Redditor accidentally makes himself unhirable with a joke.

63  2018-06-04 by Snowayne2


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Lmao SRS has already brigaded that thread and is trying to brigade this thread.

Go home.

trannies have a lot of time on their hands, what with not having jobs or family

Why is there such a YUGE overlap between trannies and animefags?

Because a 2d trans waifu is the absolute ideal. Also are you admitting to liking anime here?


no u

Trans and traps only have 1 letter difference

SRS is the litteral worst of reddit. So much salt can't be healthy

SRS is brigading

What year is it again?

Shh, don't question it just look in awe at a rare SRS brigade


What is subtext, Alex?

I'll take alt-right dogwhistles for 600.

This subreddit should have been banned a long time ago.

What is /r/drama, Alex? win this round.

Oooh I’m sorry Audrey but the answer was /r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns.

Considering the state of reddit, /r/traa is far too wholesome for this godforsaken site

Anything wholesome is alt-right. You’re dog whistling again 😁

Come on, if you're gonna do that kinda joke, at least do it properly. Call out the word "state"

I’m sorry Audrey but the dog whistle is imperceptible to anyone else but you and the other racists.

How else can you recognize it?


You know the name of your subreddit is dogshit, when you can't even refer to it normally in a regular conversation.

You heard it here first folks, shortened forms of names means the name is shit

No, my point is that /r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns is a horrible fucking name for a sub. I guess trannies lack originality too.

whatever you say, cissy

(goddamnit this isnt even a real insult no fair you guys have way more shit-flinging material)

Why are crossdressers so witty and catty, lightning fast with comebacks for every situation while trannies have no wit, charm or sense of humour?

Because crossdressers are less likely to be mentally ill and depressed? They get shit and learn how to talk back. Trannies cower and hide.

Please mod xer

/u/billybobjoey SRS is like ten people at this point. We stopped pinging them because there aren't enough of them to brigade in an entertaining way.

makes sense since the life expectancy for post-op trannies is like 18 months

srs was the dormant stage. its metastasized

Interesting flair.


Jesus, why is the default CSS for new /r/IAmA even worse than their CSS for the old version?

Probably because web designers are literally people not good enough to write real code or design anything else; they're bottomfeeders of two industries.

Can you get your head out of your ass before you type out your replies?

Imagine /u/GearyDigit of all people saying this


Well, they sure as fuck aren't trans.

And you know that how...?

"transgendered" is a dead giveaway.

That's stupid. It's pretty natural to add an ed to words like that

That's stupid. It's pretty natural to add an ed to words like that

Nah. It's an adjective, not a verb. You wouldn't say you're an Italianed-American.

I was Italan-Americaned once. He was a total gentleman. In public, anyway...

Nah. It's an adjective, not a verb

Do you honestly believe the average American can define those words without looking them up first?

Considering you learn them in like first grade, I'd hope so.

I'd hope so

Imagine having hope for america in current_year

Second whoosh wins.

For anyone who's interested

Fantastic, you should sympathize then, considering nearly half of all trans people report being sexually assault before.

It's almost as if they have a mental illness resulting from traumatic experiences.

TIL being sexually assaulted or having a traumatic experience causes you a mental illness and then you become trans.