of a lovelife seems normal to you?

You might not post as much but I am glad you are paying attention.

I mean hes not even normal compared to other drama compatriots.

Getting pegged by your girlfriend is positive masculinity. Sucking your girlfriend's cock is positive masculinity. Educate yourself sweaty.

You need to understand how feminists operate, or better maybe how progressives in general operate.

When a normal person like me, or maybe you watch a crime happen, we see just the crime. We don't pretend to know the motivations for said crime unless it's beyond obvious.

When a progressive/feminist watches a crime happen, they first do an identity scan. For example, let's say a black guy is shot by the police.

The check looks like this:

"Black victim, white officer, racism exists, therefore any example of a black person being shot by the police is racism."

Nothing else ever enters the thought process, there's no room for nuance. Identity is the primary way in which they view the world.

The only check that occurs after this for them is:

"Racism = victim points = show everyone else how good I am."

So that's how you end up with articles like this.

In this example, the identity scan is like this:

"Male offender, at least one female victim, sexism exists, therefore any example in which a male is the offender and at least 1 victim is female is because of sexism."

It doesn't matter that many boys or men are also killed, the only demographic in this equation in the feminist lens worth any oppression points is the girl or woman.

And because the offender is male, masculinity must be the cause. Because masculinity is bad, and therefore any negative trait found in society is because of masculinity.

Any violent crime, any murder, any war, anything and everything bad is masculinity. That is what feminists believe. They might deny it, but all you have to do is ask them for a single example of "positive masculinity" and they'll never have one.

Wow you actually made a good comment, congratulations

When a normal person like me

i'm just copying everyone else who quoted this line

Positive masculinity is helping your gf find an extra bf while you pay for her stuff.

You are just the Lebron James of drama posters aren't you? Against all odds on a sinking ship you still put up inhuman performances like this one.

You are the weirdest person on reddit.

Basically they rely exclusively on System 1.


Everyone hates women it's just a given

Ironically, if he was an incel, he got shit tons of fan mail from teen girls after the shooting.

The funny thing is as guys have become less masculine the more mass shootings we're getting. We need to start regulating soy

Lol enjoy your low protein "masculinity".

I literally only eat things with protein in it. Chicken breasts, Greek yogurt, raw eggs, man batter you know the masculine food groups.

There is nothing more masculine than hunting a weaker man, retraining him, pulling down his pants and emasculating him by stealing his protein.

Enjoy your animal products packed with female hormones and mind control drugs.

What do you eat that doesn't have mind control drugs?

Stray dogs


you fucking animal

por que no los dos?

Because it's doggocide, not furry friendocide.

Just buy high quality meat you goon

These things are in there for the poor, if you eat them that means you are poor and thus deserve it

lmao, dairy contains actual estrogen.

Lol enjoy your low protein "masculinity".

Tfw too woke to eats beans

Lol enjoy your low protein "masculinity".

TIL legume beans are literally the only source of protein on Earth.

This would be funny but we all know you’re dead serious

I recently cut out all soy from my diet. My T has jumped several hundred points since then. The subway chicken breast is over 50% soy! They really should put disclaimers about that fact, sadly they probably won’t.

That was reported by CBC, but it looks less true now as their methodology was not very good apparently. https://arstechnica.com/science/2017/03/food-scientists-weigh-in-on-50-subway-chicken-test-its-100-weird/

Soy isoflavones are hard to pin down. In some ways they can act estrogenic and in other ways anti-estrogenic. https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/an-update-on-soy-its-just-so-so

It seems like a good idea to stay away from soy.

Regardless the chicken breast does contain a decent amount of the toxic substance. And that’s quite counter productive for someone that lifts daily. Arstechnica is fake news, as a side note. Thanks for the reply!

What is your rotation that you lift daily? I thought everyone was on the 3 day upper body/lower body/rest(or cardio) rotation. Unless you're splitting upper body into two separate days without overlapping muscle groups you don't really get anything out of a 7 day a week lift schedule.

Tbf a couple days are cardio and stairs, but I’ll throw in a little bench for good measure those days typically

6-day/week PPL is pretty popular.

Ah so that's splitting upper body into 2 groups. I tend to just hit both Ps on the same day, essentially the same thing.

Yeah. Splitting into two days is just good if you want more volume for your upper body, which most dudes who aren't lifting purely for sport do.

You can get just as much volume doing them on the same day, the whole point is that they're different muscle groups, it's more time dependant than anything.

True, people will generally run out of juice after ~2 hours of lifting though. Also shoulders/elbows can start to get sore near the end of the workout.

I tend to just hit both Ps on the same day

Oh I bet you do.

Thanks for letting me know, its always good to hear anecdotal evidence on people cutting out soy and what happens. Scott Adams swears that when he cut out soy he stopped being as emotional.

I base most of my life’s decisions on anecdotal evidence. It’s how I got so successful

semi-billionaire entrepreneur @naval - who has astounding wisdom - says that there are so many lies and so much common wisdom is wrong. He says that you must be smart and open-minded and constantly testing and questioning everything as so much that people tell us is untrue. The best way to find truth is through skin-in-the-game and with tight feedback loops.

That pasta?


Anecdotal claims guide 90% of the population, can’t argue with what works imhe

Much of what we find as entertainment is just our brains trying to get more anecdotes, we're built to recognize patterns amd learn from them from a time where collecting and analyzing data was impossible.

Exactly! Shits science through and through

Not that we shouldn't strive to adjust our behavior when real proof is shown to us but we can't be surprised when people,find anecdotes compelling, it's how we're wired.


stopped being as emotional

Not true, look at his Twitter

Regardless the chicken breast does contain a decent amount of the toxic substance

the bread does too, be careful

The funny thing is mass shootings aren't even increasing.

How many grills have shot up schools? I know there's one but I'm struggling to remember.

There's been a few. It's just that most women can't even commit mass murder right. The recent YouTube shooting where the only person who did was the shooter for example.

where the only person who did was the shooter

Well yes I would certainly think the shooter did the shooting you absolute mongo

did = died. up your comprehension ya dingo

You must be vaccinated.

i am autistic on this blessed day

Clearly we need to push more women to shoot up schools. For equality!

The first.

I Don't Like Mondays.

Grills don't have the strength of will.

We need to close this gender gap and encourage femcels to shoot up more schools. I say we allow mean pings for TwoX only.

This lady again. She continues to say silly stuff like this all the time. I guess the shooting where gay people were killed is fulled by misogyny too. Or that shooting in mexico where a 12 year old popped his class mates and teachers with no warning.

We need to regulate white men and their hatred for women. Or this lady needs the lacy green treatment too, and she'll stop spouting bullshit on the daily basis

This is just how Jessica Valenti makes money. It's her 'brand'. People specifically hire her to write retarded feminist articles because they get clicks. The more retarded the better, because more clicks. She's like the Alex Jones of feminism and I'm positive that the majority of her shares on social media are people sperging out about whatever her stupid du jour happens to be this time.

It's like, I don't know if Alex Jones is really as crazy as he seems, just like I don't know if Jessica Valenti is really as retarded as she seems. All I know is that people pay them, respectively, to act like this, so that's what we get.

Expecting anything different is like hiring Amy Schumer to work a kids birthday party and expecting anyone to laugh or for there to be cake left over.

Expecting anything different is like hiring Amy Schumer to work a kids birthday party and expecting anyone to laugh or for there to be cake left over

I love you.

We need to regulate white men and their hatred for women

Come and take it


"why are there so many alienated men in society lashing out? Must be because they hate women and minorities."

MDEfugees like you get alienated pretty easy tbh, that's no excuse to shoot up your school dude.

Of course not, but when looking for solutions, saying "lol get laid loser" or "just b urself" isn't helpful to NEETs.

Lol get laid loser.

lol cringe you guys still trying to do this

/u/ed_butteredtoast can you take a snap of this for our cringe compilation please!



This one is going in our cringe compilation!

i dont believe you, and raging at mde is still cringey

raging at MDE

You can try to CORRECT THE RECORD all you want but people still won't believe you. The only reason you whiteknight for MDEfags is because of you agree with their agenda talking points lmao.

lol that you still never understood what was happening


lol well yeah, have you not noticed the epidemic of young white male losers who can't get laid or move out of their parents house or hold down a job? They blame literally everyone and everything except for their own shortcomings. They worship at the altar of memerson because he tells them it's not their fault their such garbage that no one wants.

Isn't memerson telling these kids to get their shit together?

No, quite the opposite, he tells them they are fine and that it's actually women who are the problem

If that is what you're getting from his lectures then, like the author, you've missed the point entirely. Try watching or reading his lectures first hand rather than have it read for your by someone with a political axe to grind.

I'm not really sure how else to interpret "if someone forced some chick to fuck this guy then he never would have killed all those people"

I mean, he's not wrong in saying that if that incel shooter had been getting some on the regular he wouldn't have gone on his rampage.

He's also pretty explicit that the decision to pull the trigger was his alone, that his own poor choices led to this. He had done little or nothing to sort himself out and had instead not just retreated but actively sought out people with the same unhealthy issues he had which had the effect of further reinforcing his own warped view of the world.

I mean, he's not wrong in saying that if that incel shooter had been getting some on the regular he wouldn't have gone on his rampage.

This is horseshit. Why are people so hellbent on blaming literally everyone but the psycho who pulled the trigger

Love that you ignored the entire second half of that post which refutes your entire point..

Wait. Huh, should have checked which sub I was writing in. Serves me right for serious posting I guess. My bad.


low iq

regular on r/drama, unironicly

i am sooo suprised!

Are you one of those dipshits that goes on about victim-blaming when people point out that it's stupid to wander around the ghetto at night?

What are your thoughts on darkies shooting eachother in the inner cities?

I smell a SRDine.

then get your olfactory glands checked dumbass

You may not be, but you still smell like one, your olfactory fatigue notwithstanding.

why do people that hate him always misrepresent his arguments

if hes that shit then you shouldnt need to exaggerate

What did I exaggerate

the whole "forcing people to have sex" thing

“He was angry at God because women were rejecting him,” “The cure for that is enforced monogamy. That’s actually why monogamy emerges.”

“Half the men fail,” he says, meaning that they don’t procreate. “And no one cares about the men who fail.”

what part was exaggerated?

clearly this means the government will force women to fuck nerds at gunpoint, thats definitely what he meant

he means socially encouraged like it used to be, shame sluts etc

which is a good idea because trashy chicks are gross

now you're moving the goal posts

no im saying dont take everything at face value because it makes you look autistic

this is the problem with you guys, you dont know how to read people

anti peterson, anti trump, etc etc, theyre all really really ineffectual and it turns people off

"DAE think it was great when women had no choice??" is the take away from that, if he doesn't mean it at face value, how does he mean it?

sexual liberation of women is literally the reason society is so fucked, its not about choice

its about family structure being eroded and values disappearing, and then women all wonder why men dont respect them anymore

sexual liberation of women is literally the reason society is so fucked, its not about choice

its about family structure being eroded and values disappearing, and then women all wonder why men dont respect them anymore

because men have litearally never abandoned their families, right? It's all those women wanting chad cock that ruined the nuclear family, huh? What family values are you talking about anyway? And idk any women who are seeking respect from men, they're too busy fending off advances from thirsty, desperate men.

i didnt say men were perfect im saying as a society the sexual revolution threw a spanner in the works

monogamy and men being the breadwinner etc provided people with a purpose they dont have today, regardless of how you feel about the idea

it was structure that doesnt exist now as a norm

nowadays men dont care about women and feel zero responsibility to provide for them or make them comfortable

monogamy and men being the breadwinner etc provided people with a purpose they dont have today, regardless of how you feel about the idea

it was structure that doesnt exist now as a norm

yes it is, 90% of the moms I know are married and all of them took time off to have kids while the husband was the main breadwinner. And who says they don't have any purpose? That is such a weird thing to say especially when you have no way to prove that and it was a time beore you were even alive. What is with these people being nostalgic for something they never even experienced? I don't get it.

men don't care about women

according to who? maybe that is how you and a bunch of other single men feel,

feel zero responsibility to provide for them or make them comfortable

speak for yourself, I've had men support me since I was 19 years old. It's not hard to find a dude willing to put a roof over your head. Just because no one chooses you doesn't mean we don't have plenty of choices of our own.

And who says they don't have any purpose?

have you ever wondered why all this "crisis of masculinity" bullshit is happening and why men respected women less and less as equality grew

its because the sexual revolution tilted it in womens favour drastically and theyve had a massive advantage in everything since

men originally had the power but also the responsibility, nowadays women want a share of the power but refuse to take the responsibility that comes with it

so we have laws and societal rules favouring them and men resent that shit

nobodys going to get married when the woman can cheat and then take your house you feel me

That is such a weird thing to say especially when you have no way to prove that and it was a time beore you were even alive.

you can wish things were better regardless of experience

the fact is families were far more stable back then and a host of problems we have today simply didnt exist

according to who? maybe that is how you and a bunch of other single men feel,

i mean they still want to fuck but theyre not going to love and respect you

theres always that little part of them that says "watch out"

speak for yourself, I've had men support me since I was 19 years old. It's not hard to find a dude willing to put a roof over your head. Just because no one chooses you doesn't mean we don't have plenty of choices of our own.

im not going to assume anything about your private life but support isnt the same thing as respect

Just because no one chooses you

lol so catty

Lol thanks for mansplaining marriage to me, I've been married for years you mongoloid

Really it's been great for society, it's not like we've gotten a glut of single mothers on welfare raising awful future criminals and more single mothers. If only there were some sort of happy medium that gave women some choice but held them accountable for being a thot, perhaps bringing back shame at being an unwed mother or welfare reform

single mothers on welfare raising awful future criminals and more single mothers

there have always been women raising kids by themselves, this is not a new phenomena. Men have been abandoning their children since the dawn of time, this is not caused by women. It's only recently that there's been any support for these abandoned women and kids. and I'm not sure part of forcing women to stay in abusive marriages otherwise she shunned by society makes that a choice?

https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2014/12/18/the-unbelievable-rise-of-single-motherhood-in-america-over-the-last-50-years/?utm_term=.5323566e334c Single motherhood is a pretty recent phenomenon. I'm not a big memerson fan but not sure why anyone would be surprised that some guys would latch on to him, being we've got a generation of men raised by women.

How is it not caused by women, they decide whether or not sex happens, they have birth control provided free or low cost via the tax payer and can get an abortion legally. Crazy how the single motherhood rate has grown exponentially with the rise of the welfare state and a culture which praises what is basically child abuse.

How is it not caused by women

that's not how it works, you don't prove a negative

Where's the lie, unless you're going to pretend women aren't the gatekeepers of sex.

There is also this from yesterday https://www.reddit.com/r/science/comments/8o7oke/new_research_suggests_sexually_unrestricted_women/

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make, other than trying to remove any semblance of personal responsibility from men. Why infantalize them like that?

It’s nice to know white males are finally catching up to every other demographic in that regard.

Memerson isn't completely wrong. Millennial who'ved lived their entire lives in the most sexually liberated society that has exist thus far have less sex than all previous generations. It's almost as if those old traditional values were good for something at one point and should be re-examined.

oof ouchie imagine seriousposting about sucking memerson cock

agree with 1 out of the 1000 things kermit the frog says is sucking his cock

shiggy diggy

it's simple, they're all fags.

and not fags like "oh baby i want to pump that bussy" but fags like "awww mom do i have to get out of bed my tummy doesn't feel good"

Yeah it's like parents who don't ever let their kids eat candy and are then surprised when they get fat af when they go to college. The first generations after the sexual revolution were drunk on degeneracy, now things are probably heading towards some kind of medium point.

I blame fat women, no carrot at the stick anymore.

But he din do nuthin

Obviously they’re being socialized by video games and movies. We need to make sure they only carry our propaganda messages, without all of that pesky “fun”. That’ll fix the problem.

You know another thing all these school shooting have - The perpetrators are always MAYO.

Remember the old joke?

"Why do only black people shoot each other in the streets? Because white people have class."

Well...What will Jessica do?

Free blowjobs to all potential school shooters, to keep them from feeling alienated.

She ain't gonna do jackshit, 'cause suprise, she really don't give fuck about those dead children.

You sound alienated friendo.

Nah, I'm just grumpy nd I will drink away said grumpyness instead of shooting up a school, because vodka connects people.

Sex with a ginger feminist, certain to not cause homicidal rage.

Instead of taking away Americans guns which would be logistical nightmare, USA should just double the police and army and give THEM new weapons.

Any of my neolib/neocon fam finna gimme a hollah?

My weird ass autist friend and his white supremacist buddy once spent weeks creating a website dedicated to calling Jessica Velenti fat, complete with blatantly photoshopped pics of her with giant roles and dozens of fake comments.

She just left a "sassy" comment basically eyerolling at the site and then moved on

Mod her.

Does she actually believe the stuff she says ?

It was really brave of her to tweet about the stuff in that book that Matt Taibbi co-wrote that talked about sexually assaulting employees, and then quietly deleting the tweets when the truthfulness of said passages seemed doubtful.

the guardian opinions


getting worked up over garbage opinion pieces and thinking its a common POV


About shooters trying to take a bunch of innocent people down with them:

Unfortunately all the dead probably won't remember him or think about his pain.

Were you born this retarded or is it a special skill that you’ve acquired over the years reading clickbait articles, u/GonzoNation ? Because that’s not how it works

There’s a slight chance they may remember 😀

Laughing at the damned and their futile attempts to destroy Heaven is one of the greatest pleasures of being saved.

We don't need gun control, we need men control.

They all have wypipo in common. Mayo Is Not Great: How the White Race Poisons Everything.

No, the actual root cause is toxic femininity.

I mean she's not wrong. This is a cultural issue and it's not going to go away unless we address that. I'm not sure how telling these losers they're going to be losers forever as she suggests solves the problem though.

"Your children will live but only if you cram my ideology down their throats."

We need to arm feminists with guns to stop real source of the issue.

But all the other subs say to ban everything then problem solved!

Well duh. I'm sure they rather use glorious nippon steel, but that's harder to find around these parts.

i'm good with this, since i know how it all ends: http://martianmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Dans-vacation-1-1.png

White Sharia is the answer.

Actual horseshoe theory. Marsha Blackburn and intersectional feminists are almost in agreement about the causes of mass shootings.

lol women think everything is about them