Found the incel

25  2018-06-06 by Stuntman119


This, but unironically.


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/u/normie_girl IRL 😂😂😂

Hi Ed, I don't want to bother you but can you please refrain from harassing innocent TERFs. They dindu nothin.

I was vibrating with happiness reading it. Indeed incel found.

Yes, involuntary celibates. Bitter at their own circumstances making them celibate, would absolutely idolise a guy whose current drama (and apparently recent stuff too) is mistreating women yet getting away with it and still getting sex. It's pretty much their casus belli FFS. Do any of you even google the shit you proclaim to know about? Lazy cunts using incel as a cover all for dumb behaviour, just like they used to use autistic.

the guy is right

Found the incel

Using casus belli not in the context of further Roman expansion turns my stomach tbh

casus belli

Yo dawg he legally changed his name to Muhammad Ali back in the 60's.

I'm just waiting until autism stops being the thing and they do a 180 back to edgelord territory and pretend to be sociopaths.

I really think after incel they've run out of names to call people.

Gas the Incels /r/drama war now

given the subreddit I'd assume that's the default status

what is the cutoff age for when it becomes pathetic to care about youtubers or their drama? I'm thinking 14

Closer to autistic with the clarifying of details and what not.

But that makes it even worse that I'm probably still getting more sex that you.

Edit @ 0: fuck it.. I'm bored and it's raining,

Besides, you're nothing but that weird friend hype guy who regurgitates the same tired joke like "that's what she said" or "Found the -insert noun here-" who no girl will fuck unless she is drunk and her first 3 choices have left the party. And then tells all her friends the next day all the fucked up shit about your body so everyone gives you sideways glances till the next party and then back on the same ride again. And you meanwhile, so starved for attention have no idea how much the people pity you because you will only ever achieve the dizzying heights of mediocrity because you're incapable of even the most original thought.

And I'm still getting more sex than you

Edit @ -6: Also, while i remember, Incel is a self proclaimed title. They actually claim that title. Like you can call someone an incel, but you're basically just saying they're not getting laid. May as well bring back calling people virgins like in the .. shit.. 50's? I know it was big in the 80's

Anyhoo, these incels, basically want to get laid, but can't. Now some of them blame others for this, or circumstances out of their hands. Like the first ever incels? Fat, pimpled, gangly, basically everything they 80's told us was unattractive combined with being socially inept except in anonymous circumstances. Dudes so pitiable that they had no social circle but each other. Some even took pride in their virginity and graduated to wizards (virgins at 30), these ones generally stuck to themselves..

Now there was always an undercurrent of bitterness (exacerbated by society making like you have to have sex to be worth something), especially in the history buffs, who got all nostalgia about older values when they (wrongly) perceived women as subservient to men. This was exacerbated by the religious types who have stupid dogma supporting this. So they started getting all, self entitled about this. Now keeping in mind this was a minority of a minority, but then a couple of them clearly went off the deep end and suddenly the media had a new punching bag for you to all hate on.

But like anything like that it got watered down and so now seems to apply to heaps of shit.. Like autistic did a few years back. So now here everyone is using incel and misogynist interchangeably and acting like they're anything more than a vocal minority or that they can't be changed if they let go of their bitterness.

But that's neither here nor there. Otherwise, unlike a virgin, and incel will not falsely brag about getting laid, because they're so angry about it.

And FYI, more of these dudes have committed suicide than have killed people.

Edit @ -18: Wow, either you guys don't like being educated on words you throw around or that insult really struck a chord.

Edit @ -25: Your downvotes

Edit @ -45: Don't. Stop.


Edit @ -41: Huh?

Only the antipasto was any good the rest of the courses were bland

How is it being used in its proper context here? Ice's audience is autists, not incels.

- /u/shallowm

Literally the same thing, fam

Nah, you'd be excluding all the autists that aren't incels. For example, Ice himself is pretty autistic, but he's not an incel.

When is u/pizzashill going to drop in and defend the incels?