Valve pulls a spez
295 2018-06-07 by adnzzzzZ
Valve recently decided to not remove games from their store unless it's illegal. This has made some people angery: Valve will literally elect Trump in 2020
1 SnapshillBot 2018-06-07
Wow, that's a lot of links! The snapshots can be found here.
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
OP overwhelmed Snappy. APOLOGIZE!!!
1 saint2e 2018-06-07
Popular store won't not sell things I'm not being forced to buy, and I'm upset about it.
1 GunOfSod 2018-06-07
Why won't people just let me decide what's good for them?
1 anaxamandrus 2018-06-07
Stop oppressing me.
1 Greatpointbut 2018-06-07
Stop mis-marginalizing me, you fucking white male CIS normie
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-07
Feminists rekt.
1 Greatpointbut 2018-06-07
The funny thing is that Autismos and Feminists are the perfect match, as long as both sides respect and trust each other. 🙃
1 hlary 2018-06-07
their not just a "popular" store tho. they practicly have a monopoly on online videogame distribution and make shittons of money. if a small game even wants a chance of being mildly financially successful without bending over for a big publisher then you gotta sell it through them. paradoxily the amount of pure garbage that is released there drowns out everyone who doesnt have a marketing team or gets extremely lucky.
1 AIDS_IN_THE_ASS 2018-06-07
Ok, so what?
1 hlary 2018-06-07
thats bad
1 AIDS_IN_THE_ASS 2018-06-07
Dam steem, y r u so sucksessful,bad steem
1 hlary 2018-06-07
steam was successful before they gave up on quality control
1 asdfghjklpoiuytrewqm 2018-06-07
You literally just said they are so successful they essentially have a monopoly on online gaming.
1 hlary 2018-06-07
1 Wave_Entity 2018-06-07
not any worse than the days before steam, where indie games went to like, newgrounds or just straight up never got heard of by anyone.
like it or not, most indie games get about as much attention as they deserve, the market is just beyond saturated. People aren't gonna play 1000 indie platformers or heartwarming walking sims a year and especially not at 20 bucks a pop.
1 TheShiftyCow 2018-06-07
Make your own store and attempt to compete with them.
Bitching won't fix it.
1 hlary 2018-06-07
do you have any less lolbertarian solution then?
1 TheShiftyCow 2018-06-07
Is suggesting someone create a competitor a """""libertarian"""" idea? Fucking what? Do you want the government to regulate Steam and run their own online store or what?
Competition is good. Sim City started having issues. Guess what? Paradox saw that and created Cities: Skylines. A very well loved game. Same with Frontier and Planet Coaster.
Competition is beneficial for consumers. That's not some libertarian idea. That's just... reality.
1 --duke- 2018-06-07
Competition already exists, GOG client, the Microsoft store, your own website. Don't know how Steam is a monopoly now a days. All the behemoths like EA have gone off steam too, the most popular games in the world aren't bought on Steam.
Steam is just the only one kind enough to let a million trash variations of the same indie platformer game be released.
1 DoctorFahrenheit 2018-06-07
The government should totally step in and make their video game store more orderly. This is high priority shit, somebody tweet Trump!
1 trapochaphouse 2018-06-07
Have you tried crying about it on reddit?
1 loli_esports 2018-06-07
Add me on origin
1 hlary 2018-06-07
Shug service tbh and only for ea games
1 azriel777 2018-06-07
Or go to another store that isn't flooded with stuff, but good luck getting approval unless your from a big publisher or have a lot of hype on your game. The irony is that a lot of dev's bitching about all the stuff on steam probably would not even have their indie games approved if steam was filtering out anything not good quality.
1 itoucheditforacookie 2018-06-07
Create something better. Games are still created for mobile ps xbone switch. If your game is shit and you don't promote it well it should probably fail because you aren't doing your job of advertising you stupid videojuego dumbo
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
U r bad
1 hlary 2018-06-07
uh no u sweety
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
1 nanonan 2018-06-07
So it's good that they are letting everyone on their platform then.
1 modsarethebest 2018-06-07
no it's good.
exactly because they have a monopoly, they shouldn't engage in censorship beyond what the law requires.
1 Unstable_Scarlet 2018-06-07
So does this mean they’re allowing 18+ games now...?
1 TheCodexx 2018-06-07
A large monopolistic corporation banning certain things is a problem.
The single-largest retailer dropping content restrictions means we get a big, open platform and nobody gets hurt. Well, unless you're a game blogger's feelings.
1 ineedmorealts 2018-06-07
I don't think that's true anymore. Lots of indie devs make more money selling on the switch than they do selling on steam, because steam is so oversaturate with utter dog shit it's impossible to get eyes on your game
1 FcpEcvRtq 2018-06-07
The important bit here is "paradoxically". If Valve didn't let everything in, the devs you speak of wouldn't be able to put their games on Steam in the first place.
At least now developers can send keys to obscure Youtubers who focus on discovering new games, and it can snowball from there.
1 letter_of_resignatio 2018-06-07
Look at this Nazi.
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
You see the thing about Valve selling games I don't like is it will lead to everyone but straight white cis males (aka the default) dying so it's racist misogynistic transphobic homophobic bullshit and should be illegal.
1 blastiff 2018-06-07
How am I supposed to not be so hateful with all these hate-games I now have to consume? There is literally nothing to gauge my moral compass on outside of the games I play. There's no karma score in real life. My life decisions aren't color-coded blue and red for me. What the fuck am I supposed to do?
1 saint2e 2018-06-07
Share your opinions online, take any criticism of those opinions and claim it's harassment, open a patreon, share patreon online, profit.
You're a woman, right?
1 BigPriceToupee 2018-06-07
You forgot: "White Jimbocide"
1 Anaud-E-Moose 2018-06-07
Found DSP!
1 captainpriapism 2018-06-07
sure i can block them from my view so i never see them, but other people will be able to see them and i dont want that!
1 heilspawn 2018-06-07
Do you enjoy scrolling though 10 pages of poorly made knock off crap that was made in a week?
1 pm-me-weird-stuff 2018-06-07
No I don't, but most of the people who are mad about this decision wanted Valve's control over the games to be based on politics, not quality. It's disingenuous to pretend they're mad about people being able to sell bad games. They aren't. They're mad about people being able allowed to get away with wrongthink.
1 saint2e 2018-06-07
No, but I somehow manage to shop successfully.on Amazon.
1 Damuel 2018-06-07
That's because amazon actually has filters that work.
Steam on the other hand literally ignores your filters.
1 jon_browne 2018-06-07
Valve literally addressed this in their statement. They're working on making the filtering system better
1 Damuel 2018-06-07
They've been saying that for years and they've been fucking it up worse and worse.
How is it so hard to make it so when I specifically filter out anime games to stop anime games from covering my homepage?
But instead we get quality updates like curators so now I can see what Critiquing Doge or Commander Shepard like.
1 jon_browne 2018-06-07
Well I don't know what to tell you then. They said they're going to fix it, you don't believe them, so that's your problem
1 Damuel 2018-06-07
It's like everyone who argues over this has poor memory or bad reading comprehension.
But hey more power to you if you like the Google playstore.
1 ask_about_my_hentai 2018-06-07
The number of bad games released daily on steam makes it hard to find new indie games
1 saint2e 2018-06-07
If only there was some sort or review system in place to filter out the crap.
1 ask_about_my_hentai 2018-06-07
The reviews are full of shill reviews, and there is no way to find NEW games, you have to wait until others pay for and play them, which means some games slip though the cracks. Angels Fall First and legends of ellaria are to games I can think of that have suffered from this, since no one wants to try them when they come out, and by the time they have been played and vetted and given good reviews, they aren't on the new and trending section, nor on the top sellers section (since they're indie games) and they become lost.
1 BurgerLaowai 2018-06-07
Damn free market!
1 NormanImmanuel 2018-06-07
Based Gabe giving 0 fucks.
Literally who are all these people?
1 Capital_Rope 2018-06-07
Quite a few of them are game journalists who were complaining about Valve taking adult games off the store not too long ago.
Also, a lot of unironic "companies can choose to not sell games :)" before literal REEEEEin about that same company choosing to not not sell games they don't like.
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
Hentai is important.
1 ch4os1337 2018-06-07
Hentai not Hate Speech.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-06-07
It's been proven that having access to porn/hentai lowers the rates of violent crime and sex assault. Source. . .I want to believe
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
Feels > reals do this is def true
1 Strazdas1 2018-06-07
the increase in access to porn has lead to decrease in sexual assault rates (regardless of feminists want you to believe, the rates are actually down). FBI has stated it is likely related, so ill take their side on this one.
1 Destirigon 2018-06-07
Censorship is bad when it affects [thing I like] but it is great when it affects [thing I don't like].
This comment is ironic. Unfortunately, many people (including, it would seem, literally everyone linked in the post) think so for real.
1 hlary 2018-06-07
i mean id be nice they would atleast be somewhat consistent about it lmao
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-07
Amazingly, both KiA and Ghazitards adhere tot his.
1 KittehDragoon 2018-06-07
They're both full of people with strong feelings about gamergate.
Ergo, they're both equally retarded.
1 CaesarCzechReborn 2018-06-07
i mean gamergate is like Poland. a prelude to things to come. So forgive bunch of cunts for reminiscing about how it all started.
1 KittehDragoon 2018-06-07
Poland is the Alabama of Europe.
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-06-07
Alabama-tier is pretty respectable when you're compared with all that yugoslavia debris and Albania that share the continent.
1 KittehDragoon 2018-06-07
Poland, like Alabama, is only really poor if we're comparing it to its wealthier neighbors. However, Poland, also like Alabama, is renowned for its sizeable population of rednecks
If you want to know why siding with Putin over the West is a bad idea, compare the respective GDP per capita of Poland with that of Russia over the past 10 years.
1 Destirigon 2018-06-07
Well they're basically the same except that KiA hates women and GG hates men.
1 captainpriapism 2018-06-07
are you retarded lol gg was literally about not censoring things
it started because these same people were removing posts and banning shit they didnt like
1 pitterpatterwater 2018-06-07
are your retarded lol have you seen kia.
1 captainpriapism 2018-06-07
yeah im the resident gamergate guy i thought that was always common knowledge
literally everything about gamergate was opposition to censorship, it started because mods kept deleting conversation about how shit kotaku was and how ugly the fat girl they all fingered was
1 Necroblight 2018-06-07
There's difference between censorship and quality control.
1 Destirigon 2018-06-07
Removing games like the ones that were threatened recently is clearly the former though.
1 Necroblight 2018-06-07
Didn't say it wasn't.
1 WhatsupDoc001 2018-06-07
If you want quality control let the community decide what is good and what is terrible and maybe put a warning for devs that consistently push for complete crap.
And maybe you as a consumer don't be a fucking retard and do some research before buying something. It's not Valve's job to protect you from your stupidity but it's definitely their job to put some proper filters so you can decide what you want to see in the Store.
1 Strazdas1 2018-06-07
That is a horrible way to do it. See: Why subreddits need moderators.
1 WhatsupDoc001 2018-06-07
Subreddits DON'T need moderators, they just need janitors. The reason reddit has turned into complete garbage is because people think reddit needs moderators. In most situations these power hungry imbeciles just push their agendas and create a toxic and bitter environment in most communities.
1 Strazdas1 2018-06-07
They do. Subreddits whose moderators dont keep the subs on topic and let the votes do the deciding turn to shit quite fast.
The reason reddit has turned into garbage is because they fired all the good admins and replaced them with idealogues also same 10 mods mod 90% of big subs.
No, it is the lack of proper moderation that allows subs to turn into political PR campaigns. See /r/politics and /r/worldnews
1 Strazdas1 2018-06-07
The difference is censorship is removing the game because of its subject matter and quality control is removing the game because it doesnt work.
It's very clear that all they want is for Valve to take down games that support/are developed by people supporting political opinions they disagree with.
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
none of these games are political ya tard
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
as a matter of fact, NO games are political. besides Tropico, which is centrist
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
who liked Hatred?
on the other hand, who outside Australia was bothered enough by Hatred to care that people were selling it?
1 captainpriapism 2018-06-07
australian censorship is because of the christian lobby and old people, american censorship is because of neon haired progressives wanting to be the arbiter of what people consume
the thing is the old people and christian lobby are becoming less powerful over time
1 EasySchmitty 2018-06-07
Bluecheckmarkcide when?
1 BumwineBaudelaire 2018-06-07
games journalists
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
man i so glad gabe owns that platform and not the overarching capitalist conspiracy. i really hope he never sells it.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-06-07
He once said "If we sell Valve it would suck, we'd all have to get real jobs again."
Apparently valve is set up like
dirty commie cultcabal, where everyone has an equal say in things. So I not even sure if Gabe could sell Valve if he wanted to. The founders all came from Microsoft, they set up the company to prevent as much corporate fuckery as possible. Which I think is pretty cool, but since it's sort of socialist it's bad.1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
you know, not all of us are sheeple around here, it's ok to admit that socialism can work.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-06-07
Thinking socialism is cool is the first step to throwing kids in
cagesgulags. At least according to YouTube "skeptics".But yeah I'm Canadian, not having universal healthcare is just too bizarre to wrap my head around. Shit last week Poppa Trudeau bought the pipeline, and I've never been happier. My job just got secured for at least the next 2 years. So yeah I'm basically full tankie at this point.
1 muck4doo 2018-06-07
Good. You keep it there and Veneuela.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-06-07
I uovoted you, but on reflection I think your comment is slightly retarded.
1 kippot 2018-06-07
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
see, the thing about the gulags is that the bolsheviks, including the key players lenin and trotsky, the party which subsequently morphed into the ussr and stalin after the nazis 'threat' was dealt with... were bankrolled by wall street, armed by the us army, approved of by high ranking western officials including president woodrow wilson, and even given indirect military aid during the revolution. for example: here's a news clipping from 1920 in the new york times where a red russian city gives thanks to the allies for saving the movement at a critical time
always follow the money
... so i haven't something like that, yet, for latin american revolutions, u/muck4doo, but my bets are on finding a bunch of fucking capitalist money and guns fucking shit up.
... and u/istural, mccarthy can go fuck himself.
1 istural 2018-06-07
Mccarthy did nothing wrong.
1 FcpEcvRtq 2018-06-07
Does it tho
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
not in competition with capitalism, it won't. capitalism is like cancer and does all it can to corrupt the opposition in favor of itself.
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
nice day, don’t it?
1 moush 2018-06-07
I really doubt that. They are just as bad as EA and many other publically traded companies, they have to be loaded.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-06-07
Valve is a private company, basically a employee owned partnership. So yeah they're all rich as fuck.
1 loli_esports 2018-06-07
iirc they dont have equal say, but no one has a real set job, so you might be a graphics designer, but you get to pick if you want to work on dota, cs, steam, or the card game
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-06-07
Yeah I imagine there's some type of top down management going on there. Some one has to tell the other stores get some work done.
Although the fact that they can't/won't make HL3 may be a clear indication they're a bunch of lazy commies.
1 -absolutego- 2018-06-07
I think that's mostly because Steam was exploding in the wake of HL2's release, which brought in a bunch of new employees, which always changes the corporate culture. By the time the new normal had been established the hype for HL3 was already out of control and they were moving away from games development in general.
At this point they're a publishing company more than a game developer, I think DOTA and that card game are the only things under any kind of active development.
1 azriel777 2018-06-07
It is also good they are a private company and not beholden to shareholders, every company that has shareholders turns to shit sooner or later.
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
looks like randomly transferring ownership around isn't good for the sustainability of the service ... despite how much the elite love how it ultimately leaves them with so much of the power ...
1 Assy-McGee 2018-06-07
Jews did it again!
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
i prefer letting the blame sit just on the capitalists, because power corrupts categorically.
but the fact that even trying talk about this seriously without anti-semitism getting thrown in somehow, like i can't even tell if you're being sarcastic or not because of poe's law ... but either way is equally confusing ...
... leads me to believe the jews are actually at the center of all of this mess we call modern capitalism. or at least were. i'm not sure (((they))) were able to contain it as well as they would have liked.
1 Assy-McGee 2018-06-07
i’m unironically a Jewish Supremecist.
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
no dude, i'm gonna need more than that to convince me ...
because if the jews were supreme enough to actually be in charge, then they are the ones responsible for really fucking this planet over with the ignorance they impose upon everyone else, as a side effect of the techniques used to maintain that power.
as because of that ignorance, we, as a species, are unable to make coherent enough long-term decisions to avoid catastrophic methane release.
... like this isn't going to be pretty for the human race if whoever the fuck is in charge doesn't start literally begging for forgiveness from god almighty, however the fuck that is defined, in a very public, and very transparent manner, about what the fuck is really going on upon this seemingly god-forsaking planet ...
1 captainpriapism 2018-06-07
lol that that exists after the past 2000 years
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2018-06-07
Why don't you ever bring this kind of fire in r/collapse? I had no idea you knew about the Jew
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
i only plunged into the overarching global conspiracy with 9/11 about 4 months ago ... and i'm not sure how accurate it is to call (((them))) a jewish conspiracy ...
the crown sure has no problem going along with it.
nor does the american deep state like the bushes.
fuck i'm pretty sure russian and china are in on it.
and mr kim of north korea, his antics are fantastic for the propaganda machine.
the south korean president was caught directly taking orders from south korean business executives, that's like a canary in the coal mine right there ...
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2018-06-07
It sounds like what you're looking for is "Culture of Critique"
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
hahahahaha. nah, after watching this summery, i'm not that interested in the focus on iq or the opposition of multiculturalism.
white supremacy and that kind simple minded thought feels to me as part of the controlled opposition specifically architected by the powers that be.
like, sometimes i feel like nazism and the holocaust was a conspiracy to create a political reason for israel, given that wall street bankrolled hitler much like they bankrolled the bolsheviks ... and that the people at the top, jewish or otherwise, just didn't give a flying fuck about the casualties.
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2018-06-07
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
ok man: those top level numbers are not summing up contained categories or there'd be more latina feminists. and feminism wasn't a latina conspiracy ...
1 AggressionSsb 2018-06-07
Just look at the pictures, fucking loser SJW trannies.
1 Boeing676 2018-06-07
Narcissistic video game developers and journalists.
1 WeWuzKANG5 2018-06-07
The first was a tranny, I couldn't stomach clicking on the rest.
1 King-Achelexus 2018-06-07
Garbage losers, glad that Valve is finally telling them to go shove a take up their ass.
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
Is this good or bad?
1 NormanImmanuel 2018-06-07
It's good for drama.
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
Oh gj Valve then
1 Boeing676 2018-06-07
That's all i need to know 👍
1 Swaquile 2018-06-07
Does anything else really matter?
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
If you want to put a game you made on Steam and have it be actually visible, it's bad.
If you want to find new games worth playing on Steam, it's bad.
For everyone else, it's either good or doesn't matter to them. I think Steam shit the bed on quality and knows there's no turning back. It's the ghetto of games.
1 Capital_Rope 2018-06-07
You shouldn't be randomly browsing games on Steam anyway, you idiot.
Steam is better off doing the opposite of what retards want.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
I don't browse games on Steam. It's a trash service to try and find new stuff on.
1 JohnBlind 2018-06-07
Finding new stuff is for tryhard nerds
Just coopt everything popular like regular folks do
1 hlary 2018-06-07
porn has taught me that this philosophy is retarded the best shit is often hidden away
1 jubbergun 2018-06-07
This sounds suspiciously like something someone addicted to kiddie porn would say.
1 Neronoah 2018-06-07
Now he has steam to satisfy his hentai needs, don't kinkshame
1 DoctorFahrenheit 2018-06-07
Mods pls ban the pedo
1 hlary 2018-06-07
kink shamer smh
1 SuitableHippo999 2018-06-07
It doesn't take a genius to know the premium videos must be the best quality available.
1 EarnestNoMeta 2018-06-07
muh gaymes
1 PM_ME_UR_1080TI 2018-06-07
Steam is nowhere near as bad as GameStop
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
lol GameStop. Well, I own a PS4, have the internet, use, and of course have a shitload of games on Steam. Buuut before you jump on me like all the other people offended at my criticisms of Steam, allow me to remind you that I'm talking about browsing for new stuff on Steam--not using Steam as a service overall.
1 PM_ME_UR_1080TI 2018-06-07
1 nanonan 2018-06-07
So if it's shit already which it is, why do you care if they make it worse?
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
I don't. People are asking me questions about it and getting offended at the answers.
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
So it looks like they're opening the floodgates for shovelware trash (bad), but the few tweets I read were taking more about how socially justically unacceptable games were now going to be approved (funny) so as a console pleb I deem this good.
1 Capital_Rope 2018-06-07
Most games are shovelware and aren't worth your time.
Only Valve gets shit for it, when the obvious solution is to not be a literal retard and do research before buying shit.
1 im-a-koala 2018-06-07
They make the reviews easily accessible too. If you buy a game that only has 50% approval and hate it, that's your own fault.
1 istural 2018-06-07
Giving people responsibility without a scapegoat upsets them though.
The floodgates are already open.
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
bruh i got some bad news about Steam
1 XanLV 2018-06-07
Censorship always has to hide behind something. And that something is always your benefit.
1 adnzzzzZ 2018-06-07
Incompetent indie devs just use this as justification to blame their laziness. Tons of indie games are being released from 1-2 man teams that are doing well simply because they're good games.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
And therein lies the problem with visibility on Steam. There are tons of games to wade through, and the vast, vast majority are garbage. Many, many games that are good have and will go undiscovered. It's just plain numbers. Steam is releasing thousands of games every year now--there's simply no way many good ones won't be overlooked more than they would have with proper curation.
I don't really care personally, but those are the facts.
1 SithisTheDreadFather 2018-06-07
Can't say I've ever browsed through Steam games hoping to find some le gem nobody knows about. Who actually does that? I used to do that at the PC section in Walmart as a kid and got burned a couple times, but that was before I had free access to the internet.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
Well, again, I don't use Steam for that purpose. I tried a bit during sales and when I had extra money, and it was pointless. What I'm talking about is for the average consumer. It's pretty obvious that Steam has become a total shitshow and can't be used to discover new games. That's all I'm saying. I have no stake in it either way.
1 VicisSubsisto 2018-06-07
The average consumer is just going to go to GameStop once a year for the newest reskin of Call of Duty. This has no effect on them.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
Then there is no hope left! I'll be in my mancave masturbating to scat videos
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
Lol like you ever weren't
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
1 Strazdas1 2018-06-07
Steam discovery que exists. I never use it, but apperently its popular. So people are browsing steam games hoping to find gems.... for some reason.
1 adnzzzzZ 2018-06-07
This isn't true. The number of indie developers making good games just isn't that big because making good games is an extremely hard process, so there aren't that many people in the world capable of doing it successfully. The good games that get released nearly always get the attention they deserve on Steam.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
Stating opinion as fact won't convince me.
That's my point
You don't know that, now do you? Because the ones that don't get the attention they deserve, you haven't heard of--they didn't get the attention they deserve.
Imagine Undertale coming out right now with all the garbage on Steam. Imagine all the games in the future made on a shoestring budget with no advertising somehow floating to the top of the shit pile. At least a handful of developers will not find success with their game, and will have to move on to something else.
You are too assured by what you think you know, when in fact you don't know anything of the sort.
And for the last time, I don't care personally. Steam is a shit show, the ghetto of gaming. I find games through other means.
1 alphetasauce 2018-06-07
Wasn't undertale some child's "horror game" that got a billion reskins and was basically one of those old flash games from the early 2000's?
1 adnzzzzZ 2018-06-07
I'm an indie developer and I have been looking at the Steam market for years to try to answer this question because answering it correctly will increase the chances of my games succeeding. And I can tell you that there are very few indie games released per year that stand out as obviously good.
I know that this sounds surprising but it just is what it is. Most people aren't productive or good at making games. It's a complex discipline that requires lots of different skills that very few people will have, and so very few people will succeed at doing it at an indie level.
Undertale would have done just as well. Undertale was one of the games I followed from when it was released (since it was one of the obviously good ones) and it was "hidden" and not popular for about 2 weeks before it blew up.
Toby had a following before the game was released and that's literally all you need to give your game a boost that places it in front of other people on Steam, and then after that all you need is good a conversion rate inside the store, which Undertale would have still achieved now because it's a good game.
Even if it hadn't blown up in popularity and remained at that hidden state it would have still been a successful indie project simply because of the audience that Toby brought from outside Steam that would have bought his game no matter what.
1 banhminobanhyou 2018-06-07
OMG, you're the guy who "made" his own "engine" out of spite and it was just you deluding yourself into believing you accomplished something.
1 ztwizzle 2018-06-07
What about Umihara Kawase? It's a sick af game where you can do stuff like this and yet it only sold like 2500 copies in 2 years (according to steamspy).
1 adnzzzzZ 2018-06-07
How well do you expect a SNES game from 1994 to do in 2018?
1 ztwizzle 2018-06-07
thought you'd have some more respect for these proud developers who dared to write their own engine
1 battles 2018-06-07
Undertale is trash. Imagine trash being released... great.. now what?
1 banhminobanhyou 2018-06-07
lol no
1 adnzzzzZ 2018-06-07 This is one example of a 2 man game. There's at least one game by a small studio that reaches similar levels of success per month on the store. There are probably more than that because I don't pay attention to literally every game released.
1 banhminobanhyou 2018-06-07
One example and an instant downvote. Fragile boy you are.
Where's your engine btw?
1 banhminobanhyou 2018-06-07
The only people who are arrogant are those who think they know better than me without having achieved more than me as indie game developers.
A lot of those are doing well because those 1-2 man teams happen to be friends with a lot of the "journalists" you see linked in this post.
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
but if they did QC, those incompetent indie devs wouldn’t be able to sell their game at all
1 Anaud-E-Moose 2018-06-07
my dude
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
Jesus Christ. People are so offended by this comment. I write shit that would make an MRA's dick shrivel up on this sub, but apparently if you don't bend the knee to Steam, and make a completely fair observation about Steam's quality control (hit: none) then that's a bridge too far.
1 Anaud-E-Moose 2018-06-07
my dude
1 AIDS_IN_THE_ASS 2018-06-07
Dude, ur butthurt, shoot up a school and blow off some steam
1 shallowm 2018-06-07
games are very srs bzns
1 butwomenarejustpeopl 2018-06-07
Ugly man hater
1 VidiotGamer 2018-06-07
I think this is what the greenlight program is for. I didn't take this message to mean that Steam was literally going to allow anyone to put a game up for sale, but that they weren't going to actively block stuff unless it was illegal.
Which frankly, makes a lot of sense. It costs them money to pretend to be the police. The user base can curate the content from Steam Greenlight and Valve can just collect money.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
GL is now Steam Direct. The only barrier to entry is a fee. There is no curation by the user other than rating and comments. It's Valve's product though, and since in their own statement they said they don't even care to define what is a functioning game, it's going to get interesting.
1 FcpEcvRtq 2018-06-07
Implying you would be able to put your game on Steam if Valve decided not every game was allowed
Before Greenlight, it was near impossible for obscure devs to publish games.
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
I'm not talking about GL though. There can be a balance: effort in quality control with a reasonable barrier to entry for new devs.
1 loli_esports 2018-06-07
Take 3 seconds to filter out early access, open world and like two other tags, or learn how to be a decerning consumer. steam isn’t much different than it’s always been once you stop looking at the new releases/upcoming tabs
1 Starship_Litterbox_C 2018-06-07
I don't think people understood my point. Filtering out the new and upcoming stuff is exactly the problem. I don't care much personally, but you can bet there will be some good stuff overlooked.
On the flipside, Valve doesn't even care if it's a functioning game, and since I have some basic Python skills, I'm about to start my own company.
1 AggressionSsb 2018-06-07
It's good, they tried to ban anime games that are borderline porn but valve said fuck that this is a free open system, we can't ban arbitrarily. Now SJW are complaining that porn games flood the market. Like no shit people like porn.
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
So people are mad because they tried to ban porn and then didn't ban porn? Or is it because now they're not banning porn that is liked by neckbeards and neckbeards bad?
1 AggressionSsb 2018-06-07
Yes it's 2018 and trannies still don't understand how someone can like a game involving women who want to fuck them. Gaming is for the gamers, not the faggots who buy just undertale and nothing else.
1 NeoModerateOne 2018-06-07
There has been no clear answer about why the animu waifu sims got those threatening emails from Valve. SJWs wanted them off, so maybe a mass flag? Campo Santo devs that recently got absorbed by valve trying to ban them? Who knows.
1 StrategicSarcasm 2018-06-07
Steam has always banned explicit hardcore porn, but a few weeks ago some softcore porn games got removed, and some basement dwellers ree'd about it so Valve decided to figure out whether or not to ban porn. They eventually decided "fuck it, if it's not illegal who gives a shit". Each step has angered a different group of people.
1 shallowm 2018-06-07
Why did they arbitrarily ban this anime game then?
Is that what you call being "into free expression"? Maybe that qualifies by commie standards.
1 VidiotGamer 2018-06-07
whew lad.
this wasn't "arbitrary" at all. key to home was pedoshit and no one wants to get v& for hosting pedo shit.
Go find your kiddie porn someplace else.
1 shallowm 2018-06-07
There was nothing illegal or sexually explicit in the game. Valve is only "into free expression" when they like it.
Go enjoy your communist utopia in Venezuela.
1 VidiotGamer 2018-06-07
Isn't that more your style? I bet you could buy lots of underage bussy for half a snickers bar, you pedo.
1 shallowm 2018-06-07
That's like going to Saudi Arabia for the cheaper gas prices.
1 Destirigon 2018-06-07
It's actually worse, they tried to ban anime games that were so heavily censored there wasn't any porn left in and therefore approved by Steam.
1 Strazdas1 2018-06-07
porn games was a paypal thing. Paypal has a very strick no porn ever policy thats its been enforcing forever (its stupid but at least they are consistent). You can buy steam games via paypal. Some moral busybodies decided to make paypal pay attention to the porn games you can buy via paypal. Paypal put pressure on valve. Paypal has a lot of weight to throw around nad valve caved in. Gaben seems to not want to do that anymore though. Cue drama.
1 CordialCalamity 2018-06-07
1 AverageMormonGamer 2018-06-07
Considering that the steam store currently has a huge problem with bare-minimum-effort games being shat onto the store at disgustingly high rates to take advantage of the broken system of trading card farming and ingame economy abuse, further opening the sluice gates can't exactly be considered good.
I can almost hear John Bain yelling from beyond the grave.
1 Stallmansalwaysright 2018-06-07
Like everything Valve does, develops, publishes, and says, it's neither good nor bad, just lazy.
1 Capital_Rope 2018-06-07
Game journalists are fucking scum.
1 youcanteatbullets 2018-06-07
1 CordialCalamity 2018-06-07
unironically this.
also ironically this.
1 literallynothingleft 2018-06-07
1 Jimbo_B_Beterson 2018-06-07
Man, people used to do it for the love of the craft
Now they do it because Hollywood didn't accept their screenplay.
1 froibo 2018-06-07
1 WhatsupDoc001 2018-06-07
These aren't game journalists they're TMZ level drama queens majoring in gender studies.
Actual game journalists are on youtube nowadays.
1 shallowm 2018-06-07
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Gaming Journalism Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Look At The Screen Like Nigga Play The Game Haha
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
ok but how is that relevant to this
1 kippot 2018-06-07
its about ethics man, dont you care? about white genocide?!?!?!
1 ticktockwarrior 2018-06-07
It's twitter links to quite a few game journalists. As we speak they are probably preparing a series of articles like "valve is dead" to try and bully valve out of this decision. It obviously won't work, but that won't stop them from trying.
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
how could you possibly even know that
1 OldManOnAMountain 2018-06-07
Here's just a few "journalists" - aka mostly transgender gamergate involved wymyn to be lissen and beliebed to.
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
recognizing those people
kys immediately
1 Ace4929 2018-06-07
If the gaming press says something is bad, chances are theres something its doing very right
1 captainpriapism 2018-06-07
i did mention this in 2014
1 Destirigon 2018-06-07
Not "that are illegal" but "that we decide are illegal"
So in other words, nothing changes but in the future they will justify it with #legalreasons
1 gilmore606 2018-06-07
as long as them removing weeb pedo beatoff slideshows makes weebs get all hoppin-mad it's ok with me
1 none_to_remain 2018-06-07
Yeah, they're gonna make the call and refrain from putting up CP instead of just putting up CP and letting the cops make the call and send the van.
More like things that their legal team advise them are illegal in the parts of the world in which they do business.
1 why_are_we_god 2018-06-07
jesus, i'm surprised you didn't fall asleep counting up all the angry sheeple ...
1 myshl0ng 2018-06-07
There are not enough quotation marks to put around game "journalists"
1 none_to_remain 2018-06-07
This guy Kuchera is SOOO SAD
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
What is that even supposed to mean?
1 Shitposting_Skeleton 2018-06-07
His anger wasn't the anger Valve cares about.
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
Yeah but what?
1 Shitposting_Skeleton 2018-06-07
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
1 jubbergun 2018-06-07
It means Valve doesn't care about the people who are whining in all those tweets because they don't buy games. Rather than get woke and broke Valve is giving their customers what they want and telling the moral busybodies to pound sand. Other companies could profit by emulating their example.
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
"Woke and broke" seems like a thing that should be a thing is it a thing?
1 jubbergun 2018-06-07
"Get woke go broke" is the new hotness. Just google it.
1 PM_ME_HAIRLESS_CATS 2018-06-07
"I need to get 30k views or Vox will fire me"
1 wwyzzerdd 2018-06-07
Money > internet rage
1 Karmaisforsuckers 2018-06-07
Do they sell loli hentai games yet?
1 Destirigon 2018-06-07
Unfortunately not.
1 GunOfSod 2018-06-07
1 Destirigon 2018-06-07
I expected Chris Hansen you disappoint me.
1 __Toradorable__ 2018-06-07
> he doesn't know about JList
1 loli_esports 2018-06-07
half the fun of playing anime games on steam is knowing others see i'm playing them
1 shallowm 2018-06-07
Reminder that Valve hates free speech:
1 FcpEcvRtq 2018-06-07
At least they're not 100% libertarians
1 staryoshi06 2018-06-07
Pretty sure this is because people complained about anime games being taken off the store.
1 tim__ 2018-06-07
hi /u/adnzzzzZ didnt think id see u here. pls update me on fuccboigdx.. fp misses u ..
1 AggressionSsb 2018-06-07
lmfao this one gets me
1 SilverMars 2018-06-07
Calm down and have a glass of water, you fucking spaz.
1 blackjackANDplates 2018-06-07
Bottled water? That's racist.
1 StrategicSarcasm 2018-06-07
Woah there, you better edit your post to include at least two shitty /r/drama memes or I'm gonna accuse you of seriousposting.
1 Strazdas1 2018-06-07
Hate speech doesnt exists. Its indefinable fairy tail.
1 WhiteKyriarchy 2018-06-07
What I took from all those twitter posts is that an online video game store is apparently what will finally bring about the tranny holocaust.
1 Feanorfanclub 2018-06-07
Most of the bitching isnt even about the quality of the games marketplace. It's about how NAZIIIIIIS are making shitty games kludged together in half an hour that no one will ever buy. Thus I can only support this decision.
1 BumwineBaudelaire 2018-06-07
ya but they’re lying
all these people were up in arms pressuring valve to remove some sexy Japanese games recently, which were very polished and professionally made - this decision by valve is a direct rebuke to them
1 ltedt 2018-06-07
well I fail to see the problem with this
1 c0mm3 2018-06-07
"i want this company to agree with me even though they would antagonize half the population" when a company will literally only do what makes them more money lmao.
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
honestly in the case of Valve, it couldn’t antagonize or placate even 2% of the population
like, it’s hard to emphasize just how little normal people give a shit about this, and just how rarely relevant politics make their way into these games in any significant way
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-06-07
From the same guy. I have to say, I see his point. Disliking the laissez-faire content policy of an online video game marketplace and drawing parallels to arms dealing is totally appropriate and in no way among the most offensively first world things some smug fuck could shit out on to twitter.
1 ltedt 2018-06-07
Gaming is serious business and in no way catered to children. We need to revolt against this policy right now. Otherwise our future will be full of misogenetics, tranny haters and much more worrisome: drumplf supporters.
1 Ace4929 2018-06-07
You dont understand, anime tiddies sold to fat virgin neckbeards are literally worse than rocket launchers sold to terrorists
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
it’s obviously important that every company be run in a stringently moralistic manner, even if that company’s only purpose is selling cheap video games rather than something that could have some kind of actual impact on society, the environment, international politics or human lives
1 VicisSubsisto 2018-06-07
@mcclure111 needs to recalibrate his crystal ball, it's pointed at the past not the future.
Valve is siding with the people who actually buy games. This is apparently a shocking revelation. Wish I bought Dramacoin yesterday.
1 d-amazo 2018-06-07
1 KittehDragoon 2018-06-07
I think Stephen Fry put it very succinctly.
To which I would say - this, but unironically.
1 Odemdemz98 2018-06-07
Oh my God literally all those Twitter complaints are absolutely blown out of proportion, sensationalist, and retarded.
This is good for the dramacoin.
1 autistitron 2018-06-07
Because they're all competing for attention.
1 Gtyyler 2018-06-07
If you ever are browsing steam and find yourself shoveling through indie games, you have failed in life.
1 loli_esports 2018-06-07
games journos are still hurting since they can't just scroll through the new releases highlight list for 20 sec a week
1 jubbergun 2018-06-07
I wonder who the rocket surgeon at Valve was that decided they needed to join the "Get Woke, Go Broke" club, and what Gabe had to say to them after he figured out what was going on and made them stop their shenanigans. That's where you'll find the real drama. A bunch of tweets from people who don't even play video games isn't remotely as interesting.
1 bat_mayn 2018-06-07
Literal commie subversion in Valve, they even noted "internal struggle" among their employees in Valve's memo. I hope they get fucking fired.
"We have to censor literally everything to control the narrative, and if we can't immediately censor it we must infiltrate and subvert from within -- that means we're the good guys."
1 BerugaBomb 2018-06-07
Valve very recently acquired Campo Santo(But before animetiddy apocalypse happened), the people who had a page on their site saying anyone could stream their walking game and then pewdiepie streamed it and they yelled at him to take it down.
Valve work email leak would be amazing right now
1 bobbybonnadouchey 2018-06-07
GamerGate did nothing wrong
1 telandrias 2018-06-07
Oh now you're going to tell me they weren't a zeitgeist prepped by the Russian government to infiltrate nazism into America?
That we're just supposed to "believe" some gamers said some shit and media overreacted to the point of hysterics?
1 gaslightlinux 2018-06-07
How is this bad or spez? When I saw this I assumed they were editing posts, that's pulling a spez.
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
I think it is spez because spez won't ban TD and now Valve won't ban things unless they are actually illegal?
1 XanLV 2018-06-07
The bastards...
1 Strazdas1 2018-06-07
but spez is known for editing other users posts, not for not banning a sub that doesnt break the rules?
1 TheVeryNicestPerson 2018-06-07
But anytime spez or any other admin posts anything you can count on a bunch of fools crying "what about the blumpf!?!?" and then calling him a Nazi for not banning it.
1 Strazdas1 2018-06-07
Fools will always be fools.
1 __Toradorable__ 2018-06-07
Good? Why do these autists feel like they have to insert their cancerous politics into every aspect of everyone's life? Just shut up and play your video games.
1 istural 2018-06-07
Because it’s their attempt to fill the hole where “meaningful purpose” and “productive member of society.” Are supposed to go.
1 drvgyn2 2018-06-07
so who's gonna be the first to put ethnic cleansing on greenlight?
1 PureGold07 2018-06-07
I think this is because of that recent game where you can either be a school student or FBI agent. Hmmn
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-06-07
"oh I can't wait to see what Jim Sterling thinks about this" said by literally no one ever.
1 Wimzer 2018-06-07
Boy I thought I only got the Tism about Star Wars but seeing people compare that fat fuck to the slightly more relevant Complete Crumpet triggered it
1 Wraith_GraveSpell 2018-06-07
Cant wait to upload my new game: Oppression quest. It's about ethics in video game hatespeech.
1 jakclyn 2018-06-07
I could not give less of a shit. I never see.apl these shit indie games people keep talking about.
1 virohm 2018-06-07
Wow, nice work finding all those links.
To think if you hadn't I wouldn't have known that people on Twitter are super indignant about a game provider continuing to provide games.
Imagine living such a fucking good life that you get indignant about what a vidya company is selling.
1 forallmyfans2 2018-06-07
1 Diedjies 2018-06-07
This is a good day for Drama. Good thread.
1 KingNothing305 2018-06-07
Why do these faggots get so triggered over the mere existence of things they don't like. Just ignore it and don't buy the game.
1 _throawayplop_ 2018-06-07
Wait what are they complaining about ? Is valve selling KKK simulator?
Worse. Games made by devs who Tweeted support for Gamergate in 2014!
1 bat_mayn 2018-06-07
Everyone in that list is an authoritarian leftist or full blown tankie communist. There is no "white supremacist" gaming underground on Steam, there certainly are no games of the sort. What they're upset about is damage being done to censorship, as their entire modus operandi and worldview is to moderate and censor everything out of existence to unnaturally further their narratives.
You have to stop looking at this in a vacuum. The way they view it is a battle fought in a much larger war about moderating everything.
1 Selfawarenesshere 2018-06-07
What a bunch cry baby retards. "Wah this shit isn't dare you not remove it!"
1 mtg_liebestod 2018-06-07
tbh the "trolling" loophole is kinda interesting. You see lots of agenda-driven mods on Reddit justify their bullshit by saying that the people they disagree with are just trolls. I do trust Valve a bit more to enforce this reasonably though.
That said yeah Valve has a libertarian streak (like many companies that build successful platforms do) and likely saw the slippery slope that opens up when you let angry ideologues start no-platforming games for political reasons. First you end up banning some low-hanging fruit, but before long you'd have people organizing raids on games where it turns out that the assistant sound engineer supported Gamergate, or had a character that used a homophobic slur or something.
And of course these same people would express shock and outrage when the same tactics were used against them to try to get Depression Quest and shit like that pulled, as is only their moral anger should be the only thing catered to.
1 kxxzy 2018-06-07
Twitter really is just the fucking worst.
1 old_grumpy_grandpa 2018-06-07
This is also a convenient excuse to save money on quality control, letting blatant copyright infringiment and nonfunctional games through.
1 BumwineBaudelaire 2018-06-07
the store has a refund function for broken games and policing copyright shouldnt be their job
1 Contra_Mortis 2018-06-07
Now there's nothing more on Earth I hate than indie game dev's twitter bios.
1 EddingtonDidNothingW 2018-06-07
Eh, I'm not sure how I feel about this. I mean, sure, reading all the posts by butthurt SJWs crying about this is pretty great and all, but I can't feel too good about it knowing the side that won are ironic weeb retards who unironically buy porn games on Steam. I mean, seriously guys? It's the current year and you pay for porn? What the hell is wrong with you? Just go to fucking nyaa and download Japanese porn games there, or go to f95zone if you're one of those sick freaks that love Western porn games.
1 XanLV 2018-06-07
scribbling everything furiously in notepad
1 ReverieMetherlence 2018-06-07
sjws, keep your dirty hands away from my anime games on steam ty
Green lighting Ethnic Cleansing as we speak.
1 modsarethebest 2018-06-07
wow look at all those male feminists
1 Benmjt 2018-06-07
Twitter really is nothing more than graffiti.
1 DerekSavageCoolCuck 2018-06-07
Salty motherfuckers need to learn to shop at Gog instead of crying on Twitter.
1 loli_esports 2018-06-07
minor bonus: some idiot trying to larp the death of valve because of new ui (including "new" features already in steam chat) then spam it on /v/ all day
1 Donkey_Blade 2018-06-07
Can I ask what the games in question actually were that caused this reaction?
1 Clbull 2018-06-07
I misunderstood, how are they pulling a Spez again? If anything Reddit's censored more content under Huffman than under Ellen Pao during her tenure as CEO...
1 MasonTaylor22 2018-06-07
ELI5, why are people triggered now? WTF is happening?
1 grungebot5000 2018-06-07
people getting upset about a lack of QC on steam? Welcome to 2014, folks
1 0192837465-TK1 2018-06-07
Mad respect for valve. Hope they won't back down.
1 trumplethinskins 2018-06-07
Twitter was a mistake.
1 32624647 2018-06-07
That's not a bad thing, though. Just sayin'.
1 acidwave 2018-06-07
oh good, now I could play nekopara or trump simulator if I wanted to