The folks over at Dogfree are pretty upset that a dog would have the audacity to eat a bug.

144  2018-06-07 by MrBonelessPizza24


The people involved here probably don't even respect bussy all that much.


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runs through the garden and eats every butterfly he sees

why is there a subreddit about not having a dog? Do you hate dogs so much that you need to vent out about them?

Incels and legbeards who realize that even a badly-behaved pooch is more lovable than them. Case in point

ha legbeards. never heard that before

Do you live under a rock?

On Tuesday

so innocent

just get off the internet, you dont need the autism


Sad excuses of human beings who are upset that their parents loved the dog more than them

It's a parody of /r/childfree. Everything is a parody and nobody is serious.


The other day some idiot got linked here from troll x and said she might stick around since drama has such a great sense of humor...

I mean there is that internet law that says parodies eventually devolve into the real thing. I’d bet a decent chunk of those dogfree types really just hate dogs for some reason

Poe's Law, specifically.

I mean, i don’t love dogs, but jeez, they’re innocent animals...i could understand if maybe someone got bit by one as a child and so they may have a thing against them, but still...don’t understand how someone could hate an animal that much to spend time going anti on them on the internet

Well, speaking as a subscriber of Dogfree...

My biggest problem is less the dogs themselves than the dog nutter culture. People who like (or don't mind) dogs probably don't notice how rabid and frequently irrational dog lovers can be. The subreddit is a place to discuss our annoyances, laugh a little, and know there are other people out there like us who think dog-obsessed culture is ridiculous and pathological.

Also, lots of us especially hate pit bulls and are tired of listening to their supporters defend them despite the obvious evidence that they are disproportionately violent and dangerous animals.

I totally get it. Like i said, i don’t love dogs, but ‘dog culture’ and the entitlement mentality is definitely more annoying than dogs themselves. I have several friends like that and they drive me nuts

It's not a parody, they're actually serious.

You might think so, but check out this dude's post history. /u/doofwagon88 has roughly 357 comments in r/dogfree. That's fucking insane. Get help, doof.

I think it started as a parody of child free and escalated from there

I think it’s more like a right wing incel shitfest on the opposite spectrum of the left wing lesbian shitfest who love “doggos” and hate the idea of having children

Million Dollar Babies do seem to think owning a dog before having at least one kid is a sign of degeneracy, so you may be right.

Seriously, how pathetic are these people? Do they go on liveleak to watch videos of Chinese people torturing and killing dogs?

Well they don't just watch, they jerk off to those sort of videos.

I fuckin hate cats

What did cats do to yoi

there fuckin gross. Dogs are better.



Feral cats are an evasive species

It's because half of reddit thinks its cool to tell everyone how much they prefer dogs to people and the other half harasses anyone who speaks negatively about cute puppers.

incessant propaganda regarding dogs

/u/hydralime, sounds like you're just salty that the average dog gets 1000x more love than you.

If I had to choose between saving the canine species or the mayo race, mayocide would be a reality.

Wow, a dog-worshiper and anti-white??? You're just a piece of work, aren't ya?

shoo whitey

Being anti white is unironically a rational choice

Hi /u/dranedry, I noticed you sent me a PM

Also, I see you posted in r/Belgium, so I'll guess you're Belgian... man why do white male Europeans hate themselves nowadays??

Congrats, you've exposed the inherent contradiction in this subreddit's M.O. Obviously, straight cishet white guys would never call for white cishetandrocide - that would be quite contradictory and against their nature, wouldn't it?

In actuality, most of the posters here are proud queer POC womyn pretending to be self-hating mayos, in much the same way you are clearly a well-adjusted individual only pretending to be a person petty enough to make doghating part of their identity.

The privileged punching down has become a real problem in real life and on real social media. How do you suggest we deal with the rampant transphobia, misogyny, Islamophobia, racism, ableism when we're at the bottom of the oppression pyramid? Simple: we punch up at those who are systemically advantaged over us and thus, unable to fall victim to any -ism. Waiting for fucking white males to start making reparations will never result in anything, so why not make reperations for them by making fun of them for who they are? It's not like the oppression scales will ever be balanced out.

It's pretty cathartic, you should try it. But you have your own struggle with oppression by floofers and those who defend floofers.

Hope that helps!

The elimination of the "white" race is inevitable. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise.

All of work just to say "amerimutt lol".

all of work

Hmmm, yes

Being correct grammatically is way too much work for my dramaposting.

Shut up, fag

> Not wanting to rid the world of whites

Whu live?

What have you done.

This but unironically

You sound like a furry

What's a furry? I don't watch Vietnamese drawing reels.

Honestly, I'd prefer a nice dish of hummus with company of cute little pupper over /u/hydralime

This is the kind of flippant, jerky response we are used to--the kind that tries to belittle us instead of responding to the actual criticism at hand.

I'm not sure where dog nutters get this idea that dogfree people are unhappy or unloved or whatever. We just don't like dogs or the idiocy of dog culture.

Also, we are amused and amazed that dog obsessives act like there is some kind of deep emotional bond between themselves and the dog. Really, the dog just recgnises you as a caretaker and responds to rewards/punishments/etc., and it does not have complex emotions.

The dog obsessives are, in my experience, the ones who have trouble with human relationships and prefer the one-sided and more selfish fantasy relationship they have with a pet dog--because the dog makes no demands except for basic care, does not challenge you to be a better person, and does not stimulate you intellectually (beyond allowing for basic curiosity about animal behavior). The dog is more of a status object, a tool for identity, and a way to feel that you're involved in some kind of deeply rewarding exchange when in reality all you do is feed it, walk it, pick up its shit, and take it to the doctor so that you can then pretend it "understands" you and "loves" you and you can have an imaginary friend.

You need to understand this: I'm not trying to engage you constructively. I'm trying to be a flippant jerk.

Well, congrats--you've succeeded. But other people will read the comments, too. So they'll see your lameness paired with my explanation. And maybe a few more dogfree people will see this and join our sub. 😀

So they'll see your lameness paired with my explanation.

Who are you kidding? This is /r/Drama, you delusional cow.

People also use the search function, broski.

And they'll stumble upon what, your weird little essay in a day-old post?

The fact is, dog owners have total cultural hegemony, so whether you're right or not doesn't matter all that much. You're always going to be a ridiculed minority, and it makes me kinda happy to know that every trip to the park has a downside for you.

Whether I'm right or not matters to me. Self-respect 😎

And hey, I'm okay with being a minority, as the bonds are even stronger when we find other people who share our perspective.

As for visits to the park, I don't really see the dogs as a down side as much as you think (unless someone has a "pwwecious" off-lease pibbie or other hazard to safety). Dog owners are annoying af, but I also pity them. Since I don't waste money on a dog, nor do I waste time before or after work managing the animal's piss and shit output, I have more money and free time to pursue other interests.

See also: childfree.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to sleep in my clean, comfortable bed, which I enjoy free of dog hair and odor. Gurlbye.

Lol, so you've built your identity on membership in ostracized groups, with your validation drawn entirely from the belief that you're ostracized because you're superior? You are exactly what Nietzsche was talking about when he coined the term ressentiment.

I will always totally understand you guys and your wishes to not want dogs in places like bars, supermarkets, etc. I will also agree with and support comments against bad behavior, attacks, barking constantly without anything being done, not picking up poo, etc.

The problem I have with some comments is that they pick apart literally fucking anything. Dog pictures? Fucking dog culture. Playfully talking with your dog? Dog nutter anthropomorphising dogs. Saying anything to do with the dog loving them and loving their dog? "LOL Stupid idiots, just love u cus foood".

Who could have guessed that caring for a living animal requires training, discipline, and patience? I'm truly shocked.

I've always wondered if things can smell bad to dogs. What with their heightened sense of smell I figure they would be more sensitive to stink but the opposite seems to be the case.

Or maybe they're just not as discerning/judgmental as humans when it comes to odor. Just another smell to them, as it were.

stink = things to roll in to mask their scent.

Also some things are appealing to dogs but also kill them, like antifreeze

My dogs love nothing more than to roll in cat shit. I love those dogs but goddamn is that disgusting.

one of my dogs once found a fresh dookie in the gutter and rolled in it. i couldn't fucking believe it. up until then he'd stuck to roadkill.

Dogs can sense weakness, so naturally weak people like /r/Dogfree don't like them.

It'd be like if there was a breed of parrot that outed paedophiles /r/gamerghazi would be all over it.

3 year old humans are basically dumb parrots that can't fly.

All over driving them to extinction. Many posters there are (((Male Feminists))).

Where’s that shitty narc that makes the list of hate subs now

Busy bearing off to his hate subs list that he shares over on /r/againsthatesubreddits

It’s just a matter of time until one of those freaks shoots up an animal shelter

This is the most retarded subreddit I have ever seen.

Someone hasn't seen /r/dragonfuckingcars. Or /r/clopclop.

fetish subreddits at least have a purpose

Oh, you're a CTH poster. Never mind.

The can only post every 10 minutes kind of CTH poster

That's even worse. How can you suck so badly at one of the worst subreddits that you don't have enough karma to post more than once every ten minutes? Seriously.

Dude it a socialism sub...

Having positive karma on a soc sub is the lowest you can go on this website

You should be banned from all socialism subs. If you're not, you haven't tried hard enough

I occasionally do there to be rude to people, but somehow I blunder into getting upvoted. Show me the way.

Negative on a soc sub means you aren't acting retarded enough.

I'm timed out on SRD and it makes me sad.

this one or that one?

Both tbqh

Dunno why this title cracked me up so much, but it did.

"Animals are not smart lolz"

-the geniuses at r/dogfree

so respectful of nature

it's a fucking animal. what animal is "respectful of nature," that concept is asinine.

All animals are known to get along with each other and live in total harmony, and also join hands and sing Kumbaya

Dogs are part of nature. Itvis in their nature to hunt for their food. Therefore eating prey is being respectful of nature

lmao there's a dog version of /r/childfree now?

how embarrassing

I really dont like anything about dogs, but what is the point of a sub like that. weirdos.

And these people wonder why they can’t find love in the world.

inb4 "a bunny"


I just found their cat equivalent, which is /r/ifuckinghatecats.

wtf lol my cat is so dope. I feel bad for these ppl more than anything, how much of a loser must you be to spend time posting on r/ifuckinghatecats

Who would have guessed that dogs are scavengers and omnivorous in the modern era, shocking!!

Ate they a satire of the crazies at childfree?

I should show these retards my windshield after a drive to the lake.

HOLY SHIT, those are some of the most irrational and idiotic comments I’ve ever read, one person, just goes to show dogs are wild beasts and will kill any thing and any child when it wants like... wtf are you smoking. Stop cheesing your damn Cats piss!

You mean... animals eat other animals and it's a part of nature?

No way!