Take that, Trump!

30  2018-06-08 by Oh_hamburgers_


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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Wow, that's brave.

What's with Americans and children indoctrination?

It is the parent's fault for not properly monitoring and limiting their children's internet/screen/video game time.

But that would only work if the parents weren't also idiots, and this is not just an American problem but a worldwide problem with a lack of quality education systems and widespread idiocy in the world as a whole.

I meant using kids in political commercials. Cringy as hell.

idk, I was in an ad for some guy running for mayor as a kid, no idea if he was dem or republican. Some black guy. At some point he goes, "Something I like to say that makes kids laugh is fart. Fart, fart, fart!" to catch a shot of us laughing around him. It worked for most of the kids but it wasn't funny enough for me, so they didn't use me.

Isn't it pretty much the case everywhere? I thought I remembered reading that most children follow their parents' political ideology in almost all of the West

He should have started blowing him

I endorse this message.

You banned weapons? That's literally illegal wtf?

this is what hicks actually believe 🤭

I'm gay, vote for me.

Maryland is like %30 black and they really don’t stand for faggotry

"Please clap"

Well, why shouldn't the left jump on the bandwagon of voting for people due to their ability to troll and piss off the other side. It's about damn time.

lel triggered, libconservatards? 🤭

seriously. This guy is great hahaha

Because the left should die of AIDS


Well, you could try, but I have a feeling this dudes run would collapse when some BLM activist decided to question the skin color of his boyfriend.

That's the major problem the left has: They will always collapse under their own internal identity politics and victimhood competitions.

A BLM activist would get angry a white man had a white man for a boyfriend? Cool story, bro. In the event he did get any heat for it, outside of your imagination, he could invent an invisible black husband like Milo did. Done, taken care of.

We'll see how this works. Right now it's kind of fun, lol. I'm sure the left could always be united in laughing their ass off at anything that pisses off Trump's base. Of course, some quarters of the left will say it's "mean", lol, but people will be too busy laughing to pay attention to them. Please, let this become a thing.

Good shit tbh

What kind of man thinks about Trump while kissing his partner?

Finally asking the real questions. My guess is Daddy Issues.

No kinkshaming pls.

Would have been better if they just started jerking each other off.

I think a full on rimming would be better.

The day of the rope can't come soon enough.

Rwds when

Hey that's pretty catchy, thanks

americans are so fucking weird

Jesus Christ!

Do you think we could have a warning about the two men kissing at the end?

I didn't have a chance to get my dick out...


REEEEE. Those democrats are disgusting.

I have a little impression that that doesn't piss him off. Those people are nuts.

Looking at the downvote ratio I'd say it worked pretty well.

This is both gayer than 8 guys fucking 9 guys and Rain Man-level autism. My God.
