J'accuse, JF! Sargon of Akkad claims JF involvement in terror threat plot on liberalisticist meeting

36  2018-06-07 by normie_girl


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Can't spell Incel without u

What id on't udnerstand is why Sargon pretends to eb centrist while mostlya greeing with conservatists/alt-right.

He's really, really, really, really, really, stupid.

Classical liberalism is literally just libertarianism for pseudointellectuals.


You're in a safe space. You can call them retards here.

it's really just liberalism.

It having liberal in the name does not mean its liberalism as commonly understood in America; classical liberalism is a synonym for libertarianism, which it is ideologically the same as.

How liberalism in America changed meaning is ridiculous.

That's like calling people gay and then saying it has an older feaning lol.

In 90% of the world this is still the meaning of liberalism, Liberalismus, libéralisme,...

it's really only the US, where liberalism means "socialism + degeneracy".

  1. Lol where do you think these idiots live?

  2. Nice job using examples from different languages and areas.

It doesn't matter if fag means a different thing in Britain if I'm an American calling Americans fags.

sargon is British, the other guy is French AFAIK

Amend that to what audience do you think these people are speaking to.

world audience

America should just adapt to the way the rest of the world uses the word.

French Canadian.

Basque French Canadian.

Are you retarded or do you always opine on things you know nothing about?

No u.

That's like calling people gay and then saying it has an older meaning lol; technically correct but you're being misleading.

He's not stupid. It's the opposite, he's really, really, really, smart.

He knows his audience is basically rightwingers with massive egos only at this point and tries to pander them to them as hard as possible for dem patreon shekels.

By being basically right wing while pretending to be a centrist, he grants moral superiority and free ego boost to himself and his audience, by letting them think that "We're compromising, intellectuals, we see the best of both", without actually challenging them on anything and risking losing his fame and money.

Basically, he makes them feel special so they flock around him.

"Centrist" is definitely one of those labels I've heard people take to sound smarter though

Yep; people see how smart centrism is and try to imitate it.

That's exactly why he took it. A rightwinger following a centrist feels like they're enlightened and above the mold, like they are smarter and they can compromise.

He gives his audience smart boy points by labeling himself a centrist instead of a rightwinger because that they he can pretend to be above it all.

It's the classic "Both sides are bad, but the most important thing is I found a way to be superior to both."

He's a criminal mastermind, just like in Harry Potter when Emperor Voldemort tricks all the little Hufflepuffs into believing his lies about the Elves.

Feminists rekt.

A lot of right-wingers like to pretend they're centrist or "classical liberal."

I once had a guy tell me he was a "real liberal" unlike me, he was a "classical liberal" as he argued in favor of protectionism and pushed right-wing conspiracies.

Classical liberalism isn't really related to liberalism in its modern political context; its like thinking libertarians are liberals because they sound similar.

No shit, they don't know what it is. It's just a fancy way of saying right-wing libertarian that doesn't actually hold libertarian views.

libertarians are liberals, technically.

In the context of American politics, liberal is a general term for anyone who's economically and politically center-left.

the definition of the word liberal is someone who believes in individual rights, limited government, and free market economics (which includes private property). This describes both libertarians and liberals in the colloquial sense of the word (at least in America). The only differnce between liberals and libertarians is how free they think the market should be.

In America specifically "liberal" refers to people who want all the free shit like in socialism, but they also want all the degeneracy that socialism usually forbids.

No, in America liberal refers to center-left political parties.

what do they campaign on? why do people vote for them?

  1. free shit

  2. degeneracy

Lol CringeAnarchy poster calling someone else a degenerate.

did I really write a comment in cringeanarchy once? omg how embarrassing!

Lol you're a regular user there.

where else did I post?

Degeneracy, AKA "A Good Time"

Degeneracy, AKA

stuff that feels good while you do it, but harms you (in ways you may only realize much later. Or maybe never, because you don't know what you're missing.)

"A Good Time"

a good night of drinking, and a hangover

a good few weeks dating deadbeat Tyrone, and 20 years single motherhood.

a good month of crack, and a lifetime of addiction.

ten years on the cock carousel, your remaining years bitter and sad.

twenty years wasted playing video games / redditing instead of learning anything useful, and a shit life in all other aspects

Yes I've heard all about what you guys are against, but very little of what you're actually for. By all means tell me more about your Leave it to Beaver fantasy of a bygone America that never actually existed


  • becoming the best person you can be, finding a purpose in life

  • contributing in a positive way to the people around you

  • happy and healthy family, raising children, taking care of your elders

Didn't escape my notice that when you're talking about DEGENERACY you have a bunch of specific examples but when you talk abut what you're for its a bunch of vague, almost worthless platitudes.

You do realize that from her perspective some hardcore feminist SJW type could consider herself as ticking off every one of those boxes so long as she ended up with a long term boyfriend and children right?

some hardcore feminist SJW type could consider herself as ticking off every one of those boxes so long as she ended up with a long term boyfriend and children right?

could be.

Allow me to introduce you to Degeneracy's distant cousin, Moral Relativism. She's single ;)

in favor of protectionism That's not very liberal of him

No shit. They aren't real libertarians. They're right-wing nationalists that don't want to admit it.

Nationalists tend to be the kind of people who shout their belief from rooftops. It's not a particularly subtle ideology

Because of the golden mean fallacy.

It was hillarious watching one of sargon's recent videos where he spends like 30 seconds pussyfooting around climate change in response to an off cuff to avoid pissing off his rightwinger audience.

"Um, you see I don't know, I don't have a position on climate change, I haven't done enough research, well obviously non-mandmade climate change is a thing, but is there enough research to say on made? I just don't know why climate changes. It's a very complicated and very hard subject that requires a lot of research, I haven't studied it so I just can't know, I don't know why it's happening, I could potentially believe that it's humans, but it's very big and I don't know, it's just too hard, and I see things from both sides, you see it's hard, and I'm not a scientist."


What I don't understand is why there are people that consider Sargon an intellectual.

It gives him a reason to say something in a hour that he could just as easily say in 5 minutes. Which, I assume, leads to more YouTube bucks. Though I'm not sure if he's still monetized.

But he doesn't do a good job appearing smart.

To enough people, saying a lot of words looks exactly the same as being smart.

Sargon does not support the white ethnostate therefore he is not rightwing.

No but in his talk with Andrew Anglin he said he wouldn't oppose laws to slowly remove non-whites living in a country.

He's opposed to violence which the alt right considers the best strategy.

If he said that I guess you could call him right wing. Was the US a right wing country in the 1800's? Most people would say the early US embodies liberalism. IMO rightwing is fascism.

The US was conservative by our standards, although not by those of its time. Tbh your views are the result of trying to categorize police by a single-axis scale instead of viewing economic and sociopolitical views as separate.

Jean Francois "Rape a Potato For the Ethnostate" Garipley.

Did we get a confession why he wanted to get a retard pregnant? Was it for some weird experiment?

This is rappers dissing each other but with finer language and less violence implied.

Still, grown men acting like petty children…

It was hillarious watching one of sargon's recent videos where he spends like 30 minutes pussyfooting around climate change to avoid pissing off his rightwinger audience.

"Um, you see I don't know, I haven't done enough research, well obviously non-mandmade climate change is a thing, but is there enough research to say on made? I just don't know why climate changes. It's a very complicated and very hard subject that requires a lot of research, I haven't studied it so I just can't know, I don't know why it's happening, I could potentially believe that it's humans, but it's very big and I don't know, it's just too hard, and I see things from both sides, you see it's hard, and I'm not a scientist."

Can somebody who isn't a nazi give me a quick rundown on this one please.

Ain't nobody with half a brain watching 20 minutes of that retard.

On a scale of 0-10, where 0 is Hutu anger in 1994 Rwanda and 10 is absolutely devoted love, anyone who is outside a 4-6 when it comes to their feelings on Sargon should be ground into dust and spread over topsoil.

I'm usually around a 4 but occasionally dip down toward a 3, might be time to break out the ole woodchipper