Livestreamfail and Ice fans duke it out in an epic that can only be compared to homer's Iliad and the Odyssey

74  2018-06-06 by SovietWarfare

So for those who don't know, Ice_Poseidon is a popular livestreamer who is often featured on /r/livestreamfail (a subreddit dedicated to showing clips of "fails" that people make on stream).

Ice is a very well known personality known for autistic behavior or actions that would otherwise be compared to a drug addict. Being as autistic as he is, he often fills up their subreddit from clip of his stream. This has gained the attention of the regular of the sub as well as the mod team.

But enough with the background, time for the drama! Recently it was discovered that Ice faked a break up between him and him and his "ex" Caroline Burt (also for those who don't know her parents were quite powerful, her father being an ambassador to Germany and her mother a white house secretary). This was discovered by tracking all of her Instagram and twitter posts as well as cross referencing actual google maps to photos taken.

This blew up more than you would expect. There were(are) accusations that his whole stream is scripted, that he should be banned from the subreddit, and videos with him in them should also be removed. It got to the point where they are currently holding a public vote on it.

With such an opportune time to ban him, some users question if the mods are being baised or not, and with another twist it turns out the mods had already planned on trying to ban Ice with proof of them making two subreddits for his stream only. (The same mods of /r/livestreamfail). The poll in question is also designed to try and get him banned by splitting the vote into three parts rather than two (two options end in him getting banned).

There is also a filter specifically in place for Ice so people can filter his content out of their subreddit so this whole this is kinda pointless. Also there is a LOT more to this story, however I'm too lazy to type it up right now and I might edit this later or put it in comments.


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  1. This Post -,*,,

  2. /r/livestreamfail -,*,*

  3. This was discovered by tracking all... -,*,

  4. -,*,,

  5. subreddits for his stream only. -,*,

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The poll in question is also designed to try and get him banned by splitting the vote into three parts rather than two (two options end in him getting banned).

Wouldn't that weaken his chances of getting banned? They should have split the vote to have him stay into two parts, so that all parts against would be allocated into a single block, and the parts to have him stay would be allocated into two smaller blocks.

The way the mods are counting it is they will take two of the options and put them together as proof people want Ice of their subreddit. Meaning they want the most amount of people to either directly or indirectly agree with them.

Ah, well that's retarded. They should do it my way

They banned kaceytron from the sub without a vote, fucking sexists. Also only did it because most of their sub mistaking her for real made them look stupid by association.

That dude is fake as fuck. People just bought into his bullshit of muh parents don't love me; I was bullied. Wahhahaha

How fucking August do you have to be to watch someone live stream their lives?

At least twice as autistic as someone willing to live stream their lives for people to watch

Still nowhere near as autistic as the people who donate to him, stream snipe him and say that they viewed him as a close friend.

As retarded as watching any other reality show I guess.

jersey shore had way better acting than this bullshit



I'm pretty sure it's all preteens

I know it's all preteens, because I joined the discord and opened the most populated voice chat channel. It's mostly squeakers repeating memes and curse words like they're high on paint thinner.

EdTV has become true.

Does this mean that video of him cucking some guy is fake? I already got off to it. 😭

The video of a guy looking into a window you mean?

Yeah, it's great.

No, it becomes double real because he's cucking his fake ex, too.

Maybe not! Caroline has come out and said Ice cheated on her multiple times!

the black man's face at the end was actually kinda funny

Fuck autistic livestreams. Make more titty streamers!

We NEED to make livestreaming illegal.

That's right! All livestreams must be taped and aired 5 seconds later.

impeach trump

And yet millenials continue to claim they aren't the lamest generation in history.

I'm glad the greatest generation is dead so they can't see us revel in our mess

Millennials: Hmmpph.Why don't people take my opinions seriously???

Also Millennials: Time to go home and watch some dumbass livestream his life while I sit here and convert cheetos and gatorade into more entropy for the universe.

Imaging caring about any of this lol

we gotta throw all these people in a woodchipper

I was recently told if you ever have the misfortune of visiting Fargo the woodchipper from the movie is on display. You know that fucker can get the job done.

One of you explain this sperg on sperg crime for the rest of us normies.

I can try, I guess. Ice is a live streamer. He had a girlfriend whom his viewers hated named Caroline. The two of them supposedly broke up a while back, but his audience's weaponized autism caused them to "prove" the two are still dating.

I think r/LSF has a rule about no manufactured drama, so they are asking if Ice should be banned for his transgressions.

Honestly, I've never watched any of this, so I could be wrong on some details.


Oh sorry buttertoast, I forgot you get bored with any drama that doesn't attack Trump. Being an anti-daddy shill must be boring!

gaming drama = cancer

ice_faggot = worst kind of cancer

no thank u

ed why can't you enjoy drama that we can all agree to laugh at together

be a uniter not a divider ok

implying meta drama isn't worth stirring for


So that girl getting roofied live was fake?

Honestly cannot figure out watching anyone stream anything unless it's never before seen. This vicarious form of living through others is creepy.

This is the idiot who was with a group of his retarded friends and said racist shit in a Denny's then cowered down when called out on it. Something about "we didn't do nuffin, not real racism just jokes"

He also managed to "stream" him cucking a "fan" with his special needs wife.

tl;dr all ice fans are retarded cucks who should really keep themselves safe.