Man admits to wife being a giant whore, redditors argue over how much of a whore she is

236  2018-06-06 by BrushingHisTeeth


Buzzword is, itself, a buzzword now.


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Imagine having a wife that was such a slut she makes off handed jokes and memes about her promiscuous past with u. This woman clearly values sex about as much as she values a handshake, and has very little respect for herself or her poor husband. He was just cock #8 (more like 38) not special, and nothing he did with her she hadn’t already done with countless men before him. A woman like that cannot be trusted. Her ability to properly pair bond has been totally destroyed, and she will cheat at the drop of a hat because sex is almost meaningless to her.


Her ability to properly pair bond has been totally destroyed

I assume this is a Jordan Peterson thing.

This was a TRP thing long before Memerson came onto the scene.

Now people can point to him and say that it's corroborated by an """expert""" though

More of chemistry thing

And just simple common sense. If you believe sex is something that's unique and special to be shared between two loving partners, you're less likely to cheat than someone who views it as "just sex and nothing more" to be done between anyone consenting to have fun.

sex is something that's unique and special to be shared between two loving partners

Gay as fuck.

Pffft not likely, you seen how much bangin' gay men get?

Eh, cheating is complicated - and people who have these odd ideas about the significance of the act are just as prone to it.

Also, these numbnuts never apply these "standards" to the men.

That's not entirely true, a broad section of the Evangelical Christian crowd would agree with most of this "pair bonding" rhetoric and apply it equally to men as women.

Which is ironic because marriage or the concept of bonding one man and one woman is a relatively modern invention.

Solomon is arguably the figure in the Old Testament most "blessed" by god and he 300 wives and 700 concubines.

Not as much as you seem think. For most of humanity one man and one woman has always been the norm. The population ratio alone doesn't allow for much else. Multiple wives is a 1%er indulgence.

You're so wrong that I won't cite sources or act reasonable towards you. Chads have been dipping their wick for a sticky trick all over the place since time immemorial. That's the time before morality existed - you harpsichord.

"always" is longer than "time immemorial" so i win!


Didn't ~80% of women who ever lived pass on their genes compared to 40% of men?

I can't even imagine how one would even begin to calculate such a thing. Too many Unknowns and not enough data.

Those specific figures seem to be inaccurate with some cursory searches but the general sentiment is true. Women have more reproductive success than men.

Yeah. But this isn't some kind of a natural pattern of human reproduction. There was a really fucking weird period after invention of agriculture when humans were creating new social systems to facilitate life in this new form of society. Actually, a lot of the really weird shit between men and women comes from this period.

Anyway, somewhere between four and eight thousand years ago there was a rapid fall in average male reproductive success - to the point where worldwide, 17 women reproduced for each man. Then it rose again, most likely because someone found out the hard way that a society with so many single dudes is a goddamn powderkeg.

We still see the effects of that period in our genes.

I don't want to get into a biblical discussion but Solomon's wives were a problem for him and God didn't approve

Retarded. Monogamy is ancient and important.

/pol/lutants holding out for their QT tradcon virgin 10/10 facial structure perfect-body blondes are gonna be waiting a long time lmao.

Keep telling yourself that good looking white guys don't browse pol lol

Literally would bang 0/30.

Because you don't respect bussy.
Also the nigga on the top right looks like a cool dude.

Keep telling yourself your existence isn’t an embarrassment to your parents

Parents are a social construct

Na, conservative sexbots are coming. With fempen attachment and a 2 for 1 bull doll to cuck him.

Sex is like food, air and water. Keep telling yourself that it's special, but it really isn't at all. I like lasagna. I like sushi. I like beef stew. Not going to commit to only one of those for the rest of my life. Virgins are terrible in bed and take years to get up to speed. Literally everything you said couldn't be more incorrect.

If you don't think sex is special you're probably just really garbage at it

Idk those types of people usually are the ones fucking a gay teenager behind their wife's back y'know

If you believe sex is something that's unique and special to be shared between two loving partners

Fuck that. Sex is common and trashy and to be used to assert dominance.

That's the sex that's actually fun, at any rate. But you do you.

except when your girlfriend has a "special bond" with that guy friend at work, then nothing stops her cheating. tons of cheating is done when someone actually has feelings for the side person you know. in fact every real life situation of cheating that has happened with people i know, the cheater was in love with the side person, and carrying on an extended affair, so your theory is horseshit.

You solve that issue by not letting your partner have special bonds with the opposite sex.

yeah cause i can spy on girlfriends at work all day and know who they talk to. also it's totally healthy to tell your partner to not have friends cause you're insecure.

seriously, just don't get in relationships if you're that paranoid about cheating, cheating is always a risk, there is no way to be 100% sure they don't cheat, unless you lock them in the basement.

i really dgaf about cheating anyway, they cheat, you dump them and get a new one. it's not the end of the fkn world if you actually have options and don't have trouble getting women.

pretty easy to do when your "partner" is a dog you disgusting fuck.

Nah. Mostly just evopsych style bullshit theorizing.

what lol. it's literally made up and has no proof behind it all. you may as well believe nofappers talking about how jerking off fucks up the dopamine in your brain.

Agreed lol

This fact existed long before him

Hey, dont @ me wit that bullshit

Atwhay ethay uckfay idday ouyay ustjay uckingfay aysay aboutway emay, ouyay ittlelay itchbay? Iway’llay avehay ouyay owknay Iway aduatedgray optay ofway ymay assclay inway ethay Avynay Ealssay , andway Iway’evay eenbay involvedway inway umerousnay ecretsay aidsray onway Alway-Aedaquay, andway Iway avehay overway 300 onfirmedcay illskay. Iway amway ainedtray inway orillagay arfareway andway Iway’may ethay optay ipersnay inway ethay entireway USWAY armedway orcesfay. Ouyay areway othingnay otay emay utbay ustjay anotherway argettay. Iway illway ipeway ouyay ethay uckfay outway ithway ecisionpray ethay ikeslay ofway ichwhay ashay evernay eenbay eensay eforebay onway isthay Earthway, arkmay ymay uckingfay ordsway. Ouyay inkthay ouyay ancay etgay awayway ithway ayingsay atthay itshay otay emay overway ethay Internetway? Inkthay againway, uckerfay. Asway eway eakspay Iway amway ontactingcay ymay ecretsay etworknay ofway iesspay acrossway ethay USAWAY andway ouryay IPWAY isway eingbay acedtray ightray ownay osay ouyay etterbay eparepray orfay ethay ormstay, aggotmay. Ethay ormstay atthay ipesway outway ethay atheticpay ittlelay ingthay ouyay allcay ouryay ifelay. Ouyay’eray uckingfay eadday, idkay. Iway ancay ebay anywhereway, anytimeway, andway Iway ancay illkay ouyay inway overway evensay undredhay aysway, andway atthay’say ustjay ithway ymay arebay andshay. Otnay onlyway amway Iway extensivelyway ainedtray inway unarmedway ombatcay, utbay Iway avehay accessway otay ethay entireway arsenalway ofway ethay Unitedway Atesstay Arinemay Orpscay andway Iway illway useway itway otay itsway ullfay extentway otay ipeway ouryay iserablemay assway offway ethay acefay ofway ethay ontinentcay, ouyay ittlelay itshay. Ifway onlyway ouyay ouldcay avehay ownknay atwhay unholyway etributionray ouryay ittlelay “everclay ” ommentcay asway aboutway otay ingbray ownday uponway ouyay, aybemay ouyay ouldway avehay eldhay ouryay uckingfay onguetay. Utbay ouyay ouldncay’tay, ouyay idnday’tay, andway ownay ouyay’ eray ayingpay ethay icepray, ouyay oddamngay idiotway. Iway illway itshay uryfay allway overway ouyay andway ouyay illway owndray inway itway. Ouyay’eray uckingfay eadday, iddokay.

And over here we have a mayo attempting communication with humans

It’s a James Cameron thing:

Afaik, Jordan Peterson has never said women specifically shouldn't have multiple sex partners. I've heard him talk about the dangers of hedonistic behavior and looking for love in the wrong places as a general concept, but he does not have a weird chauvinistic "women should be pure" view of the world.

Dude shut the fuck up about your favorite public intellectual

I'm so triggered I just came

It's just a noticed statistical fact that women that have had multiple partners are also more statistically likely to divorce, compared to virgins on marriage or girls that have only had 1 or 2 partners.

I can't avoid feeling it's too simple to be true.

It sounds like the young male virgin of crazy attachment parents who think that a baby will grow up socially and emotionally stunted and ultimately fail at life if the mother isn't the only one looking after it all the time.

I expect it's more like a realist.

because sex is almost meaningless to her

I like that they always make sex out as the most important thing they'll ever do in their lives.

its funny to think that every dude who rants huge paragraphs about how women should just marry one person and be with them for life otherwise they are a used up roastie, has a hard drive full of hard core pornography.

This is why you should only date ugly fat Christian girls.





Please do not promote gussy on my christian subreddit

Reddit: "Eww, this girl has more than two sexual partners. She should have some self respect."

Also reddit: "Lmao, this not even sexual post aroused em. Not my proudest fap!"

bust a nut to this comment



>beating off is equivalent to getting laid

"hey incels, good news!"

I was pivoting more on the self-respect thing. If you beat yourself raw on this site as often as the comments imply, you can't really claim anyone else lacks it.

True, the desires are the same, there's only a difference in actually realizing them.

and the ;level of personal risk. I never gave myself an STD

not to get too preachy but I went to a gaming sub and there was a god of war screenshot on the front page, and the top comment was “anybody else find the witch hot?” And all the replies were like “yeah I did.” It was like being in high school

Lmao enjoy your low test Eugene

There's no ambiguity about what you meant by this.

Why are you all over this thread coming off as a turbo autist?

Because I am a sperg

But it's BIOLOGY! The menses must spread their seed!

Old.Reddit 😴😴😴😴

"At least".

*My wife's son.

If only he wrote "our son" in the title instead of "her son", the drama would have increased twofold.

Sleeping with 7 people is a lot? fuck me, most of reddit are actually virgins aren't they.

That may be but I think it has more to do with youthful inexperience coupled with abhorrent personalities. As in they may not be 'technically' virgins but they're definitely not plowing on the reg. Even sluts don't wanna bang them.

And while we're on the topic of sluts, who doesn't love sluts? Sluts are awesome! I'd like to take this moment to give a shout-out to any /r/drama sluts. Your kindness, openness, and lowered expectations of your fellow human is a true example of love and inclusiveness.

yah the only people who don't like sluts are the ugos who can't get laid

"these prudes just don't know what they're missing" the redditor thinks, putting his phone aside and pausing his third viewing of deadpool 2. no longer able to ignore his braphog fiancee's gyrations against his TWINKY TORSO he dives beneath her fupa as per custom. the smell of her farts wafting up towards her damp, cavernous roast beef pussy makes his eyes water... or perhaps it's tears? he tries not to think about it as he forces a smile as he tries to look up to her from beneath the veil of her sagging milkers and offers a forced smile before dragging his tongue across her putrid chadplowed meatflaps

fat chicks need loving too...but they have to pay

It doesn't read like you actually mean it.

Try it again, but with *feeling* this time.

roast beef

Incel get out. Who invited u

... Keep going

It's funny how there's a certain writing style that instantly identifies anyone as an MDEgenerate, even without any additional evidence.

When all you have is a hammer, everything is an MDE

Would you like me to find you your MDE chad?


> chad

I'm taken but don't worry there's plenty of us to go around

MDEgenerates go to /r/braincels often and say things like "Hey, Chad here but I agree with you guys and I'm blackpilled. Women are whores and racemixing is bad but this doesn't affect me because I'm good-looking and a Chad."

They LARP as Chad because they don't want to deal with the contradiction of being white supremacists while also being low as an incel.

Some mayos have less shame so they promote white supremacy on /r/braincels while also being incel.

You wish you had the talent that Sam and co have, lil man.


literal lol

Jealous man child detected

MDEgenerate spotted

Keep Yourself Safe

I open carry.

Your incel-card and red hat?

My 22lr. semi auto hand gun. Shut the fuck up.

Quite the rustling sir

quite the.


die yourself.

jesus did you just copy and paste this right out of your dad's diary

You have to go home

What monsters are downvoting this art? The feelings it makes me feel. Revulsion so sweet.

That’s like saying you can’t watch porn and think pornstars are trashy.

You can, but if you don't get comfortable with your fetish for trashy, that's when things get twisted.

It's like live leak beheading gross for watching a guy die. But I didn't have the chainsaw....ya can't spout holier than thou just because the guy on the monitor killed him. I clicked and watched and knew what I was gonna see.

You beheaded that analogy. I can't even figure out what you're trying to say.

engaging in casual sex yourself and thinking women who engage in casual sex with you are broken mentally somehow, is such a fucked up form of cognitive dissonance.

I didn’t call anyone broken mentally but you seem to be a good candidate.

it's was more of a universal "you" and not you specifically. though you were defending the notion of having sex with sluts while thinking they are trashy and broken people, just like all the incels in the OP thread.

if sluts are trashy, then anyone who fucks sluts is also trashy, fact.

you didn’t

you did

Shaping up real nicely lol.

Don’t worry I’m sure your college will offer philosophy 101 courses.

How does the fact they are mentally fucked change this analysis?

"lol i love to fuck sluts but i'd never date one loool they are retarded".

the implication being that i myself am still somehow relationship material for these non slutty girls, but the sluts i bang aren't, they are dirty and mentally fucked and deserve to be alone forever.

double standards, hypocrisy, it's pretty simple.

lmao enjoy your STD infested gussy

I know they haven't had the industrial revolution in rural pakistan, pajeet, but in the first world we have condoms.

Implying that all STDs are preventable with condoms, and that ravaging gussy doesn't result in torn condoms

ravaging gussy doesn't result in torn condoms

Your understanding physics is as bad as your ability to have sex.

needing a PHD in physics to thrust back and forth

t. virgin incel

thrust back and forth

thinking this is what good sex is

he had to google it

Doesn’t count unless you recorded it as part of your homemade dungeon-porn franchise.

Needing a phd to thrust

Spat out my drink 10/10

Oh good god I pre-emptively feel bad for any woman you ever have sex with.

fucking Gussy in 2018

feeling bad for women

what are you, some kind of a PUSSY ??

Well I post here so we know I'm no chad.

I know they haven't had the industrial revolution in rural pakistan, pajeet, but in the first world we have 7" regular-sized condoms.

trust me that dude is not getting any

But 7 even isn't even plowing regularly, like one a year will get you there quick enough. Though burgers marry young for some retarded reason so maybe that plays into it.

7 long term partners amounts to a lot of regular plowing. It's all about distribution.

7 is 7 is 7 when it comes to STD likelihood. That's why I only bang bodypillows that are lightly used at most.


Burgers marry young for tax and financial benefits. Also because as long as you're not retarded and get a good job, we make lots of money, unlike Europoors.

I feel like it's more like you guys pretend that making a small amount of money is actually a large amount of money, and then call literally everyone middle class.

Software engineers make literally less than half due to eurotaxes

In both cases, they lose because they have to be software engineers: the worst destiny.

i have three cars, 2700 sqft house sitting on half an acre and its not even a big deal. retarded ameripoors give yall the wrong impression, a lot of us are rolling in it.

it was 7 boyfriends not random hook ups. i have no idea if that many actual partners is normal or lots, but 7 random hook ups is nothing.

Even sluts don't wanna bang them.

What's the difference between a slut and a bitch?




A slut will fuck anyone. A bitch will fuck anyone but you.

A slut will fuck anyone. A bitch will fuck anyone but you.

Damn I know several bitches then lmao

A good first step is not callin them bitches,tbh.

Damn every woman I've ever been attracted to is a bitch.


I luv sluts too.

That doesnt change the fact that you shouldnt have a long term relationship with a slut

Don't tell me, tell your father.

I will

Can't turn a whore into a housewife

Someone should've told Melania.

Neighbour's wife fucks the diswasher. Checkmate

Thots and sluts of all genders are the best thing that has ever existed.

I like sluts I just don't wanna date one

but these non slutty and pure girls, they should be in relationships with you right? even though you love to fuck sluts?

Yeah I only date good girls. I don't love to fuck sluts but I will. It's comical that you're projecting sexual failure on to me because I have an outlook you don't approve of. I do alright man, don't worry about me. I'll keep using the girls who like to be used, and dating the women who respect themselves enough to not be sluts.

no i'm just calling you a hypocrite. you believe you are relationship material, while you have sex with sluts, and yet, the sluts you have sex with are not.

why are you relationship material and they aren't? you seem to believe you shouldn't be judged by your own actions because sluts apparently "want to be used", as if your decisions have no merit, you're merely acting on the will of "sluts" apparently. even though in reality, sluts have standards and you have to go out of your way to fuck them. sluts don't just throw themselves at men, men try to fuck them.

so explain to my why "good girls" should believe you are relationship material? despite the fact that you live the same lifestyle as a "slut"?

i await lots of redpill LARPing and evopsych bullshit about how men are programmed to spread their seed but women are not, and other such nonsense.

go ahead, it will be entertaining, and this sub demands lolcows.

Women just find me attractive. I tell them I'm bad news but that doesn't dissuade them, so I pursue my own interests and don't date sluts.

Also, you don't have to go out of your way to have sex with sluts, they throw it at you. Well if you're good looking and charming anyways.

dude just go back to the redpill. no one here believes your LARPing about getting easy pussy. you can hate on sluts while pretending you fuck them all day over in one of you little incel he-man woman hater subs.

you try hard faggot.

lol you sound so angry, maybe try meditating.

you know what, i am angry. you're a piece of shit. you make women feel bad for daring to have a sex drive. those same women go through life feeling horrible guilt and shit because they have a sex drive and want to fuck people, JUST LIKE YOU DO, and just lots of men do.

then you go and date a "good girl" and the girls don't judge you, and you don't view yourself as trash or low self esteem at all. you're just fine, you get to fuck and party and then date a "good girl" who never judges you.

meanwhile women, like some women i personally know, have fucked up complexes about sex and internalized guilt, because men like you constantly say "ew you aren't relationship material", which makes them feel like trash. i know girls personally who fucking hate themselves, because of people like you. all those girls did was act on their sex drive and have fun.

this is serious posting, and i'm actually fucking angry. stop being a cunt and judging people for doing harmless shit, it has real world consequences, and i've seen it with my own eyes.

if you want to just not date sluts while being a man slut, then good, be a fucking hypocrite, that is your life and your problem. but stop saying shit about how sluts "don't respect themselves". nothing about having casual sex means they don't respect themselves, shut the fuck up with that crap.

just do you and leave other people the fuck alone with your dumb ass cave man regressive opinions.

now you'll just ignore all that and go "lol you angry bruh", but seriously, you are probably late 20s to early 30s, GROW THE FUCK UP.

Well you're wrong. I told you several times I'm trash and I tell women as much but that women overlook it. In fact they're somewhat amused by it. Get mad or get over it, either way you're wasting your life trying to defend the indefensible. Men and women are different so we have different expectations, it's not my rule it's just the rule. Seriously, give meditation a try. You sound like you're going to have an aneurysm.

the only women who date you are low self esteem, since no woman would date a trashy man slut if they had self worth.

it helps if you're really handsome and funny

if women can get casual sex easier then men, then logically they should be judged less for having it. men have to go out of their way to bang girls most of the time, indicating the men are REALLY attached to casual sex.

a girl just engage in casual sex once a few months cause she feels like it, get it in 10 seconds, and be done with it. men on the other hand go to PUA subs and seduction subs and literally dedicate half of their spare time to banging sluts.

and yet, the men are somehow not losers, and the women are. makes no fucking sense.

that's probably because you're trying to rationalize with your feelings instead of logic. Casual sex doesn't offer the same problems for men and women, that's probably the biggest difference. Men and women are different and so they have different expectations regarding their behavior. That's all. No need to be angry about it.

no i'm literally trying to engage you in pure logic.

Men and women are different

yeah how?

no one's punishing anyone. Unless you view me not dating a slut as a punishment for her. Which I mean probably because I'm amazing but it's a weird stance for you to take.

you literally said that them sleeping around means they have mental problems. you advocate slut shaming. slut shaming makes women feel bad. if you constantly say "doing this makes you retarded" people feel bad. ya know?

if you just said "i don't like to date sluts personally" i'd be fine, it's all the dumbass made up bullshit and insults you throw around that is garbage. i literally have female who are massive fucking sluts, they are lovely as hell. the idea that these ladies have to constantly endure being told they are fucked in the head or not relationship material, actually hurts me.

YOU don't want to date them, but you are a fucking idiot, and you are no authority on who is or isn't relationship material, or who is or isn't sane. you're nobody, your opinions are trash.

and i hope all the lovely ladies out there have enough self esteem to realize that, but lots of them don't, unfortunately. i guess scum bags like you will always exist, all we can do is teach women not to let shitty opinions from redpill losers get to them.

you literally said that them sleeping around means they have mental problems


you advocate slut shaming


that these ladies have to constantly endure being told they are fucked in the head or not relationship material, actually hurts me

get over it, you're mad at reality, they're not fucked in the head though, they just have a value problem

YOU don't want to date them, but you are a fucking idiot... your opinions are trash

LMAO then why do you care SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much about my opinions? I just want you to know you're in danger of hurting my feelings, I might even clutch my pearls at some point.

Are you secretly a member of redpill and you're trying to find friends or something? Get over that sub already. Talk to me, the actual person, instead of some imagined dragon version of me that has nothing to do with me.

I fuck sluts and date good girls and there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes I even call the girl a slut while I'm fucking her and she gets off on it. Sluts know the score. And if they want to be treated better they act better. That's how life works. That's why biological differences matter, because yanno, it's life. Read a book. Meditate. Stop being such a waste of life!

god you're so fucking dumb.

I know you are but what am I?

how old are you for real? if you're under 22 i'll actually cut you some slack. i was pretty fkn retarded back then too.

(Hint you're pretty fucking retarded now too)

how old are you

old enough to know to not share personal information with an impotently angry internet stranger

it's just your age champ, not your address or social security number.

i'm guessing you don't wanna say because you're over the age limit i set.

no thanks not interested

so over 26 then. here come the tears, i weep for humanity.

The tears might just be because you sound like a disturbed person with a litany of issues that you need to deal with.

i'm well aware of my issues friend. you're in quite a bit of denial about your madonna whore complex and issues with women and sexuality though.

I'm not in denial at all. I know full well my feelings about the world. You're the one who's just impotently angry at them for some reason. Go fuck yourself in the neck with the knife.

you have a classic maddona whore complex. it's a well known and cliche mental defect.

it surely hampers your ability to have successful and happy relationships. you've also admitted to thinking of yourself as trash, and you engage in casual sex, despite thinking that casual sex is only for people with low self esteem.

you are in quite a bit of denial, i hope you grow up one day.

lol oh please a "complex" implies that it hampers my life, but since I get on fine, that's not the case.

So again you're incorrect, but you being wrong about things doesn't surprise me at this point!

You're the one mad at the nature of reality so it follows that you're wrong about all sorts of things.

i have to have a PHD to see all the weird issues you have with women, female sexuality, and your own sexuality.

go read about maddona whore complex, preferably go to a therapist and tell them everything you told me. you might have a chance at a happy relationship one day.

lol I study psychology that's how I know you're talking out of your ass

not surprising. it's a cliche that most people become interested in when trying to sort out their own issues. the craziest girl i ever dated was studying it lol.

either way, you should be familiar with maddona whore complex, it's pretty basic, you have it.

again, "complex" implies that it's causing me problems. It's not. I have no problem dating and being fulfilled. I don't know how else to explain it to you without puppets or crayons.

well we both know you're lying anyway, both about how "fulfilled" your dating life is, and about how happy you are.

banging trashy sluts isn't fulfilling, it's weird and gross. also i'm pretty sure you're lying and exaggerating about how many girls want to fuck you or want relationships, you seem like the kind of person who feels it's important to get validation from how much pussy you get, and guys like that always lie and hype it up more than the reality.

lol k love you

i'd say i love you back but you're a degenerate slut who doesn't respect himself. i only love good bussy that saves itself for marriage, begone, thot.

so am I gross for banging it out or am I lying about it? or am I both? talk about cognitive dissonance, you got that on lock!

you're gross for wanting to bang sluts, and also gross for lying about it on the internet. you probably did bang sluts a few times, probably fat and ugly ones. even i have those kinds of low quality gussy throw it my way now and then, but i usually take a hard pass.

you're likely bangin the low quality ones, tbh, while also exaggerating how often you even do that.

lol pretty sure I'm in relationships whenever I want them

listen to you finally talking shit about women, don't you think the 4's of the world have gay roommates just like you who are offended at you're talking about them like that? lmao

you bang 4s when they let you, and the low quality of any woman dumb enough to date you, doesn't make me jealous.

mmm call them fish in a barrel

i'm sure that's what they smell like too.

or even more important, you might have a chance at a happy relationship with yourself, as cheesy as that sounds.

happiness is a fleeting emotion, I'm fulfilled in my life, and that's more profound than someone like you seems capable of imagining

happiness isn't fleeting actually, it's quite possible to be happy most of the time.

you simply tell yourself that to be in denial about the fact you just aren't happy.

lol ok

yeah champ believe it or not some people are happy most of the time. you are projecting.

also how can someone be fulfilled yet only happy in "fleeting" bursts? denial.

because happy is an emotion , and emotions can change

oh also sluts don't respect themselves because they dare to have casual sex, and yet you respect yourself even though you admit to having sex with sluts?

it's just literally hypocrisy and double standards.

lol I never said I respect myself, I just want someone better than I am. It's not hypocrisy to want something better.

so do you lie to women about your own man slut behavior, or do you expect them to not judge you for it and love you anyway? even though you'd never do the same for a girl, because you view her as trash for sleeping around, even though you sleep around to.

i mean like, i'm just trying to get you to see that you yourself are scum, by your own logic man. you're literally like a black person sitting here and talking about how all black people are criminals.

you're a slut, you're trash, you don't respect yourself and no "good girl" would ever want to date you, because you're a low self esteem man slut.


Nothing I said implies that I'm better than the sluts, just that the good girls I date are willing to date someone who isn't good. I'm not willing to date sluts. Why are you so angry? Are you a slut and are taking it personal that people view women who are sluts worse than men who are? That's just the nature of humans. The way men view women who are sluts is the way women would view a man who's been divorced 12 times. Just a bad bet relationship wise, someone who doesn't seem to know their own value. Not saying that they're no fun or a bad person, just a bad relationship idea. You don't have to cry about it.

so the girls who date you are making a bad investment relationship wise, since you're a slut with no self respect? do you agree?

yep, but it's not the same bad investment as if I were to be dating a slut.

If you have a key that opens all of the locks you have a master key, if you have a lock that can be opened by any key you just have a shitty lock!

but you aren't a master key, you just claimed that sluts threw themselves at you. calling yourself a masterkey implies you put in special work and effort, yet, you claim you get laid as easily as the average hot girl.

I put in some effort to be in shape and just in general be awesome. Women don't really have to try, men want to sleep with them even if they smell.

you're just rationalizing why you aren't scum for sleeping around and women are. none of it makes any sense to a rational person. i'm just scratching my head at how someone can have so much cognitive dissonance.

whatever logic applies to sluts being dirty or mentally broken, applies to you. you only get to be on a high horse about sluts if you aren't one lol. if you said that you don't like sleeping around, and you prefer to date people that don't, that is one thing.

but you're a hypocrite. hypocrites are generally considered retarded, since they are.

Lol you must be literally only reading what you want to read in my responses. I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just happy and treat myself better than a slut does

I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just happy and treat myself better than a slut does

by engaging in casual sex, which you claim means you hate yourself.

can you explain that logic to me one more time champ?

It means women who do it are acting in a way that demeans them in both their own eyes and that of society at large. Men don't have as easy access to sex so when we get it, it's an accomplishment. Got it there slugger?

whether it's an "accomplishment" or not has nothing to do with self worth though. you claimed engaging in casual sex indicates low self worth.

if men go to further lengths than women to get casual sex, that means they have even lower self worth than a slut.

also you keep going back and forth between claiming it's an "accomplishment" to get pussy, and claiming you get pussy handed to you. which one is it? you can't have it both ways you fucking idiot.

honestly your logic is hilarious and i could do this forever.

men go to further lengths than women to get casual sex, that means they have even lower self worth than a slut


you keep going back and forth between claiming it's an "accomplishment" to get pussy, and claiming you get pussy handed to you. which one is it?

it's both, the average dude has to work really hard to be fuckable, I happened to luck out and just be very fuckable. I'm exceptional so I'm not the rule. Most dudes are frustrated by their lack of sex. I'm not most dudes.

so you don't have low self worth, because you get sex handed to you. just like a hot girl.

yet hot girls are scum for sometimes accepting the constant offers of sex they get.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm we are back at square one again boys.

No I do have low self worth. Other people find me exceptional though and treat me accordingly.

Girls aren't scum, they're just not relationship material if they like to sleep around. They have their uses, it's just in everyone's best interest to be up front about it.

No I do have low self worth.

you should, but not because you have sex with sluts, because you're really fucking stupid.

how long does it usually take before women realize you're stupid as fuck, and dump you? like, yeah yeah, i get it, you're super funny and handsome (lol LARPing), but honestly, there is no way they don't realize you're a fucking dumbass meat head eventually.

you're either dating some absolutely dumbass women, or they dump you in less than a year.

lol keep swinging away man I'm sure one of your insults will hurt me eventually! Get over it, women love me, regardless of my opinions about dating and the sexual jungle out there.

i'm gonna be totally honest. i don't believe you that sluts throw themselves at you, or that women love you.

i think you're an incel LARPing as a chad.

I know you are but what am I?

I didn't say women are worthless for having a sex drive or enjoying life. I said women who are careless with their bodies are a bad relationship investment. And that's the case. Women can enjoy sex and not be careless so you really just sound angry and a little sad.

yeah i already admitted to being angry man, constantly pointing that out doesn't really strengthen any of your stupid arguments. idiocy makes me angry, hypocrites make me angry. you're literally too stupid to even function in society, and yet you do. this makes me homicidaly angry.

in all seriousness, just fuck off back to MGTOW or redpill or whatever degenerate sub you belong in.

I'm wicked smart. But it's only hypocritical if men and women are the same, they're not. So I'm not a hypocrite, I'm just awesome.

homicidaly angry

more like impotently angry

"men and women are different". how? i mean, you are judging women for doing one act, and then saying it's fine if men do the literal same act.

you can't really explain how men and women are different in any way that indicates one deserves punishment and the other praise.

casual sex is either degenerate for both genders, or it's not degenerate.

Biologically speaking, men and women are different. And face different obstacles because of this. If you don't know that you don't know anything.

you can't even really answer the question. you just say "men and women are different" whenever you propose a double standard that punishes women and rewards men.

you can't name any specific differences which explain your point. i mean jesus christ, just google some redpill made up evopsych shit. i'm not even a redpiller and i could probably pull something out of my ass right now.

actually i'll do it. "men are programmed to impregnate as many women as possible, but women are programmed to be selective since they are the ones getting pregnant for almost a year. men therefore try to fuck many women and women try to be selective. women not being selective about who they fuck, indicates their pair bonding mechanism is broken. however men who sleep around alot have different brains to females, so sleeping around doesn't ruin their pair bonding".

you see that you fucking brainlet? that was just some shit i pulled out of my ass because i've browsed a few retarded incel/redpill type subs a couple times. you can't even fucking post some generic evopsych shit? you just keep spamming "hur dur men and womyn are different".

man, you are like the dumbest person i've talked to in a while. what kind of fucking bottom tier women actually date a fucking meat head like you lol.

lol I'll type in caps so maybe you can pay attention?

BIOLOGICALLY<----------- that's how they are different. We face different obstacles because of this. If you disagree with this you're disagreeing with reality, which is probably why you're so impotently angry. You seem obsessed with the red pill. Get a life dude! seriously try meditating, you sound like you need to calm the fuck down.

you're very dumb.

I know you are but what am I?



Considering that a man shoukld only marry a virgin woman, it is.

if you havent fucked at least 7 people by 20 you might as well just end yourself there

RIP everything but r/chad


uh oh

it's over

do fleshlights count

That's a ton of people, it's just increasingly normalized behavior.

2200 pounds to a tonne, 300 pounds per person, in burger land that may just be true.

Depends on how early you get married. If you're still working on yourself before looking into marriage, you're better off doing other things with your time than wasting it on dating and hookups.

how long u think a hookup takes my dude

A lifetime of shame. o:

I didn't need articles to prove that, all the proof I needed was my wife (whose virgin cunt I fucked on the day of our engagement) slurping my dick while I browsed Reddit (after a day of begging for my cum inside of her) and you were probably off jacking off to anime tits. You will never have a purebred white bitch whimpering about how she wants to be flooded and knocked up by only you. I just felt like bringing something more than anecdotal to the table.

Don't you have that already? So what does it matter

A lifetime of shame. :o

That's your tagline no?

Based on your post history you probably should have spent more time doing that instead of playing LoL.

There is nothing worse then an adult who plays video games.

Its way better than that: dude wants to fuck dogs

Easy to make sure she's a virgin if you raise her from a pup.

dude wants to fuck dogs


An adult who plays video games and who is into degenerate sexual fetishes?

The fall of the West becomes ever more apparent each day.

lol holy fucking christ. dude who posts on a bestiality sub reddit is talking about chastity and marrying virgins.

this is the kind of shit i come to reddit for, holy blue blazes.

That's a ton of people

Maybe, if you're fucking a lot of fat people. Definitely not a ton of honestly sexable people though.

lol conservatives are so boring

the only thing that study says is that right wingers have convinced themselves they are more satisfied with their sex life

given the right wingers suffer from extremely strong self delusions, and high rates of dunning kruger, thats really meaningless

"I could be happy too if I believed a bunch of nonsense"

-Mark Corrigan

Melania looks like a dude.

here's some articles that prove my virility!

I didn't need articles to prove that, all the proof I needed was my wife (whose virgin cunt I fucked on the day of our engagement) slurping my dick while I browsed Reddit (after a day of begging for my cum inside of her) and you were probably off jacking off to anime tits.

Conservatism is closeted homosex.

Nothing wrong with that mate.

I didn't need articles to prove that, all the proof I needed was my wife (whose virgin cunt I fucked on the day of our engagement) slurping my dick while I browsed Reddit (after a day of begging for my cum inside of her) and you were probably off jacking off to anime tits. You will never have a purebred white bitch whimpering about how she wants to be flooded and knocked up by only you. I just felt like bringing something more than anecdotal to the table.

Sure- I fucked her in highshool so she can fool some cuck like you that she’s a virgin

Prepare to see what you just posted quoted back at you over and over again every time you post

I didn't need articles to prove that, all the proof I needed was my wife (whose virgin cunt I fucked on the day of our engagement) slurping my dick while I browsed Reddit (after a day of begging for my cum inside of her) and you were probably off jacking off to anime tits. You will never have a purebred white bitch whimpering about how she wants to be flooded and knocked up by only you. I just felt like bringing something more than anecdotal to the table.


This reads like bad incel fanfiction.

Because it is.

Either you're trying too hard or are a complete retard



Tell me, do her tits feel more like bags of sand or globes full of Jello?

virgin cunt

Imagine having to rope a virgin into marriage before she learns what other guys offer. I'm sure the grooming was romantic.

ahahaha lmao /u/Magehunter_Skassi does this "white bitch" have 2 or 4 legs?

This comment definitely won't backfire for you.

anime tits > she mayo


Imagine writing this and not immediately deciding to off yourself. My self respect would have made me put a bullet in my brain if I wrote that.

lmao what kind of uggo did you marry for her to be a virgin still

purebred white bitch

did you marry a golden retriever?

Lol who the fuck is downvoting this shit? This is hilarious.

Dude. You rape dogs. GTFOutta here.

what the actual fuck

I hate normal people now!

A month ago you said...

tfw no female version of iwd streaming league of legends themed findom.... all i want is a nice female (playing a good thick champion with curvacious hips and voluptuous orbs) to call me big stupid when i donate $5 to her


Copied and pasted from his user history.

/u/magehunter_skassi response to you being a total cuck? I hope it's a bullet to the brain?

Go back further and it gets even better.

fuck better*

*don't know what good sex is and instead are satisfied with missionary under the covers and with the lights off

We factually fuck better and look better.

Fake. Conservatives are primarily white. And white is the ugliest and most bland.

fuck better

These are European “conservatives” (read: friends of Stalin).

American conservatives are by and large landwhales...look at an obesity map of the US and it looks just like the election map.

you watch bestiality porn, stop virtue signalling about sexual purity you degenerate mong.


I know. Being in a stable relationship? Why wants that?

buddy anyone who's younger than about 25 and actively wants to be tied down permanently is definitely trying to bolt themselves to whatever ass they're getting, out of fear that they'll never get any more from anyone else

No need to project the fact that you've never been in a meaningful relationship on everyone else.

I'm married you actual testicle

And I'm sure its gonna turn out well.

yeah as long as she never finds out about what I do with ur mom down at the motel 6


Imagine posturing this hard on a subreddit for autistic faggots who like to laugh at other autistic faggots.

Me too.

  1. Gone through 3 girlfriends. I'm too lazy to keep dating I just want a wife to hang out with. Getting random strange is too much work and I'm lazy as fuck.

Bro you're 23 you're about 23 years too young for the, "I'm too tired to ____" stuff

If it's too much hastle now, I got bad news about what it'll feel like after 40

That's the point. I want to get a wife now when I'm young so I don't have to deal with it in my older age. I'm too lazy now, i can't imagine how much worse it'll be down the road.

i can't imagine how much worse it'll be down the road.

Yea, you should bite the bullet and shallow a bullet now.

You're downvoted to shit, but I think that's a fairly reasonable position, well aways from the "women become worthless after they have some sex" memery.

Of course i was downvoted to shit. Fuck you guys. Nothing wrong with wanting to shack up early.

Yeah. Who wants actual intimacy, financial stability, well-being from bonding to a partner instead of

  • dirty gussy and STD
  • dirty bussy and HIV
  • dumb slut that you can't stand when you're not plowing her

I'll take my traditional marriage, thank you very much.

I totally prefer my 10/10 virgin wife

  • Incels on the internet since forever


Someone would have to be willing to fuck, let alone marry you.

Getting married next year, cuck

What a lucky girl

Russian mail-order or waifu?

What do you think of your future wife's sexual history?

which third world flavor did you go for?

This except absolutely and totally unironically.

You can just admit you can't get laid.

Oof. You showed me.

Nothing to be ashamed of

Imagine being so fragile that simple facts and statistics make you sperg out.

I suspect you can imagine


Are you for real?

Your body count should be like... 0-3

I know muhrican conservatards like their guns, but at least put effort into it.

Haha nerd

If you haven't killed at least 5 people before marriage you should just ragequit tbh

It's not your job to tell people how to live their lives. Unless it's affecting you then it's none of your business, ever.

agree do

7 or 8 'boyfriends' who were bad. This isnt counting 'boyfriends' who were good and casual partners.

Thos woman probably has a count in the 30s


So whores are dumb

That's a pathetically normie amount of sexual activity, incel.

You're very upset. Perhaps are slash drama isnt the place for you.

I’m not even remotely upset, maybe it’s you who is the wrong place.

The average woman has between 7 and 10 sexual partners over her entire lifetime. Sorry your gf/wife/mother is a whore.

That she admits to. Just like the woman from the OP.

So why are you upsetposting?

Nobody is upset. Why are you incelposting?

You're quite upset

You’re quite an incel.

That doesnt follow from anything Ive posted. You must be upset to keep making it.

But you're incelposting.

What is?

Was that ever in question?

The defensive so? After he never passed judgement is pretty telling

No need to be obtuse.

I get it, all you could get was the town bike.

better than riding a unicycle like yourself

That like a one legged town whore?

I’ve had all kinds, but the current one was a virgin when we met. I don’t really consider that an especially great thing. There is a certain peace of mind that comes with knowing what else is out there.

talking about sexual exploits on r drama

Lol what a virgin

Discussing my sexual history, more like. I know, foreign concept to many.

Seriously, inexperienced people are going to get antsy about being inexperienced. I’ve seen marriages get torpedoed because someone couldn’t take being 30 and only having fucked one person - that shit starts to mess with you. Towards the end of my first relationship, I was pretty much losing my mind after seven years and so was she.

There is like, the right level of whoring before someone settles down - and it’s more than TRP chucklefucks think it is.

Exactly, it's more a case of either extreme is not ideal marriage material, especially in the West. A girl who has only had one partner will always wonder what it would feel like to sleep with another person. The unknown is sexy, and they'll probably daydream about some perfect sexual experience.

The reality is that sex is just a piece of a relationship with another human being, so it will never go the way you imagine it in your mind. Instead of the hot, sweaty session with the chiseled trainer at the gym, it's usually some small talk with a stranger that loosens up with alcohol. One thing leads to another, you guys get it on. The next day you awkwardly leave and wonder what will happen next. They need to experience that a few times. People are weird, no one is perfect, sex rarely just ends up being a perfect one-time session with both people leaving happy with never talking again.

So yeah, you need the girl to have a few real experiences dating other guys before you marry her IMO. I'm not saying she needs to get laid every week for 3-4 years, you just want her to have some experience in relationships / sex prior to you so that when things get rough, she doesn't think to herself there's some perfect guy out there that will solve all her problems.

He will defend whores everywhere as a brave male feminist

Normal people don't use the word 'count' as shorthand for the number of sexual partners that a woman has had.

Referring to it as a body count is very common

Hahahaha no it isn't you sperg.

go be an old white guy somewhere else

The absolute state of the new generation of white men, no wonder your women are out chasing tyrone.

Ikr Tyrone doesn't get his panties bunched about how many people his woman has fucked. All that matters is that he's the one fucking her now.

You dont know any black people if you think that

Disgusting cuck, BEGONE

Where you like a virgin in highschool or something????? I have heard Body count, "conquest", "Trophies, etc. be used to count the number of women a guy has slept with it. Then you use that kind of talk around your good friends in college and afterword's. Like LOL.

Are you 16? What sort of supreme retard discusses how many women he's fucked so regularly that you need slang for it.

Are you a man?


"What sort of supreme retard discusses how many women he's fucked so regularly that you need slang for it." I mean this is such a strange comment to hear from a guy its unbelievable and I was being serious are you a guy? Like yes probably everyday at least 10-15 times a day I get in a conversation revolving around women at work. 90&#37; of that is about women they fucked or talking to me about how their wife is fucking them. Like do you work around other men at your job or is it a mostly female dominated space? This isn't even an insult and don't take it like one if you can, I am genuinely curious now. I work in welding supplies so I am constantly going out to industrial areas to check on, deliver supplies, and check their gas levels this is a very male dominated industry obviously. Once I get to know a guy for MAYBE a week women always come up. Like what Industry do you work in where it doesn't?

Sure I chat about women, well did when I was single and there was good stories to tell and that's completely normal but I'm honestly searching my mind for times when I talked about the total number of women I'd fucked.

I'm not even sure who the hell keeps count once you're out of single digits.

Better, he's a male feminist!

It's literally the title of a pop song...

Not in my world, it isn't. I've heard women, on occasion, talk about their 'number', but that's it.

I've only seen 'count' used by TRP types on the internet.

Anyone that ever uses the word female is an incel too


Unless they're black. Then it's OK.

Normal people use the word count to describe something they're counting. Are you too upset to think clearly?

They do. But not typically in that context. It's regularly used that way in the TRP community. But not so outside of it.

Maybe you don't socialize very much IRL, so you think that what you encounter in marginal internet communities is normal. But I can assure you that referring to the number of men a woman has slept with as her 'count' isn't normal in the real world.

Male feminists are always upset. It's tautological.

I'm the farthest thing from a male feminist. Well, that's not true, because I am male. But I'm not a feminist.

Do you live on a planet that consists only of locker rooms and internet forums?

Blow your soy brains out.

The more women sleep around before marriage the more likely that the marriage ends in divorce

Yes, yes, we've all seen the oddly non-linear, and rather decade-dependent graph, yawn.

What of it?




Thirty is a pretty respectable number by the time you finish college or maybe shortly after -- less if you've been long-term relationship(s), more if no real monogamous relationships at all.

30 by the time you finish college is squarely in town bike territory lol

Maybe if you went to BYU.

Everybody bikes there

Why do you care, incel? She wouldn't sleep with you anyway.

You're the only one here who seems to care.


Well if you're man enought to admit it then there's probably hope for you

Yes, indeed. Enjoy your herpes.

If you’re 30 that’s 2-3 people a year since 18

But of course that seems like an insane number to lonely nerds on reddit

The average woman has 7-10 sexual partners over her entire lifetime

How about the average woman that isn’t married by 25?

Just admit women find you repulsive, it’ll feel good to get it off your chest

Women really like me.

I don't believe you and neither do you

Mummy doesn't count

That's ok. You're a male feminist, you have enough on your plate already.

Lmao this is some shitty virtue signaling, swing and a miss

You dont even know what virtue signalling is lol

Dude male feminists lmao

7 boyfriends who need the chart + however many didnt need the chart + one night stands. Probably adds up to more than 7

I remember regular /pol/ threads (even r9kcels are less picky) about how any woman who had three or more partners was a whore and not marriage material. Like, lel, unless you're a hardcore Muslim or in one of those mormon sects (and even they use the loophole) that's pretty unrealistic, and seems rather unlikely to birth the white children the movement needs.

lol "hardcore muslim". If by hardcore Muslims you mean the vast majority of muslims, then yeah, you're right. Most of the population don't shag like wild rabbits all the time, it's only filthy westerners who do so.

Enjoy not knowing if your son is really yours for the rest of your life if that's what works for you i guess.


It’s Ramadan. Why are you being mean to people on the internet instead of using this time to reflect on how you can be a better Muslim.

Inshaallah, you will stay away from fitnah and attend Tarawih after iftar tonight 😊.

Also, fuck you. 😘 I’m not Muslim so I can say that.

The [unmarried] woman or [unmarried] man found guilty of sexual intercourse - lash each one of them with a hundred lashes, and do not be taken by pity for them in the religion of Allah, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a group of the believers witness their punishment.{2}

The fornicator does not marry except a [female] fornicator or polytheist, and none marries her except a fornicator or a polytheist, and that has been made unlawful to the believers.{3}

~Surat An-Nur, Ayahs 2-3

Islam adopts a similar position to Judaism on polytheism in Christianity iirc, in that a lot of the traditionalists argue that it is a polytheistic religion, so maybe it wouldn't apply.

you reminded me of this normie meme that i feel like sharing with you because of this comment

How many she creatures have I rejected.. the ones that were obvious. 1. 2. 3. the two 1/10s who wanted a threesome, 5. 6.

I've rejected 6 obvious ones, excluding the ones who just grab my chest or butt.

Might have missed out with the threesome, two women with rock bottom self-esteem, could have done some crazy shit.

Nope cuz they were on coke so plenty of confidence. Lmao they couldn't even dance xD. They just kinda... grinded the air and made fucking movements xD

If they look gross how am I supposed to enjoy myself?


And more and more of these motherfuckers are going to STAY that way. And no matter how much soy they consume, and how often askmen tells them it's normal to be a 30 year old virgin, they are all eventually going to snap.

Let's just pray they lack the social skills to band together.

Why band together? All they need is a truck, some courage, and a lead foot :)

fuck me

Sure, pass the bussy and I'll add to your count.

7 is short for 70

7 is the number she gives. Hint: that's not the real number. Multiply the number times itself, divide by 2, round to the nearest whole number if necessary and add 30. Her real number is 55.


Women come out of the womb with 30 notches already - it is known.

If mama has 30 dicks banging on baby's little ba-jayjay while in da womb then yeah it's known.

Imagine marrying a roastie who didn't live in a nunnery from birth until her wedding night. If your femoid even knew what a penis was before you were shoving it into her confused mouth, it's all over for you and she's going to cuck you with every Chad she sees.

You can't be a true Supreme Gentleman if your femoid isn't locked in your basement bunker while you're away.

I’m pretty sure 8 sexual partners is the US average.

That sounds plausible, one or two longish relationships, couple of short ones and a few one night stands. Of course apparently younger generations are fucking less and reddit trends young so a lot of them thinking 7 partners is slut territory makes sense.

Where'd you get that statistic of young generations fucking less? Could it be that they're fucking just as much but having less kids/relationships?

Guardian link but there was a shit load of newspaper articles about it and probably a proper journal article about it floating about somewhere. And no appear to be literally having less sex and more virgins in the 18-24 group compared to previous generations/decades.

Huh, interesting statistic. Thanks for posting that link.

Yeh it is kinda cool I should really find the real article and give it a read. I feel this actually ties into the growth of red pill/mgtow/incel bullshit over the last 5-6 years.

Could be. I would also think a factor is that we have a lot more distractions from sex now and it's simply not as much a priority as it seemed to be for previous generations.

Plus with the age of the internet and the amount of porn around now, pretty much all the "forbidden fruit" aspect of sex is gone. When you can do a quick Bing search for mature group pissing and find out how many subcategories that contains, there's a lot less mysticism about sex than say, finding a Playboy in the woods.

Probably just kids spending much more time inside, whereas in the 60s or 70s you had to leave home for most entertainment.

Vidya and the almost cancer-speed growth of online communities allow for many more distractions to sex, which is also increasingly viewed as a risky prospect due to both health/financial issues and not helped by people like mattress girl.

Matress girl?

That one chick in UC-something who claimed to be raped and carried around a mattress because for once the school denied her claim. She wasn't.


Columbia, doofus.

I'm pretty sure they did find we're on average fucking less. Probably because there are fun things to do besides slaying hoes. Like sometimes I want to play beatsaber more than I want to get off, my dad didn't have good VR

I wanna try beatsaber so bad. Looks so fun.

It's awesome, I just got around to installing the custom tracks.

What VR system do you use?

Oculus Rift 4 sensor setup 3.5x3.5 meters with a 1080ti

What age group is included in that average?

I think it’s over the course of someone’s life.

Ah, that was the seven men that she was thinking needed to work on their performance skills. The rest must've got a pass. But that Overall Mark guy sure got a good score.

I'll always lie about my number.

No good can come of telling the truth.

Honestly thats always true - too high and youre a whore, too low and you are low value or a weirdo.

Despite what rootless cosmopolitans would have you believe, anything more than 1 (yourself) is less than ideal. It's just varying levels of shit afterwards.

Ugh I can smell the unwashed neckbeads

Ugh I can smell the unwashed neckbeads

I've dated kinky women before, but I have no idea what a "neckbead" is. Sounds a little disturbing, to be honest.

Analbeads that are long enough to wrap around your partner's neck for choke-fucking. 2 fetishes for the price of one!

I know you meant well - so thanks I guess... but frankly I would have been quite comfortable going my whole life without knowing that.

Actually I made that up, that being said, someone would probably give that a try

The issue I see with that is that it would be very easy to compress the veins and kill the sub via lack/excess of blood to the brain. Choke responsably !

It's probably a thing by now.

someone's bitter, now if it was a guy making that stupid jokes (something something blowing technique) they'd be verbally high-fiving him. It's dumb in both cases and celebrating being promiscuous is gross but still.

also this is why you should only sleep with autistic, deeply Christian, 14 yos.

also this is why you should only sleep with autistic, deeply Christian, 14 yos.

Looking for love on reddit, I see.

a) She's my wife, so you know the sexual activity has gone down.

I feel bad for him.

He called president trump a joke too.

Hes a cuck.

Trump has literally been cucked before. So he is both a joke and a cuck.

Trump in turn cucked the entire world, so that's admirable

Being retarded =/= cucking people

In trump's case, they are the same thing

Imagine having a wife that was such a slut she makes off handed jokes and memes about her promiscuous past with u. This woman clearly values sex about as much as she values a handshake, and has very little respect for herself or her poor husband. He was just cock #8 (more like 38) not special, and nothing he did with her she hadn’t already done with countless men before him. A woman like that cannot be trusted. Her ability to properly pair bond has been totally destroyed, and she will cheat at the drop of a hat because sex is almost meaningless to her.

Can this be a new copy pasta?

I didn't need articles to prove that, all the proof I needed was my wife (whose virgin cunt I fucked on the day of our engagement) slurping my dick while I browsed Reddit (after a day of begging for my cum inside of her) and you were probably off jacking off to anime tits. You will never have a purebred white bitch whimpering about how she wants to be flooded and knocked up by only you. I just felt like bringing something more than anecdotal to the table

This has potential too.

This is just amazing. I'm saving these comments.

Eh, I've read better.

Yeh if he had another couple of paragraphs it would really help it stand out. On the plus side for context apparently he's a dog fucker.


purebred? for fucks sake, mayocide when


Uppity talk for "inbred". Guy's proud of it too.

Oh, that's gold. That belongs on /r/ihavesex/.

ability to properly pair bond

This is going to be my new go-to insult. Cut me off in traffic; did you forget how to fucking pair bond or something? Don't hold the elevator; That weasel definitely lost his ability to pair bond.

What in the actual fuck happened in that thread? Did it get picked up by TRP or KiA or some other degenerate hangout?

The joke isn't even risque / whoreish. She could be referring to high school sweethearts or people she dated in college. How are people this fucking autistic?

It must be, there's so much red pill crap being upvoted it's insane

They've made their way here!

Doubtful, we have enough virgin autists of our own.

So I show up to the bar unshowered after my 3rd lifting sesh of the day, there's a thick layer of testosterone covering my chiseled body. I see a 10 sitting alone at the bar, I approach and say "I'm buying you a drink." She starts to reply and I cut her off "No. I'll tell you what you want." She looks at me, I can smell her pheromones as she takes me in. So used to beta orbiters she is literally frozen in the face of True Alpha Confidence.

She says "You smell like rotten ass." Obvious shit test, of course. I say "Yeah, and?" Wetness begins dripping down her legs, she is literally putty in my hands at this point. I order our drinks and tell her she's a fucking retard. I can see she is fighting the urge to pull my dick out and suck it till last call.

I initiate physical contact, poking her shoulder while saying "you'll do." Her eyes roll back in her head as she orgasms twice, white knuckling the now-soaked stool she is sitting on.

I ask her what she does for a living. Some bullshit social media bullshit. I say "that's cute." She then talks about a bunch of shit, who gives a fuck. After a while I said "Alright, that's enough. We're going back to your place."

She says "ummm uhhh ok," trying to act like she hasn't been waiting all night for me to say that. We go, I fuck her brains out for 4.37 hours, then she tries to snuggle up on me and I say I have to leave.

I take her number so I can plate her later, turns out she's engaged to some cuck and weekly texts me begging me to come fuck her.


Ugh I hate it when that happens

its sorted by controversial

That I get, but the sheer number of retards pouring out of the woodwork seems suspect to me.

yeah i mean its r/funny so... could be even more surprising

There's 32 updoots on the controversial comment and 6000 up dudes on the regular top comment, which is a joke comment that has nothing to do with slut shaming.

You're being manipulated to believe that there's a reaction there isn't


That's just the default setting of Reddit. Casual sexism, casual racism, not very sex positive, and topped off with a big serving of moral superiority.

Probably a circlejerk of the same hundred people and their alts voting each other. Considering the post has 31k upvotes, a hundred users isn't going to even be a drop in the bucket.

If you look at threads sorted by controversial, you'll see that the opinions that are upvoted there are usually different than the prevailing ones in the rest of the thread. It's probably because users make comments that are mostly downvoted at first, then other users from certain communities will sort the thread by controversial and then upvote those comments.

This comment currently has 12 upvotes, so I'm guessing that MDE users are one of those communities.

If you sort by top it's just as bad. This comment is just the most blatant and least comical of the lot. There's a bunch of comments with similar sentiment that have karma in the hundreds.

If there is one thing I hate more than left-wing SJWs, it's right-wing SJWs. And there's a lot of 'em on that thread.

7 people

a lot

Fucking virgin reddit. Rookie numbers.

What's your number?

Women? Gross, 0. Men? Too many to count

I mean does one count oral? The president doesn't


straight to voicemail, sigh

I've got your number


Baby, I can be anyone you want me to be.

Can you be a worthwhile human being who doesn't pray they never wake up every night they go to bed?

Baby, I can be nearly anyone you want me to be.

Seven full blown relationships is a fucking lot dude. You know this means all the rest of the cocks she rode "don't count" because they weren't boyfriends.


I would rather be with someone that has been in a few successful relationships(About 4 years) than someone that has been in a series of unsuccessful ones(1 year or less). But that seems to just be me so whatever.

I mean, that's probably the ideal for a functional relationship. But people like you seek each other out, and more fucked up people tend to seek each other out. And incels stay alone and plan mass shootings.

The only problem is people that suggest you're not allowed to have these preferences.

I have no problem with women having a high amount of sexual partners. You do you. But you can't deny that after a certain amount, it does portray some sort of image. 7-8 however isn't really a big deal. And that doesn't mean these aren't meaningful relationships, you can have 5 partners in a decade and they could each last 2 years.

Maybe people should just not be judged by their number of sexual partners.

But hey that'd be boring.

why wouldn't i judge someone for something that they choose and which clearly reflects on their character?

Because neither is better or worse.

Hahaha 7 makes you a giant whore? Those are rookie numbers, fucking prudes.

Holy shit that's a lot of incels

It's 7 more people ahead of them getting any tang so yeah.

When you're a 25 year old virgin with no frame of reference, 7 might as well be 7000.

For a minute I didn't realize you sorted by controversial and just thought the defaults had gone full on crazy since I stopped using Reddit as much. But, I mean, shit they are still up voted

Is the beta uprising actually going to happen? Is that why we quit joking about it?

shit they are still up voted

If you look at threads sorted by controversial, you'll see that the opinions that are upvoted there are usually different than the prevailing ones in the rest of the thread. It's probably because users make comments that are mostly downvoted at first, then other users from certain communities will sort the thread by controversial and then upvote those comments.

Lmfao seven is a lot? Holy shit, do they not know what college is?

PM me your college sex exploits

Keep in mind a lot of STEM lords on this site don't get laid all that much. (Well, atleast I know its the case for Tech and Engineering anyway)


The marriage laws are so fucked up and modern women are so disloyal and promiscuous that I think anyone who gets married is insane. I certainly have no plans to ever get married. Why would I risk half my assets and half of more of all my future earnings on a rigged business contract that has an overall fail rate of over 50% and gives me almost zero benefits? I’m not interested in financially supporting and caring for a woman as she gets old and ugly and stops fucking me and does nothing but nag and complain. I’m very healthy and physically fit, I’ll just continue to pump and dump girls in the 18-25 age bracket well into my 60s and once I’m in my 70s I’ll just pay for girls until I die. I probably won’t even have much sex drive by then anyways*.

There’s nothing to be jealous of here. I just feel bad for the husband and I think the his wife’s so called joke is in extremely poor taste.



Obvious redpill fantasy, but in the microscopic chance that it's true, it's probably for the best that he never raises a child.

95% of TRP content is just elaborate LARPS and fap material

No joke

That's nothing. Dante's girlfriend went down on 37 guys in a row.

Michael Starr fucked 17 girls in a row last night.

My wife once asked me how many partners I'd had, I was drunk but I still knew it was a bad idea to tell her. I cut it in half and told her, she still gives me shit about it. Men aren't the only ones who are turned off by a laundry list of former fuck buddies.

Probably women more then men lol. I'm sure women on average put a little more emotional investment into relationships and partners they've had sex with.

Men dont bring it up as much as women probably. but when they do, girls get pissed

It's all a double standard that will never be solved honestly. If you don't wanna be with someone that has had many partners, then don't be. But everyone views sex differently. Some thinks it's sacred and special, others just find sex a fun experience that doesn't need to be shared with someone special necessarily. There's 7 billion of us, it's ok to have differing opinions.

Its ok if I agree with those opinions.

this but kill all degenerates

men get way more insecure about it though. i've literally never seen women REEEEing on reddit that their boyfriend, or someone else's boyfriend , fucked too many women. it's definitely a dude thing to be massively insecure that your partner has a sex drive.

i've literally never seen women REEEEing on reddit

/r/trollxchromosomes is thatta way

yeah but even they don't reee about men having high counts. they just hate all men in general.

lol you married a frigid bitch

I used to tell my ex-wife about the sluts I banged before her when she wasn't in the mood, always got her dripping

i don't believe you. i've never met a woman who gave a shit about my number, and mine is grotesque

The only thing grotesque about you is how much tine you spend in reddit...

I got dumped once for telling a girl my body count lol, some women care and others don't though

All in, that was fucking funny thing plus the thread is a riot.

lmfao those comments are nuts

this comment section is even more drama than the OP

ITT: whores

The response to this post is the equivalent of bursting out in nervous laughter. The roasties know the sea is changing. #timesup

people are totally gonna stop having sex because angry virgins on the internet are angry

I think it's a lot more than just angry virgins. The average man is beginning to realize that women today are a bad deal. Women who can't take good care of themselves don't make good partners. Women are beginning to realize their meal ticket is in danger if they don't shape up. It may take another generation to fix these problems but the effects are already happening--just look how many miserable, unmarried women there are in their 30s and 40s, meanwhile happiness for men, who are actually capable of happiness without women (same can't be said in reverse), is on the rise.

Multiple generations of women degrading themselves while men become better and better. What did women think was going to happen?

Wew lad

That's what she WON'T say when I DON'T fuck her.

just fuck dudes you fag

I like PUSSNIZZLE you queer!

In their defense, some people are indeed going to stop having sex once they cross the schizo virgins' path while they are shooting up another american school or running over normies with a car

Weaponized autism is a serious matter fam

/u/somuchluv2give is an incel confirmed

Only virgins think virgins good lovers...

> That’s the thing though... you’re absolutely wrong. Women of respect save themselves or have very little experience sexually. At least, that’s the case with my wife. Everyone has different tolerances I guess...

> Yes, we should all throw any ideas of monogamy or chastity to the wind and spend our time fucking anything that moves because that's how you create the next generation of healthy productive adults.

chastity creates women who (and men) suck at fucking and I'm pretty dang sure that sexual compatibility is something important to figure out before marriage.



This guy made a sub called BrainBuilding:

No actual proof he's a MGTOW, but that won't stop me from hurling accusations.

I endorse your accusations!

Are you under the impression that you're physically intimidating?

I got that Dorian yate barn door back.

I don't know what that is, but if it requires you to be shirtless when lifting in an empty gym, I'm all for it.

Mods, this guy just linked a picture of a shirtless child on reddit.

U know I'm bigger than u. Ur just a hater troll, small fry.

using memes that are stale even on /r/bb

Please stop

Sorry, sir. I'll be sure to get your approval before I post another meme.

I'm confused. I don't think 7 is too high a number - or that there really is "a number" at all. But, I also think that joking about exes that way is unnecessarily petty. I wouldn't say something like that about an ex, nor would I want something like that said about me.

Oh what the shame the poor grooms bride is a whore

While reading the comments I had to check what sub it was in three times. It was in Funny, but I would have sworn I had stumbled into Incel territory. There are a lot of weird disturbed people out there.

/u/somuchluv2give posting on something outside of MGTOW doesn't make your LARPs more real.

Here's another comment exclaiming 7 sex is a lot while also announcing I'm a whore

This entire website is a mistake. All of this... all of this is just a big fucking mistake.

/u/FascistBodybuilder /u/easylogger /u/reddit_survivor

Do you see this moral and societal degeneration happening in your average Muslim country? I'll answer that for you: fuck no, because they don't let this degeneracy slide, like fucking liberal CUCKS in the West. There's only one solution, and that is for everyone to convert to Islam.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn't tolerate degeneracy like promiscuity or gender bending—nay! He mandated the ostracization and execution of adulterers, and made sure they would not become commonplace or accepted by the rest of the community. He made sure to establish clear gender roles and didn't tolerate this "casual sex" trash.

In the meantime, you have Western society accepting whores, gays, slut pride, gender-mixing, topfreedom, prostitution, new genders, no genders, LGBT, and who knows what else?! Western society is truly degenerating without guidance, and I fear that as time passes, these degenerate groups only gain more and more power.

Muslims and traditionalists might think they're enemies, but in reality, they're closer to each other than they think! An alliance would prove very fruitful for both sides.

Just repeat the declaration of faith after me:

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله

and you'll be right on your way to becoming a great Muslim!

Well, the Muslim population is and is expected to continue to skyrocket. Emulating their approach to sex and reproduction (which used to be almost everyone's approach and is by no means unique to Islam) would be a good idea for any population interested in keeping up.

Did all the srdine cucks brigade this post?

I know, the feminist brainwash campaign combined with Jew propaganda in mainstream media and Hollywood has created a cesspool of degeneracy.

can we get this for snappy?

Wait, what? How having 7 exs something weird or "promiscuous"? And who the fuck even says promiscuous as a bad thing? Shit, who say promiscuous at all? I thought Reddit was a place full of nerds in their 20s, not 60 years old grandpas. Where are they from? What's wrong with their culture?

If you’re thirty, having only one sexual encounter per year starting for age 20 will give you double digits I don’t think 1 a year is slutty at all unless Reddit is a nunnery.

Is she a bigger white than Melania?

Oh wow. I was made to feel like a monster for sleeping with 4 women in my past. 3 committed relationships and a one-night-stand. I really wouldn’t consider 7 to be bad at all.

7 is a lot

Americans 🤣

IMO having 7 sexual partners is a lot and means that you are either slutty or unable to form a long-lasting relationship.

inb4: No, I am neither virgin non redpiller.