I got banned and people are talking

0  2018-06-05 by Accardi_Don


Guys please sling at me your hardest insults

You probably are a gentleman

You’re emotionally damaged

something something putrid cunt and abortion. Is that dramatic enough?

/u/TheNakedGod The only person who deserves a persecution complex is /u/TheNakedJesus

Now with added cancer!


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wow there are actually humans living in Atlanta?

yup. Now hurry up and insult while this username still exists

More like hardli_adong

better. How about you attack me for being brown and conservative?

Do I have to? That's pretty funny in itself.


Lol, they think you are emotionally damaged.

It's beautiful in its own way. I'm just awaiting my site wide ban now

You're mentally unstable, depression barely scratches the surface.

You're all over this thread sperging out.

Why not? I'm gonna be site wide banned so I'm having a bit of fun before I "die"

Being banned from one sub doesn't mean you're getting a site wide ban.


Spill the beans, this is r/drama.

This is basically the Internet's Confessional.

No consequences for things admitted here.

I posted this:

It's weird that the straw that broke the camel's back is apparently his support for a republican candidate for governor.

The mods hate conservatives on this sub. Very simple. I am actually considering creating a subreddit for right wing Georgians if you are interested.

Someone in Georgia actually supporting republicans? That's unacceptable!

There are a lot of conservatives that had accounts banned on the sub over their views. I was naive in thinking that this sub valued sincere expression

/u/Velvetrose-2 a couple things:

On one hand, he was REALLY obnoxious and sometimes vile but on the other hand he is very vulnerable and emotionally damaged and needed understanding.

It is too bad that he hid behind that wall.

This comes off as incredibly condescending and I'd suggest you stop suggesting as if being assertive in my values is somehow me being unwell. I truly believe that leftist ideology is disgusting, I do not see how that is so hard for you to understand.

flying fuck about him since he is Hispanic even if he "came here legally" He is brown and that is all they would have seen.

Fuck man you can be pretty fucking racist at times. I met Isakson and Purdue in person along with Deal and Sonny. Haley, Sessions, Governor Scott, Senator Scott, Rubio, and most recently Kemp. These are GOOD men and women who care about this country and never saw me as brown. They saw me as a man with potential and a fierce sense of agency. Maybe one day you can too.

Also and only because it gave me a chuckle

Yeah, with comments like this when the topic is music and he disagreed with someone about Kanye. There is something off

That post is from r/drama where the whole point is to make hyperbolic shitposting. That may be out of your wheelhouse of understanding but you'll see comments calling for anal rape, incest, and the genocide of white people. The whole point is to be an incendiary asshole Like Kanye!

/u/exoticATLien love ya man! Keep going strong and remember that you have grace!


There are much better ways to voice your political opinion. This is not acceptable (in my book). The ban was justifiable.

You are a hypocrite. So many times "rednecks", "conservatives", and "Trump supporters" are attacked on this very sub and you say and do nothing. Many of you condone the mudslinging at right wingers like me but demand civility when we sling it back at you. Honestly I am not even surprised anymore. Hell look at /u/magicmeese and /u/Iggleston comments about me and rural Georgians. That is allowed but me calling the liberal ideology ugly and very unAmerican isn't? Again pure hypocrisy.

/u/Star_Dog Yes I will. I'll be hanging with exotic

/u/Iggleston that is a disgusting implication and I spit at you. And people wonder why I don't consider your side doing anything in good faith?

/u/yetanotherburner17 I don't see how me being born in Mexico has any bearing on the fact that the Democratic Party no longer represents the values and philosophies that led to the foundation of this country.

/u/So_Many_Subs Hostile only to progressive ideology and agendas

Anyways I think that about covers it. I'll obviously still be around posting since like most of you I have way too many alt accounts to count. And of course those very curious to meet me will see me at the meetup Saturday with my dog. I'll be wearing some shirt that praises Brian Kemp IDK...

/u/nhemjia keep being that awesome mom that sees the glass as half full. I don't even know if it is possible for you to frown. God knows we need that optimism in the world.

/u/ghostofpasha don't let anyone bring you and your fire down! You have a mischievous side I wish I still had!

/u/notp don't stop running. You will beat your record. I know it.

/u/drunk_katie666 don't ever stop being that mystical witch that awes me.

To all the few closeted conservatives on this sub: keep on the good fight and show those soyboy leftwing losers who's boss

And to all the commie twats on this sub: Get fucked cause you ain't winning the Governor's mansion and Trump 2020 you fucking cunts

with an alternate account. I'm getting the sitewide, only a matter of time

You can only ping three at a time, break up your comment so they can see it.

you do it

I'm sorry you feel this way.

If I can provide further context, we've been quite tolerant of Don in the sub he was banned from.

The sub does not have a problem with people expressing views that aren't in the majority in the sub, but it just came to the point that we all feel like you are unable to express your views in a meaningful way. More frequently than not, your rebuttals to people disagreeing with you were overwhelmingly vitriolic and included pointed personal attacks even when unprovoked. Maybe I'm wrong.

It just got to the point where you are unable to have an online conversation without calling people names and resorting to low, personal attacks. It is also an issue of scale. It is one thing to call someone an idiot or an asshole; it is completely different to calling a large group of people "twats" that don't deserve to live because they do not conform to your particular brand of politics.

You were warned MANY, many times about how you comport yourself in the sub by the mods for your overtly poor behavior and attacks on specific individuals. You had every opportunity to not conduct yourself in this manner, and unfortunately you chose to continue to do so with increased frequency and hate.

auxilary, lets take away the fact that you made questionable comments about my parents.

to the same thing I told joan I tell you. You are a hypocrite full stop. You bemoan my acts of so called incivility yet condoned the constant attack of rural Georgians and conservatives on that sub.

It's disgusting. It was never a problem to imply that rednecks are ruining GA, but it totally was that I proudly tell off liberal ideology for the shit ideas it has.

Finally this whole idea that I'm some unwell sadboy is condescending as hell and indicative of why conservatives can take liberals seriously. The fact that /u/drunk_katie666 never did that is why I respect the shit out of her

I...I didn't mention anything about the rest of the population of Georgia though. I'm not sure I understand why I am being called hypocritical? I think you are generalizing here, but my apologies if I am not following your line of thinking here. But I'm willing to try to understand what you mean.

And I'm sorry you feel this way man.

I'm not sure I understand why I am being called hypocritical?

You (and the libs on that sub in general) don't bat an eye at the constant vitriol thrown at conservatives. Stuff that has been on the sub even before 2016. Before me.

But I show up can call leftists twats and suddenly it's all so bad and wrong that I am uncivil to the leftwing agenda

It's disgusting. Something Cagle, Kemp, and Trump back in 2016 call attention to

And I'm sorry you feel this way man.

I'm sorry you don't see why we conservatives just don't like libs anymore

You (and the libs on that sub in general) don't bat an eye at the constant vitriol thrown at conservatives. Stuff that has been on the sub even before 2016. Before me.

I guess I just don't see it, but that doesn't mean my viewpoint is correct.

Listen, even if you are being treated unfairly, you aren't leaving much room for people to be unbiased in the way they approach you. I'm not saying change your views, I'm not saying that you need to change anything about who you are, I just think that if you, or ANYONE, are going to start calling anyone a twat, the conversation is immediately over. At almost every turn, even if you have been attacked unfairly from the beginning, you continue to pour gasoline on the fire at a concerning rate.

All I can offer is my advice; I have no expectation that it will be listened to or followed but: If you want to spread to gospel of your political beliefs, you might try removing the colorful language from your retort as it only will fuel the fire. Even if you are attacked first.

We are doing no favors for anyone by perpetuating hateful speech towards anyone and everyone.

If you want to spread to gospel of your political beliefs, you might try removing the colorful language from your retort as it only will fuel the fire. Even if you are attacked first.

You're mistaken that I want to push conservatism. All I want to do is make sure my dissent is heard loud and clear. Nothing more, nothing less. Leave the spreading of the ideology to men like Ben Shapiro.

you aren't leaving much room for people to be unbiased in the way they approach you.

I don't care. They're bullies at heart and I don't care to befriend a bully.

I'm sorry you feel this way, but that is the argument of a child. You cannot expect there to be a one-way street when it comes to you talking about your political ideals. Just like the people you say are attacking you should not expect their attacks to go unpunished.

If you can't tell me why the current "insert any political topic here" policy is good/bad without telling me how deranged I am for having even a slightly conflicting view, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to talk about your political views.

For example, I can tell you why I think a women should have a choice when it comes to abortion. I can also tell you that I feel like it is appropriate and why I think it has space to exist in our society. I am also welcome to hear about why my thinking might be flawed, incorrect or negligent.

You cannot expect there to be a one-way street when it comes to you talking about your political ideals.

I don't? I don't give a good god damn if people respond to me. You seem to conflate me not caring with who responds to my ideals with with me not wanting people to respond to my ideals

If you can't tell me why the current "insert any political topic here" policy is good/bad without telling me how deranged I am for having even a slightly conflicting view, maybe you shouldn't be allowed to talk about your political views.

If you cannot handle the truth of the ugliness of a certain idea, then you are feckless

am also welcome to hear about why my thinking might be flawed, incorrect or negligent.

Because you murder babies. Murder is wrong. If you think murdering babies is ok outside of explicit extraordinary circumstance, you are a disgusting abomination. All this are simple truth. If you can't handle that then eat shit, not my problem.

And here is the exact reason you got banned.

I tried, I really did.

I tried, I really did.

fuck no you didn't. Your bias blinds you. Maybe one day you'll see it. You'll see that demanding concession standing in for some false civility is a loser's game. Today isn't that day, nor will it be Saturday. Your ideals (whatever you may hold) make you you, you won't bring them down to understand me or my argument either in politics or tribal engagement.

I’m sorry you feel that way.

Honestly? I'm sorry you see things that way. In another life we maybe could've gotten along, but it sucks we live in this one

I’m sorry that you can’t conduct even the most basic of conversations online.

I’ve been calm, cool and collected in my posts and have even been empathetic in my quest to seek any sort of explanation as to why to act the way you do.

I’ve come here seeking to listen and understand and have been met with open hostility.

I wish you the best, and hope you find less troubled waters and more peace with the world. I hope your burden is lifted soon my friend.

Again maybe one day you'll open your eyes


Keep being that condescending prick everyone knows and loves


keep being that condescending prick


keep being that condescending prick

I'm truly sorry you feel that way.

maybe one day you'll open your eyes

This right here is why you'll die alone.

Dude, lol, I don't even. I think u/auxilary has a point.

Then you'd be wrong like him.

People are going to come after you if you go in hard like that all the time. Call everyone baby murderers is a meme and I didn't think people actually acted like that with it just being a strawman about conservatives.

People are going to come after you if you go in hard like that all the time.

Dat's da game bruh. If I go soft dey walk all over me and my peeps. Dey fuk wit u, u gotta fuk wit dem

Beep beep beep

Why is everyone labeled as "liberals" or "conservatives".

Quit falling for this us vs. them mentality. People will have different opinions on many different things.

And most of all, RELAX bro.

I'll relax when I'm dead from bussy fucking

You're so cool, man. One day, I aspire to be like you.

Bussy is everywhere my son.

Thanks, daddy.

you're gonna be alive for a really long time then

Only liberals can kill me

Let me guess, you’re conservative?

Also why do you hate liberalism? Are you a capitalist?

I’m not a liberal myself but you seem to be saying pretty liberal things, free speech, free market, freedom of ideas, that’s like liberalism 101

I'm a right wing theocrat that believes all men should worship the bussy


to the same thing I told joan I tell you. You are a hypocrite full stop. You bemoan my acts of so called incivility yet condoned the constant attack of rural Georgians and conservatives on that sub.

Bro. I never commented politically because I don't think the internet is the correct place for it. "You do you" and should be free to do communicate it, even in r/Atlanta. I simply requested you provide some respect for posters, especially in the daily thread, and that seemed beyond your ability.

I simply requested you provide some respect for posters, especially in the daily thread, and that seemed beyond your ability.

They didn't want my respect. They wanted me to concede to them and apologize for being wrong.

They wanted a safe space to attack conservatives and call us bigots. velvetrose always did it in the daily threads, bendingspoons was always a prick about it, and lets not get started on the trilobites who did it constantly on the explicitly political threads.

I just responded in kind.

It's either You do you or Nobody should be this mean but you seem to advocate Hey these guys should be mean and these other's shouldn't

I fully admit that I was an asshole to those leftwing idiots. But only because they never wanted to be understand of conservatives.

If you couldn't see that then your bias is overwhelming. I responded to the jerks. Not this bullshit that I'm a broken puppy that certain people want to push. I fight bullies, and those cunts were bullies full stop

They wanted me to concede to them and apologize for being wrong.

I honestly just like poking the hornet's nest. Nothing about concession from me.

I was a prick about it because you're a disgusting, nasty person who ignored every attempt at calm, respectful conversation (and I tried about a dozen times before just getting nasty with you from the start). Keep up the victim complex though; it's going to get you so far in life, just like it has until now. Lying won't make your life any better, but if it makes you feel better to pretend that everybody was demanding your political concessions, go for it.

The fact that you can't see the difference between calling someone "close-minded," for example, and then saying that the disgusting cunt bitch at your office should die means you've got way more problems than any of us on the sub ever imagined.

PROTIP: If you try to ping more than three usernames in a post, none of them are pinged.

don't really care. enjoying my final moments

By "final moments," do you mean you're planning a shooting?

fuck no. This account is gonna be nuked

I don’t see a single thing in there that will get you a site wide ban. I mean a ban from that sub sure especially if you’re being toxic which from the looks of it is certainly the case. But a site wide ban is extremely unlikely unless you aren’t sharing the full story.

I did a thing with a thing

Dox? Or just garden variety fragile autism?

circumvention of a certain nature

I mean I do have depression but that had nothing to do with my conservative and aggressive politics

lmao the absolute state of conservacucls

cuck me daddy

How clean is your bussy?


I got banned from /r/Atlanta for promoting /r/familyman. Idiots tried to claim that's wasn't the show

Normies shun asshole. More news at 11.

Hey! it's a pretty asshole!

Not everyone appreciate the bussy. Got know when to hold em and know when to show em.

Uhhhh dude, so why have you never shared pics? :)

As a mod of /r/Atlanta, you were banned for repeatedly being a dick after being warned. It's not drama, you literally earned it.

you and /u/daebro are cunts. And not even the nice ones that are slimey. Ones that reek of yeast.

Here's the joke, I RARELY ban people, and never banned you. So, no right winger has said shit to you about me.

They usually refer to the mods of the sub in general. I'm sorry you couldn't seem to understand the idea I was going for. Again that damned American education!!!! DeVos do something!!!

You got banned? HahahahAHahAHahaha. What a loser.

Who are you going to troll now?

You ever think if you weren't such a miserable fuck you wouldn't hate yourself so much? The extreme hatred you have for yourself should be a warning.

You must be confused. I hate the liberal agenda, not myself

Uh huh. Is that why you've tried to tap out more than once you emotionally disturbed child? You are really are a creep. I get why you don't like yourself.

Everyone knows that it was only because of the terrible way your mothered fucked me along with the lizard people raising taxes that led to me trying to kill myself like a proper millennial



You're just not lubing enough.

You ever think if you weren't such a miserable fuck you might actually be enjoying life rather than trying to leave it?

Why? I'd just go back to fucking your mother followed by that sex doll you tell the mods of r/drama is your gf.

Speaking of which, you really should wash her eventually.

You ever think about how you fail at everything. Even bailing out? Lol. It's so sad.

Obviously it was just a cry for attention like your reddit "persona."

Failing upwards and making money is a hell of a lot better than fucking that sex doll that you engage in every night.

Me calling liberal out as the dumb fucks that they are is nowhere near a so called call for attention like your terrible attempts to insult me for my lack of suicidal prowess.

You're quite the lube and sex doll aficionado. Creepy.

That second paragraph shows you have a lack of sentence structure prowess also. In addition to the other failures.

You're quite the lube and sex doll aficionado. Creepy.

Repeating what the girl you're stalking online says to you isn't a great insult

Also English is my second language, so stop being racist drumpftard!!!!!

TIL not being able to decipher jumbled blocks of nonsense is racist. You're starting to turn into the thing you hate. Even though you hate yourself originally... fuck this is confusing.

Don't worry it'll all make sense once you clean your room and start acting like a lobster.



I have a feeling lobster is some sort of secret code for people that use lube and sex dolls.

It's a Canadian parable to overcome the authoritarian cultural marxists that wish to destroy Western Civilization.

I can picture you hate fucking a sex doll wearing a hammer and sickle shirt.

Jokes on you. I'm as anti communist as they come

The doll you're fucking wears the shirt. Lol. Fuck, your communication issues are contagious.

Don't blame me for your autism.

I picture you sharing the doll with your mom's boyfriend who pays for the trailer y'all live in.

You don't have to project your absent father issues into me.

I love my father just fine

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

Keep the sperg with pings to a manageable level please.

In my final moments, I meet an /r/drama mod. Truly glorious

I don't care about your arguing in here, but you have to go easy on insulting pings. Please don't make me work.

Please don't make me work.

Fiiiiiine. Can you do me a solid? Call me a drama queen. It's all I ever wanted

Fuck off, faggot, I have no patience for drama queens.

Biggest smile all day man. Thanks

Aww, did your feefees get hurt by the bad man?

Uh, no. It's simply a matter of broken rules.

/u/toynbeeidea16 they're mods who censor people because of politics. By definition they're control freaks who cling to their pathetically low position of power.

Honestly they're not worth even the afterbirth that slid out of their mothers' cunts

I'm one of the mods. We have never censored people due to politics. Ever. Go look in the sub, there's plenty of voices on all sides. He's just a whiny bitch.

We have never censored people due to politics

either you're even more stupid than I gave you credit for or your bias and myopic worldview is so dense that you can't even recognize the double standards you twats apply to outspoken conservatives and anti progressives

I'm willing to bet the former. Mostly because again someone not even worth their father's cum wouldn't be very smart

Or there are people in the world who are capable of civil discourse without trying to shut down other opinions. But clearly that's not something you're capable of even conceiving. Your comment her is a perfect of example of why you were banned.

there are people in the world who are capable of civil discourse

as I state over and over again, lefty morons conflate ideological concession with civility. For leftist tards, an argument or fight is never civil unless the conservative just says "oh I'm sorry, you're right and I am wrong"

without trying to shut down other opinions

I don't do that. I make my dissent known along with my take on an idea. Speak your mind as much and as intense as you want. It only doesn't stop me from calling you stupid and/or evil when you obviously are.

perfect of example of why you were banned.

as a general rule I have no respect for forum moderators because they're control freaks who cling to a laughably small sense of authority, although there are exceptions (like the mods here in r/drama). Your team of idiots even moreso considering that the right wingers of the sub argued with me constantly that you cunts censored conservative views but I didn't believe them. They told me constantly that you all would ban them over name calling and allow the leftist psychos to continue spamming attacks on our awesome GOP politicians and voter base. The simple fact that many of them either stopped posting and only lurk or are on their 3rd alt accounts says more about your idiotic and terrible incompetence at moderating than it does on them.

Please continue being a lefty useful idiot, I just laugh because at the end of the day GA stays red and Cagle or Kemp will be your governor while Trump has his fun in the White House you commie fuck

See? you were able to say your peace while I still called you a stupid fuck! That is what makes America great!

Agreed. /r/Atlanta isn't America, it's an internet message board run by private business. In America the government can't restrict speech except in very narrowly defined circumstances. Citizens, however, are allowed to make whatever rules they want in their private property subject to a few narrow exceptions. We didn't ban you for being conservative, or being loud, or because you don't respect moderators. We banned you because you're a dick. That's ALSO what makes America great! Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Suck it up, buttercup, you ain't special.

The only conservatives banned from /r/Atlanta were ones who were racist dicks. And the biggest difference between liberal bannees and conservative bannees is the liberal ones message us privately how we're Trumptards while the conservative ones whine publicly about how we're libtards.

The reason it feels like /r/Atlanta is biased against conservative voices is because Atlanta as a whole is biased against conservative voices because it's mostly liberal. You're simply outnumbered.

And this thread where YOU stated talking about your own experience in /r/drama proves you're a narcissistic whiny bitch.

Citizens, however, are allowed to make whatever rules they want in their private property subject to a few narrow exceptions. We didn't ban you for being conservative, or being loud, or because you don't respect moderators. We banned you because you're a dick. That's ALSO what makes America great! Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. Suck it up, buttercup, you ain't special.

Neither are you. Hence why it's so funny you think I even acknowledge any authority you imply to have. I don't respect you as an equal I sure as hell don't respect you as an authority

The only conservatives banned from /r/Atlanta were ones who were racist dicks.

Oh yeah suuuuuuure

The reason it feels like /r/Atlanta is biased against conservative voices is because Atlanta as a whole is biased against conservative voices because it's mostly liberal. You're simply outnumbered.

Lol we're mostly liberal, that's why we don't apply the rules on them

Again the staggering incompetence you and your team of idiots have is astounding. The quantity of bias should have no bearing on how rules are applied

And this thread where YOU stated talking about your own experience in /r/drama proves you're a narcissistic whiny bitch.

I promised my r/atlanta friends drama. And here you are giving stupid excuses why you're a censorious moderator banning people he doesn't like because he has a tiny dick and an even tinier brain. I'm glad I gave them a show.

you think I even acknowledge any authority you

Don't know where you got that.

Lol we're mostly liberal, that's why we don't apply the rules on them

No, conservatives there feel like they're being shut out but it's just there are more liberals there. You can think whatever you want but we're fair. You may not like the rules, but we apply them the same way to everyone.

I promised my r/atlanta friends drama. And here you are giving stupid excuses why you're a censorious moderator banning people he doesn't like because he has a tiny dick and an even tinier brain. I'm glad I gave them a show.


Don't know where you got that.

you trying to explain to me why I was banned. Essentially I'm trying to say that nothing you say I consider legitimate reasoning. The reason I think this way being

we apply them the same way to everyone.

that you don't and in a staggering fashion where the bias is astoundingly obvious. You allow crazy leftists to break rules on an almost daily basis. Threads went on for hours where they became nothing more than circlejerks of liberals calling conservatives bigots and once in a blue moon only when everyone stopped commenting did your team of dickless mods lock the thread.

You aren't fair, you're full of bias, and the fact that you claim otherwise is a bigger lie than Obama telling me I could keep my healthcare.


I'm glad you finally accept you have such a tiny dick that we might as well call you dickless

So what would it take for you to feel like you were given a fair shake?

I just now saw this. How about this? You,/u/daebro, /u/burnte can all stand in a corner and circlejerk each other with your liberal idocy and hypocrisy.

Eat that putos

I'm sorry, Auxiliary isn't a mod, so he can't be part of the circle jerk, although he's welcome to circle jerk with others. Only mods can circlejerk other mods, reddit policy.

Let him eagerly swallow the discharge from the circlejerk. That should be allowed. He already goes above and beyond kissing your droopy ass

I'm sorry, the rules are clear. No mingling between ModGods and the pleb class. https://giphy.com/gifs/trina-argue-going-off-l1J3LdAEwlCaU8orm

Essentially I'm trying to say that nothing you say I consider legitimate reasoning.

I don't care.

The reason I think this way being

Describing anything you do as "thinking" is QUITE a stretch.

You aren't fair, you're full of bias, and the fact that you claim otherwise is a bigger lie than Obama telling me I could keep my healthcare.

So, this one's interesting. He really shouldn't have said "you can keep your doctor" because he nor anyone else in gov't had no control over this. Even without HeritageCare they had no way to promise this. This was always at the control of insurance companies, but it's easier to blame a black man asking for change than it is to blame the real bad guys, for-profit healthcare administrators and bureaucrats.

I'm glad you finally accept you have such a tiny dick that we might as well call you dickless

You can call me whatever you want, sweetie.

I don't care.


Describing anything you do as "thinking" is QUITE a stretch.

I don't think you even have the mental fortitude to understand and critique anything much less the mental capacities of human beings. Maybe you can "get" that 2+2=4 but that would probably be it.

but it's easier to blame a black man asking for change than it is to blame the real bad guys, for-profit healthcare administrators and bureaucrats.

Oh look racially tinged lefty commentary. Very unsurprising coming from a dickless commie fuck

You can call me whatever you want, sweetie.

Mmmm I'm glad you like it honeybunny

Get off the sauce nerd.