Um, sweetie, no

50  2018-06-05 by aonome


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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If you throw a white kid and a Quran into the river, police will rescue the Quran and let the kid drown "because they were not trained for this situation".

They are not supposed to jump in when they're not trained for it because drowning people will kill them. A Quran can't drag you underwater and drown you

Daddy issues.

real life imitating fiction


Yeah. I'd rather the police shoot first and ask questions later. All you've done is show a video proving those cops are more competent than US cops.

They had the guy boxed it, he was never going to land a knife blow on them because they aren't morons.

In the end, nobody dies. Had this been the US the first cop on scene would have shot him 8 times in the first 20 seconds.

be American

get shot

I for one hope no one shoots up your middle school.

I wouldn't go that far

They are mostly the inbred variety who hilariously exaggerate bad stuff about "swedistan/britbongistan" so they can feel better about their failed abortion of life lol πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Lmao i know this is a shitpost but god damn man. A 10 year old isn't even strong enough to drown a grown man no matter how much he flails in a pond. Lol.

lmao i know this is a shitpost but

Defending his autism in advance lolololol

Lmao ive worked volunteer rescue and as a lifeguard you sperg and have had all of the said training.

A 10 year old isnt going to drown you unless you are a frail manlet.

people being rude to me are sperges


Stay salty autism butter boy.

I realize you have been buttering your own toast for a long while here mate. You and your little clique of ball lickers making fun of every dotard that comes along.

That’s all good and dandy with me ed . But when I see your libtard kind getting all frothy with cum bubbles from blowing each other. That’s when I try to take the stinkiest shit possible and smear it all over the whole god damn circlejerk.

That pasta sounds unpleasant and gay.

Jesus you're so insane and must be disabled. It was 556 am at the time of that post, and you can label me however you like Ed, just remember your side lost, and in your bitterness you cant stop lashing out becoming the very thing you think you mock. Nobody unironically agrees with you here we just love the in fighting but you're still a very special level of retarded believing there are actual "sides". 4 years from now I'll be on my 3rd or 4th alt seeing the next wave of over weight libtards spouting nonsensical rage at everyone on the wrong side, and frankly, I still wont care.

Is this tick tock poetry?

Nope. It's from /u/WeWuzKANG5 lol

Lying on the Internet, lmao @ ur life

Make sure you keep yourself safe in the water

Its like a weekend course. Go take it and learn CPR too you faggot.

lmao i know it's a shitpost



Jesus you really hate the idea of being self aware dont you.

lmao i know this is a shitpost



John Collinson, an angler, told the inquest: "Two community police officers, a man and a woman, arrived on bikes. They asked where the boy was and I pointed to the area of the pond but they did not go into the pond. The water was black. The community police officers just stood there. Then two men arrived and they just dived into the water."

Mr Collinson could not remember the length of time Jordon was in the water but confirmed he had vanished from sight before the PCSOs arrived. He accepted "that Jordon could have been under the water for between 10 and 30 minutes in total before he was pulled out".

It's almost as if they thought it was useless to to jump in that pond on account of the time he was submerged + poor underwater visibility + lack of proper training + lack of appropriate gear

If you want to evade the police just run into a fountain. They can't get their feet wet. They're like witches.

Ah so the people to blame are whoever watched the kid until he vanished. The popos did nothing because he was dead by 10 minutes anyway.

Hot take: if the kid was stupid enough to jump in that pond in the first place, letting evolution do its thing is only natural! Darwin Award! Yay!

Probably true.

Did you basically just write 4 cryposts about a single comment?

making fun of a retard for being retarded is "crying" because it goes against your agenda

It's crying when you make 4 comments about the same comment whether he's retarded or not.

making fun of retards is crying

ok sweaty!

Look how above it all I am because I post image and meme response and type lolololol

What are you talking about "my agenda"? You literally wrote over the course of an hour several comments which were nearly identical to several different people about a single comment. That's a pathetic level of attention seeking. You're unironically worse and more boring than noodles.

says that i'm crying and pathetic

writes a detailed article about why i'm pathetic


p.s: a retroactively styled "no u cry"? lol

You're unironically the most pathetic poster on r/drama. You think nobody is able to see that without an "agenda".

i look forward to your article about me on


r/drama poster

they're not trained for it because drowning people will kill them.


6 feet deep

a 10 year old is enough to stop you from swimming

Imagine defending police manlets

Literally just kick them.

I'm actually trained in saving a drowning person and the personal defense they teach you to defend against sometime trying to take you down is to kick them and force yourself underwater.

If you can kick someone in the gut you can keep yourself from being drowned.

Police = PCSOs?

Nice try, faggot

Having passed the application process a new PCSO then enters the training process. Unlike police constables, there is no set training procedure for PCSOs so the training given varies from force to force. Despite this, section 38 of the Police Reform Act 2002 (the law that made PCSOs) requires that chief constables or commissioners to ensure a recruit "Has received adequate training in the carrying out of those functions and in the exercise and performance of the powers and duties to be conferred on him by virtue of their designation".[17][18] The original PCSOs recruited in 2002 by the Metropolitan Police received only 3 weeks' training, which was criticised as too little.[22] The training period was eventually raised, and new Metropolitan Police PCSOs are now trained for six weeks.[23] Training in other forces takes between four and eleven weeks, with the length of training depending on how close the PCSOs' authority comes to that of a regular police officer.[24][25][26][27][28][29][30]

PCSOs are trained in a variety of tasks, including: radio procedure; report writing; dealing with evidence; going to court; gathering intelligence; managing a crime scene; usage of PCSO powers under the Police Reform Act 2002 and any person powers; use of force; human rights; race and diversity; traffic direction and cordon manning; general health and safety; self-defence (including restraint techniques and the use of handcuffs or leg restraints if used by their force); and first aid. Written examinations are usually performed during training. Upon successful completion of training, there may be a passing out parade.[31]

Police officers have been warned not to hold out a hand to drowning swimmers, and to think twice before throwing a lifebelt, in case they are pulled into the water themselves.

The health and safety rules issued by one force, which state that an officer on the bank of a lake or river should not offer help to a struggling non-swimmer, raise fresh concerns over a "risk-averse culture" in the emergency services. Even a life belt must not be thrown without a "dynamic risk assessment" being carried out. Where possible, rescues should be left to other emergency services.

The extraordinary instructions were issued by Devon and Cornwall Constabulary. In another case revealed today, two Dorset police officers carrying life-saving equipment were ordered not to board a lifeboat to reach a suspected heart attack victim because they were not trained in sea survival.

Police watchdogs are now calling for an overhaul of health and safety rules. A row erupted over two police staff who stood by while 10-year-old Jordan Lyon drowned in a lake in Wigan. Their inaction was defended by Greater Manchester Police, which said that they were right not to intervene as they had not been trained in water rescue.

The Daily Telegraph has now seen transcripts of all of the statements made by witnesses at the inquest, as well as hand-written notes made by the deputy coroner Alan Walsh.

The documents make it clear that the PCSOs were highly unlikely to have been able to save Jordon's life. But they also reveal the contrast between their conduct and the heroism of those around them.

John Collinson, an angler, told the inquest: "Two community police officers, a man and a woman, arrived on bikes. They asked where the boy was and I pointed to the area of the pond but they did not go into the pond. The water was black. The community police officers just stood there. Then two men arrived and they just dived into the water."

Mr Collinson could not remember the length of time Jordon was in the water but confirmed he had vanished from sight before the PCSOs arrived. He accepted "that Jordon could have been under the water for between 10 and 30 minutes in total before he was pulled out".

Det Chief Insp Phil Owen told the inquest that the PCSOs had gone to the pond "to direct other patrols to the correct pond".

He said: "The evidence is that Jordon had already disappeared under the water before the PCSOs arrived and* had been under the water for several minutes ... The PCSOs would not have been trained in how to deal with situations like this."

He added: "Both ourselves and the fire brigade regularly warn the public of the dangers of going into unknown stretches of water so it would have been inappropriate for PCSOs, who are not trained in water rescue, to enter the pond."

After the inquest Assistant Chief Constable Dave Thompson, said the PCSOs had "acted correctly" and directed other crews to the right location.

Why did they save his stepsister, but not him?

It's because misandry is rooting itself in society because of the anti-male SJW agenda.

this is exactly why we need islam.

Don't be so easily led down an angry path by a broken media industry.

/u/dirtybuster The "media industry" must be incredibly powerful to have personally orchestrated all the rape and violence committed by foreigners against native people. It's also very clever of them to disguise 99.9% of themselves as leftist propaganda.

Being muslim in UK is like having 72 white virgins but you dont have to kill yourself

Oh sweetie... what a doozie of a fiddly-flap that was. Honestly, Dearie, its ok schnnookums, no need to get cranky wanky in your little pajamy--wammies, did you tinkle your wittle boy undies? Oh lolipop honey muffin, it'll be okay baby bear buttercup sweetie mommy will read you a story and change your diapies so you can stop crying. So show us how much of a big boy you are and don't go kaboom in your baby blanket little sailor big boys dont throw tantrums like that Donny Wonny my little sweetest shnookie dookums butterfly raindrop did you get an outhcie on your butterfly raindrop did you ouchie on your butter baby bottom? Come let mommy put the baby powder on it honey darling sugar plum so you so you won't get a rashy washy on your cheeky weekies mommy doesn't like when her brave little toaster is BABY BOOTY BOTHERED.

What a powerful pasta