IT'S HAPPENING! Qultists (and LEOs?) are preparing for an armed standoff in #Tuscon!

125  2018-06-06 by snallygaster


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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I am very excited tbh.. I live a miserable existence.. the fantasy that it all might end in a literal culture war is the only thing that brings me solace.

I just want to watch morons from the internet get shot to death on live television.

This is certainly the best time line we are living in.

I don't even feel guilty about it anymore. A lot of tards are gonna have to die before the Q train gets derailed, and me getting the most entertainment I can out of it isn't going to change that.

this, but unironically

I'm hoping for the zombie apocalypse or the arrival of the Overseers, harbingers of the Universal Overmind.

I used to think this was the reason, but even as everything has gotten way way better... I want everything to become a dramatic shitshow.

Me too, thanks

Ruby Ridge 2: Electric Boogaloo


Everyone involved, on "both sides", are white.

Really nudges the neurons tbh...

Trolls trolling trolls.

You have to admit there are some pretty huge coincidences here. Like why would a cement company own limestone quarries? And why would they be interested in a terminal for unloading cement? There's no way to explain this spiderweb of connections except to admit a conspiracy is directing it all behind the scenes.

But seriously, these guys deserve an award for pouring so much time and effort into research and managing to not even learn what cement is made out of. I'll never cease to be amazed at how conspiracy theorists just will not learn basic facts about how the world works even by accident. It's as if on some level they know that having more general knowledge would make conspiracy theorizing harder.

Well deranged vets are unemployable so what else are they going to do?

My friend recently fucked this guy who she is pretty sure has ptsd from the 2 tours he served I'm Afghanistan. She asked him if it was ok if she was on her period and he said "I'm actually used to being covered in blood"


extra heavy flow

"I'm actually used to being covered in blood"

im gonna start saying this to random girls at the mall, so theyll think im a cool veteran and fuck me

Thu that's excellent humour.

Kidding aside for a moment that is a fucking awesome way of dealing with trauma.

As bitchy as they can be on their period, I’d not call it trauma.

I was obviously referring to the guy.


[Citation needed] that these are legit deranged vets. These types always turn out to have joined the military and washed out in 2 weeks, like that incel terrorist in Canada.

Well, to be fair, he was Canadian.

And that fat kid with the car in Charlottesville!

Too lazy to linknthe evidence but the guy at the head of this is indeed a stolen valor idiot who was involved with the oregon standoff.



in their hot, wet operator dreams maybe

Imagine that moment that 15 year old me realizes ex Navy Seals can be complete retards.

Work as school security guards obviously

Cement is clearly made out of the bones of child sex slaves.

This is why we can't come up with any physical evidence of our claims! It's all been ground up and put into freeway overpasses. Wake up, sheeple!

Dunno if you're trying to make a joke but they are honest to god saying this in Great Awakening now

I was just joking but seriously?

Heres one talking about it

There's some patent they think means that mixing human tissues into concrete would strengthen the mixture. Someone else was talking about Planned Parenthood fetuses being in there but I forgot to save it lol

You're mistaken as to how conspiracy theorists and humans in general operate.

It's not that they're intellectually lazy, it's that in the world of conspiracism, there's always a deeper side to the story. Nothing is as it seems.

It’s always tempting to dismiss people you disagree with as intellectually inferior, but is it true? It wasn’t until 1999, two centuries after Mounier first insinuated that conspiracy theories are for dummies, that social scientists finally set out to test the hypothesis. A team of psychologists led by Marina Abalakina-Paap gave students a stack of questionnaires designed to assess their thinking style. They measured three traits: need for cognition (how much you enjoy puzzles, problem solving, and other intellectual challenges); tolerance of ambiguity (how comfortable you are with uncertainty); and attributional complexity (how willing you are to entertain complex, nuanced explanations for people’s behavior). In line with prevailing stereotypes, the researchers predicted that the more the students bought into conspiracy theories, the lower they would score on each of these traits—which is to say, the more simplistic, rigid, and lazy their thinking would be. Contrary to expectations, however, the test uncovered no relationships at all.

More recently, psychologists Patrick Leman and Marco Cinnirella measured a similar trait, need for cognitive closure (the desire to quickly settle on explanation for something and thus stem the need for further intellectual effort). Again, there was no difference between advocates and opponents of conspiracy theories.

On reflection, it’s not all that surprising that the stereotype doesn’t hold up. In many ways, conspiracy theories are more complicated than the alternative. While conspiracy theories are simple in one sense, “at the same time, conspiracy theorists find solace in complexity,” Daniel Pipes notes. “Tangled and baroque explanations hold no terror for them. In the conspiratorial universe, the rule of logic known as Occam’s Razor”—which asserts that the simplest explanation is the most likely to be true—“is suspended.” The best conspiracy theories are endlessly nuanced and complex. For the most dedicated conspiracists, the simplest explanation is never true. There is always another layer of unseen forces and hidden motives to peel back.

It seems like the people who explain conspiracy theories as hasty, simplistic explanations preferred by the intellectually lazy and incurious are falling for an oversimplified explanation themselves. The data simply doesn’t provide much support for the idea that conspiracy theorists are intellectually inferior to conspiracy skeptics. Far from being the dullards of popular stereotypes, in fact, recent research suggests that if we pit conspiracy theorists against skeptics, the conspiracy theorists are in some ways more intellectually adventurous.

Daniel Pipes says that there's nothing wrong with being a fucking lunatic? 🤔🤔🤔 He supports the Islamist/Communist (what a great hybrid) People's Mujahideen of Iran. But you should totes take him seriously and not waterboard the fuck out of him while you're flying him out on a helicopter ride.

This might shock you, but when people say things, you should judge those things based on merit, not ad hominems.

Daniel Pipes might be a crank in some areas himself, but the things he says here are supported by research, they've been studied.

He's also well versed in conspiracism, in general, having authored multiple books on the subject.

As far as conspiracism goes, he's a credible source.

This might shock you, but when people say things, you should judge those things based on merit, not ad hominems.

Not in r/drama. To be honest, I spent some time writing out a serious response, but I wasn't sure how well it would work. And then I saw his name and I figured latching onto that would be a better way to deal with it on a shitposting sub.

A long time ago, I read a book my his father, Richard Pipes, about the Russian revolution. It was refreshing to finally get a viewpoint that wasn't left-wing drivel, but at the same time he took certain things way too far and wasn't terribly honest. And then I find out he was part of the "Team B" hoax in the 1970s, where Dick Rumsfeld and his cronies pushed fake intelligence about Soviet capabilities for political reasons. (Remind you of anything that happened in a later century?)

So since his claim to fame is being the son of a fraud, if not traitor, color me highly fucking skeptical about any claims he's making about psychological tests or whatever. Also since he's himself a traitor himself for allying with the People's Mujahideen of Iran who murdered numerous Americans.

M8, the guy is well versed in conspiracism. Have you ever even read the book?

I'm not talking about any of his other work. But his book on conspiracies are fine.

The person quoting him is Rob Brotherton:

All of you who accuse pizzashill of excessive seriousposting, take note of this. I repeatedly tried to engage him in a catfight and he dodged every clumsy attempt of mine, ultimately exhausting my stamina and leaving me conceding defeat.

you incels are too edgy, take it to mde.

That's because you are bad at catfights. From that, we can deduce you're actually a dog on the internet, invalidating the old saying.

Because they don't trust anyone in power,


they are Qultists and therefore trust Trump and whoever is associated with him

notice how all the folks mentioined here - hillary, NYT, etc - are given leftist labels. Meahnwhile none of the 'conspirators' they have uncovered are republicans and/or right wingers

this is NOT normal conspiracy nonsense (like chemtrails/moon landing etc), this is partisan politics taken to its Nth degree. Its like super charged right wing retardation beyond what the normal person is capable of even comprehending.

I see these same people on the trump boards fantasizing about a literal civile war where they can finally start murdering their liberal neighbors. They aint joking either.



they are Qultists and therefore trust Trump and whoever is associated with him

Because they don't view Trump as in power. What do you think the point of the deep state conspiracy is? The swamp judges? The swamp FBI? In their narrative, Trump isn't in power, he's just fighting for them.

but they still worship him, they are still partisan hacks, just batshit insane partisan hacks

they are a right wing conspiracy theorists, which are a whole insane scary breed thats not normal

Everyone is a conspiracy theorist.

Like you're really missing the point here, you realize like a decent chunk of the US population views politics as good vs evil, right?

The other side is always "evil." This completely irrational refusal to accept the actual science on the subject in relation to conspiracism is weird.

You can keep claiming they're insane, and the research will keep saying you're wrong. Rather than understand why people like this exist, you'd rather just declare them insane.

the right wing has gone absolutely over the edge into batshit territory in a way the left has not

denial of climate change, the worship of the upper class, the embrace of insane nonsensical theories, etc

thats what the right wing has become.

the left generally speaking has not gone insane.

The left is better at hiding their crazies and they don't tend to actually seize power.

But Jill Stein is a good example of a bat-shit crazy leftie. Tumblr SJWs too.

tumbler SJW's have NO power, none, none at all.

show me the left wing equivelent of the folks in the OP. I bet you cant because they dont exist.

tumbler SJW's have NO power, none, none at all.

Hint: This is what conservatives used to say about their crazies. You are very seriously downplaying how many of these people exist.

They're a breeding ground for crazy.

show me the left wing equivelent of the folks in the OP. I bet you cant because they dont exist.

Tankies are what?


The Green Party for one, as well as Bernie Sanders supporters.

this is bait


I would say both sides have become far more extreme in the past 10 years.

Everything you said above about the right can be accurately stated about some of the more extreme left wing if you change words around, and right now it’s starting to seep into normal discourse.

The whole black lives matter movement for most of 2017? It’s all but ignored media wise now, except for some of the smaller publications. The BLM movement is very close to a conspiracy movement itself, how all cops are killing black people because of their race. It created a siege mentality for a large amount of communities, and then when the GOP stood with the cops, it was used as a political tool, just like the deep state nonsense.

The internet, and 24 hour news has not done this country any favors.

I would say both sides have become far more extreme in the past 10 years.

how have the democrats become 'far more extreme'?

i mean actual policies, not some tumblr bullshit

The wide spread popularity of Bernie Sanders for one.

Multiple states laws on things like banning high capacity magazines, bump stocks, etc.

The fact that major companies are doing diversity training because people were asked to leave a Starbucks.

The general divide and lack of compromise. During the bush presidency, congress wasn’t nearly as deadlocked, and democrats hated Bush, but major policies were still passed. Republicans and democrats have gotten much less work done now.

I’d also state the whole Russia bought out Trump investigation is a symptom of it. Trumps corrupt as shit, but he’s not a Manchuria candidate.

I take umbrage with the whole “Not tumblr shit qualifier in your response by the way, a lot of what you are quoted aren’t policies either, The embrace of insane theories, and the people hoping for civil war? That’s not normal right wing people, those are the rights tumblr users.

so wnating to restrict high cap magazines is equivelent to the batshit insane idea that climate change is a hoax?

really ?

thats absolutely absurd.

You know what’s hilariously absurd? The movement on the left to basically do away with border security and that allowing people to break immigration law is okay.

Or the pervasive ideology of identity politics.

I’d say that’s about the same as climate change denial, as both have very real and very harmful outcomes.

do away with border security and that allowing people to break immigration law is okay.

what democratic sponsored legislation relates to this?

show me where any democrat has actually written or supported a bill like this

Sanctuary cities for one.

The DREAM Act.

The section 245(I) bill (90s)

The earned citizenship bill back in 2006.

I guess you are right though, this has been happening for years.

Can you give me some legislation on cleaning out the deep state since that’s apparently a common gop thing?

none of those things you mentioned have anything to do with "doing away with border security"

none of them

show me legislation that proposes such a thing

My previous comment why hyperbole .Though i did provide you half of what you asked for with amnesty for illegal immigration.

Provide me some legislation about cleaning out “deep state actors”.

Provide me some legislation about cleaning out “deep state actors”.

what is that? i dont even know what that refers to

the illegals are here and have been for decades. Dream was a way of dealing with it. If you have a better way, figure it out.

I’m not arguing that it’s a bad way to do it broski, I’m providing you information. I personally believe that providing limited amnesty by forcing illegal immigrants to go through the proper procedures while paying taxes and not committing any crime is the best way to do it.

And I’m referring to your statement saying all republicans are believing in insane conspiracy theories.

Tbh the actual president of the United States has been ranting about the deepstate on Twitter and using it to discredit the FBI, intelligence agencies, other politicians, etc. If the president of the US had gone on Twitter quoting other tumblrtards, maybe it would be the same be it really isn't

You are completely right, I’m just saying trump isn’t the GOP.

Sure and that's why some GOP politicians hate him but most of them turn a blind eye to all the shit he pulls for fear of upsetting his base. They turned on the family values bullshit so quick its unbelievable so it's hard to take the party seriously

He is now. Everyone who is against him is either silent or gone. It used to be that the Tea Party wasnt the GOP, but that changed quickly too.

You do realize I hope that the same border that keeps people out also serves to keep people in.

the embrace of insane nonsensical theories

The right is not alone in that, see intersectional feminism or marxism and company.

This reminds me of pre WW1 russia, the view of the Tzar (depending on the Tzar) in late imperial Russia was of a benevolent man at the head of a infinitely venal state with various hydra heads of corruption depending on the agenda or interests involved.

this is NOT normal conspiracy nonsense (like chemtrails/moon landing etc), this is partisan politics taken to its Nth degree. Its like super charged right wing retardation beyond what the normal person is capable of even comprehending.

You mean like unfounded claims of Russian influence?

well if have brain damage, then yes its exactly the same thing

if not, then no

So, you're saying it's exactly the same thing.

But it's absolutely founded. There is no argument. The only question is how much coordination with Americans was there, if any.

You seen the new Legion season? They talk about this specifically, conspiracy and seeing things in patterns that don't mean anything.

JonBenet Ramsey was found before her body could be encased in cement.

Bro but what if cement doesnt need limestone and every cement maker in history has been working together to take down Daddy #cementgate

According to this TMOR thread, the Cryin' Patriot (TM) on the tower isn't even an actual veteran lmao

The extreme right/religious crazy sect of the American population is full of faux patriotism.


Not really, though.

He said he was about to throw the flag upside-down which is the most patriotic thing since kneeling during the anthem.

You weren't there man, when he was 5-0 on de_dust and the last man standing when the terrorists rushed A, you weren't there.

Oh I was there...and I folded like a stack of cards in a Kansas F5.

Most real veterans know better than to try and tackle LEOs...aka veterans.

Yeah, but he totally would've enlisted if he didn't twist his ankle playing frisbee when he was 18. Also, he ALWAYS stands for the anthem. Sooooooooo, speaking on behalf of the real veterans, he's basically one of us.

Thank you for your service, Cryin' Patriot! o7 o7 o7


not related, but can you Pardon me from my Perman-ban from /r/subredditdrama that I unfairly got a few days ago?

What did you do?

I told the truth about white fragility but they couldn’t handle it

/u/velvet_llama learned that the hard way. The spawn of Yakub will never be able to accept the depths of their depravity.

oh snap I thought he was dead for real 😳

I distinctly remember being rustled when he stole shitposter of the year from you years ago. But no doubt he was one of our best.

thanks for non-chalantly rubbing salt in an old wound asshole 🤬

What? Llama was the king in his day.

I was always shit.

I'm pretty sure that was meta-shitposting on the part of the mods. For what it's worth /u/Assy-McGee, I voted for you. You were always the best of us.

Never trust "people" that kiss their dogs.

Shitpost oppression really must come to an end.

all I said was that all white people should kill themselves unless they’re Jewish. SRD is more white than Charlottesville tbqh

unless theyre Jewish


unless they’re Jewish.

Welp, found your problem right there.

white people should kill themselves unless they’re Jewish

Absolutely Haram

Why do they want to find children so badly? 🤔

they wanna make cement, duh.

boomercide now

It's really too bad they're all too old for removing from the gene pool to do any good

Cemex is also owned by Bronfman-Rothschilds

Reminder that together they own 1/90000th of the common stock.

But we have to get muh Rothschilds involved in every conspiracy somehow or no one will care, right?

The richest man in Mexico owned shares in a huge, successful corporation in Mexico. 🤔🤔🤔 This doesn't make any sense unless aliens are involved.

Aren't Mexicans already aliens?

Of the illegal variety.

The guacamole thickens...

It is because people who work in warehouses -despite their shitty job- are proud people. If you'd ask in a normal way, things would probably be different.

Oh I really hope they keep themselves safe.

I feel like Dale Gribble after reading that.

These people don't know how to use hashtags.

Honestly, theyre going all in at this point. So if this turn out to be nothing (again) do you think some will wake up?

Some will but it's going to take a long ass time for the True Believers to snap out of it, if they ever do.