BBC launches quest to remove dead, white male anatomists from your gussy!

183  2018-06-06 by DerekSavageCoolCuck


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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But the masculine language of medicine doesn’t end there. Does it matter?

No. /thread



the other

Brits being forced to pay for this shit LMFAO

otoh we got a new jonathan meades documentary the other day which pretty much justifies the entire license fee that im not currently bothering to pay

You better get yourself an unregistered butter knife with the serial number filed off in case the license man does come calling.

Oi, you gotta a license for that?

it's spelled loisance

This is an outright lie.

I know your country embarrasses you, but don't obfuscate the facts out of pride: Your country locks people up for not paying for David Dimbleby, Will Self, and government propaganda telling you why men are evil.

I don't even see how you can be dumb enough to possibly get caught.

I got sent TV license letters for a year and no one ever showed up.

yeah tbh anyone who actually gets in trouble for it probably deserves punishment for being so retarded.

also will self got kicked off john majors private plane for sniffing heroin in the toilet, he rules

You guys are moving the goal posts--it's illegal not to have a licence, whether you have to dodge it or not

muh goalposts

imagine someone arguing in bad faith on /r/drama that would surely be beyond the pale

From what I understand, it’s kind of a collective thing where every Brit hates most of what the BBC makes, but they each have like one or two things they really like so it cancels out.

they do a lot of other stuff like educational materials for schools that would otherwise be produced by horrendous international conglomerates so its cool with me

Yeah say what you want about the BBC but their educational material is excellent.

Yeah, they do that on purpose because it makes it harder to separate the propaganda of World News Service with Geraldo Contaldo

World News isn't really broadcast in the UK, they have some shared service with the UK 24h news channel (just called 'BBC News') but most of the international stuff is exclusively for outside the UK, kind of like VoA or how CNN internationally is like a totally different network focused on vacations and business news instead of Donald Trump.

You get World Service as well as BBC World News through both the channel, the radio, and the app, don't be daft.

Unlike the BBC's domestic channels, BBC World News is owned and operated by BBC Global News Ltd., part of the BBC's commercial group of companies, and is funded by subscription and advertising revenues, and not by the United Kingdom television licence. It is not owned by BBC Studios.

There you are doing that British thing again, putting windowdressing all over your shitty situation rather than changing it.

BBC News Channel and BBC World are practically the same thing, except for Met Office weather, sports, and local programming; they're even both based in Broadcasting House! Not to mention the radio and news website.

It may be a different company, but it's all incestuously based at Broadcast House.

does your dad work for sky or something

The controversial question of whether language shapes thought has long been debated.

I thought we debated the Whorfian Hypothesis briefly, decided it was completely retarded, and then discarded. Like, Korean is way more gender-neutral than most languages in Europe. I guess that means they always had lots of women's rights or something?

But someday, I'm gonna become a linguist, and I'm gonna get published in one of their journals. On the front page it's gonna say "A New Take on the Worfian Hypothesis" and then you turn to it and it's a scowling Lt. Cmdr. Worf.

I'm no linguist, so correct me if i'm wrong, but I thought the weak version of Sapir-Worf (language influences, but doesn't determine thought) was actually acceptable in the field.

Oh shit. I forgot people in Europe are actually awake at this hour to tell me if I'm wrong. Well... you better duck!

There's legitimate controversy there, but it's pretty much unanimously accepted that etymology has no such effect. Linguistic signs are arbitrary, and their historical evolution is basically invisible to speakers.

Alright. Do you have any short reads on the topic? Ive always thought it was interesting to know how much language actualyl influences thought, but i never knew where to start.

John McWhorter wrote a short book about it:

Etymology dictating meaning is one of the most retarded theory spread by feminist morons. And it's fucking everywhere, they want to reshape language like the absolute Stalinists they are.

Because of course, gender-neutral languages like farsi made Iran a real bastion of gender equality, as we all know.

Well, they accepted Mohammed, the Prophet of Feminism, into their collective heart, so they obviously are.

Peace be upon him.

Peace be up THEM.

... the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity.

To assent to obvious lies some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended.

That seems familiar, Solzhenitsyn?

I want to say it's from Vaclav Havel?

If you control words you control thought.

  • Phillip K Dick

If you control words you control dick.

  • Philip K Thot

Daily reminder that British people are literally required, under penalty of the law, to pay for this.

Except we only pay the licence fee if we watch live or online TV.

So basically all of you.

The strongest aspect of your own oppression, is the one where you defend arbitrary distinctions that serve no practical purpose. Saying that only people who own the tv or internet have to pay is saying that evetyone had to pay.

They're British, they feel they have to Britsplain everything to the 'Yanks' otherwise their jokes won't feel as sharp if they literally do feel inferior

Are you a British "expat" in America? There are few peoples in the world so pathetic. Even Americans in Southeast Asia are less so.

I grew up in a rather unique situation, but spent most of my schooling years in South Africa and grew up in America, though I have lived in Ireland as well and hold Irish citizenship.

I think it's rather a class thing with Brits abroad. Southern/Eastern Europe and South-East Asia are awful, as is Florida and anywhere else one can buy a cheap Thomson package vacation. Everywhere else, it's usually not as bad. Brits have a much better reputation than Americans in Japan, China (Opium War bitterness excluded), South America and Canada. Australia is a mixed bag due to the low quality expats who come on working holiday visas, and the US itself (outside Florida and NYC/LA) has a generally positive impression.

Lol people don't like Americans abroad, who are you trying to kid.

No one. Americans abroad are usually very wealthy, educated, etc. since America is big enough, that those who don't want any interaction with the outside world never have to leave their borders.

Brits are consistently rated the worst tourists in the world next to the Chinese and Israelis, however.

A ton of countries have public broadcasting paid for in part, or in full, by the state. The only difference is that the tv license isn't rolled into tax by default.

The fact that Americans talk as though being given the option to pay for the BBC is authoritarian just goes to show we should give American humour more credit, it's hilarious!

That's really interesting. Never thought of looking at it like that before. Do you know of any resources that compare how different countries worldwide fund public broadcasting?

Not really, but there's a graph a found from the bbc [here](bbc_report_public_and_private_broadcasting.html) (it's on the 7th page of the pdf) which shows that the UK is pretty much standard (as far as I can tell) in their balance between public funding for media and commercial funding.

The US is a massive outlier in favour of commercial funding as you'd expect but NPR (and maybe PBS) take public donations rather than just tax money so that skews it a little bit. You can look for yourself and see if I'm interpreting it right because I'm not entirely sure.

So basically all of you.

Who watches live TV any more?

Baseball and college football. That’s about it. Everything else I want to watch I watch on demand.

Even than though they still try to scare you into paying for one.

Are you saying... that Brits are getting cucked by the BBC?

Hmmm, good point. A lot of scientific anatomical words represent a European and Latin (therefore Christian), therefore white and male) oppression. Instead of quadricep, why not a Swahili word? Why say aorta when we could say it in a more inclusive ancient olmec way? When do we say enough is enough and replace clavicle with something from the indigenous Miao of southern China?

Also, let's replace all English anatomical words too, obviously. Fuck off "arm", we're not in 1600s England anymore!

Why stop there? The letter 'E' is obviously male. It's in evil and in male. Coincidence?

And 'white'. BURN ALL THE E'S!

Missing E is a Tumblr enhancement suite.

It was behind the name "Tumblr" in the first place

Latin he thinks italians are white


The controversial question of whether language shapes thought has long been debated. Still, plenty of examples exist where describing something in a certain way changes our perception of it.

Dumb motherfuckers watched Arrival too many times.

i hated that movie

It's been disproven decades ago. Still believing so is basically pseudoscience

But aren't men and women the same and only social-cultural nasties force them into roles and made-up differences???

That is literally what this retarded article is about, lrn2read

That stems from more than eponyms. Many terms draw from stereotypically masculine, militaristic metaphors (battling heart disease, the war against cancer, date of confinement) or from pejorative terms (incompetent cervix, blighted ovum). The language of medicine, the art and science of healing, has become surprisingly violent and critical.

Well duh you retard, guess what advanced medicine for most of history, the need to patch up soldiers.

Idk, I think they have a point, "respectful disagreement with cancer" and "consensus-searching with heart disease queerness" are much more positive terms.

Maybe if we ask the tumor to leave nicely it will go away

incompetent cervix

Sounds pretty insulting tbh

Damn those men, doing all that science and having things named after them!

That said, as long as all these named like fallopian and Bartholin and all the rest are surnames, how the fuck does anyone get to reeeeee about them being gendered?

TIL: Hymen as a word is somehow gender critical and its why I am in favor of the patriarchy and rape culture.

Geezus what a bunch of hysterical pussies.

Oh fuck off

Well it's not as if women can discovery anything of their own, so I support renaming female anatomy after less accomplished female scientists who didn't actually discover anything... Hey wait, there's no such thing as female anatomy is there? Just because you're born with a vagina doesn't mean you're a female...

That stems from more than eponyms. Many terms draw from stereotypically masculine, militaristic metaphors (battling heart disease, the war against cancer, date of confinement)

Ask anyone who's survived a serious or typically fatal condition whether or not "battle" is an appropriate word. Fucking idiots.

This was tried in he 70's with toilets according to legends they wanted plumbers to stop calling the plunger valve thing a 'ballcock' so plumbers said Sure! and charged twice as much to replace a 'Plunger Valve' as they did to replace a 'Ball-Cock'

My Fallopian tubes are completely manly 2 weeks out of the month.

Having read the article I really don't see the big deal. She's essentially arguing that perhaps body parts names should more reflect what that body part does than immortalize the person who's credited with discovering it. I think that's a fair argument to make, and even kind of agree.

Sure, but that can be said of a lot of things in science, and it's in no way limited to feminine traits— nor is it some kind of deliberate attempt to control thought. To actually give a shit about female anatomy was to be ahead of the curve— and these doctors and researchers themselves were in no way directly responsible for societal oppression, so I don't see why their erasure is some kind of pressing need. Calling these names outright sexist is just outlandish and probably the most "first-world problem" thing I can imagine.

The whole notion about these militaristic themes being some kind of concentrated effort to make any kind of point is ridiculous. Is firefighting too aggressive of a term now?

So rewrite medical books, re educate people so culture doesn't want to revert back to the old names, new exams for all existing doctors where they have to rename all "gendered" names for women but not for men. Yeah that's going to happen

She's essentially arguing that perhaps body parts names should more reflect what that body part does than immortalize the person who's credited with discovering it.

That's because english is the worst of all mayo languages.

Only in english will people find 75 different names for a patty of ground meat between two hamburger buns. All flair, no substance.

Leah Kaminsky is a physician and award-winning novelist based in Australia.

Here is their problem.

Her most famous book:

Women who love men who are emotional ambobea


We've actually been atte.pting to get rid of names in anatomy for years for all things. The vas deferens, a very male anatomical organ, are now the ducts deferens. The BBC is wrong here,

What is the issue? Women's health care.

What will we do about it? Endometriosis research? More clinical trials with women for pain? No. It's renaming the hymen to sound more feminine.


Jesus...who even gives a flying fuck? I doubt my wife thought about this bullshit when she was going to medical school.

Like oh, the Fallopian tubes...what a testament to misogyny in the medical field!

Fuck off damn

Imao they should make one of polls where Internet gets to vote on the names.

Pussy McPussyface

''B-b-but the BBC isn't full of inherent bias, their accents make them sound smarter than me, so they is better than Fox Newz''

The funny thing is this enlightened view is what being taught at every university in the west.

Could we see "gussy" finally become the scientific term for the vagina?

hysteria was a real disorder and still is. it effects men too -- the version of the story they are telling ignores thousands of years in between. Hysteria still is in the DSM -- its now called Conversion Disorder.

it happens when you see something too shocking to accept and you start losing senses without having any damage to your body. basically you suddenly become blind, deaf or dumb, with your eyes, ears, etc. all fine.

There are only two things that the Social Justice Warrior cares about more than race/gender/sexuality (or any intersection thereof) and those are 1) bitching about language and 2) bitching about popular media.

BBC really has nothing better to do it seems. Last I heard there was still a war on Yemen they could report.