Local man leaves /r/politics, goes completely insane! Sad!

19  2018-06-08 by Ultrashitposter


every time I get summoned here, I have a quick look around and find that this place gets worse and worse, it's like a black hole which mangles everything that gets sucked into it. src


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Looks like pizzashill has a challenger

Only if we can lure our new friend here.

Someone said there were cookies in this thread, is that true?

Cookies and upvotes throughout the subreddit. Just bring yo crazy.

Eh, lots of people in this thread seem to think that I'm pretty dumb, one even called me a pizzashill, so I think upvotes are off the table. But I'm enjoying the crazy very much! Now to find the cookies...

Oh no. You’re not a pizzashill. That’s a person.

Paging /u/pizzashill, come meet your challenger!

I’m not sure if local man understands but every time you go on a unchecked rant like that, Trump’s approval goes higher.

This madman sincerely believes that issues he cares about is what everyone else should care about.

I swear to god every time I see one of those rants, I want 2020 to roll around faster so o can vote for Trump.

The amount of salt has to continue on.

Imagine unironically voting for Trump.

Hell, I watch videos of the 2016 election returns when I need cheering.

Just really polish that cock.

He's doing it ironically. Odds on the Democrats running David Hogg?

There's nothing ironic about /u/rationalhuckleberry] voting for Trump.

Did you downvote me you fucking whore?


Read the sidebar. Its /u/zachums 's party, and we'll cry if he wants us to.

Trump’s approval goes higher.

And yet he still can't seem to crack 50%. Weird.

I'll keep ranting, maybe by 2020 he'll have enough support to win the popular vote!

Anyway, if someone decides how to vote based on my reddit comments, then that person needs to reevaluate their priorities. Voting for Trump just to piss me off, without considering the actual things he stands for, is really fucking stupid.

I couldn’t read it all. Too much cringe.

However, he edited his post due to the popularity. He said “it’s the most fun he’s had in a while”.... yes Reddit debating is the most fun he’s had; you heard that right.

Dude is one pathetic/sad individual regardless of his political opinions. I literally feel bad for these people.

Haha he was only pretending to be retarded.

He said “it’s the most fun he’s had in a while”.... yes Reddit debating is the most fun he’s had; you heard that right.

Watching conservatives try to debate is the political equivalent of /r/kidsfallingdown for me. They try so hard to act like adults, but end up falling on their faces every time! It's great for a laugh.


edit: my most downvoted post is an angry rant to people mocking me??

edit 2: thanks for le gold kind stranger!

My most downvoted comment was actually in r/libertarian.

I've got twenty years of reddit gold, but thanks for the thought, I'd encourage you to donate to Planned Parenthood or the ACLU instead. :D

After seeing you, I think abortions should be mandatory.

"Have you ever been so triggered by a redditor that you changed your long held opinion on a policy just for spite?"

imnotagayboy: "Yes."

I can't decide if he or /r/shitpoliticssays are more retarded.

You post a hundred comments in r/drama every day.

If that's a hard decision, maybe you're the retard.

/r/shitpoliticssays is like the short bus version of /r/drama.

/u/MaximumEffort433, Democrats are the party is free speech lol. It's one of the key components of being a liberal

Can't wait to see Donald Trump open up those libel laws so that we can start suing media outlets for saying things we don't like! Yep, once President Trump starts picking away at protections for a free press that freedom of speech will really go into overdrive.

No one calls the Republicans the party of free speech and just because you're against insane radical SJWs on the left trying to oppress free speech doesn't mean you're a republican. I don't support Trump

Aww, you made a thread about me, I'm flattered!

You've earned it, my friend!

D' aww, shucks! I'm sorry that my drama didn't net you more karma. :(

In truth I didn't think the thread was all that dramatic, aside from my inflammatory edits, most of the users were very polite, and I think I only got called an idiot once or twice. I was expecting way worse!

Anyway, best of luck with your thread, have an upboat for continuing the conversation!

Actually, a question: Why "local man?" Just for the name of the thread, or is there an inside joke that I'm missing out on?

That's usually what's said in newspapers.

The fact that he's replying to this shows how invested he is in internet conversations. Cracking me up.

when circle jerks collide