Brave Mounties of r/onguardforthee react to being absolutely obliterated in the Ontario election by Rob Ford's brother, aka "Mini-Trump"

41  2018-06-08 by Oh_hamburgers_


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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Amazing theyโ€™re able to make so much noise with their heads in the sand like that.

can someone give me a quick rundown on this election?

conservatives won. ndp and libs lost and onguardforthee is about to off itself.

But was it unexpected that the conservatives would win?

Tbh I don't think it's expected to think the former mayor's coke-dealing brother will win.

People seemed to love him, even after the drugs thing was public. I'm not that surprised.

Apparently, the liberals lost so hard that they are no longer allowed to exist or something

They may lose official party status because I think they only got 7 seats out of 124. I think they needed at least 8.

It wasn't unexpected. All the polls (except one outlier one time) had predicted they would win.

Trump revolutionized the ability for the right to win.

Another retarded conservative was elected because conservative voters are the least intelligent people on the planet.


Another 4chan meme goes INTO THE TRASH ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ—‘

Conservatives are better at operating in a fact-free world because their entire worldview is based on dismissing all expert opinion and all information that says they're wrong.

3.8% unemployment.

More jobs than job seekers.


Want to know how I know how you're dumb? You think long-term employment trends are because of Donald Trump.

rent free

Why can't the liberals motivate their retards as well as the conservatives? Everytime I see liberal wins, they congratulate each other for their moral superiority, and how the dumb people finally sees the light. But when they lose, they go back saying "conservative wins because they swindled those dumb-dumbs!"

Enlighten me on this one. Why couldn't the liberals stand lowering themselves to appeal to the dumb-dumbs? A lot of things they said seems like a natural pick for the inbred hicks.

Because racial demagoguery is more appealing than "equality."

I know that, since both sides are playing this stupid game.

So why couldn't the liberals motivate their own retards better than the conservatives? Surely the call to "equality" and "diversity" should make them pumped with righteous rage, ready to vote out any hicks in their government?

No, because Democrats aren't spread out enough. More people voted for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump. He managed to win because of an outdated electoral system that favors land area over people.

That doesn't explain the low Democratic voter turnout.

Racial demagoguery appeals to the uneducated. "They're taking our stuff" appeals to the uneducated. And the uneducated happen to be all over fly over states.

Aside from the last statement, I agree with you. Uneducated is not just all over fly-over states, it's within the coastal states as well.

That doesn't explain the low Democratic voter turnout.

Are you fucking illiterate dude?

Aside from the last statement, I agree with you. Uneducated is not just all over fly-over states, it's within the coastal states as well.

By uneducated, I mean uneducated white people that are afraid they're losing power.

Are you fucking illiterate dude?


No, because Democrats aren't spread out enough. More people voted for Hillary Clinton than Donald Trump. He managed to win because of an outdated electoral system that favors land area over people.

This doesn't do it for me because people were also complaining about others not voting for the Dems for various reasons. It is more than just they "aren't spread out enough," or else Obama wouldn't win twice.

By uneducated, I mean uneducated white people that are afraid they're losing power.

I agree with you completely on this one. Racial demagoguery sure is appealing for you an me.

This doesn't do it for me because people were also complaining about others not voting for the Dems for various reasons. It is more than just they "aren't spread out enough," or else Obama wouldn't win twice.

Obama won twice because he wasn't running against racial demagogues. You could even argue Obama triggered this.

I agree with you completely on this one. Racial demagoguery sure is appealing for you an me.

Not appealing to me. Not even slightly.

Obama won twice because he wasn't running against racial demagogues. You could even argue Obama triggered this.

Really? With all the birther shit, I thought that was a thing even back then.

Not appealing to me. Not even slightly.

Then what's with the obsession on rednecks and hillbillies?

Really? With all the birther shit, I thought that was a thing even back then.

That came up, but it wasn't something McCain supported. As seen here:


Then what's with the obsession on rednecks and hillbillies?

They're morons and a threat to the country.

it wasn't something McCain supported.

I guess you are correct to suggest it was triggered by Obama. Then what about his re-election campaign? I know Romney did not run that one as well, but it's not like he could stop his fellow Republicans from suggesting it.

They're morons and a threat to the country.

Couldn't argue against this one. If we're going with this logic, we might as well nuke the whole world to do humanity a service.

Cognitive dissonance: A) "I hate white people - they are so uneducated and a threat to our democracy!" B) "Racial politics is unappealing to me."

A) I don't hate white people.

B) It's not white people that are the threat. It's uneducated rural people.

"Uneducated rural white-majority people". Nice try!

cheez pizza shill

Conservatives had a vague platform, basically just bullit points of their opinions. They're the only right wing party.

NDP are socialists and view absolutely every issue through the lens of gender, race, etc.

Liberals had been in power for 15 years and Ontarians hate the leader (she even publically stated before the election that she has no chance of winning so people should vote for her to prevent a majority govt).

Green party won a seat for the first time (congrats to them, I don't share their views but that was a historic win and I respect that).

Wasnโ€™t one of the conservative party promises literally cheap beer lol

Yep haha $1.00 beer.


Green party got one seat

I have never been more proud to go green.