How DARE that dog sit on that poor cat's head!! Dogfree is enraged.

18  2018-06-08 by MrBonelessPizza24


It's shit like this that makes my life worse as a Eurasian because even if you look amazing you're still a subhuman because Asian women happily marry guys who look like they've been in industrial accidents over an Asian guy. It makes Asian looking males look like the worst fucking losers on earth. The guy is absolutely offensive to look at. Like his face literally makes my stomach churl because he's so ugly. I'd even be mad if he had a white girlfriend People feel they have the liberty to say of course your dad is white. Because white guys see shit like this where some fucking quasimodo looking freak can get Asian girls and they use it as ammo as to how shittyy asian guys are...


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Of course a lot of the comments are “squish the cat” or “dominate that pussy”. Dog people are so gross.

Wow. But we're the asshole psychos. Got it.

Blood is dripping from my hands from clutching my pearls this hard.

These "people" are so broken

I bet they browse r/greatawakening too.


Imagine having such a shit life you have to hate dogs because of it

lol I got banned from r/dogfree for this post

Imagine being such an extreme incel that instead of blaming it on women, you take it out on dogs

You know that r/drama is full of furfags, right? Check out the discord, we have a dedicated furry porn channel

Damn, that's sad.

Not as sad as someone who hates dogs and kids and the concept of people enjoying things that you don't

Being a furry actually is a bit sadder.

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How can you hate dogs and like cats?

Really?? No idea of preferences?? Or do you really want reasons? Not that I see any point..

This is satire, you schmucks.

It's not, it may have started out that way, but at this point most of the people on that sub are genuinely serious.

Seriously. I started looking at that sub for a way to vent my frustration with my roommates dog and these people are nutso. The most toxic community I've seen and I play Overwatch.

I'm surprised more people from that sub don't apply to the ATF considering how much they hate dogs.