Flare-ups abound when a lyme disease sub gets a new moderator

110  2018-06-05 by Letterbocks


I only follow the patriarchal aspects of Islam. Not the aspects that make you a cuck e.g. Abstaining from womanising, penetrating a sweet trap virgin ass and lowering your gaze.


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Hahahhaha what the fuck. Someone explain this pro vs anti-Lyme disease rivalry to me

Lyme disease sufferers versus "Chronic fatigue syndrome is too trendy, and I'm not crazy enough for Morgellons yet" sufferers.

Idiots don't realise they're all really suffering from gluten sensitivity.


This shit is reeeeeeally crazy. A family member married someone who had the bug version of this. They'd constantly ask us if we could see the bugs on their skin and stuff like that.

If anyone is confused about what's going on there, there's drama because whether or not "chronic Lyme disease" actually exists is debated. Most of the users in the sub believe that it does exist, while the new mod doesn't.

Funnily enough, the New Yorker posted an article on those same people yesterday.


Also there's apparently an entire industry of doctors who profit off of people with the fake condition called "Chronic Lyme disease" and call themselves "Lyme literate" (because the Lyme illiterate doctors think that Lyme disease is not a chronic condition, see).

Yeah i chose the non-New Yorker article because it was higher on the google results and i thought it would funnier if linked from a less reputable source. I originally read it on the New Yorker.

I wonder if there's any connection between the New Yorker article and /r/lymedisease getting a mod who doesn't believe in "chronic lime disease."

"Chronic Lyme disease" is the new "Fibromyalgia"

Fibromyalgia is legit, it's just the easiest condition to fake and is probably to a large degree psychosomatic in most to all cases. But that doesn't make what the sufferers go through any better. Sometimes the brain just likes to screw the body over.

"Fibromyalgia" != Fibromyalgia

very true.

Those types of diseases can spread memetically, as well. Someone hears about, thinks they might have symptoms, goes on the internet and talks to a bunch of woo-woo believers, who collectively reinforce the idea that they have this disease, and the nocebo symptoms get worse and worse.

That's some pretty sad drama. Whether the cause is lyme disease or not, these people are obviously suffering.

yeah but ticks need food too, so someone has to make the sacrifice

export all ticks to america, mayo burgers should bear this burden

Yeah but the solution is bonkers. Indefinite amounts of antibiotics ffs that's insanity.

I know someone whose mom did this for her purported chronic Lyme disease. Cost a shit ton of money, made her incredibly ill the whole time she was taking them, and didn’t fix anything. And it’s not just too many rounds of antibiotics, it’s max doses for long cycles.

There is basically 0 medical research that supports the idea that there is any mechanism for incessant high doses of antibiotics to actually improve the condition.

Honestly, it just sounds like some people have permanent damage from the disease, even if they were treated soon after the infection.

That's nothing compared to the "cures" like venus flytrap, colloidal silver, and even stem cell injections.

Suffering from white privilege

I know a guy who got Bell’s Palsy from not treating his Lyme’s right away; it can get pretty nasty if left untreated.

Do your damn tick checks, even if it means searching your bussy.

Who the fuck is hiking through tick infested wilderness with their bussy hanging out?

Look at this fucking nerd who has never had his taint caressed by a gentle breeze

... Just in case you're being serious, ticks can crawl under clothing, it's not like they just bite wherever they land on you.

bussy hanging out?

i dont know about yours, but mine doesnt really "hang out"

huh, that explains why a bunch of munchies claim to have lyme disease

Whatsa munchie?

Stoners I would guess

Person with Munchausen's syndrome, a psychological condition that makes people mistakenly think they're physically sick

I know a woman just cured of chronic lyme disease, so yea its real. That or IV antibiotics just made her near MS like symptoms go away.

IV antibiotics are the standard treatment for stage-3 Lyme Disease. "Chronic lyme disease" is supposedly an infection that persists in someone's body after antibiotic treatment and can't be identified by standard testing.

Ah, I have the "you had an infection for 7 years, its a chronic infection" mentality. Didn't know their was mystery lymes, not my field.

A chronic illness is one which continues (sometimes intermittently) even with ongoing treatment, or one which lacks an effective treatment.

One thing that makes LD so difficult to deal with is the fact that it has a wide variety of symptoms which can vary significantly in different people. Worse, they often resemble the symptoms of other diseases, and the infection it can evade the human immune system indefinitely. That's why people can sometimes go years with an active infection, providing the bacteria plenty of time to spread throughout their body, including their nervous system.

The good news is that even in that scenario, IV antibiotics can reliably clear out the infection. The bad news is that the damage from a 2nd or 3rd stage infection can take years to heal, and possibly never completely. This is called Post-Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome, or PTLDS.

Chronic Lyme Disease, on the other hand, is claimed to be a persistent infection which is essentially hiding in the body, continuing to cause problems.

I saw a guy pray to a women with dialysis and she got all better. Thank Jesus!

The sub doesn't really have that many active users though, and most of the people in that thread came from /r/Lyme.

I'm sorry. I had a hard time believing that there was a sub dedicated to Lyme disease. Now you're telling me there's more than one?!

They know...

chronic lyme disease makes fibromyalgia look like a high quality diagnosis

Why does this deserve its own flair?

By virtue of not being about feminism, Vidya, or lameass politics. Did I miss anything?

I noshed off u/masterlawlz behind the bins.


Y’all-posters will be next after the mayocide

Y’all will be destroyed by the dinosaurs 🦖 before that happens

Don't make me dream, bby

Dude mayocide lmao

I actually don't mind it as much when it's accompanied by a howdy

Yeah, they did the whole "sheriff" thing too, so it doesn't really seem out of place.

tips 10 gallon

Just the brim.

I don't think I want to go to a subreddit about lyme disease

Wise choice.

Whats in the fuck

lol bunch of lazy ass fakers

As someone who suffered through a few years of being life threateningly sick with chronic lyme disease this mod is the reason i stay away from a lot of support groups or subreddits. just makes me really sad :(

You had a psychosomatic illness with no pathogenic origin. Congrats

Yea I'd be sad too if people pointed out my disease is fake and either an attempt to horde antibiotics for resale or a mental illness.

How was your life threatened?

I Had horrible lyme for 1 and a 1/2 Took the high dose of antibodies which killed the bacteria and now I am not sick anymore. Once you are cured you are cured. Chronic lyme disease is bullshit

Imagine asking yourself “Do I want to spend my valuable time moderating a ‘subreddit’ about Lyme disease?”, and saying “Shit yes I do.”

/u/bitmexranger /u/favefoodislesbeans /u/moscatem I'm not sure why you all take such umbrage to a previously unmoderated subreddit gaining a seemingly interested and engaged mod that wants to clean up the pseudoscience and feelgood nonsense surrounding so-called chronic lyme disease.

Sometimes life is hard. That's not chronic fatigue. Life just sucks. You are no worse off than anyone else, so stop using it as an excuse.

I hope you don’t ever get Lyme, so you can continue to think life is simply hard.

I hope you don't ever get Lyme

I hope you don't either!

If studies say that chronic Lyme disease doesn't exist, then it probably doesn't. You may have some other issue though, besides being an idiot of course.

Bro I don't give a fuck what you little neckbeards on this drama subreddit think.

that's a lot of passion for someone with CFS

Someone has to put you in your place

or.. you're wrong..

why are you so skeptical of the prevailing medical evidence and wisdom?

What you're not realizing is that there is no prevailing medical evidence and wisdom with these diseases. I'm pretty exhausted of having this conversation but please check out my comment below if you're interested


Of course there is. We are certain that CLD is not B burgdoeferi related, it's an umbrella term people use to refer to other chronic issues because most people are pretty stupid.

Read my comment not gonna waste more time here

the pathophysiology of what we call "chronic lyme" is currently unknown, and additional research is needed to delineate potential roles of infection-induced immune dysfunction, inflammation due to persistent bacteria or bacterial debris, or other mechanisms. But given that many patients are achieving remission through treatment that frequently includes extended antibiotic use, it suggests that persistent bacteria plays an outsized role. The persistence of borrelia burgdorferi following aggressive antibiotic therapy has been demonstrated in animal studies (Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Rhesus Macaques following Antibiotic Treatment of Disseminated Infection), which again raises important questions about the pathogenicity of antibiotic-tolerant persisters and their contributions to symptoms post-treatment.

citations missing

how could that possibly be irrelevant?

Chronic effects of Lyme disease are something completely different from the heterogenous mass of "Chronic Lyme Disease" issues people complain about though.

There are absolutely many people that don't have a persistent lyme infection that believe that they do, that I absolutely agree with you on. One of the biggest problems is that no effective diagnostic serological tests exist for lyme and associated diseases (babesia, bartonella etc.), so even for the people who we can confirm have lyme disease it is impossible to tell for sure whether they have a persistent infection or some other mechanism perpetuating their illness - the only way to tell sometimes is to treat them with antibiotics which sometimes works incredibly well, sometimes only gets the patient so far and then other things have to be considered, or sometimes doesn't work at all. Once new, more effective diagnostics are developed, which a bunch of really great doctors and researchers at Hopkins, Mount Sanai and others are working on, we will have a much better idea what's going on with all these patients

"Persistent Borrelia Infection in Patients with Ongoing Symptoms of Lyme Disease"


Introduction: Lyme disease is a tickborne illness that generates controversy among medical providers and researchers. One of the key topics of debate is the existence of persistent infection with the Lyme spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, in patients who have been treated with recommended doses of antibiotics yet remain symptomatic. Persistent spirochetal infection despite antibiotic therapy has recently been demonstrated in non-human primates. We present evidence of persistent Borrelia infection despite antibiotic therapy in patients with ongoing Lyme disease symptoms. Methods: In this pilot study, culture of body fluids and tissues was performed in a randomly selected group of 12 patients with persistent Lyme disease symptoms who had been treated or who were being treated with antibiotics. Cultures were also performed on a group of ten control subjects without Lyme disease. The cultures were subjected to corroborative microscopic, histopathological and molecular testing for Borrelia organisms in four independent laboratories in a blinded manner. Results: Motile spirochetes identified histopathologically as Borrelia were detected in culture specimens, and these spirochetes were genetically identified as Borrelia burgdorferi by three distinct polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based approaches. Spirochetes identified as Borrelia burgdorferi were cultured from the blood of seven subjects, from the genital secretions of ten subjects, and from a skin lesion of one subject. Cultures from control subjects without Lyme disease were negative for Borrelia using these methods. Conclusions: Using multiple corroborative detection methods, we showed that patients with persistent Lyme disease symptoms may have ongoing spirochetal infection despite antibiotic treatment, similar to findings in non-human primates. The optimal treatment for persistent Borrelia infection remains to be determined. View Full-Text

What you're not realizing is that there is no prevailing medical evidence and wisdom with these diseases.

...but you, an anonymous Redditor, totally understand what it is, right?

the pathophysiology of what we call "chronic lyme" is currently unknown, and additional research is needed to delineate potential roles of infection-induced immune dysfunction, inflammation due to persistent bacteria or bacterial debris, or other mechanisms. But given that many patients are achieving remission through treatment that frequently includes extended antibiotic use, it suggests that persistent bacteria plays an outsized role. The persistence of borrelia burgdorferi following aggressive antibiotic therapy has been demonstrated in animal studies (Persistence of Borrelia burgdorferi in Rhesus Macaques following Antibiotic Treatment of Disseminated Infection), which again raises important questions about the pathogenicity of antibiotic-tolerant persisters and their contributions to symptoms post-treatment.

Also, the earth is flat, we've never been to the moon, and Finland is a myth.

why are there at least 4 subs for Lyme disease?

Man life’s great when your a healthy individual picking apart other peoples problems on the internet....fucking trolls