Mods are posting hate-speech again

312  2018-06-07 by Leftist_Degenerate


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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Dear Mr. Notch sir,

Please to be giving me many millions of investor dollars so I can start YouTube site of freedom. I promise I won’t blow it all on lobster tacos and live-in jacuzzi hammock masseuses. You will be so happy with your freedom investment investing.

Your true freedom-loving buddy-pal in freedom,



Now there’s a name I haven’t heard in a few months. What’s that bussy blaster up to these days?

He's busy suing his publisher for $10m after they they told him to keep his $250k advance and fuck off.

The manuscript, complete with editor's commentary is an underappreciated masterpiece, which you should go read right now.

Laughs in Radical Centrism

ask me about my doge address

Holy fucking shit what a useless edgy narcissist

Apparently he's since dropped the lawsuit and self published, claiming 100,000 sales but in reality selling less than 20,000.

I'd unironically buy a copy, except I'd rather burn $10 than give $1 to the disingenuous little shit.

I’m not even criticizing you but I would find it hard to listen to anything that dipshit says even if it’s just laugh at his utter idiocy. He’s that worthless imo

Trust me, it's worth it. If only for the editors reaction.

He tries to be professional, but some of Milo's claims are so absurd he can't help himself. When Milo brings up Pizzagate, you can actually hear the editor's eyes rolling from through the screen.

Just code it all in minecraft.

jacuzzi hammock

Now that's kickstarter material, if ever I've seen it.

Socrates died for this shit.

Freedom is anime porn and erotic demons

You spelled "degeneracy" in a funny way lol.

Socrates (or rather, Plato, but it's hard to separate them) wanted to censor the classics (Homer and Hesiod) because the gods made bad role models. He also wanted to banish poets for making false imitations of reality.

"First, as it seems, we must supervise the makers of tales; and if they make a fine tale, it must be approved, but if it's not, it must be rejected. We'll persuade nurses and mothers to tell the approved tales to their children and to shape their souls with tales more than their bodies with hands. Most of those they now tell must be thrown out." (The Republic, 377c)

Socrates was basically Hitler if there were no foreigners for him to hate in 1933s Germany.

Too much Bertrand Russell cliffnotes for you pal

Fact: Minecraft's beta was actually a hentai simulator.

I thought Notch was Minecraft’s beta? 🤔

It's a shame that websites and ISPs and governments have to do what parents should have been doing all along.

Spending your college savings on blow?


Didn't you sell out to M$? What's their record on freedom?

I for one love my microsoft branded freedomtm .

Freedom# best execution environment.

Freedom isn't free. It costs a billion oh five.

He actually addressed this before.

In his own words "I had a thing I liked. Then i lost interest and sold it for millions of dollars"

That addresses selling out but doesn't keep his message from being hypocritical. He's had more ability to choose freedom than anyone he's sending this message has and opted out.

He chose freedom. His personal financial freedom.

Most people choose freedom from caring about white people nonsense.

Fortunately there's a whole continent of people whose IQ is considered mentally retarded by white people standards, haven't got the greatest grasp on indoor plumbing, and die when bugs bite them or they don't wash their hands. I promise you don't have to deal with white people nonsense on this continent, except when you need gibs or medicine or whatnot.

Are you done?


abos dont count as human

lol what the fuck? White people on my drama?

This is the curse of reaching over 50K subscribers.

White people on my drama?

It's more likely than you think

And Valve is choosing the freedom from weebs.

Freedom to release total garbage of all colors and creeds cause 30% of sales.

Notch wishes he was Newell

I mean, if you buy garbage asset flips, that's really on you and not on Valve.

Being responsible for your own decisions is unfortunately an unpopular and extremist stance in 2018.

I noticed, "oh you want people to inform themselves about products? must be a conservative right wing nut"

In what way is it not freedom to stop doing something you no longer want to do and make a lot of money in the process?

Hypocrites gonna doublethink

How is it Hypocritical? I am sorry, but I dont see what is hypocritical about it.

He sold his thing.

He is not being censored nor is he choosing censoring. It isn't his message anymore. He completely dropped it. Where is the censoring?

You’ve clearly posted something to Reddit but unfortunately none of us can see what it is on account of our brains collectively flashbacking to Mr Garrison shouting “retard alert.”

Someone's butthurt that they didn't sell their company to Microsoft for $2.5 Billion.

My company is secretly github.

That's not hypocritical. He wants the freedom to have a lot of money and play garbage on Steam, and so far he has the former. He never said he wanted the freedom to enjoy his game being run by people who shared his ideas.

"I had a thing I liked. Then i lost interest and sold it for millions of dollars"

What bitch?!? You created a game that, AND I QUOTE, requires a character name of "3-16 characters, no spaces" WHICH IS A BLATANT VIOLATION OF MY FREEDOM TO NAME MYSELF FUCKYOUNOTCHYOUPIECEOFSHITLIBERTARIANMORON, or FN for short.

Hypocritical fucking shitstain libertarian piece of shit asshole.

Something you need to get off your chest?

I'm here if you want to talk, fren

You sound like you need health insurance. I recommend KYSer Permanente.

Did steam ban notches games? I can't seem to find any of them on there.

I don’t think Minecraft was ever on steam?

I don't think he ever put them on it in the first place.

Wasn't he involved in some way with Wurm Unlimited? Or did he only work on Online?

Wurm Unlimited (Normal not online) is on steam.

He only ever made the one game and failed miserably at every business and creative decision after that.

people bitch and complain when local netflix doesnt have the same selection as america but they also want the same restrictions on their other media because someone told them omg hate speech is bad

fucking retards i swear lol

You retard, this isn't about hate speech it's about Steam banning weeb porn games.

These games are hateful toward preteen hymens. They openly advocate that tentacles are the master race.

And yet Dokki Dokki Literature Club is allowed to keep promoting violence against waifus 😡

To be fair it's waifu on waifu violence, so the line is gray.

yeah, but you'll be first one bitching when they come for your nose breathing simulator.

lol no thats just a foot in the door

look at any of the twitter accounts bitching, theyre all sjws that hate everything and about half of them were dedicated anti gamergate for like 3 years

none of what you said makes sense lol

for one, Netflix’s region-locking is a copyright thing not a censorship thing

the reason for unnecessary censorship doesnt matter, people only care when its affecting something they want to consume

pretending to do it for altruistic reasons is gay and should stop, nobody real gives a fuck about hate speech

since when is pedophilia hate speech

fyi theres no pedo games and its sjws trying to shut shit down like old republican politicians did in the 90s, because thats how they operate

theyre pissed because this undoes most of the shit theyve been working on since 2014 and earlier

/u/xnotch, I will not listen to any advice you gave until you relinquish the $24,000 you consigned to me over two years ago

What are you even talking about?

He knows what I'm talking about. He and I had an agreement years ago for approximately $200k. I'm being (imo overly) generous and only asking for small installments at a time.

And you are?

lol who's asking? Post on your main, bitch.

Does he own you money or not? "He totally owns me money believe me" is not very good reasoning.

> Post on your main, bitch.

no u

/u/xnotch fuck this guy. Give me his $24,000 installments instead so we can laugh at him together.

He's totally right though.

Muh vidya!

Autism, in my T_D?

Imagine doing about whether seen games are allowed on Steam.

Imaging hating other people's hobby so much you support censorship just to fuck with them.

Haha nerd

Weebs need to go back

Where? The Japanese don't want them-desu.

A hobby usually makes you feel good about yourself

Playing my japanese cartoon lesbian games makes me feel real good man.

It's NOT ok to be a pedophile

So does anime and hentai.

Dramacoin tho

I don't have to imagine how that feels when I can live it.

i actually like the hobby, but not as much as i hate the people that could fuck with

imagine your "hobby" being a degenerate animefag


imagine your hobby being emojiposting on /r/drama

imagine being assblasted 24/7 at me


Yes, I',m not ashamed for supporting the censorship of pedophillia simulators shitting up the page whenever I search for anything on Steam.

You should be.

Kay pedo. Do youe njoy drinking the tears of the children you rape?

Why ask me? You're the rapist here, not me.

no u.

Sounds like you do interesting search terms or you play lots of rape simulators.

I thought the controversy was about the games Active Shooter and AIDS Simulator, both of which stirred people up.

Nah, it's abot Steam reversing their decision to ban ecchi games.

> Being right about video games


okay? who is this message supposed to convince though

who’s freaking out about youtube censorship while also supporting pedo game removal

Does this mean they are going to stop complaining about battlefield 5 then?

5? what the fuck happened to numbers

i think its 5 i honestly cant remem for shit, will probably buy it if they dont fuck up tanks again.

Words can't describe how much I hate OP and anyone that acts like OP.

Who, Notch or /u/totallynotmagamemnon?

What did this guy do that you hated

If he's talking about the actual OP (person who posted this on reddit) their user history is a little controversial.

Then again Notch is a perfectly acceptable person to hate too.

I think he's specifically talking about the decision to submit a screenshot, but OP is truly a fag. He's a constant, blatant agendaposter, he's completely humorless when his own side is the one getting mocked, and whenever you challenge his stupid opinions he retreats into the predictable set of /r/conservative comebacks, like an autistic turtle sliding into its shell.

Take this post: there's literally no drama. It's Notch saying something OP agrees with. The end. Finished.

I unironically prefer people from MDE to users like OP.

You also unironically prefer goats over women, though.

Is this one of /u/Leftist_Degenerate's alts?

Doubtful. LD's MO is to act like a mainstream conservative, hence his signature story about having a black wife. Using MDE lingo doesn't go with the act.

Nah, I've seen him use "bugman" before.

Oy vey, he can't keep the act straight! Yeah you're probably right. Another one of his alts just got buttmad at me over a week-old comment where I called him a baboon though.

Because you are a racist.

Look how obsessed you are.

Yeah, I'm so obsessed that I went through someone's comment history and got mad over something he said a week ago. Wait a sec...

And here you are.

This is an accurate observation

Leftist_degenerate practically is from MDE.

Nah, his retardation is mostly /r/The_Donald-flavored.

The T_D users that are like him are just retarded and boring, while MDEgenerates have relatively decent bants and are occasionally funny.

/u/dootwiththesickness is very, very triggered lol

got 'em

You were so upset that you signed into your alt?

No, transphobia

There should be a level of hell reserved for people that submit screenshots of links.


He was crossposting a post from T_D though, not posting a screenshot here.

Instead of a crosspost he could do what I did and find the source.

This way we can see the circlejerk in T_D which is likely more entertaining than Twitter comments.

Screenshots of tweets we're supposed to agree with like we're on (ewww) cringeanarchy.

BTW if you did ban OP, have they sent any juicy mod mail yet?

(sent after your comment)

Shoulda figured it be boring reply from him. 🤷‍♂️

I'm truly disappointed.

I didn't do anything. I only did their heavy work and insulted them.

People like to talk about freedom of speech but you give them a few coronas and their beds become a peedom that reaks.

Honestly not that bad/inaccurate until "Choose freedom". /u/xnotch wins the Cringy.

oh,and there’s battlefield vagina

now that’s comedy

Imagine being that mad over a vagina possessor in “muh vidya”

Lmao why are people crying that steam will be full of bad or edgy games now?

I've found out about every game I play through other friends or community hype, who the fuck browses random steam games and spends money on them to try them out

Only forsen probably

so correct me if i’m wrong, but Steam didn’t actually change anything right? they just said a thing about it

Can you put outright porn on steam now?

So long as there's no anime tiddies, go nuts

Depends on the depiction actually. Kindred Spirits on the Roof has uncensored anime titties, but they decided to allow it on the download through steam because they didn't view it as pornographic.

you can have anime tiddies, you just can't fuck em onscreen

Lmao why are people crying that steam will be full of bad or edgy games now?

Because they don't really use steam so they don't realize it's already full of bad and edgy games

Lol, everything is censorship now.

Do you guys get mad when Walmart doesn't sell your used condoms? That's clearly censorship and not them curating their store right?

Do people get mad when Walmart doesn't sell their used condoms?

What an analogy, are you a professional analogy maker?

Would you like to explain how it's much different?

There's garbage on Steam that isn't even playable and Valve will sell it. Yet people cheer that they have the opportunity to now buy it.

For a better analogy: "Did people get angry at Wal-Mart when they stopped selling FHM and Maxim, and refused to sell albums with Parental Advisory stickers?"

The answer to this is yes, they did. The results of this anger were mixed, but they certainly got angry.

That's not at all the same thing lol. There's a difference between not wanting to sell a product because it's fucking broken and terrible and not wanting to sell a product because people might be offended.

There are games sold on Steam without .exe files for fuck's sake.

Everyone annoyed by this is upset by porn games you mong. Nobody gives a shit about steam turds that you have to go and actually look for to find them in the marketplace just like nobody bitches about all the crap published to mobile app stores.

It's amazing how hard it is to go to any thread on Reddit about this announcement and actually reading the comments huh?

This shit gets thrown on the front page all the time.

stop lying

We'd live in a better world if this was true, but NO: Most of those upset with Steam now ARE upset because of porn or otherwise offensive content.

Where are you seeing these complaints?

Everywhere. Hell there was a thread posted in this sub with many links to complaints, even.

Welp, I'm dumb for not checking the tweets, though to be fair some of those are pretty general and might not apply to "hate" games being on the store.

Also I'm impressed, usually I find /r/games to be the worst when it comes to outrage, but pretty much every comment there was people annoyed at quality control. Though that might be because the mods delete 90% of the posts.

no they didn’t u liar

I care about the shitty hentai dating sims, motherfucker. I care.

Can someone without autism give me a tl;Dr of what steam did?

Steam said they're not going to police content that is sold through them any more, so now you can get as many lewd loli games as you want.

Thanks. That means I can finally release my lewd loli school shooter confederate flag game

I'd actually play that

I imagine Jim Sterling would as well

Probably a better concept than 90 percent of the Steam store, tbh.

didn’t they only “police content” for like

a week

Steam decided yhey were not in the business of deciding what games people should play, responses range from "fair enough" too "people should do only things i tjnk os good for them".

Jesus died for people calling free speech hate speech? Wat


this but harder


I agree with this. I don't buy those games from steam for that reason. Lost revenue for them.

w h a t

Its simple. Censor games = no revenue.

steam doesn't censor games, retard, that's what twitter was mad about

Uh, yes. It does. There's plenty of times I've been looking into a new game that shows tits and people are looking for a hack or a mod to decensor the games.

Uh, yes. It does.

no they don’t, ya tard

not compared to literally anyone else

Its easier to find front page of yandex or duckduckgo.

now you’re just making up words lol


why would someone who supports censoring games be worried about youtube messing with subscriptions

why would someone care about either of these things outside of the context of Super Nintendo

How long is this racist sexist islamo/transphobe allowed to mod this sub? This is the reason this place is full of MDE/CA Refugees, because you literally defend nazis like this.