A Canadian woman of Tibetan heritage wins election, random chinaman comes to shit on the parade with imported squabble said woman ran away from...

47  2018-06-08 by newcomer_ts


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I’d pound that gussy 😏

Dude gussy lmao

/u/KeepYrselfSafe We know you browse this sub. Just want to clarify. What do you think of Mao?

It is a tad obvious.

I'd support the maocide if it hadn't already taken place.

Mao is an idiot that does not know how to govern. His only ability is military strategy. Even then, he had a lot of generals that are better than him.

All Mao did was fall back and let the nationalists take on the Japanese, then when the war was over take over all the cities the Japanese occupied and then beat the already battered nationalists.


That seems pretty smart tho

So like a good Commie he let the others do the work and then appropriated the results.

He won the war against birds

cause the nationalists didn't flee lol. the CCP never should have won, but chiang kai-shek was a retard.

His only ability is military strategy.


you completely mis-represented everything.

The Nationalists idea of "taking on" the Japanese was collaborating with them and running away.


Got some bad news for you buddy. Chairman Norwood 7 kicked the bucket a long time ago. Also I’m reporting you to the ROCMP for your blasphemy against our Great Leap Leader. Enjoy forced labor in Ghizhou, traitor.

china is a garbage country and tibet is not a part of it

Can’t change the fact that Tibet is till under China control ;)

Go suck an alamo

If they want to be separate. They can fight for it.

Let's say they fought for it and became such a pain that the PRC said "Meh ok this is costing us too much you can be independent." Something tells me /u/KeepYrselfSafe wouldn't just graciously accept that.

I would accept that

Do you accept how the Uyghur are fighting for independence?

they can fight, they won’t succeed

Are you taking the might is right approach here? Like, we don't talk about morality of actions anymore, just that if Uyghurs or Tibetans can recruit enough suicide bombers to make China cut its losses, that was good enough?

It's China. They'll probably just genocide the area and ban any discussion about it.

Eh, if the Tibetans go independent, we get another Nepal in the world, so whatever. If the separatist Uyghurs take over we get another Salafi stronghold like Saudi Arabia without the restraint of oil money.

What's with Chinese people being so insecure about their country that if someone just mentions the word "Tibet" they all feel the need to tell everyone that Tibet is a part of China?

Because china isn’t really a country and up until Mao decided to play the Hunger games during the cultural revolution, China was very decentralized, even during the previous imperial dynasty’s.

Most countries did not have strong central governments until they entered the modern era so that's hardly a cogent point.

I’m not going to serious post on this but basically, look up China’s past, it’s a series of civil wars and very little actual national identity compared to its surrounding neighbors.

Also thanks for ruining my bait.

Weren't they perceiving the civil wars as political issue though? Like, when the part where the Emperor is required to care for his Subjects fails, a bunch of new Emperor-contestants emerge, but it is understood that the guy from such and such province isn't conquering other provinces to make them pay tribute, he is conquering the entirety of China to become the Emperor of China?

That's very different from "being very decentralized" and other nationalist stuff that's nationalist about some particular province.

comes to /r/drama

thinks “oh shit I bet everyone here really wants to discuss ancient Chinese civilizations!”

You are here

immediately keep yourself safe

You should be here


That's just so unaesthetic, are you very new to reddit or something?

Seem to be hung up on step 2 there pal

Why would I keep myself safe when there are people out there who don't even know how to reddit (hint: use "-" instead of ".") and tell other people how to reddit and don't keep themselves safe?

Your continued existence is the thing that convinces me that God is an asshole who made the Universe for the explicit purpose of upsetting me, and therefore the entire purpose of my existence is to enjoy my existence using beer and otherwise, as the fuck you to God and His tools like you, who are supposed to upset me with your retardation but really don't.

alcohol withdrawal is making you a grumpy grouch

It’s a crack addiction withdrawal thank you very much

This is why we need another Cultural Revolution.

Which part of its past?

You seem to imagine that 2000+ years of history can be summed up in a poorly conceived and historically illiterate synopsis.

China is not a homogenous nation either. Like Russia and other empires, it contains a number of distinct nationalities.

Also: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Qing_sentiment

This seems like some non-Han Chinese propaganda, why don’t you go back to your shitty rural areas in the interior.

Silly minority, saying that China isn’t all Han.

Not really. Please take a course on Modern Chinese history. Thanks.

Small pee-pee

It's guilt. They know that Tibet was fine enough left to itself and that there was no economic or military gain in annexing them. It was all about the potential for the Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism to lead people as the Chinese Communists see it astray. Notice that when they took Tibet over, they created their own brand of Buddhism with their own chosen Dalai Lama to replace the original. They know it was all just political and cruel, and they feel guilty over it, but being a healthy Chinese national means supporting the Communist party no matter what, within the lines of what has been deemed acceptable, and this narrative has not been offered other options to the Chinese people the same way democratic policies have.

they created their own brand of Buddhism with their own chosen Dalai Lama to replace the original.


Here you go:


Read the section titled, "Chinese government involvement". China has isolated a sect of Buddhism and propped it up as the actual body of the religion, and ordered those who wish to practice that they must practice under this sect, meanwhile building monasteries with government money. It is exactly what I said, their own version of Buddhism. And they are demanding that the Chinese state will be the one to decide the next incarnation of the Dalai lama.

What do you dispute?

Find me a source or link where they chose their own Dalai lama

Ohh wait...there is none

↑↑↑↑↑prefers CIA lama to Commulama↑↑↑↑↑

Nah guilt is a white people thing.

Nah hypocrisy is a white nationalist thing.


Chinks are incapable of guilt.

It's guilt. They know that Tibet was fine enough left to itself and that there was no economic or military gain in annexing them.

So, when will you be giving back Texas and the rest of the stolen lands you've occupied to Mexico?

Yeah. I didn't think so.

Replace "Tibet" with insert minority here and replace "Chinese" with "insecure Helmann's jar"

Replace Tibet with "mexico" and your sense of fake irony with "muh alamo"

It's like there's a paid Chinese troll army to post anywhere Tiger is mentioned

It's almost like other nations also know how to use the internet to advance what they consider to be their national interests.

Probably the same thing that compels Americunts to "remember the Alamo" over and over and over and over and over and over......until they reach the point that they wanna build a fucking wall.

I apologize. My comment is directed at the separatists.

u/KeepYrselfSafe, get yourself together. What if they are separatist? China controls Tibet as a fact, and there is no way to go around that. They can claim to be independent or drum up the support all they want, they are under direct control from the CCP at the end of the day.

You should instead be mad that Russia still has not returned Vladivostok. Also go petition your government to subjugate Mongolia.

u/KeepYrselfSafe , how valuable is Dalai Lama’s bussy in the Chinese black market?

Dude, please. Chinaman is not the preferred nomenclature.

This is what you get when you meet a stranger in the Alps.

Taiwanese is the proper term.

But I thought "mongoloid" was offensive.

The first drama regular shitposter becomes a top mod in a default sub.

And the highest achievement: becoming a Reddit admin.


Okay, which one of you did this?

Explain to me how anything I said was wrong? Thanks.

Okay whose alt is this?