Everyone's favorite trans lolcow is out on her career to be a star in Hollywood, with here luck on this definetely-not-autistic new page in life!

67  2018-06-07 by JIDFofficer


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Real shortage of 36 year old twinks in Hollywood these days.

I can guarantee you, they are no twink.

Did Katie get the chop? I can never keep track.

nope, just you're average "trans lesbian" who has absolutely no qualities of being a woman

I thought Christine Weston Chandler was everyone's favorite.

u/katiecharm most actors and actresses have at least a modicum of looks and talent. Judging by that sad epileptic twitching I saw in your video you have neither of those. Were you hoping to get in on a diversity quota?

Just want yall to know this topic made my morning. Thanks for the good laugh πŸ˜ŠπŸ’œ

By all means, follow your dream. But you might want to have a back up plan if said dream is Hollywood. A lot of famous actors come from rich and connected families already.

I'm curious about the platonic lap dances and making out that goes on between you and your friends.

Who's the one that usually initiates these interactions? How far have you gone with "being sexual without being sexual" with your friends?

what was funny about this? I cant tell if youre either so willfully oblivious or just care so little, but you have a chubby man square body and a 50 year old dyke face on top just being fucking insane, do you actually think you'll get a gig.

This is going to be fun.


Where is the drama?

You've been here long enough. You know the schtick. Go over there and create it

This person is apparently the kind of perosn who thinks that it's normal to make out with and give lapdances to her female friends in a totally non-sexual way because she's also a "woman": https://www.reddit.com/r/TrollXChromosomes/comments/8oo96i/things_that_are_clear_to_me_after_transition_that/

Calls people TERFs when they disagree with the new "explicitly sexual interactions are non-sexual" paradigm.

If you see the other instagram posts recently, she really is in LA, apparently her life consists only of going to parties, filming herself flipping her hair, and then tagging everyone she met there. If this were someone else, I would guess the drama is 3 years down the road when she ends up pregnant, alone, hooked on drugs, and her parents have stopped sending money... but she doesn't have the correct bits to get pregnant, and she's lasted this many years without pissing off the piggy bank, so I guess the drama won't be going down the way I'm imagining it.

You don't give your friends rimjobs while hanging out?

that thread is amazing

I'm picturing a sitcom with a kooky transwoman on her quest for love in the big city. This as the theme tune.

Can’t any actor put on a dress to pretend to be a woman tho? Not sure where the shortage of trans actors is really.

Just Robin Williams and that one black guy.

Dustin Hoffman as well

And Jared Leto!

Wesley Snipes, Kurt Russell, and to nobodies surprise, Jon Leguizamo.

the shortage of hot trans actors

Naked and Afraid: TERFs vs. Trannies

Female vs wannabe traps.

I'd watch that even though the entire screen would be blurred.

Yeah, I'd watch that show.

why is this person so incredibly delusional

because the left keep telling them they are fabulous and special and feeding their mental illness

Reminds me of a saying some feminists have: "Grant me the confidence of a mediocre white man"".

"sell all my shit and drive to LA to live in a tiny apartment with no job and delusions of stardom, in a city where tons of people with actual talent and looks have the same delusions"

yeah this is gonna end well

pretty sure she has rich parents, so it doesn't really matter.

She was shilling monero hard when it was a couple bucks. If she actually put her money with her mouth was she probably made a few mil the last bull run.

please support my patreon so i can push our country further into the current year!

trans hobo incoming

Hope she enjoys doing porn!

and bottom barrel porn at that. the kind people use Tor to trade, to protect the identities and rights of their pets.

tranny porn is not bottom of the barrel thank you very much. it's a refined fetish for intellectuals.

1 month later:

Raped. Addicted to bath salts. Unpaid extra in a local TRAP rap artist video.

In no particular order.

I am incredibly uncomfortable after having watched that.

I'm really confused as well. This person just looks like a faggy dude. Like they're not even on hormones.

Is anyone going to tell him that there are lots of trannies in Hollywood already?

Lol thanks op, you made my morning. I appreciate the well wishes πŸ’œπŸ€

Link your other social media accounts, I also need my morning made.

You look like a man

Because he IS a man

Do you know the way to san jose?

that definitely looks like a Pat.

...rick Swayze

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the hard part is finding trans actors that won't creep out the audience

Pretty tight but I still laughed out loud

The Crying Game is due for a remake anyway....

When you're 45th percentile.