Mayo tears flow freely and with great fragility over too many black wimmens being heads of criminal justice in a town that is 89.5% black.

70  2018-06-05 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


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Still waiting on JWC.

So you’ll post if JWC posts?

No promises, but maybe.

I bet they don't want to discuss the crime rate in South Fulton. It's not a nice place.

I like how the only time progressives start seeing nuance and understanding population statistics is when someone flips one of their own arguments on them.

I noticed this a lot when I used to argue with rad fems. In one thread they'd claim black people were shot more by the police not due to crime rates, but due to racism. In fact, they'd often say crime rates had nothing to do with police shootings.

Then, when confronted with the fact men are 99% of victims in these shootings, all of the sudden the rad fems factored crime rates in.

This is because reason and logic are purely for the exercise of apologetics. The Romans knew this, the Christian forebears knew it, but only modern man has forgotten.

I don't follow. Do you think men are shot more because of crime rates or because of systemised misogyny or something else stupid in a new way?

I think you're missing the point.

I am, because I am fascinated by your anecdote. I want to know what you were arguing in this situation.

I got into an argument with a feminist and said there's systemic sexism in the justice system, to which she denied.

I then said the same statistics used to claim system racism exists in the justice system are more true alone gender lines.

Never heard anyone argue that women don't get sentenced easier. That is especially retarded.

Feminists being especially retarded?

Why I never...

Or he is making up shit again. Then again he does his best to find the lowest of the low to get in his slap fights so he can feel superior, so who knows.

Ah. Yeah, that's not a "progressive" issue, that's a problem with specific feminists.

See, there are some feminists who are involved in social justice because they want to make the world a better/more fair place. And then there are feminists who are involved in social justice because they want to even the scales for themselves personally.

Pretty sure all gender warriors are just maladjusted weirdos and I've never seen one example to the contrary.

social justice because they want to make the world a better/more fair place.

See this is a lie, because any actually decent person has been chased out long ago.


I'm talking about the sort people who run Battered Women's Shelters. They still exist. They still do good work, and we shouldn't forget that.

To prove there’s racism/sexism in the judicial system, a better statistic to look at would be conviction rates.

Makes sense. The most commonly imagined criminal is a black man, so the less like a “black man” you are the more likely you can walk free.

to which she denied

So what is your point then?

"Black men are disproportionately represented in police shootings."

Feminist: "That's because of racism!"

"Men are disproportionately represented in police shootings."

Feminist: "That's because men commit more crime!"

How to achieve consistency in the argument:

Men are criminals and rapists. Men who aren't white are disproportionally arrested and receive longer sentences than men who are white. I.e., if a black dude had been caught finger banging a co-ed behind a dumpster, he would be looking at a significant jail sentence. It's not that men are shot too much, it's that not enough white men are shot.

It's not that men are shot too much, it's that not enough white men are shot.

Incidentally, this is my ideology

If people wouldn't get all pissy about 'world wars' aka white euro slaughterfests, this would be easily resolved.

Men are shot more because men are degenerates who need to be purged. What is so hard to understand about this?


I noticed this a lot when I used to argue with rad fems.

dude, get a job.

Take it easy! He's still not THAT right wing yet.



The idea is that because of their background and life experiences, they'll bring something new to the table even if they're not as technically qualified.

Because a person's race and gender have absolutely no bearing on whether they're capable of doing the job

What did /u/fr0stbyte124 mean by this?

They're going to let all the (wrongly accused due to racism) black criminals in Georgia free, jail all the white men (oppressors) and it will be Utopia.

Sounds pretty good tbh.

Sounds pretty good tbh


This but unironically


conervacunts whine about literally everything

I know right? It's not as though there is a federal law that requires hiring of certain races or states with laws that favor and protect criminal invaders or something. Bunch of belly achin.

cringeanarchy mayos are killing this sub. fuck off rapefuggee

this, unironically

Indeed, demolish all rapefugees!

You should petition the mods to deport me.

Bunch of belly achin.


criminal invaders

Why do like 40 people in ever /r/pics thread feel the need to make identicle comments?

Because /r/pics stopped being about cool or important pics ages ago and its basically Facebook for people "too cool" fornit.

Do they twerk in the court room?

Cream on the inside

Clean on the outside

Ice, ice cream, ice cream paint job