Vegan bakery incident. Workers fired for refusing to service black woman outside working hours

9  2018-06-08 by cincilator


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


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Old news. The owner even hands or 10 dolla bills for reparations. Don't forget he is against gentrification, even though he is the most guilty of it

Well, this is always how that stuff works. If you do something that benefits you personally but goes against your subculture's social norms, bloviate and virtue signal about it loudly to the group that has the social capital to absolve you, while condemning others for doing the exact same thing you're guilty of.

Medieval knights raped and slaughtered thousands of brown people, thereby violating one of the core ten commandments of Christcuckery. Solution? Give some loot to monks so they could pray to Sky Daddy for forgiveness.

Closeted gay Republicans are some of the bussy-thirsties mofo's who ever walked the planet. Solution? Pay some Family Values organization to teach kiddo's that bussy is the work of the devil.

Male feminists are even thirstier for gussy but feel guilty about it, solution? Tweet about how feminism is just treating whammenz as people and self-flagellate about toxic masculinity in between sending naughty sexts to your freshly 18-year-old intern who really needs this job.

SJW's are some of the mayo-iest people who ever mayo'd, solution? Make some insincere jokes about mayocide (unlike the sincere, unironic mayocide advocates on /r/Drama), pay reparations to Lashawnda and prostrate in front of woke Twitter daily.

Radical centrist af fam. Keep up the gud werk.

danke schön

You know what, Portland is racist as fuck and when people experience racist bullshit every minute of every day, everything begins to feel like it. I'm white and I've been in the situation this woman was in and guess what, I got served. Fuck this racist bullshit and fuck everyone who defends it and pretends we don't have a serious problem in this country. I am so fucking sick of white people defending racist bullshit - white people calling the cops on black people for existing, cops murdering black people for existing (while white mass murderers get taken in alive and well and even fed hamburgers after their arrest), the POS in the WH inciting racial violence every time he opens his mouth, the murder and outright abandonment of thousands of AMERICANS in Puerto Rico after a natural disaster because of the white supremacist regime "in charge," the POS in the WH violating the rights of anyone and everyone who gets in his way - demanding everyone stand for the national anthem when he can't even remember the words pretending to sing at his own fake fan party when the Philadelphia Eagles told him to go fuck himself and his racist bullshit and on and on and on and on and on. I am so over white people defending the most indefensible bullshit. Black men arrested at Starbucks while waiting for a friend and not ordering anything immediately. White people outraged! Again, I'm white, I've sat in a Starbucks waiting for someone to come get me (never ordering anything and with no intention of ordering anything). No cops called, not once. I've used a bathroom at Starbucks (we're talking 15 years ago) without ordering. No cops called. IN FACT, the entire line of white people in line at that Starbucks in NYC was there to use the bathroom and leave and NOT A COP CALLED. Every day white people defend and deny and justify and rationalize this bullshit is another day this country gets shittier and shittier and shittier. Fucking enough already. Stop it. Stop all of it. Start standing up and demanding people, all people, every single fucking person who isn't a member of the white supremacist male heteropatriarchy get treated like a human being. White people are so fucked up and their heads stuck so far up their asses and it has to stop. ENOUGH.

New pasta

I'm white and I've been in the situation this woman was in and guess what, I got served.

Living in mayo country, I've found that some fellow mayos are willing to serve me when I come in after hours, while other mayos are already me out of the door 5 minutes before closure time.

I used to attribute this difference to kindness vs. assholery, but since I never got diversity training, that must be the hegemonic whiteness talking. Instead, I'm starting to realize that the assholes are actually making reparations to POCs by oppressing fellow mayos, while the people who were nice to me are actually white supremacists going the extra mile to strengthen and nurture white entitlement. I'll never a set a foot in those establishmens again in solidarity with the downtrodden victims of colonialist bakeries.

white people dont have the experience to talk to black people.

That's right ya'll need to level up

I'd have fired the fucking idiots for turning any customer away like that.