Someone posts their Baby being able to hear via aid; One brave Redditor has a problem with it ( Shamelessly stolen from SRD )

116  2018-06-05 by PM_ME_UR_1080TI


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Holy shit deaf crazies are my favorite type of crazies. They have some weird culture and they refuse to admit anything is wrong with them and many of them are openly hostile to hearing aides.

I met a deaf kid playing softball when I was like 13. I went out of my way to befriend this kid, and the question came up one day and I asked him why he didn't just get an implant or w/e. This kid just fucking chimps out and tries to attack me. I did my best to avoid hitting him because nobody wants to hit a deaf kid, but in the end he gave me no choice and I had to put him down.

From that point on he just hated me. Whenever he saw me he'd sign insults at me from across the street. His whole family was deaf too, mother, father, sister, all of them.

Deaf drama is really underrated. These types of crazies are easy to trigger; For example there used to be a sperg that was posted to the sub that got upset when people used the word "Deaf" and not "hearing impared" or something on the lines of that.

This kid just fucking chimps out and tries to attack me. I did my best to avoid hitting him because nobody wants to hit a deaf kid, but in the end he gave me no choice and I had to put him down.[...] From that point on he just hated me. Whenever he saw me he'd sign insults at me from across the street. His whole family was deaf too, mother, father, sister, all of them.

I just wonder how widespread this attitude is. It generates good drama

What was the name of that FEMOID dead cow? ElleVenti something? Had "The" in the username. She was crazy af.

It's EllieTheVantas, she also has r/Drama mentioned in her bio. How special

I actually spoke with a deaf guy who has an implant about it. Apparently it's this huge culture war they've got going on, with huge fights and in groups on both sides.

I love hearing about this sort of drama.

I love hearing


I just wonder how widespread this attitude is

I don't know if it's the majority opinion in the deaf community, but the amount of people who decide against cochlear implants for their kids to "preserve deaf culture" is definitely significant. I've read a lot of times about how people who choose cochlear implants (either for themselves or their children) are ostracized by the deaf community for doing so.

If you want to read more about it, here are some related posts on reddit:

You see it alot in different disability communities. They convince them selves that they dont have anything wrong it is society that is the problem.

Reddit does this a lot with autism, who could possibly speculate on why

Reddit does this with literally everything.

Circumcised? You've been victimized by society.

Uncircumcised? You've been victimized by society.

Born without a dick at all? Don't even get me started.

Even more embarrassing are the fags who try and convince themselves autism is the next stage in human evolution.

amm i deff?

no ith sothiety that ith thtupid

It's all fun until they move to a society that doesn't give a fuck about disabled people. Then they realize it's them.

Even if society was the problem why woudnt you want your kid to be able to adapt to society and have a better life?

People suffering from Dwarfism is another community that does this. There was a series called "Explained" that was discussing the future of gene selection and manipulation and a dwarf on the show spoke against the practice saying she viewed it as a mechanism "that would be used to eradicate my people and culture." I couldn't believe she would go on TV and stand behind that view, but there it was. These communities believe that working towards eradicating their disability is, in reality, a form of eugenics.

Eradicating dwarfs and their culture

This is a real problem though.

Don't come crying to me when a dragon attacks and your shitty, human-made chainmail doesn't have any bonuses against breath weapons.

Think about all the "communities" that would be impacted, not just them.

The issue that the Deaf community has with this is that the child isn't usually old enough to be fully informed about this decision & the risks involved, & often doesn't have much choice in the matter.

This is the kind of stupidity that leads people to say you should go through the motions of asking for consent when you change your baby's nappy. By their logic, children can't consent to getting vaccinated, having cleft palates fixed, or going to school.

People need to stop worrying about whether Junior consents to things that are done for his own good. And before anyone goes there, the reason it's wrong to fuck a kid isn't because of consent, it's because fucking kids is disgusting, you kiddie fucker.

I don't understand it at all. And it seems worse in the deaf community than anywhere else.

I don't see the blind community acting like spastics about corneal transplants, or paraplegics getting angry about neuroregeneration research.

Shit, if someone developed an implant that gave you proximity detection I'd happily have it done, because it would be kind of useful when I'm running at night. Something that allows a deaf person to have a sense of hearing in a world dominated by sound is infinitely more useful, and these people are fighting it.

It's better than trans drama IMO.

A deaf woman told my friend that if my friend prayed hard enough, she would be able to use her legs again. Some weird shit.

Hilarious jump into the insanity.


How did you ask a deaf kid with no hearing aids?

People knew sign. A bunch of people on the team had learned sign I guess and he could read lips.

You must have lived in a very progressive neighborhood for the time period, where 13 year old softball players learn how to sign instead of doing literally anything else 13y olds would rather do

It wasn't, that kid just lived in the are and was friends with a few of the guys on the team and had been friends with him for years.

Only 2 of them knew sign.

I actually tried to learn some sign but gave up after 2 days

Good. Wouldn't want to appropriate deaf culture now would we

i didnt know about this till i had an ex that took ASL

This kid just fucking chimps out and tries to attack me. I did my best to avoid hitting him because nobody wants to hit a deaf kid, but in the end he gave me no choice and I had to put him down.

lol how does literally anyone here believe this.

I mean that kid was retard strong. He used to hit people with the ball and I'm pretty sure they weren't accidents.

my point is that i'm pretty sure you are physically incapable of knocking someone out, even at age 13

"Put him down" doesn't always mean knocking them out, deaftard.

okay and? i still don't believe it for even a second.

/u/pizzashill is 6'4 and built. Why don't you say that to his face, huh?

Ooh daddy πŸ€€πŸ†

I didn't knock him out I just hit him and pushed him down lol.

I want to believe.

This is peak identity politics. I once read that there are even deaf people who sincerely liken cochlear implants to genocide, because by destroying deaf language you're effectively destroying deaf culture. They sincerely believe themselves to be a nation based on the fact that they lack a sense.

I have nothing against transgenders wanting to change the M on their passports to F, I'm basically okay with a Salafiyyah woman if she wants to go outside wearing a shroud, I don't give a damn if someone circumcises or doesn't, but I think I genuinely despise people who try to portray major physical disabilities as good things.

I'm gonna miss you when you're gone.


Being deaf is a disadvantage. You can't disagree with basic medical science.

Audism reeee

lol, I got into an argument with an aspie girl over this once, claiming she wouldn't want to be neurotypical and that she had it better because she was more "rational". Meanwhile most of them can't even get a haircut without having a mental breakdown.


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I want you to think about this from the other perspective. You were born with the ability to hear so naturally you will feel it's an advantage because you never experienced that lack of sense.

We were born without the ability to hear. We have never had that ability so naturally we will feel like we are not at a disadvantage.

Can you at least think from that perspective without insulting people and putting down them for those who disagree with you? Can you at least realize that, if you were born without something, that you never experienced it at all, of course it will feel that we have not lost anything.


I'm sorry you were born without a functioning brain.

You're part of the problem in this world then.

Right, the people not intentionally disabling their kids are the problem.

Umm let me explain to you since you don't seems to understand the difference.

A child was born without the ability to use one of its senses. There's NOTHING to take away.

What you are saying is in theory, if a child was born with the ability to see, then we will stab its eyes out and take it away.

That's not what's happening here. Can your tiny brain process this information?

Buddy, if you were born without legs, I'm pretty sure you'd try and make this same argument but it'd be easier for you to look in the mirror and see how absurd it is. I'd ask you to listen to yourself talking but you're the type to not listen, even if your ears worked.

Giving a deaf child the ability to hear is increasing the child’s quality of life. What is so difficult to understand about this basic point?

But it will also subject them to years of torture by going through speech therapy, constant audiologist visit, constant hearing aid/cochlear implants (unnecessary surgery in the head for cochlear implants), years of being teased and picked on by hearing kids because they sounds funny when they talked.

Why would you want to subject your child to that? Hearing people are already horrible as they are and why would you want your child to be constantly teased by hearing people?

Why would you want to subject your child to that?

Because none of what you listed sounds like torture...

That's because you have never experienced it or even know what it is actually like.

The quality of life gained will outweight the negative

If it didnt I would be in your side

But it does.

Why is it hard to realize that, people have different values than you are. People will disagree and that's okay. You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

Have a good day and I hope your mind will start to be more open and acceptable toward others.

I'm really happy that you're dead. You really deserve it.

Babies aren't born with the ability to walk so let's smash their legs so they don't have to subject themselves to years of learning to walk, much of which is spent constantly falling and hurting themselves. Countless people fall down every year and break bones or even kill themselves. Wheelchairs are superior and moving with only arm strength is even superior to that.


You're such a fucking idiot so kill yourself please.


But children aren't born with the ability to walk?

They develop it through time. You can't magically develop the ability to hear if you were born deaf.

Better safe than sorry.

If it's no disadvantage, why not?

You're such a fucking idiot so kill yourself please.

I'm starting to like this guy.

Personally, I was going to egg him on...

But you are saying we shouldn't give them the ability to hear if we can. Seems like abuse. Pretty messed up tbh.

Again, you clearly do not understand the technology. Yes, there are hearing aids and cochlear implants. But what it dos is to basically amplified the sounds to make it louder with the hope that a deaf child could hear it.

But what you don't know is that it is not a fucking cure. They will have to undergo YEARS of hearing and speech therapy. If the child is lucky, they will manage to hear maybe 10% of the sound around them. They will not be able to hear on the same level as you.

It's not like they will be born with 120 decibels loss and magically gain everything back.

You do not understand that it takes YEARS of therapy just to be able to recognize sounds. I DO! I wear a hearing aid on my left ear. I have the ability to hear in one ear and yet that is not even close to a full function. It's still never good enough for you fucking stupid hearing people.

Why can't you just learn to accept, respect people even if you disagree with them? Why do you have to FORCE your values on people that don't agree with them. It's just like religion and telling everyone that anyone who doesn't believe in god is going to hell.

You just need to shut up, show some respect and leave us alone. We are not you.

They will have to undergo YEARS of hearing and speech therapy.

This can be mitigated by doing it as early as possible.

It's still never good enough for you fucking stupid hearing people.

Literally not even close to what's being said

Why do you have to FORCE your values on people that don't agree with them.

Hearing isn't a value, it's a sense. And sometimes people are born without it, and sometimes we have the tech to give it to them. In those cases it would be neglect not to.

You just need to shut up, show some respect and leave us alone. We are not you.

Nobody is disrespecting you by giving a baby the ability to hear. You are me, you are human, you just can't hear, and that's fine, it doesn't make you a lesser person. What makes you a lesser person is not wanting to help a child if you could.

you fucking stupid hearing people.

This is the greatest thing I've ever read.

I laughed. Then I imagined not being able to hear laughter. Then I got sad.


Some deaf people go out of their way to have deaf children, which is nearly as bad.

Well that's different. What people are thinking in this stupid thread is that we are trying to take away the ability to hear from a baby after it was born.

What the article is saying is basically genetic selection. It's no different than genetic engineering. It's legal and ethical appropriate.

You think it's "ethically appropriate" to select for children with a disability?


I personally believe that we shouldn't use genetic engineering to select traits for our babies. It should occur naturally and we should accept babies for who they are. Deafness is NOT a health issues. Yes, in the eyes of medical term, it's a disability but it's not a health issues. Deafness doesn't make a child's life short, it requires no medications to make their health strong and such. They just can't hear and that's it.

Are you seriously saying that you don't see how being deaf can limit a child's opportunities?

I actually changed my mind a little bit on the cochlear implant issue, but this is just retarded.

Just one example of this is in the employment field. Being deaf excludes you from a number of careers, some of which the hypothetical child may have wanted to pursue.

Being deaf excludes you from a number of careers

Sadly yes, I can't argue with you there. But also at the same time, as technology improves, that gap is getting closer and closer though. In the past, we weren't able to have deaf doctors but now there are a couple of friends of mine who are nurses and doctors.

We have deaf pilots, deaf lawyers, nurses, doctors, scientists, truck drivers, welders, and so forth. There is always ways to overcome the old thinking that certain jobs require hearing when it isn't true anymore. As technology improves, the less the issue is there with the ability to hear. Granted, there is still some jobs that requires hearing such as submarine radar operator and such.

So it's bad to give them a new sense then? Please explain.

Again, you can't give them new sense. It's not possible! The only thing the devices will do is actually work as an amplifier and make all of the sounds around them be LOUDER. It isn't a cure for deafness.

And yet it drastically improves their quality of life. The only thing you're doing here is embarrassing yourself

And yet it drastically improves their quality of life

That's up to interpretation though. I believe my life has been amazing.

Imagine how much more amazing it would be to hear. Better yet, how about you stop bullshitting. Just because you may enjoy being deaf does not mean that the child in question will. The truth is that when you force a kid to live a life with disability when treatments to improve that life exist and are readily available you are indeed being a retarded asshole who is essentially abusing their child

I consider my glasses and contacts in the same category, sure it's not a cure, still blind when removed. But it allows me to experience a sense I was mostly born without. There is nothing wrong with that and I would have considered it abuse if I wasn't allowed that experience. If you have the ability to allow a child to experience a basic sense they were born without and you do not because of some conceived "culture" then you are pro-child abuse. It's really that simple.

there’s NOTHING to take away

But a hell of a thing to give.

Again, that's a statement of values. IT's based on YOUR values, not everyone has the same values as you do. Can you see the issue there?

Again, your values are just dead fucking wrong

That's what values means. It is different from one to another.

Some people's values state that they should make everyone have HIV/AIDS. Does that mean that we should allow them to male that a reality?

You're seriously comparing a condition (deaf) that is non life threatening to a life threatening disease? You don't die because you gotten the "disease" of deafness. You could die if you gotten HIV/AIDS (even though medication can prolong that).

It's STUPID to compare those two.

Funny because I've compared it to everything else and all you've ever said is "APPLES TO ORANGES REEEE!" Btw, you die because you've gotten HIV/AIDS you die because of everything else that can hit you afterwards. You're focusing on one part of the comparison and not the other. You've been doing this selective listening bullshit the entire time you've been getting your ass reaved in this thread for being a retard. The truth of the matter is that when you bar your child from a potentially better life you're being a piece of shit. When you do so due to identity politics you're an even bigger piece of shit. Most off all, when you do so just because you can you are even worse of a piece of shit.

You are simply a piece of shit.

You're simply a piece of shit if you think AIDS is on the same level of Deafness. Geez, you can't compare those two.

You're simply a retarded piece of shit if you really can't understand that the two were not being compared, it was the values that were being compared. Geez, you can't debate to save your life

How it "feels" isn't the point. Objectively, you have lost something. Trying to enforce that loss on children because misery loves company or whatever is child abuse.

I don't think you understand the definition of child abuse so let me educate you on this honey.

Federal legislation provides guidance to States by identifying a minimum set of acts or behaviors that define child abuse and neglect. The Federal Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) (42 U.S.C.A. Β§ 5106g), as amended by the CAPTA Reauthorization Act of 2010, defines child abuse and neglect as, at minimum:

"Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or

"An act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."

Does it says anywhere about not wanting a child to use hearing aid or cochlear implants?

Medical neglect, fam. You've heard of it right? Being deaf is a serious harm, not getting appropriate medical treatment is a failure to act.

There's no medical neglect if the child is fully healthy though.

A deaf child is not fully healthy.

Coming from someone with an Autism sticker. Lol! BYE!

Autism makes someone not fully healthy either. What of it?

Coming from someone who's to stupid to realize that forcing a disability on a child is fucking child abuse. Lol! BYE!

Negating your kid to have a significantly better life because it doesnt fullfil a legal definition of abuse


Call CPS and ask them if it's child abuse.

Why is it hard to realize that, people have different values than you are. People will disagree and that's okay. You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

Have a good day and I hope your mind will start to be more open and acceptable toward others.

It is considered abuse, lol. Nice copy and paste though. I'm guessing you just simply have nothing left to argue because everything you say gets shot down due to it being retarded


Mmkay, lemme go find a deaf child who's parents are as abusively retarded as you are that refuse to get their child the medical treatment their child needs first

Sorry that you're deformed :(

Beep beep beep

Does it says anywhere about not wanting a child to use hearing aid or cochlear implants

"Any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation"; or

You answered your own question...

We were born without the ability to hear. We have never had that ability so naturally we will feel like we are not at a disadvantage.

That's because you're fucktarded.

We were born without the ability to hear. We have never had that ability so naturally we will feel like we are not at a disadvantage.

I was born a jellyfish, devoid of all sensory organs and without a spine. Suck it, normies, I'm not the one who's retarded.

Never change πŸ‘‰πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰

πŸ‘ˆ 😎 πŸ‘ˆ

We have never had that ability so naturally we will feel like we are not at a disadvantage.

But you are at a disadvantage in this society. Society is not adapted to your disability.

So what you are saying is that we have to change all of society so that you are not at this disadvantage.

If I lived in a society where people could read each others mind I would probably be considered disabled. It would be a bad thing for me to be disabled like that and if given the choice I would choose to be able to, especially if there is no negative of being able to.

Like if aliens came from the outer space saying that they are able to sense wonderful things I cant even imagine I would consider myself disabled in relation to them. Why woudnt I?

Of course, my life is perfectly fine without their senses, but it does not mean that it isnt a bad thing for me to lack it.

Why is it hard to realize that, people have different values than you are. People will disagree and that's okay. You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

Have a good day and I hope your mind will start to be more open and acceptable toward others.

Because I believe values are objective, and so morality and well-being.

"values are objective"

Exactly, they are YOUR values, they aren't MY values.

Well, yeah. Point is, your values are shit and inferior in every way, shape or form compared to those of normal people. They should be stamped out with extreme prejudice, not allowed to fester and propagate.

If everyone was born with psychic abilities or some sort of sixth sense that I was missing out on, you're damn right I would take up the offer to have that if I could.

My vision is pretty bad and I'm pretty sure I'm going blind so id definitely trade being able to see perfectly than not.

we will feel like we are not at a disadvantage.

You feel like that because you've spent your life living in a society that respects and enables your condition to a great degree. If you'd ever lived somewhere a bit less developed you'd probably feel differently about it.

Being born deaf in the 3rd world is practically a guarantee that you will never get an education. There are higher rates of unemployment among the deaf as well.

Then there is the whole argument of yours about all the struggles a deaf child will have to go through if they get an if learning to sign and read lips not to mention come to terms with the fact that you're fundamentally different than 99% of the people around you. Which is clearly something you have yet to accomplish.

living in a society that respects and enables your condition to a great degree.

Umm that's completely not true. Hearing people has always suppressed deaf people in the USA. Yes, we do have more access to resources compared to most countries but the most amazing country to live in as a deaf person is Sweden because hearing people there actually treats deaf people as an equal.

Most hearing people discriminates against deaf people in this country and completely ignore the ADA laws that has been in effect for a long time. So don't tell me that hearing people respect deaf people in this country when I can tell you from my personal experience and the experiences of MANY deaf people in this country that will tell you that's not true.

Yes, we are fundamentally different than 99% of the population, I have no argument against that and that is true. I agree with you there.

Getting a cochlear implant or not getting an implant is basically the same thing. They both will still struggle with the same thing their entire life. When I come up to a counter and tell a person that i'm deaf and need paper to write. Usually they will give me a paper and I'll write my order and then like idiots they are, they continue to talk to me to respond to me instead of realizing, "oh they're deaf, maybe i should write back too".

That's the kind of struggle cochlear implants kids will still get. They will never have a fully functioning hearing. That's something that has never been communicated to the public. Yes, it's a temporary solution but it's not a solution you think of.

My approach to those idiot people in the situation I mentioned above is to repeat that I'm deaf and to gesture them to write EVERY TIME they talk. It can be the same cycle in a single interaction and I will have to repeat myself at last 10 times. That struggle will be the same regardless if I had an implant or not.

That's fine and I get that, but having an additional and significantly valuable sense is an even greater advantage.

It's great and wonderful deaf people have found a way to cope but it also demands aherants to subscribe to an entirely alternative and minority way of doing things that makes transacting with the rest of the world more of a challenge.

having an additional and significantly valuable sense is an even greater advantage.

There's no question about that. I don't disagree with you there.

At the same time, being deaf also has its own advantage that hearing people don't have. So that's why I always felt you need people in both worlds and then work together to improve the world.

Advantages to being deaf? Oh do tell


You mean you pay more attention with your sight. Congrats on mot being as oblivious to what you're seeing

Interesting. Also, what are the advantages you were blessed with by being born with half a brain?

If I had the option of having advantages, I would definitely take that. Why wouldn't you?

I've never seen a normal range of colors, but I would love to be able to do that, missing something normal people have is a disadvantage.

I see it this way. Would the military take you in? No or yes? No, then not ideal. Yes, then not an issue.


You need to get out and actually interact with deaf people to actually see why.

/u/ixodioxi how the hell am I supposed to interact with deaf people? Everything I say to them seems to go in one ear and out the other.

Why is it hard to realize that, people have different values than you are. People will disagree and that's okay. You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

Have a good day and I hope your mind will start to be more open and acceptable toward others.

I get the feeling you didn't hear a word I just said.

There are MILLIONS of ways to communicate with deaf people. Have you ever heard of an old fashioned way such as gasps pen and paper? We can write just like you! Did you know that?

Have you tried using an ASL interpreter? There are ways to use them. Have you ever heard of Video Relay Service where you can literally call a deaf person on your cell phone?

Or you can just learn ASL and communicate with us.

Again, you are being closed minded and the only method to hearing people to communicate is to use their voice.

im not doing any of that shit if you're the one choosing not to put shit in your ear that fixes it cause you're retarded lmaoo

I have a curable disability that I'm refusing to cure because reasons


rly activates ur almonds

I speak Arabic, English, Spanish, and French. I've done the work to be able to speak to like half the planet. Is it too much to ask you to stick a fucking piece of metal in your ear in return?

No thank you you audist piece of shit.

Those three sources (31-33) is founded by Alexander Graham Bell foundation who has a history of suppressing deaf people so I would take any of their research with a grain of salt.

Whatever, AGB lived in a time when people tried to cure masturbation with breakfast cereals. Nowadays there are better ways to cure children born with the curse of lacking a cardinal sense.

Their foundation still exists and his philosophy still exists to these days.

Of course it still exists. Deafness hasn't been cured yet.

Hopefully they'll come up with a cure for hearing ignorance.

I could argue that my side is morally right but I don't think anything could sway you, so I'm just gonna say we outnumber you and deafness as a whole is going to be cured in a few generations because that's what hearing people want, and there are vastly more of us.

So... genocide. Got it.

  1. None of you are going to be killed

  2. You aren't an ethnic group

Genocide is a complete elimination of a specific group by a larger group. It doesn't have to be a physical killing and it doesn't have to be ethnic.

Have it your way, you're still getting cured whether you like it or not :)

Curing deafness does not entail genocide you numbskull. You could literally just not speak and still sign even if you were hearing.

No, you have a toxic assumption and been brainwashed to believe in a US vs THEM mentality. At one point in history, it may have been like that but it sure as hell not like that today.

Sadly, it's happening today too as exhibit by this thread.

I value giving people things that they don't have when it's possible. Please tell me why that it wrong.

It is okay, to have a disadvantage, it does not take anything away from you. I was borrn with poor eye sight, should I refuse classes, and only see 2ft from my face?

It's all about personal choice. If you want to do that, then all is good for you! Personally, if i had a deaf kid, I would prefer them not to use a hearing aid.

You can force your values onto others.

Thats literally the purpose of society.


You know how some people say they drive better when they’re buzzed? That’s how people who talk about how autism is a good thing sound to me.

No fuck them. I'm perfectly fine with hearing aids at any age.

Sorry, I misremembered. As you were.

Agreed, hearing aid is a lot better than cochlear implants.

Significantly cheaper as well and insurance will sometimes actually pay for them.

Hmm from my experience, oftentimes, insurance will cover cochlear implants over hearing aid. I got lucky and gotten free hearing aid from Medicare until I was 18 and then when I got my job, my insurance said they'll only cover 20% of hearing aid or 100% of cochlear implants.

/u/ixodioxi, /u/RicoFat

The fact that there are two of you in the world is two too many.

Imagine how we feel about you :)

Imagine being so reactionary in your cinservatism that you'd allow children to suffer for yoyr regressive beliefs tbh.

You should ask a few deaf people about it then.

I don't have to, you're the one defending it.

Read some of my other comments. I've expanded a lot on the topic with other comment threads

Yes and "Well it exists and these people are protective about it and a minority so why not look into them as a potential option for your deaf child" is regressive and you should honestly be ashamed of yourself.

Ouch. You're right. I hate myself. Thanks for helping me realize how awful I am.

life must suck. I think I'm gonna go listen to some music

We can listen to music though! We can feel all of the beats and have all speakers on full volume without worrying about losing our hearing.

We can listen to music

keep gang signing that to yourself, bud

lmfao, imagine having your development so stunted that you think that's actually fully enjoying music.

You were born deaf, right? So you actually have no idea what you're missing. No concept of real music. Christ, now I've made myself sad.

imagine having your development so stunted

Does it makes you feel all tingly and self righteous when you insult people for not agreeing with your only narrow minded point of view?


Objectively though, your development is stunted. The parts of your brain that deal with hearing haven't developed. And you have never heard music, so you think feeling the beats is all there is to it. That's honestly so sad I keep feeling bad for you halfway through trying to write a roast.

Have you listened to techno music then? Gone to an actual rave? 99% of techno music does not have words so it's all vibration and beats.

Go to this video, click on the CC button and educate yourself.

Even with shitty music like techno, you're still missing out on a lot if all you're perceiving are the beats. And you literally cannot comprehend that because you've never heard music.

Imagine thinking that the height of all music is techno.

And I like me some fluffy edm.

Right? And he can't even hear that.

There's a lot more than vibration and beats to techno music. It's also got pitches and timbre.

The timbre is determined by the exact shape of the sample that's playing. The pitch is determined by how many times per second the sample plays. Hearing people have circuitry in their brain designed specifically for the purpose of identifying a sound that repeats hundreds of times per second, and it's easy to distinguish slightly different sounds.

Hearing people and deaf people can both interpret a sample of a kick drum playing at 120 beats per minute. However, hearing people can also interpret a sample of a kick drum playing at 120 beats per second. It no longer sounds like a kick drum at all, but it sounds like a 120Hz saw wave. Demonstration about a minute in (you can turn on captions):

Even for electronic music producers, probably at least 90% of the effort they put in doesn't change the final product from the perspective of their deaf audiences, because it's adjusting levers that require hearing. The hardest parts of electronic music producing are shaping the samples and mastering the track so that everything sounds good together in space, which are basically meaningless without input from an eardrum.

I would but they can't hear me.

Or if you learned sign language.

yeah because everyone should learn a low bandwidth method of communication which only applies to a very small minority of people. while we're at it, you could go learn Euskara or a Berber dialect, so what's stopping you

ASL, in many ways, seems to have a stranglehold on English. It is more efficient in many ways. Just different. I'm sorry you think it is ineffective.

it's a hack to get around your disability, what do you expect?

how exactly is it more efficient? this I gotta hear

Just as any language has linguistic features that may simplify a more complicated arrangement of forms in another language, ASL can often time simplify English into a visual form that may include only one or two forms, from which the English may have been made up of multiple sentences.

For instance, "the girl" in English would be visualized and placed in space to be refered to as a shorthand later in ASL by pointing to the space where that person was previously talked about. Pointing or leaning towards that space or gazing over at that space are all effective ways of referencing the girl all the while continuing your conversation about her while using dorectional verbs and other features to express repevant information. This cuts down on the forms needed to express directional verbs that affect that noun. Just one example.

Likewise, English can sometimes (but not often) simplify a form from ASL when translated or interpreted into English. In ASL you might see, STORE(noun setup) I GO (directional verb towards the store). Again this is all happening in 3d space so things must be pointed to and referenced within their own spatial indexes. In English you would add the "-ing" to create a proper grammatical structure of, "I am going to the store." Whether it's easier or not depends on your understanding of the world around you and your capacity to acquire written and spoken language.

The rules related to suffixes and pretty much everything in English have contributed to it's long standing reputation as being one of the most difficult languages to learn for anyone trying to learn it.

As a deaf person that may not have the capacity to hear speech (despite having a Cochlear implant or other assistive device, no it is not a miracle cure for deafness) English is a barrier their entire lives and often stifles their growth in school due to poor access to alternative teaching methods that would accommodate a student that learns English differently than other students. There is very little material for schools to train their teachers with or provide for their students that is any different than the information the hearing kids, who have the access to everyday banter, proximal exposure to information, and general noise to gather information around them with their hearing. ASL is more natural for those that exist with profound deafness and cannot, even with the assistance of an implant or hearing aids, gather enough relevant information in the school setting to allow for effective growth.

like I said, lower bandwidth, niche use. useful for some things, sure, like SWAT teams who don't want the browns to know they're coming.

Maybe you could learn it and share a better informed opinion at some point.

You can credit signs used in football to deaf people.

can you teach me "Get out deafies" and "You're defective" and "Goebbels was right about you"

You can learn it yourself. Means you'd at least be experiencing sign language.

What makes you think I haven't?

How you're refering to it. Have you? If it doesn't work for you, then great. It works for others though.

You can credit signs used in football to deaf people.

Are you actually so dumb as to believe this? No wait, I already know the answer.

Check out some deaf culture.

It's deaf culture to claim credit for the invention of hand signals in football? I guess I was right.

To clarify: You might learn about how hand signals in football were developed if you learned about deaf culture.

Ah, I see, you meant to say deaf culture is revisionist history. Got it, thank you for clarifying.

Nope. Actually I meant to say that a deaf football team, when confronted with the challenge of figuring out plays without using paper and pencil on the field or speech, developed signals that helped them effective play their hearing opponents.

I'm not crediting ALL signals to deaf people. Obviously people saw it as effective and the idea sprouted some legs.

Congratulations, you're even dumber than I thought. You're conflating the invention of the huddle with the invention of hand signals. Perhaps if you had learned some more about deaf culture, you would know that hand signals had been around since the beginning of football, but Gallaudet was the first team to use a huddle to conceal said hand signals.

Oh oops. I got the details a bit mixed up. I just checked with a friend of mine and also came back to reddit to see your comment.

Deaf players developed hand signals for baseball and they developed the huddle in football. You're correct.

And yes, the Gallaudet team was the first twam to use the huddle, you're right.

I appreciate being called dumb. Thanks.

I appreciate being called dumb.

Hey, we call a spade a spade. Work on your reading comprehension and communication skills for the future.

Recalled the information incorrectly. Glad you corrected it.

So why do hearing parents are currently learning ASL and teaching their babies ASL? Why is it okay to teach hearing babies ASL and at the same time, condemn a deaf child to a lifetime of torture without ASL and FORCE them to speak?

Why is it okay for hearing people to do one thing but for a deaf parents to do the same with their deaf child, it's OUTRAGEOUS?

I'm sincerely curious why.

So why do hearing parents are currently learning ASL and teaching their babies ASL?

They aren't, they just call them "babies" -- they're toddlers, babies can't communicate other than crying and shitting their pants. Plus, people teach their kids all sorts of stupid things all the time: just work hard and you'll be a success, there's a fluffy cloud with a magic man on it who watches you masturbate, girls can be boys if they wish hard enough, gypsies aren't all degenerate criminals, etc.

Why is it okay for hearing people to do one thing but for a deaf parents to do the same with their deaf child, it's OUTRAGEOUS?

Because they're deaf, naturally. Not even sure they should have children, at least not the ones with genetic deafness, at least until we have decent genetic modification tech to fix the problem. Somebody's got to preserve the gene pool.

not learning Euskara in order to have an excuse to kill baguettes and paellas in the name of an independent Basque Country

you late, ETA gave up already, the pussies

no thanks, i dont want to appropriate your "culture"

Then be responsible with it's use.

Also, not even my culture. I'm hearing.

deaf isn't a culture eitherway

I've tried but they can't hear me

You should ask a few deaf people about it then.

No, fuck the deafs opinions on it. They have some weird little fucked up handicap circle jerk about "muh culture" going on

Just like yall have this weird obsession that hearing people is better than deaf people

objectively better, at least in the hearing department. you know, since we lack that disability.

And also due to the goodness of our hearts, and our compassion for those who have been fucked by the genetic lottery and/or injury, as proven by our selfless acts in invention not only cochlear implants, but all the varieties of sign language which you love so much. Now, contrast that with the deaf cultists who wish to not only propigate their genetic disease, but also to inflict their own pain upon their children and others.

but deaf slaves are cool since they can't hear secrets being said by the padishah

What are you talking about?

look, all things being equal, is better for a kid on this society to hear than to not hear

That's what you think based on your own personal experience. I personally disagree with that. I have had a good life without the ability to hear and I wouldn't change it for anything else.

I have had a good life without the ability to hear and I wouldn't change it for anything else.

You don't need to stop other people from changing it just because you don't want to.

Brah, if your life was exactly the same, with the only difference being you being able to hear, you would be at least slightly happier.

And that is how we know that hearing>not hearing.

What's your favorite song?

Anything from Steve Aoki, Of Monster and Men, Peter Hollens, Sugarland, Little Big Town, Journey, Lindsey Stirling

Of course you'd have to deaf to actually enjoy any of those bands.



Okay you probably should re-read your comment since you missed the "be" portion.

Oh shit you got me. Sorry my vision is pretty bad and I wish I could have 20-20 vision like everyone else because it sucks to be missing out like that.

Sorry that we dislike the condemning of a child to a life of physical impairment 😱😷😧

Just like yall have this weird obsession that hearing people is better than deaf people

Because it's better to no be deaf then to be deaf. Like it's better not to be blind

You are a complete and utter retard, kill yourself.

So nice of you

Nicer than abusing children

Take your child's eyes out too, ingrain him/her to blind culture as well

no no you don't get it, it's only ok to do that if they were born blind. So if they are born blind and you have the tech to make them be able to see, you better not, because that hurts blind culture or something.

Nothing but love and affection for your fellow man is what I'm imagining.

stop downvoting the lolcows you faggots

how dare u

Stop appropriating my tay tay culture.



/u/distortedlines /u/McFluffTheCrimeCat

I literally cried when I saw tay in concert in high school. That was nearly a decade ago though.

I don't have to, you're the one defending it.

So like my freshman year of college I started playing this online game called a 'MUD'. On this I met a few people at my school, one of them being a girl (undergrad bio major) and online we chatted. Turns out she was deaf (no big deal I told myself).

Anyway, we meet a few weeks later at a party some of the upper classmen are throwing for MUD players. It's at a co-op house off campus, there is beer, weed, etc. She uses hearing aids and lip reads so we can kind of talk (although the alcohol is making it hard). Long story short, we sneak away to some dudes room (no idea who) and start doing the nasty. About half way through it, I guess she's cumming or something, but she just starts to squeek. Like a full on mouse squeek. Rapidly and loudly.

I totally lost my shit and started laughing. She opens her eyes, glares at me, hits me and then rushes out of the bed, emitting sounds that are halfway between hysterical crying, and fucking squeeking.

And that kids, is how I met your mother.

Deaf "culture" when taken to these extremes is some of the stupidest shit I've ever heard of.

Parents should consider not letting their kids wear glasses. Some ocularly non-normative folks think differently-sighted eyes are just as good as 20/20 eyes. We shouldn't rush to declare an inability to see things as some sort of disability.

Just assuming that being able to see is inherently better than not being able to see is pretty ableist, very problematic, and hostile toward differently-sighted culture tbh.

My cousin has been deaf since childhood, so roughly 30+ years. She fucking hates it. Anyone who would want to be deaf is a retard.

That's just one person.

It's pretty safe to assume that a vast amount of the deaf population would like to not be deaf. Your "not all deaf people" argument doesn't hold any merit here. Go sign furiously with your fellow retards about how unfair it is that everyone who isn't mentally impaired wants to help the deaf and other physically impaired people that live in society

It's an assumption on your part then. You obviously has never interacted with a deaf person.

Why is it hard to realize that, people have different values than you are. People will disagree and that's okay. You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

Have a good day and I hope your mind will start to be more open and acceptable toward others.

You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

I imagine you wouldn't have written this if you were in anyway self aware.

These deaf cultists or whatever they are called are worse than any SJW or edgelord.

These are like the only people on the internet that actually get me upset.

I've actually had the privilege to converse with a number of deaf people. Some of my family members are actually deaf and each deaf person I ever discussed this with said that they'd love to get either an aid or an implant. You know what that eventually did? They got their disabilities treated. And do you know what they would never do? Force their kids into a life of disability.

Those are the minorities though. Head to RIT, Gallaudet University, NAD, and so forth. You will meet millions of people who refuse to wear them.

And I can assure you that if I go anywhere else in the world there will be either the same amount or more of deaf people that would rather not be deaf and would also never force their child to be deaf. Meeting millions of retards who make piss poor life decisions does not make that decisions itself a good one. Millions of people clash with each other over differences in ideology and leadership yet that's never considered a good idea. Maybe you're just too fucking stupid to understand this concept due to you being a retard incapable of achieving self awareness but don't act like no one's being reasonable when you're just screeching in circles

Of course there will be people that prefer to hear. I wouldn't argue against that. I have met people who wants to hear and I completely understand their point.

The issue is this, the child is already deaf. Why don't you just accept it and reinforce/accept them? Your solution is to basically force them to try and live up to what you expect them to do along with forcing them to adjust to YOU. It's always about you and not about the child.

For me, I would force myself to adapt to the child and not the other way around and that's the issue with everyone these days. Everyone expect everyone else to adapt to them and not having them to adapt to the others.

This is literally why you should never breed. Let's apply that logic to a child being porn blind or with a heart defect. Now rethink how fucking retarded you sound when you can't even make an original thought and apply it to an argument to support said argument. There is literally nothing wrong, morally or otherwise, with giving your child the best opportunities to live a good life without a disability in their way. There is nothing wrong with taking care if your child at all. There is something wrong with forcing your child to be deaf. You should be neutered before you have a child and ruin it's life

Being deaf isn't as defect as someone with a heart defect though. You can't compare those two

And you're going to ignore the other comparison to blindness?

Yes because I have no experience in that so I would not make a broad statement about something that I have no knowledge of.

Funny because you've been doing that this entire time. You have no clue about proper parenting yet here you are saying that it's okay to force a child into living with a disability just because you made the decision never to get your own case treated. That's like suffering from an illness and not getting it treated then refusing to let your child be treated for the same illness just because your stupid ass managed to live long enough to procreate. It's just logically absurd. You literally are refusing to make the morally and logical choice just because you simply are too stupid and arrogant to see that you're being an asshat. It's literally the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this sub and that's saying something. Even u/ByeByeFlutterPie in all of her insanity would see this and call you fucking moron

have no clue about proper parenting

That's according to you. You don't know how I could parent.

What you are saying is that its okay to force YOUR values on someone else instead of respecting someone else's values.

Deafness is not a life threatening disease. We WILL NOT die because we're deaf. I understand it's hard to see beyond what you values and understand other people's perspectives.

I understand why a hearing parent will want their child to be hearing and I can understand why a deaf parent will want their child to be deaf. Isn't that hard to say that?

Yes because you're fucking retarded and clearly incapable of making choices that will benefit the child in question. There is nothing to be gained from being forced to live as a deaf person. The fact that you would rather force a child to be disabled because you're disabled is like a man that's missing his leg refusing to get a prosthetic, crutches, or a wheelchair forcing his child who's also missing a leg to do the same. There is literally no reason to force your child to be disabled other than blind retardation and possibly even jealously

None of this sentence is rational so bye.

I have no argument and am too stupid to comprehend logic, bye

Bye, you piece of shit! πŸ˜‚

ur gay

Tbh it probably only exists in first world countries where retards take medical advances for granted

Of course you can’t force your values on someone. That doesn’t mean we can’t call your values (and you!) retarded.

I don't disagree with you on that one.

How are deaf people oppressed?

Umm seriously? This thread is one example.

That you think this thread is an example of oppression is a pretty good demonstration of how privileged & laughable your position is.

Umm don't you understand the definition of oppression?

Well one of us clearly doesn't but it isn't me

/u/ixodioxi just wants to make an example of how the deaf community is oppressed by oppressing deaf babies.

Discrimination != Oppression

People are upset with you because you think it's wrong to help kids hear if we can, not because you are deaf.

That's because hearing people values hearing. I can completely understand that. It's something you guys have grown up and used your entire life.

What I am saying is that deafness isn't a thing to be fixed. We are perfectly happy to be deaf, we have our own language, we have our own culture. ASL is the third most commonly used non-english Language in the world (Fourth if you include English).

So can you tell me why that deaf people needs to be fixed while ASL is widely spread and commonly accepted?

Because it can be fixed. I was born mostly blind, should I have not gotten glasses?

Also the child can now hear better and can still learn ASL, it's weird how that works. Nothing was taken from them, only given. It's a net positive.

The whole deaf culture thing is pretty clearly just a coping mechanism.

Disabled "culture" in general is like that. I've had people insist that X disability is "part of their identity" and they "wouldn't change anything" at a disabled support group. Like why were they attending if said disability was "actually a gift"?

Well denial is one of the stages of grief

Yeah but fuck them, coping isn't an excuse to abuse your kids.

Misery loves company. Seems the deaf people don't want a baby to enjoy a normal life. What a bunch of deaf slags.

I want you all to think about this from our perspective without thinking that you are better than anyone else.

We were born without the ability to hear. Of course that ability varies with a lot of deaf people. Personally, I was born with fully deaf in one ear and in "medical term", one ear can function as close to a hearing ear with the aid of a hearing aid.

Most of you were born with the ability to hear so you have not experienced what it is like to live your life without the ability to hear. That's fine and it's completely understandable. It makes sense that you want to have your children hear and such because you want them to be just like you.

On the other hand, we were born without the ability to hear. So most of us, we never have the chance to know the sense of hearing. So we will always adapt and fit our self in the world that's dominated by hearing people. So naturally we feel like we have lost anything because we have never lost anything.

Can you think from that perspective and understand why most of us feels like we are not disabled because how can you feel like you lost anything if you have never experienced it in the first place?

I guarantee this comment will get a lot of downvotes from hearing elists who always think they are better. But please take the chance to understand and TRY to think from the other perspective. Even if you disagree, you should at least show some respect.

Gouge your kids eyes out before they adapt to sight.

I think you don't understand what's going on so let me educate you.

The baby was born with the ability to see, so naturally we don't want to take that away.

The baby was born without the ability to hear, so naturally there's nothing there to take away.

Can you see the difference?

Yes, people should die of cancer because they were born without chemotherapy

Again, your're going off topic. Just kill yourself before you breed your stupidity.


Leaf by example, child abuse apologist

Why is it hard to realize that, people have different values than you are. People will disagree and that's okay. You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

Have a good day and I hope your mind will start to be more open and acceptable toward others.

Pretty hypocritical coming from someone who refuses to accept that it's wrong to force kids to be deaf while telling others to kill themselves for finding your stupidity overwhelmingly retarded

Just like you refuse to accept that maybe people don't care if they can hear or not?

Not giving your child the gift of a better life is not a choice that you can flippantly shrug off just because you don't care that you can't hear. Why? Because it's not your case of being deaf that's being addressed but the case of your child being deaf. There is no reason to condemn a child to an objectively subpar quality of life just because you don't mind being deaf because it's not about you it's about the child.

"There is no reason to condemn a child to an objectively subpar quality of life just because you don't mind being deaf because it's not about you it's about the child."

That's your opinion. I strongly disagree with that statement because quality of life is subjective. It is always up for interpretation based on the individuals. So what you are basically saying is that your life is better than mine because you can hear.

I think my life is better than yours due to the fact that I can't hear.

I think my life is better than yours due to the fact that I can't hear.

This is what defective defoids actually say when they cry themselves to sleep.

Well yes my life is objectively better than yours because I can hear which is an essential human sense that I use in everyday life to enjoy and also survive life itself. Just because you find bring deaf to be better than being an unimpaired adult doesn't mean that the child will. You're just talking out of your ass and going in circles

survive life itself

Lol you don't need to hear to survive in this world. It's an asset yes, but not a requirement.

Tell that to people who have narrowly avoided death thanks to hearing the source of impending doom, lol. You have no argument, go screech at people on the street for money you tard

Tell that to people who have narrowly avoided death thanks to hearing the source of impending doom

That's why you look both ways before crossing the street instead of just walking without looking.

There are so many things that is done better using your EYES over relying on your hearing.

Except that you're forgetting that shit happens and can change at a moments notice. You're not listening to reason because you hate being wrong

I don't hate being wrong. I recognize that there's ways that hearing can has its advantage. There's no question about it.

The issue is that those advantages can be used in other ways for the same thing. That's why we as deaf people, we always learn to adapt to survive while sadly most hearing people only rely on their hearing most of the time. We are more alert than most people.

We don't rely on just our hearing. Jfc, that's autistic as fuck. Most people use all of their senses everyday. It just so happens that sometimes one ends up being a key factor in random situations. You know what will help your child be more alert? Having a fucking aid or implant so it can hear which gives it a higher sense of situational awareness. Please castrate yourself immediately and report to the nearest gulag

Having a fucking aid or implant so it can hear which gives it a higher sense of situational awareness.

LOL! Coming from a hearing person who has no idea what it's like being deaf. You don't need to hear to survive.

LOL! Coming from a retard who has no idea what it's like not being retarded. You don't need to survive.

The baby was born with the ability to see, so naturally we don't want to take that away.

Why not?

answer that question and you will realize why we should also give people said ability when possible

Because to remove a sense is horrible.

In the case of a deaf child, you aren't taking away their deafness. They were BORN DEAF! So therefore, there's nothing to TAKE AWAY.


Because to remove a sense is horrible.


well i will answer this one, because they will lose quality of life

and guess why we should give the ability to hear when possible?

because they will gain quality of life

Lose quality of life?

Umm that's a statement of personal values. That's YOUR values. That's not my values. Why should I accept your values when it isn't true to me?

I agree friendo. I don't think we should fix congenital heart defects in utero either. After all, IT WAS BORN WITH A BAD HEART! So therefore, there's nothing to TAKE AWAY.

Careful, he's too stupid to understand anything other than screeching

Some people are naturally born choking on their umbilical cords, we don't want to take that away from them do we?

You obviously don't understand the issue.

The issue is that you don't want kids to have a disability corrected because you've formed your entire identity around lacking a sense rather than having a meaningful personality.

It's not that nobody understands where you're coming from, it's just that you're wrong. Being deaf is a disability. It is a disadvantage. It makes you less capable than a person who can hear. Hearing is objectively better than deafness. It doesn't make you less of a person, or reduce your worth/value as a person. But arguing that it's not a disadvantage because you don't know what you're missing is logically incoherent.

Deaf culture is often toxic in this regard, somewhat understandably. But denying your child the opportunity to hear (even at a lower level than normal) is child abuse and should be reported as such. If the culture finds that unpalatable then fuck the culture because the culture has become toxic and monstrous.

Should they learn ASL too? Sure! ASL is handy (heh) for most people, and more people should learn it. That doesn't change anything in the above paragraph though.

Do you want to know why we are toxic toward hearing people? It's why people like you are constantly telling us that we are stupid, toxic, retarded, wrong, a mistake, broken, need to be fixed, an medical irregularity and such for our ENTIRE FUCKING life.

Can you imagine the frustration though? There's nothing to be fixed from OUR perspective. For you like a fucking hearing idiot to have the balls to tell me that it's medical abuse to want a child just like us is child abuse and then to tell yourself that you want a child to be just like you, isn't child abuse?


The only reason why you think the ability to hear is "better" is because you have it. I think being deaf is better because it's my experience. So the balls on you to tell me that I should be "fixed" is shocking but at the same time, based on my experience though it's not. Hearing people are always so self righteous and that's why Trump is in office, racism is at a all time high and so forth. All white hearing people who think that way will never change.

Child abuse apologist fuck off.

Again, if you go to a social worker and ask them if not wanting a deaf child use hearing aid or cochlear implants to be considered child abuse, 100% of them will disagree with you.

Why do u hate ur child? πŸ˜’

Why is it hard for you to understand that maybe people don't want to be like you?

I'm fabulous!😏 Why won't u wanna be like me? πŸ˜‰

Maybe because you have such a narrow view minded that refuse to acknowledge that people have a different opinion than you.

You're right. It's everyone else who is wrong. Denying your child opportunities to live a complete and objectively better life is the correct choice of course.

5/7 perfect job as a parent. πŸ‘ŒπŸ’―

If that's true 100% of them would be wrong. It is inarguably medical neglect. If I ever encounter it in the wild I'm making the call to CPS and lecturing the shit out of those dumbass parents.


I mean with no actual case to report? Prolly. But when people in my field make reports they tend to carry weight so we'll see. Not a huge deaf community around here though, and none of the ones I've met were abusive shitheads so I don't see it being a frequent thing

Do you want to know why we are toxic toward hearing people? It's why people like you are constantly telling us that we are stupid, toxic, retarded, wrong, a mistake, broken, need to be fixed, an medical irregularity and such for our ENTIRE FUCKING life.

I didn't say you were stupid, or toxic or wrong or a mistake broken needed to be fixed at any point, so kindly cut the bullshit and act like an adult. Being deaf is a medical irregularity, though I also didn't say that either.

I can imagine your frustration, and I sympathize. But that doesn't justify abuse or toxicity in normalizing abuse. I don't care if your perspective says theres nothing that needs to be fixed - your perspective is wrong, especially in this context. It is medical abuse, full stop. If you're so god damned selfish that you want to abuse your child so they'll fit in your toxic culture, you child should be taken from you and given proper care.


No. Audism is not a thing. Fuck off with that nonsense made up word bullshit and fuck off with your narrow minded idiocy.

Hearing is objectively better than deaf. There is no argument there, this is just a fact. Any benefit you might claim from deafness I can get from earplugs, and then go right back to hearing when I'm done. Your experience is wrong. Your culture and beliefs are wrong. Either accept it and change or don't, but you don't get to use your fucked up beliefs to justify abusing children.

So the balls on you to tell me that I should be "fixed" is shocking but at the same time, based on my experience though it's not.

Please quote where I said you needed to be fixed. Oh that's right, you can't....because you're full of shit. You've clearly got a lot of emotions you're displacing/projecting onto me. You should get some help for that, it'a not healthy (hey! That's me telling there's something about you that should be fixed!)

Hearing people are always so self righteous

11/10 irony

and that's why Trump is in office, racism is at a all time high and so forth. All white hearing people who think that way will never change.

Lol, damn dude, pro-child abuse and a racist piece of shit. You get scummier with every poat - seriously, get some help. Did you guys make up a word for bigotry directed at able bodied people from disabled people yet? Or can I go ahead and trademark disableism?

Again since you don't have the ability to read. There's no child abuse in not wanting your child to either wear hearing aid or undergo unnecessary surgery in their head to implement a machine in their head.

Read this. This is an actual thing.

Thirdly, don't breed please.

I guarantee you that if you go to any social worker and ask them that if not wanting a child to use hearing aid or cochlear implant is considered child abuse, they will tell you no it's not.

Forcing your child to undergo YEARS of therapy without using ASL is child abuse.

Again since you don't have the ability to read. There's no child abuse in not wanting your child to either wear hearing aid or undergo unnecessary surgery in their head to implement a machine in their head.

Well you might wanna add a learning/reading disability to your card because you're clearly struggling. It is inarguably medical neglect to refuse any correction of a correctible disability. There is no if or but. You're wrong. You can accept it or not but that doesn't change the facts.

Read this. This is an actual thing.

Nope, it's not.

Thirdly, don't breed please.

Man, you really need to deal with that hostility problem. You should really talk....or I guess gesture to somebody about that. Also - take you own advice, you'd clearly be a god awful parent.

I guarantee you that if you go to any social worker and ask them that if not wanting a child to use hearing aid or cochlear implant is considered child abuse, they will tell you no it's not.

You're full of shit for one, and second they'd be wrong if they said that. See above.

Forcing your child to undergo YEARS of therapy without using ASL is child abuse

There you go, makin' shit up again. Seriously, maybe have your eyes checked? Or take a basic reading test because you seem to be having some struggles

I think you need to take your eyes checked. If social workers are actually taking away kids from parents who refuse to have their child using either one of the devices then I would have all of my deaf friends losing their child. This isn't a thing. This is a thing that you made up in your head.

What you think is based on your own ignorant experience versus what is actually happening out there in the world.

I actually had them checked last week. Turns out my vision is shit, but fortunately when I was little my parents managed to ignore toxic blind culture and get me glasses to correct my flawed vision. I can confirm my corrected vision is 20/20 - the miracle of good parenting and healthcare.

And Again with the making up shit, do you seriously not know how to read or are you delusional?

Either way, you keep doing your racist, pro-abuse thing over there buddy.

Why is it hard to realize that, people have different values than you are. People will disagree and that's okay. You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

Have a good day and I hope your mind will start to be more open and acceptable toward others.

It's not hard. I meet people with different beliefs and cultures every day. But the ones with racist beliefs, or who support child abuse? No I won't agree to disagree, nor will I respect or accept them. And yes - I'll force my values on them if they refuse to change (on the abuse thing, doesn't work with racists sadly).

You have a good one too, and hopefully you'll come around to the right side.

Again, not wanting your child to use hearing devices isn't child abuse. Call CPS and ask them. They will tell you it's not child abuse. You're just making up delusional fantasies.

Not wanting it, sure. Refusing them hen they would help your child so that they'll fit into your toxic culture? YES - this is abuse, specifically medical neglect.

I honestly couldn't give two shits about what you think CPS will or won't say (and I believe you're full of shit here too). This behavior meets the definition of medical neglect, end of story. There is definitely some delusion here, but again - not from me.

Again, CALL CPS and see if it's child abuse. If they said it's not then your opinion is invalid.

One more time, for Narnia!

No, I'm not going to do that because I don't want to waste an overworked person's time for your hypothetical which I already know the answer to. I've been trained on recognizing & reporting medical neglect multiple times in the course of my training. I've seen abuse & neglect and had to report it before. Not this particular type fortunately, since again the deaf parents I've interacted with so far haven't been abusive shitheads.

Seriously, even if CPS said this asn't abuse, that doesn't matter. Because it is. If a CPS worker saw you beat your kid half to death, and said it asn't abuse, does that magically make it true? No. Because CPS doesn't define what abuse is. The medical community defines medical neglect, which this is. The law will define it in terms of what is a crime, what CPS can intervene on, ect., which will vary based on location.

I STRONGLY encourage you to call CPS and ask them that question. Call them and get back at me. If they agree with you then I would encourage you to report my brother then. He has a deaf kid and the kid doesn't wear anything unnatural.

"Yeah hi cps some random asshole on the internet told me a bullshit story, what do?"

Also you should at least get your brother some clothes or something


I did, I told them you make your brother sleep outside, steal all his clothes and don't let him anywhere with running water or electricity or healthcare. They said they'll come by later today.

Umm I think you need to re-read. I said my brother has a deaf kid. Should his kid be taken away if my brother doesn't force him to use hearing aids? Hearing aids and cochlear implants is unnatural.

Why is it hard to realize that, people have different values than you are. People will disagree and that's okay. You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

Have a good day and I hope your mind will start to be more open and acceptable toward others.


Clothes are unnatural. So is running water, electricity, medicine, pretty much everything around you. "Unnatural" is a pretty bad argument.

If the child would benefit from HA/CI and your bro refuses that is medical neglect. Removing children is the last step, first he should be educated on what a selfish moron he's being, ect.

Again, CALL CPS!

You seems to refuse to do that on the account because you know they'll tell you that you're a fucking moron and it isn't child abuse/neglect.

No, I'm not going to do that because I don't want to waste an overworked person's time for your hypothetical which I already know the answer to. I've been trained on recognizing & reporting medical neglect multiple times in the course of my training. I've seen abuse & neglect and had to report it before. Not this particular type fortunately, since again the deaf parents I've interacted with so far haven't been abusive shitheads.


I understand that you support racism and child abuse, but I don't. That doesn't mean I'm going to participate in your delusions. I'll copy my reply above in big letter since you seem to be having trouble reading it.

No, I'm not going to do that because I don't want to waste an overworked person's time for your hypothetical which I already know the answer to. I've been trained on recognizing & reporting medical neglect multiple times in the course of my training. I've seen abuse & neglect and had to report it before. Not this particular type fortunately, since again the deaf parents I've interacted with so far haven't been abusive shitheads.

I've been trained on recognizing & reporting medical neglect multiple times in the course of my training.

Then your training is completely wrong. It's not a criminal neglect to not want your kid to wear hearing aid regardless of what you think.

CPS will tell you that this isn't neglect which is why I told you to call CPS and ask a simple question. Is it a criminal neglect to not want a deaf child to use a hearing aid or have a device surgically implanted in their skull?

I will 100% guarantee you the answer is no. And I have pretty sure you have not interacted with deaf parents like you claimed to.

Then your training is completely wrong.

Nope. Validated by the relevant bodies, delivered by accredited institutions, based on current medical standards.

It's not a criminal neglect to not want your kid to wear hearing aid regardless of what you think.

Criminal will vary based on location and very statute-specific. That doesn't the objective fact that it's abuse - specifically medical neglect.

CPS will tell you that this isn't neglect which is why I told you to call CPS and ask a simple question.

CPS is not the authority on the matter, and quite honestly has better things to do than answer incredibly obvious questions I'm asking at the behest of some racist on the internet.

Is it a criminal neglect to not want a deaf child to use a hearing aid or have a device surgically implanted in their skull?

If a HA/CI is indicated in your child, denying them can pretty easily meet the bar for medical neglect. It's not significantly different from deaf parents asking their doctor to surgically deafen a healthy child (from an ethics case during medical school, tangential to this training). You are choosing to force your child into a life of disability. You are neglecting their medical needs.

I will 100% guarantee you the answer is no. And I have pretty sure you have not interacted with deaf parents like you claimed to.

I ill 100% guarantee you're full of shit, and that you've almost certainly never talked to a social worker, much less somebody in CPS. As for deaf parents, just in medical school I was involved in the care of probably half a dozen deaf kids between the ages of 0-12, who had 2 parents each. Deaf patients in general is about 3-4 dozen IIRC.

This might help you understand then.

"One relevant case has been decided in Michigan courts. The foster parent of two profoundly hearing-impaired children petitioned the Court to proceed with cochlear implantation over the objections of their Deaf biological mother, whose custody was temporarily revoked for unrelated reasons. The Court rejected the foster parent’s request."

No it really doesn't help, because I already understand the issue. But thanks for trying.

Subhuman, defective deafoids like you need to get the gas chamber.

How about we send all hearing people to the gas chambers and that way, none of them will breed stupidity?

They have bred way worse than that, judging by the likes of you and your fellow crippled abominations.

Still, deficiencies can be fixed and cancers can be cut away. Especially when they are so loud and humongously retarded such as yourself.

Crippled? Lol

I suppose truth hurts when you're a broken little untermensch.

The only reason people think you're retarded is because you're retarded, not because you're deaf.

So in that situation then all hearing people are retarded.

No, retard, just people that are as stupid and unreasonable as you are retarded. Jfc

Why is it hard to realize that, people have different values than you are. People will disagree and that's okay. You can't force your values on others. Just learn to accept it and move on.

Have a good day and I hope your mind will start to be more open and acceptable toward others.

It's why people like you are constantly telling us that we are stupid, toxic, retarded, wrong, a mistake, broken, need to be fixed, an medical irregularity

He never said any of that

The only reason why you think the ability to hear is "better" is because you have it.

No, is because all things equal, the ability to hear is objectively conductive to more happiness and potential than the inability to hear

You are not broken and no one said so. You lack something, like most of us do

Calm down and have some maturity. Being deaf doesnt mean you get a free pass on learning how to behave

If you had grew up experiencing how hearing people treats deaf people, you'll grow up with frustration. So please don't talk down to deaf people by telling them that they are broken all the time.

Learn how to be acceptable and be open minded that not anyone will have the same values as you.

You've stated you have a hearing aid, so obviously there was something to be fixed and you fixed it. What's so wrong with a baby getting the same treatment?

hearing elists


There are different level of deafness. Some just hear things dimmed down a bit. Some can’t hear jack, but to treat them as all the same is bigoted. Deaf shaming has serious consequences.

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Im not deaf. By the way.

Consider teaching American Sign Language (or your country's signed language) to your deaf child.

/u/RicoFat ASL is a cripple's language that developed as a survival mechanism by people who had no other recourse.


I never downvote lol cows but I do downvote mods.

Can I just downvote everyone and call it a wash?

I just try to make this a nice place and you ruin it 😒 😒 😒

It's not us, boss, it's them



I'm gonna play you a song I like and I'm sure my narrations of it will give you just as much enjoyment as actually hearing it.

  • Drummer gettin' after it
  • Guy really shoutin'
  • Bassist doin some rumblin'
  • Blast beats, but really laying into that fucking ride bell
  • Oh shit, tempo change
  • Bassist really gettin' after it
  • Those fucking toms are really getting gotted
  • Getting a bit slower after a few minutes
  • Pink Floyd-inspired part
  • Epic ending, whole band collectively gettin after it

After reading all that and about the deaf community and keeping deaf. I hope to God science finds a solution so no one is ever deaf again.