Ellen chastised for taking pic with non-rich people

68  2018-06-07 by SAC-Lawn_Gnome


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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"she's helping the starving kids and I'm not but she doesn't have the right to take any pictures"

If she really just wanted to help she'd donate money. She didn't do shit being there. Fuck white people

It's interesting. I had an opportunity to travel to an orphanage in east Africa a few years back. My comment to the organizer was "why don't I just donate the $1200 I'd spend getting there?". He said they want to know people care. I went, had a great time and saw that it really did mean something to the kids & adults. I helped set up a computer network with donated laptops so the kids could get computer experience before some of them went to college / trade school. Look, a piddly computer network isn't going to change the course of East Africa. Neither will $1200.

I don't get people like this. Let's assume the most cynical thing within reason: she doesn't give two shits about the poor and is only helping these poor people because she knows the publicity from the photo op will help her career by making her more marketable to advertisers. I really doubt it makes a difference to the poor people she's helping, they're probably just glad for the help. They're not gonna challenge Ellen to a philosophy contest about her motives for doing good.

I think “virtue signaling” is mostly a bullshit concept, but ironically these people accusing her of it are the ones actually guilty of it here.

most of what people consider virtue signaling is just basic hominid inter-group screetching anyway

virtue signaling is just basic hominid inter-group screetching

it's the opposite. Virtue signalling is "hey, look, I'm doing what you want; w-we're cool right?"

Even worse than that is when they latch onto some lefty idea but pretend like they came up with it and ook-ook themselves into a wankfrenzy. I’ve never heard so many rightards complaining about “Postmodernism” and jerking themselves off about “The Narrative” in the same breath.

Virtue signalling happens every time someone says something to look good and moral instead of saying it because they earnestly think it's true.

"We are not poor"...well when you look from a certain stats ~15 african countries are richer than poorest european country - which at least in 2015 was Moldova...so be happy about that I guess.

I remember staring behind bulletproof glass and being paid to listen to how someone who had 99% of their everything paid for the by the government still couldn't come up with that 1%.

so I bought her some childrens clothing and drove her to get the 100 dollars she owed me for rent. She grabbed her kid and sprinted and 2 weeks later we had another section 8 household in.

The landlords were chinese btw.

I think my favorite part is the black(probably actually African based on their names) people saying that corrupt politicians are the reason for poverty, while the white saviors swoop in and say it's white people's fault.

this is almost universally the case. i've known a number of actual africans over the last few decades, and literally zero of them blame whitey for the shit their countries are in, the blame is always squarely placed on the corruption and stupidity of their own officials, as well as the massive failures of their own clan-oriented systems.

but no, white savior twitter can't handle that! everything gotta be whitey's fault, them poor black boys don't know nuthin and it's yurop who done them wrong!

It’s all so tiresome.

Well White Savior has to be a victim somehow.

I went down the rabbit hole and now want to genocide all peoples

Twitter is going to be remembered as the mistake of man.

Western progressives are the biggest racists around. Their white guilt is racist in itself, since it's all about making themselves the center of any given issue. "no no you poor ignorant brown person, let me tell you about your country".

pretty much this , im venezuelan and whenever i say its socialist i get 5 white bearded teens with kaki shorts with the THATS_NOT_REAL_SOCIALISM.jpeg

Somos dos, panita


Why am I even being bothered by this?

I think what botehrs me the most is that they don't even look that poor. Like if the kids were white, they'd just assume they we're regular kids in a rural field, but since they're black and it's Africa, apparently this is one staged photo-op highlighting Africa's problems

My issue is why even make photo?

Like, I thought the trend of celebrities inflating their ego on account of malnourished kids in Africa is bygone era.

Just… why?

They don't even look malnourished though. They're wearing clothes that looked like they've been worn by kids playing outside in the dirt. You could recreate this photo in any country easily with completely average kids in some rural spot.

Because a shitload of African people actively encourage it because they care more about money than some weird sense of bullshit pride.

When you need to carry water on your head up a mountain just so you can bathe and not drink shitwater, you don't tend to be so high and mighty that you won't accept a few bucks for a photo with some weird forigner.

Imagine seeing an African dude posing in a pic with a bunch of white kids at the playground with the caption "thanks to all the people who made my trip great".

With the mayos you don't have to imagine it. That shit's everywhere. It's mayo nonsense and that's why it bothers you.

Normal looking photo of some black kids.




I think this is what got me, like they don't even look poor. I know kids in the US from rural areas who would look like this, and they're from well-off families.

This is just reality. When you need to find alternate suppliers of bulk foreskin for your face cream, sometimes you just have to mingle with poor people.

This is hilarious in a way.

I can't tell who is virtue signaling more.

Ellen virtue signaling by posting pictures of black children in some African country.

Or the white liberals virtue signaling about Ellen virtue signaling and how she's using the black children as props.