/r/gendercritical hates porn and expowered womyn

53  2018-06-08 by Voltar134


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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goes to tumblr lot get her views

purposefully reading garbage clickbait opinion pieces

concludes that everybody believes the same shit

OMGGGGG the society is being ruined

t. brainlet

Can't satisfy women sexually

Watches Tyrone and Chad do it instead

This sub.

You're really pushing boundaries and breaking stereotypes by displaying a sense of humor as a /r/GenderCritical user, so kudos! Can I know your preferred pronouns so I don't misgender you? Also, are you implying that Tyrone and Chad are actually satisfying women sexually? Because talking about men sexing women without framing it as rape is a tad problematic.

Pronouns, lol. I think you've got us confused with the SRS/AHS crowd. You know they consider GenderCritical a hate sub, so at least we've got some common ground there, friendo. You know that ed_buttertoast guy posts to SRS πŸ€”

Now you're just confusing me Alice. Are you a he, xe, zhe or she? Do you have ladybrain or dudebrain? Don't just make me assume you're a cis womyn because of your name, which is a product of a patriarchal society deciding that just because someone has gussy between their legs, they need to be named Alice instead of Brock.

Your gonna have to do better than that πŸ™„

Do better? Honestly Alice. I'm a fucking white male, did you really expect more of me than this?

Haha...you're not so bad, for a troll.

Let's agree to disagree!

How did you know my real name is Tyrone?

No doxxing pls.

Unironically yes.

Paging /u/pizzashill.

imagine being so triggered by feminists that it turns you off from gussy altogether

When you are against women voting but in favor of watching (((porn)))

Well, the 19th amendment gives TERFs the right to vote, sooo...

I respect whammenz, but I think it's a little concerning that these trans-hating TERFs tend to be womyn. We might need a temporary shutdown of gussy voting until we figure out what's going on.


Literally yes.


But you constantly hate on porn yourself. Shouldn't you agree with them?

constantly hate on porn ANIME LOLI PEDO DEGENERACY

Nice try, animefag.

Hentai is porn too.

And lolicon is not pedophilia.

AKSHUALLYYYYYY she's a 10,000 year old vampire! You won't understand!


You're so fucking retarded you don't even realize that you are literally the same kind of hateful bigot as the people you made fun of in your comment. Sad.

Also the 10000 year old vampire part is not even important, the important part is that it's drawings.

weeabo pedos defending their degeneracy




You are looking at drawings that blatantly depict children, the mental gymnastics required to think that is okay is something only degenerates are able to.

I have seen drawings of adult women in anime, and I have seen pictures of what I assume you jerk it to. If you somehow think it is normal because it's a drawing.. holy shit.

Stop playing braindead and admit you are attracted to children, and get some fucking help for it rather than try to justify it on the internet. If you're not willing to do that then kill yourself before you ruin the life of a innocent child you fucking degenerate.

If you somehow think it is normal because it's a drawing.. holy shit.

It is though, and if you can't see that there is no point in talking further.

Learn the difference between reality and fantasy. It's insane not to know it.

Yeah, you only want to fuck kids but you haven't done it yet, so it's okay?

Looking at art of children while you jerk it doesn't make it okay, dude. You have to suffer from some mental illness if you think that is the case. Genuinely, what the fuck?

You're even worse than the 5000 year old vampire crowd, because you don't even try to justify it.

I can call it "justification" if you want, but the thing is:

Lolis don't look like children. Yes they have some traits that children also have, but that is all. They are very different, just like adult women in anime and hentai don't have much in common with real life women.

They definitely look like children. It is genuinely worrying that you would argue this hard for it, I hope to god you don't live near a school, because eventually this shit is going to take you over.

Feel free to say it's just anime, but you have urges that will sooner or later take over. Get help before it gets to that point.

I'm glad you're so concerned for me but no. You are wrong. I'm only into 2D.

being this retarded

expecting up to believe this shit

TopKek. You sound like a typical pedophile tbh. But the difference is that your degeneracy is limited to 2D.

But the difference is that your degeneracy is limited to 2D (afaik)

Which means that it's not pedophilia.

Anyways why are you so interested in what porn others like.

"My drawings of children getting raped doesnt mean I want that to happen in RL!!"

Whatever helps you sleep at night, bud.

By the way I've played CoD a couple of times. Does that make me a mass murderer or elite soldier?

Nah, just means you want to jack your wang to buff dudes without shirts and small children.

No. Definitely not.

Explain this shit by you https://www.reddit.com/r/nsfwMegumin/comments/8lnndj/a_leash_for_this_explosion_girl_artist_nestern/

Fucking degenerate πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Not much to explain, it's a great image of a great character. Also I'm not the artist, give them the proper credit.

Woulda been better if your prepubescent boy-girl nipple bandaids had a M41 in one hand, right?

What wouldn't?!




*Lolis don't look like children.

Yes they do. Look at their physique

Yes they have some traits that children also have,

Not the running noses type traits but the SEXY SEX traits that degenerates jerk off to

but that is all.

Yup, just jerking off to children is all

They are very different, just like adult women in anime and hentai don't have much in common with real life women.

Having unrealistic sized breads and waist to hip ratio doesn't mean they don't have much in common. They very much do. Hence the "jerking off to them" part of your day.

Yes they do. Look at their physique

Exactly. That's why I think they don't.

you: Lolis don't look like children

me: Yes they do

you: exactly! That's why I think they don't

I see you're on the far end of the autism spectrum.

Are you really this stupid or is this just an elaborate trolling and I fell for it?

Obviously the "Exactly" refers to the "look at their physique" part. It means, "yes that is what I look at, and the physique doesn't look childlike. I'll edit my comment for clarity.

physique doesn't look childlike

You think this take is any less retarded? Small frame, underdeveloped secondary sexual traits? You can't disagree just because you like jerking off to children lol.

are you really this stupid

I'll edit my comment for clarity

I know you're worked up on your defense of pedo bullshit but you really need to focus on what you type. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

I know you're worked up on your defense of pedo bullshit but you really need to focus on what you type. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Naa I just overestimated you. It was clear enough for an intelligent person. I just need some time to adapt to your level.

you need a high IQ to understand lolicon


damn, hot. fuck her first, take her out for a walk later.

Depends, does the thought of shooting people, turn you on?

My dick gets hard when I see children sexualized...but only 2d drawings.

Sure buddy.

Learn the difference between reality and fantasy.

Your fantasy consists of virtually undressing children and jerking off to them like a fucking kiddy diddler. That's degeneracy no matter how hard you cry "10,000 yr old vampires"

I'm just calling spade, a spade. I'm not interested in what you like. You admit to being a animefag and i'm just calling you a degenerate like i should. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

If you think so. But that's proving my original point about you being a bigot.



Again, lolicon isn't pedophilia.

virtual pedophilia*

Will that addition make you screech less? πŸ˜‚

you just got to ignore these people, arguing with them is honestly a waste of time.

Unfortunately it's practically dead though.

Edit: Don't want to fuck children btw

Original image: https://i.redd.it/tta2z4ytrj211.png

The one on the right is actually an adult in the show. And the one on the left is a 300 year old dragon.

Also, that post was in a fucking meme sub.


"Haha I only want to fuck kids for a meme bro"

I mean I do post in /r/drama.

hiding pedophilia behind memes


'Being a drama regular will save me!'

'Im newer than you can believe.'

Pick two.

Lmao he's really using the "she's actually a 3000 year old vampire" meme unironically.

It matters because of the mental maturity of the involved characters.

Chill, mate. The whole "loli is not paedophilia" is the same shit as "traps aren't gay". It's a meme. Everybody knows loli are kids and traps are pretty damn gay, but it's good for drama.

But those Memes are staler than incel genitals.

And lolicon is not pedophilia.

Surething pedo.

These people are gross thugs. They claim whatever they don't like is illegal and a mental illness to circlejerk, it has no bearing in reality.

Just keep in mind, whatever they say about lolis, they will also say about hentai or anime sometimes. A lot of these shits use lolis as just the tip of the iceberg. You can also find people claiming that cat girls are related to the desire to enslave women.

Really they ought to be ashamed, pretending to have a moral highground while treating other people like shit over comic books. Ironic.

nice, Megumin's hot as fuck

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Does a bear shit on the pope?

It's inevitable that one day TERFs will form an Unholy Alliance with the Christcucks and the muzzies to take away our pr0nz and ban all seckx (except for lesbian sex and purely reproductive vanilla hetero sex, a.k.a. the only acceptable form of rape).

The irony os that they'll think they'll have secured an exception for lesbian sex but the fundies will have outsmarted them.

fundies have a long history of sneaking the patriarchy on people

Not just possible.

Look at the UK. Terfs and fundies teamed up, and now the Terfs are realizing that the porn laws are hitting gay folks too.


I'd say serves them right, but the people who actually effect the change aren't ever the ones actually impacted.


This is the left's work to move us back to the Victorian age

To be fair, /u/GenderCritical hates transpipo, so they're actually Nazis.

the language and outrage of the left combined with the, uh, valuable opinions of the right-the best of both worlds!

Well, if you're talking about right-wing SJW's, /r/KotakuInAction has got you covered.

If that means I can buy cough syrup with morphine in it and make a good living crocheting lace for the queen, then I'm down. :P

These poor girls need some dick in their lives.

Good news for them. Apparently lesbians can have dicks now.

I mean, if you don't like the dick but you like the tits you're still a lesbian.

Good thing that the newer self identifying lesbians can all both.

TERFs should try getting dicked by some lesbian female penis. Maybe that will slowly warm them to teh evil menz.

The new question of our time. Are traps straight?

/u/chromeghost's flair says it all.

Hey don’t hate on my 2d futa princess

Well, speaking only for myself here, I think fake dicks are way better than organic units attached to a dood. At least in my case. The organic penile unit I am married to appears to be dependent upon a hormone in order to function properly. A doctor has diagnosed this 'low' condition in him, and I've been told it's common in males 30-45+. I personally would not want to look at a life-like male sex toy/bot. This seems to be a male thing, wanting a replica of the whole woman. I am perfectly content with just a healthy approximation of the needed appendage. I can get mine, wash the thing and put it away and forget all about it until the next time I want it. That's the perfect 'man' in my opinion. Best of all, dildos don't talk or expect me to do stuff for them, they don't stink up the house with chili farts, they will never be caught staring at other women, and even better, the size you bought it is the size it stays. It will never shrink or lose girth from atherosclerosis and low male hormone levels. Males absolutely do have these issues starting around 30 or so...don't let them play you like hormone deficits happen only to women. I think it actually happens to them more than us, and sooner.

I feel so sad for teens and women who have partners who expect them to want to do what pornstars are paid to pretend to enjoy.

"I don't enjoy sex so that means nobody else enjoys it either" - feminists

Next time my GF tells me to choke her I'm going to sit her down for no less than 45 minutes and explain how she's betraying her gender. That will surely lead to an interesting and fulfilling sex life.

You have a GF who wants you to choke her? She clearly needs a male feminist supreme gentleman to come and rescue her from her internalized misogyny and the micropatriarchy you subject her to.

On how many SSRIs is your girlfriend on?


Thanks friend

Anyone have that picture of the complaining feminist next to the Hooters worker?

Thanks in advance.


Basically it is mostly extreme gay male sex acts--many of which were directly responsible for the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s--that have been "mainstreamed"to straights and it is due entirely to pornography, especially online.

u/susannunes stop leaking the gay agenda! Use a plug to stop leakage.

Well I never, they hate gay males too?!?!

Seems Freud was right and there really is such a thing as Benis envy.

Men are so creative and powerful. That's why bussy is the best.

Lesbian "sex" and vanilla hetero sex are the real degeneracy.

Why do you think they always talk about the male gaze, it's a dog-whistle.

Tbh Porn can be very dangerous [see porn addiction in that regards] and I personally don't think it's a healthy thing as such.

well of course. porn is a pretty broad term. i highly doubt the kind of porn i grew up jerking it to, a broad with big tits, some cheesy self aware dialogue, and then some roid dude with a 10 inch shaft railing a bimbo, could possibly be "harmful".

but porn is endless and there is endless levels of degeneracy. people could be jerking it to violent simulated gang rape porn with 20 year old girls that look like 15 year olds. when you get into weeb territory and all the creepy shit in hentai, the degeneracy knows no bounds.

porn is like drugs or drinking or anything else. you get too involved with it, do it to much, you need a harder hit, and then you start conditioning yourself with some pretty fucked up shit.

That sub dropped my IQ quite a bit

u/feminasty when did you first learn to be so selfish in bed? Did you ever consider this caused you to have bad relationships and maybe you deserved it?

Gendercritical are like female incels lol

On one hand I have to wonder how they feel about the fact more and more porn stars are directing and publishing their own porn e.g. Angela White. On the other I'm too lazy to bother to ask.

I got banned from that sub just now for saying women already have equal pay