Soyboy feminist confirmed rapist

264  2018-06-08 by CasanovaMiranda


Sarcasm and flippant behavior represent contempt, which is the opposite of intellectual integrity. You seem like a real fool of a human.


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/u/pepperouchau this one too but he's newfag alt so it doesn't count.

I dont understand what you are saying I'm AUTISTIC.

Shut up. You need context to understand my comment and i won't provide it for you. Go away! Shoo shoo!

Comment on myt post and tell me to shoo how about you shoo shoo back to r/incels

Lmao spez banned that shithole. Also incels are fucking disgusting 🤢🤢🤮🤮

I guess spezs best friend would know about that you pawn.

Just so you know, if you two guys get in a fight, I'm, like, totally at your side.

Incels aren't fucking anything though

Play nice. Sharing is caring :)

Anus is gayness. I can rhyme too, you see.

I see... your gayness lead you to cunny no lingus

I mean, you vape, that's pretty much guaranteed.

I dont even know how to respond.

Lol epic

lol every middle aged lady on my fb is always swooning over this dude

Those are the kind of 'ladies' who will let you just grab 'em by the pussy at a concert.

She's pretty cute though

What's really fucking shocking is how long it took for Tory oppo researchers to dig this up. Leaves can't do shit right.

Right? How incompetent are Canadians?

It's been public for years, they've even attempted to deploy it before, albeit not with too much effort. It just didn't catch on until now.

That's what he was designed for

You act if politicians aren't the kinkiest people in the World.


how the fuck you think he got elected lol it wasnt for his brilliant ideas

Hold my poutine

Is it just me or has everyone been MeTooed?

I just got metoothanksed the other day.

me too thanks


that's our lil canadian spin on it


Not Obama 😶

Probably just the deep state killing them after tho

Not Obama

not yet.

Somehow, I am confident it wont happen

Because it’s about power. When important people commit sex crimes, they’re not doing it to get off. They’re doing it to exert power over someone else. Obama was secure in his power, he didn’t need to flex to feel important.

obama used drones to exert his power

Do you ever use drones just to flex on them Yemen niggas?

So he was openly penetrating brown people with long, hard missiles already.

Obummer homosexuality confirmed

His name was Seth Rich!

According to a college roommate

I feel left out for not having raped someone. Maybe one of my ex girlfriends will retroactively withdraw consent from some 10 or 20 year old sex act and I'll be able to get in the cool club as well.

Maybe one of my ex girlfriends will retroactively withdraw consent from some 10 or 20 year old sex act and I'll be able to get in the cool club as well.

Say no more. u/VidiotGamer texually molested me. Did I do that right

Have you ever gazed upon a woman with lust in your heart? Congratulations, you're a filthy rape monger.

Did you ever have sex with a woman who had consumed alcohol on that day? Boom, you did it. Unless you were drunk too, in which case it depends on who reports it first.

That can lead to both being charged. Truly a brilliant law.

That's one of the most radical centrist laws I have ever heard of.

A better one would be both charged and placed into education camps so they learn not to drunk fuck or hold any strong beliefs. Also the parents are publicly shamed for birthing these daemons.

And at the same time, it makes complete sense. You don't get out of a murder charge if you were drinking heavily and can't remember it, so why should it excuse someone from a rape charge, even if they were able to consent less than lass you pork.

well maybe it wouldn't happen if men didn't keep sexually harassing women and thinking they're gonna get away with it lol.

Ewww... legalshroomz also just textually harassed me. It's Elbowgate II.

/u/DarqWolff you've got some competition. It's a good thing you only rape children so your market is safe for now

This isn't even drama it's just insane hostility. Why does /r/drama have to be half the subreddit for drama, half the subreddit for insane hostility



Have you deleted your child porn, pedophile?

DarqWolff is a pedo?

AHEM. I believe the correct term is eheebeegeebeefile

Bruh, you're such a pussy. If you're too afraid of the government to openly let a consenting teenager send you nudes, keep yourself safe. If you pull some bitch-ass snitch shit which would cause harm to any girl who's been so kind to me, know that making fun of me for being an internet tough guy won't change the fact that people have been hunted down over shit before in the real world. Fuck with me all you want, but the first of you to fuck with the girls I care about would actually sincerely legitimately see real-life consequences. If I'm willing to go to jail over headphones and never change my mind about what I had to do there, I'm probably not the sort of person you want to write off as an internet tough guy and hurt the loved ones of.

We really should use this pasta more.

yo you still dating that 15 year old?

Lol noob, you have to keep switching them out every year or they get older

You say that as a joke but it's not

You think I would actually break up with a girlfriend? That's actually even more personally offensive and far from realistic than calling me a pedophile for thinking high school girls look good

So are you saying that you deleted your CP or no?

I always delete it when the girl asks me to so yeah, but haven't you already asked me this before? Pretty pathetic trolling style you've got

So if they don't ask you to delete your CP, you keep it?

You remind me of the Jordan Peterson interviewer

Why's that?

Idk just the way you word your questions and trying to trap your opponent into saying politically incorrect things so that you 'win' by default. I agree with you on this one though obviously

No, because if you break up with them they can talk

Well, if they've developed speech, that is

Not only that but intentionally leave one for or leave them to get with someone else?

that's quite the sentence

Yeah I accidentally saved an edit I wasn't done typing and then didn't fix it because lazy

Let me tell you a story. I’m sorry to say it’s not a happy story. You’ll really find the ending quite sad. But it’s an important story, you must let me see it through to the finish. I promise it will be lots of fun along the way. I mean, it’s a big story, I’m sure you’ll find something inside it that makes it all worthwhile. In any case, I have to tell it. It all starts with a little old spaceship somewhere very, very far away.

Way out West there was this fella... Fella I wanna tell ya 'bout. Fella by the name of Jeff... Lebowski. At least that was the handle his loving parents gave him. But he never had much use for it himself. This Lebowski, he called himself... The Dude.

Screenplays aren't prose. If you can't picture shit coming out good, sometimes it's just because you're retarded and the people who will actually end up delivering and recording the lines and the cinematography accompanying it are all way more creatively talented than you.

Let me tell you a story. I'm sorry to say but it's not a happy story. Your screenplay reads like some Sanic level fanfic from some devaint art retard. Post it to DeviantArt

You: "Your screenplay doesn't read well."

Me: "It's not supposed to unless you try to make it so."

You: "I still don't feel like trying to make it so."

Me: "OK, then it won't."

You: "OK, but I still don't feel like it."

Me: *realizes this is circular and leaves*

You: *hits me up again within a few days because you didn't get what you needed out of this interaction*

You: "Hey, that thing still reads like shit."

Me: *ignores you*

You: *still feel insecure so wait a little bit and then try again*

You: "Hey, just to remind you, I think that thing reads like shit."

Me: "You're still on about that? Again, it's normal. Here are some other examples of screenplays being much better than however you'd read them by default, because other than freelance work, screenplays are written with the intention of making a movie, seldom with the intention of impressing a reader."

You: "That sounds like gibberish. All I know is when I read this, it sounds silly."

Me: "You have to be unimaginably retarded to not understand what I just said." *leaves*

You: *still have this gaping hole inside you, have no choice but to hit me up soon yet again*

Me: *ignores you yet again*

You: *keep trying*

You: "Hey, just here to make sure you remember how I feel about that paragraph you wrote."

Me: "Of course. Just for fun, here's some of the opening monologue from the Big Lebowski, which sounds 90% as retarded as my opening monologue you keep quoting, but is considered one of the greatest of all time. This is because, again, screenplays are written to make movies out of, not just to be words on a page."

You: "Why can't you hear me? I'm not impressed with what you wrote. I'm making fun of you."

What will we think of next? Stay tuned.

What I'm saying is to give up on your dream because it's garbage and you're bad at it. Maybe if you weren't so focused on child porn and grooming young girls, you could put in any amount of effort into your gay porn script

What would you call someone that's in possession of child porn other than a pedophile?

A criminal I guess? But that's because I'm not retarded and actually try to use words accurately. If you're a retard who just likes unnecessary conflict and hostility, I can see why you'd refer to every crime as "pedophilia" and pretend you can't even think of the correct word

I'm a retarded that people that are into CP are pedophiles. You're into CP so you're a pedophile

You: "You're a pedophile."

Me: "No I'm not."

You: "Do you have CP?"

Me: "Yeah."

You: "Then you're a pedophile."

Me: "No, a pedophile is someone who's attracted to children, and you're probably aware of the difference between an actual child and the teenagers whose nudes are legally called 'child porn' so this is not even your usual stupidity, just insane hostile bullshit."

You: "No, your child porn is of actual children."

Me: *leaves because this is pointless*

You: *didn't get what you needed out of this interaction, so keep hitting me up whenever you can*

You: "Child porn?"

You: "Do you child porn?"

You: "Pedo?"

You: "I think you're a pedo pls respond"

You: "Hey you're a pedo"


You: "Hey, even if your nudes aren't of actual children, you're a pedo for how you feel about teenagers." haha got him now

Me: "Not really. You can say that here in your echo chamber, but in real life even the colloquial definition of pedophile doesn't stretch that far."


Me: "No it doesn't, and you're making yourself look retarded especially to everyone looking back on this later, but it's still more annoying than funny."

You: "Well you're a pedophile!"

Me: *leaves again*

You: *keeps trying and trying*

You: *sees someone else get me to answer them on the same topic* *OH GOD HERE'S MY CHANCE"

You: "YOU SAID THAT AS A JOKE BUT IT'S NOT! YOU'RE A PEDO" he's gonna die any second now I just know it look at all that bleed damage I'm inflicting

Me: "Nah, it was a joke."

You: Damn, foiled again, but wait! I've got just the thing!

You: "Do you have CP?"

Me: "No."

You: "Well you would if you could, so you're a pedophile."

Me: *gets bored and leaves again*

You: *can't handle it and reply to the same comment again hoping you can get a response by asking a question*

You: "So what am I missing here? What's this called if not pedophilia?"

Me: "Crime. Pedophilia is attraction to children, not anything to do with the concept of crime in general. Surely you already knew this though, and all of this is just retarded hostile bullshit."

You: "You're goddamn right I am. Thanks for answering though, because now at point blank I can land the final hit! Listen up: I have my own definition of pedophile just for you!"

Me: *points out how far past retarded this has gotten*

What will you think of next?

I'm betting it's gonna be

You: *can't handle this and decide to tell yourself everything's gonna be OK and you're still the coolest kid in school and everyone likes what you have to say*

You: "Haha, get a load of this guy everyone, he thinks just because I'm retardedly spending mad of my own time pretending he's a pedophile based on the most retarded shit possible that means I look retarded and he doesn't look like a pedophile. It's the other way around, right guys?? Right??"

You: *continues living this way for years because you have an echo chamber to say "you're right, kiddo, got em!" and pat you on the dick*

Only one of us is in possession of CP and it's not me, so there's that. Anyways, what's your show about? A lone space pedophile who meets the cutest 12 year old girl (mature for her age, obviously), who falls in love and has to rescue her?

You ever see the movie Leon the Professional? Like that, but in space.

Actually though, it's about a spaceship captain waking up in a post-apocalyptic version of Earth with a different history, encountering a cyborg superhero lady, a Viking, an anime ninja, a wizard, a bounty hunter, an anthropologist, a vintage noir private detective, and a Rastafarian, who have all found themselves in the same situation as him, then teaming up with all of them as well as the government of post-nuclear Scandinavia to try to find out what's happened to them and prevent World War IV.

In a nutshell its premise is basically the ultimate crossover fanfic. A combination of elements of all my favorite stories, characters, etc., and an attempt to put all of TVTropes into a single story. A collage of cliches. Where it gets original and contributes its own literary depth is in its thematic celebration of fiction itself, and how it goes into the relationship between humanity and fiction, so it's really "about" storytelling itself, in the form of this epic story "about" these characters and events.

That sounds fucking retarded and it's no wonder you've given up on it

It doesn't and I haven't

It does lmao. But as long as it keeps you away from grooming young girls, do it

I wonder what America's K/D was in WWII

Probably less than the number of young girls you've exploited

I don't exploit girls and we definitely got way more kills in WWII than zero so definitely not. Even if the facts matched what you wanted them to be this still wouldn't make sense though. You tried to imply I exploit a lot of girls, but would have implied I exploit like at least 1 or 2 girls if reality lined up with your imagination (because we still wouldn't have had a K/D higher than around 2 tops), but in reality just implied that you're retarded.

I'm pretty sure no one has to imply that you exploit children. We all know you do

I can't think of a time I've ever exploited a child except when I was a child myself, but you're talking about exploiting girls for sex, which is even more insane to think I'd do than it is to think I'm not smart. I'd never exploit a girl in any way for anything, let alone sex

If I'm completely honest, I'm a dude who wants to use this subreddit as a place to meet women. Doesn't mean I won't contribute to discussion and such too, but the real truth is there are a lot of traits I adore that are associated with asperger's, and I'd like to spend time interacting with girls that have them just cause they're adorable and maybe I'll make friends. Is this a disrespectful reasoning for me to browse the subreddit?"

See? How the fuck can you see that and think the person that said that would exploit any girl ever? Sometimes I wonder if it's just that you peoples' vocabularies are absurdly small and you can't avoid using words at random without knowing what they mean, like maybe you just don't know what "exploit" means or something. That seems like a stretch, but not as much of a stretch as the idea of someone seeing that and then randomly saying I'd exploit a girl, which apparently just happened.

You're in a support group for literal autistics looking to pick up girls

No, I'm looking to get any semblance of worthwhile conversation out of you so that I can maybe slightly understand how it's possible to be so retarded. If you're secretly a girl, you're one of the extraordinarily few whose femininity I'm not interested in.

Is it because I'm not a child that youre not attracted to me?

No, it's because you're retarded and worthless, and also because your perception of me is so outrageously off that correcting it wouldn't even be a good basis for friendship like other cleared-up misunderstandings can be.

But you're a pedophile that idmitted possession of CP and you try to explot the retarded. Prove me wrong, Holbrook

You already proved yourself wrong by posting an example of me being so terrified of being exploitative that I wouldn't even let myself do socially normal shit, while trying to imply that there was some secret exploitative goal behind the comment, then having no explanation whatsoever for what that ulterior motive could possibly have been.

Hitting on spergs in a sperg support group isnt socially normal lmfao.

How can you not notice yourself changing meeting girls and making friends to hitting on them? Like, you read what I said, and then you changed it to something else, how? How can you not notice that you're wrong when you have to change the facts into made-up shit in order to continue even trying to defend your position? It's mind-boggling.

Do you go to AA to pick up chicks? Do they let felons into AA?

No dude, take a second and let your brain process it.

I said meeting and talking and making friends.

You had to say what I was talking about doing wasn't socially normal in order to change that what you had posted was clearly an example of me being terrified of exploiting anyone.

But if you had said, "meeting girls and talking to them in a sperg support group isn't socially normal lmfao" it would have sounded like flimsy meme bullshit, not a legitimate statement, and then the fact that all you're doing here is an insanely hostile, malicious meme would start to shine brighter.

So you changed it to "hitting on spergs"

I don't understand how you can experience this chain of events and still either not notice what you're doing, or not feel like there are better things to do.

It's getting to the point where there's almost nothing left to do but straight-up ignore you. Like, literally just not even read your comments anymore. I don't want to have to do that but it's hard to justify it to myself continuing to waste any time with you, when you're either literally so insane you're not aware when you change something you read to something else to make a dumb argument sound better, or so malicious and have such an issue with me personally that you honestly can't be convinced to stop wasting my time with whatever hostile bullshit you can think of.

We know you're a child molester. That's not a secret. But I couldn't believe that you tried to molest handicapped children. Disgusting. Hopefully all those police reports are being processed

There is the whole "harrassing my depressed ex until she served my a restriction order" thing or the whole "chatting up teens to get theit nudes" one. I think that you are sinply unable to aknowledge when you do something bad. Truly, you are half of a human being. My nightmare is having a son like you.

If I were unable to acknowledge when I did something bad then how would you explain the probably thousands of bad things I acknowledge having done? Seriously, that makes no fucking sense.

If I were unable to acknowledge when I did something bad then how the fuck could I exploit anyone? Exploitation is intentional by definition. I know that exploitation (especially for sex) is bad, so if I know I'm exploiting someone I know I'm doing something bad, so if I couldn't know I'm doing something bad then how could I exploit anyone? I could manipulate or whatever, but obviously not exploit, except you're probably so retarded you don't know the difference and can't handle literal conversations by actual definitions of words.

I know when I exploit people. I don't do it to girls because the way I feel about girls isn't compatible with the feeling of trying to exploit someone, the same way how I feel about men isn't compatible with the feeling of wanting to fuck. And beyond just being something I'm not capable of because I don't feel towards girls what I feel towards guys, if I were capable of it it would just be a retarded idea. It would just be ruining any chance I could have at worthwhile intimacy, to replace it with a version of intimacy that has precisely zero of the worthwhile elements.

How can you be so fucking retarded and not notice it about yourself?

If I were unable to acknowledge when I did something bad then how would you explain the probably thousands of bad things I acknowledge having done?

Yeah but you never take responsability for the shit you pull. In the little echo chamber that is your brain you are a victim of the circumstances.

You literally couldn't stop harradsing your ex. People who think teens sending nudes to an adult are repressed and envious. You stole a car to buy weed because you were just in tatters, you poor soul.

This is the real tragedy. You are unable to confront your fuckups. You are doomed to never improve.

Also, holy shit, if the way you write is in any way similiar to the way you organize your thoughts I can only pity you. I've seen six years old express themselves better.

Yeah but you never take responsability for the shit you pull. In the little echo chamber that is your brain you are a victim of the circumstances.

You don't even know how to spell responsibility, let alone comprehend the premise of it.

I take it what you actually mean isn't about taking responsibility, but taking blame? Your point sounds like what you're saying is I can never admit things are my fault without them also being someone or something else's fault, which is just one tiny aspect of responsibility, really not enough of it to deserve the whole word.

Anyway, you might be mostly right. I see your point. But you're still explicitly actually incorrect. There literally are things I recognize as some of the worst I've done, and even though everything connects to something, anything outside I can blame is irrelevant because I shouldn't have let it have that result. You're saying there literally aren't those things. You put never in bold. The truth that should be obvious is I'm not trying to start conversations about those things. I'm not giving examples like I do with everything else because I don't even want to mention the examples. I can't think of any that would be a big deal to all of you, except as a big influx of ammo to use on me, but they're big deals to me. Things that go against my self-identity and make me truly hate myself and wish I weren't me, like, I wouldn't really judge someone else for doing them but I judge me for doing them because I wanted to be different from those other people.

I don't actually have anything more horrible than that on my conscience. I don't do monstrous shit like most people do. I have too much empathy and consideration for that. The only truly horrible actions or impacts I've had really were, as a logical fact, caused by outside forces.

Like, yeah, I literally couldn't stop "harassing" my ex. I still can't, I just messaged her recently. That I literally can't stop is the truth. If I'm alive, I'm going to have breakdowns where my willpower to not message her gets overpowered by my desperation to get answers or change anything about the situation. I honestly don't even think any drug or any meds would do anything but decrease how often it happens, which decreases over time on its own. It's not like my messages do any worse to her than annoy her, that's not such a dark thing I can't even bring it up, and it's legitimately the case. I don't fault myself for it like you apparently want me to because I'd rather have everyone else be more like me on this, than have myself be more like everyone else on it. She originally wanted me to feel like this, to be so overpowered by desire to be good enough for her that nothing could ever make it stop being the controlling factor in my mind, and I'd rather be the way that version of her wanted than the way she wants me to be now. That's one part of my self-identity that's totally intact that I've never betrayed.

If you think I don't have the right to want a world more compatible with my feelings, instead of hating myself for my feelings, you're a retarded asshole. Wait, that was already obvious.

Receiving nudes from a teenage girl doesn't even annoy her. As much as I hate myself for annoying that one ex with my breakdowns, there's nothing to hate myself about for receiving nudes. It's fucking retarded to think that's something I should "blame myself" for, there's not even anything to blame for.

I stole a car to get high because it was the least harmful way I could think of to get high and if I didn't get high I was just going to kill myself. This is, again, literally the truth. It's not my fault because I didn't cause the shit I went through that made me feel that way. It wasn't two-way shit where I hurt every girl just as badly as they hurt me or something. I just tried as hard as I could to find a solid female friend and I couldn't and the amount of abuse I went through destroyed me. If you don't understand that extensive abuse can make someone suicidal or that stealing a car and going to jail is obviously worth it in every way to stop feeling suicidal, then that's you being retarded and naive, not me refusing to take blame for anything.

Yeah but you never take responsability for the shit you pull. In the little echo chamber that is your brain you are a victim of the circumstances.

You don't even know how to spell responsibility, let alone comprehend the premise of it.

Gasp! I made a minor spelling mistake while writing in one of the three foreign languages I speak! Woe is upon me.

Perhaps you would be more comfortable having this chat in french, spanish or italian? It shouldn't be a problem for your superior intellect. /s

I don't actually have anything more horrible than that on my conscience. I don't do monstrous shit like most people do.

...holy shit. You manipulate teens for nudes. You contribute nothing to your family or to the world in general. You stole a fucking car to get high. You raked in two restaing orders by harrassing people close to you. You destroyed your stepdad's property because... why the fuck did you do that? And a shitload of other stuff. You are not the worst person I have spoken to but you are in the bottom 10%. And what is terrifying is that you are completely oblivious to it.

You can play with definitions all you want, the truth is you never own up to your actions.

I have too much empathy and consideration for that. The only truly horrible actions or impacts I've had really were, as a logical fact, caused by outside forces.

As stated in another thread, you have no empathy. You can imitate it (badly) but your self serving attitude is obvious to anyone but you.

I cannot blame you for it, whatecer cruel mix of genes and upbringing have made you this way are way beyond your control - but perhaps, just perhaps, you can become conscious of it and make your life and that of your family slightly less miserable.

I don't fault myself for it like you apparently want me to [...]

Perhaps you should start blaming yourself. See if it works. It does for other people. A wprld where everyone behaves like you is unhirobically my idea of hell.

Receiving nudes from a teenage girl doesn't even annoy her. As much as I hate myself for annoying that one ex with my breakdowns, there's nothing to hate myself about for receiving nudes. It's fucking retarded to think that's something I should "blame myself" for, there's not even anything to blame for.

Can you please have someone film your next court hearing? And could you paraphrase what you just wrote to the judge? Make sure to tell your cameraman to catch his expression as you are done telling him why what you did is totally okay.

I stole a car to get high because it was the least harmful way I could think of to get high and if I didn't get high I was just going to kill myself. This is, again, literally the truth. It's not my fault because I didn't cause the shit I went through that made me feel that way. It wasn't two-way shit where I hurt every girl just as badly as they hurt me or something. I just tried as hard as I could to find a solid female friend and I couldn't and the amount of abuse I went through destroyed me. If you don't understand that extensive abuse can make someone suicidal or that stealing a car and going to jail is obviously worth it in every way to stop feeling suicidal, then that's you being retarded and naive, not me refusing to take blame for anything.

I have no words for this. I remember a story a cousin of mine who works with people in rehab told me - of a junkue who during a meeting with his parents blew up at them and vomited up a list of supposedy horrible wrongs they had perpetraded on him - stopping him from going to parties because he was too drunk to drive, throw away his stash of drugs, refusing to pay for his habit while they both had jobs... Until now I thought that story was made up but you are at a similiar level of denial.

Best of luck. Perhaps one day we'll find a cure for whatever you have.

Gasp! I made a minor spelling mistake while writing in one of the three foreign languages I speak! Woe is upon me.

I wouldn't have called out the spelling mistake if you hadn't also used the word so awkwardly to describe such a small aspect of itself. Props for knowing multiple languages, but it sounds like you don't know English well enough to use every word perfectly, which matters in such a personal argument about personal shit. Responsibility and fault are pretty separate and my ability to take responsibility isn't all lumped in at the same level as my ability to take the blame part of it in those situations.

...holy shit. You manipulate teens for nudes.

I don't think I do that at all these days, nor have I ever done it on purpose. Most guys probably did accidentally at some point as a teenager.

You contribute nothing to your family or to the world in general.

I contribute a little bit to my family and a fucking ton to the world in general for someone in my position.

You stole a fucking car to get high.


You raked in two restaing orders by harrassing and slandering people around you.

No, I raked in one restraining order by saying horrible over-the-top dark twisted shit to someone during a mental breakdown, and the other was illegally given to me by a corrupt judge who likes protecting his corrupt prosecutor who likes protecting rapist kids that remind him of his teenage asshole past self. I didn't slander anyone and I only harassed one of the two.

You destroyed your stepdad's property because... why the fuck did you do that?

Because he destroyed one of my prized possessions and never paid me back, on top of being a general slimeball and making me despise him, and I got mad enough that day to make sure he felt some more regret about breaking those headphones. I had already smashed his TV the night it happened but he was still just going about his life like it hadn't happened while I still didn't have my headphones, so I brought him slightly closer to being the one to suffer for his own actions instead of it being me. It's not like I destroyed one of his prized possessions in return or in any way retaliated evenly, how the fuck do you think you make any sense asking why I did it as if it's not understandable? Don't fuck with my headphones if you don't want to get fucked up in some major way, it's not complicated. If you do fuck with my headphones, don't be a generally shit person who I despise, or I'll make sure you really fucked yourself with that choice. Human beings can stand up for themselves, why does that alarm you?

And a shitload of other stuff.

Any of it with substance?

As stated in another thread, you have no empathy. You can imitate it (badly) but your self serving attitude is obvious to anyone but you.

So I was hallucinating the at least a dozen people who've called me an empath in the past 5 years?

When I cried for like an hour over H.W. being septic probably suffering from the widowhood effect even though I hate him, it was just my fear of death and loss, and the way it felt like an absolute nightmare and like I'd never be happy again and like I wanted to scream every time I remembered that they were together for over 70 years and still want to cry reciting that number, none of that actually counts as empathy?

When I hear someone I love crying on the phone and it makes tears start streaming down my face, it's just a subconscious imitation of empathy to win me brownie points? When I'm then careful to control my breathing because I know they'd feel guilty if they knew I was crying from listening to them and I don't want them to ever be scared to vent to me, that's actually because there's some other thing I get out of them venting to me that's more important than the brownie points my subconscious is trying to get by crying? Like my subconscious can't decide what it wants so part of it is trying to win brownie points with fake empathy by crying but another part is trying to win further interactions at the cost of those brownie points with a different element of fake empathy by not letting the crying be known? That's some trippy shit.

How come when I'm at my cousin's house I get tired of petting their one depressed dog that used to be abused, but I notice he sleeps better and pokes his head up in anxiety less etc when someone's sitting by him petting him, and nobody else there ever feels like petting him, so I keep doing it? How come I get so sad thinking about how sad he is and how he doesn't even know what neurochemistry is but his is fucked because he didn't evolve for the life he's lived and he didn't get to choose what kind of animal he was born as or which one he would be?

When an animal wants something from me and I find it really hard to deal with its confusion at me not being able to help, like when one of the ducks down by the water thinks I have food but I don't or when a raccoon doesn't understand why I'm scaring it away from the cat food and it breaks my heart, I'm just... uhh... trying to win brownie points with the wild animals I guess? Or like... wait, it's perfect! My subconscious creates that feeling just so that, if anyone ever accuses me of not having empathy, I have a strong example of a feeling that seems like it couldn't be anything but empathy. But it is, it's my subconscious genius at work to make everyone think I have empathy!

But of course, that's not real empathy. Feeling lots of empathy all the time because your subconscious causes you to, isn't real empathy. Some people just have empathy and don't care if others recognize it, and if anyone does care whether others recognize it, they must not really have it but just be producing it from their Faking Glands to impress others. Or maybe, some people do really have empathy and feel hurt when others say they don't, but you can just tell I'm not one of those, with your keen senses.

But wait, your keen senses also tell you I'm insanely fucking dumb and have no social sense or ability to consider more than the most obvious ramifications of my actions whatsoever, so how the fuck did my subconscious come up with the master plan of feeling internally conflicted and sad every time an animal was confused around me in preparation for the fateful day you said this to me? That doesn't add up.


I cannot blame you for it, whatecer cruel mix of genes and upbringing have made you this way are way beyond your control - but perhaps, just perhaps, you can become conscious of it and make your life and that of your family slightly less miserable.

How the flying fuck do you picture me doing that if apparently my subconscious goes to all this trouble to make all the evidence exactly 100% perfectly match the idea that I have empathy? If my subconscious or whatever part of the brain it is that you think fakes the empathy is so many steps ahead that it considers multiple possible outcomes to faking empathy with the crying on the phone thing and spends a whole lifetime feeling shit around wild animals in preparation for a conversation like this, then seriously, how the flying fuck would I catch onto it happening and what the fuck would I do about that? If it were true and it were somehow discoverable/provable, how the fuck would I use that information? I know you're not thinking this shit through at all and don't have an answer to that. If you were thinking shit through at all, you'd realize that even if you can somehow magically sense this difference of underlying things between people who naturally make themselves feel excessive empathy in all situations vs people who just naturally feel it without naturally making themselves feel it, if that distinction even exists at all between naturally feeling something or naturally making yourself feel it, it's completely fucking useless to tell anyone else about because nobody without that magical sense of it is going to recognize it, and you'd obviously know there's nothing someone can improve by finding out their brain is the naturally-make-itself-feel-that type when all along they thought it was the naturally-feel-that type. Except it's not a distinction that exists because the subconscious isn't actually a separate person making its own decisions and it's sure as fuck not making me feel that shit by processing so many steps ahead, the closest their could possibly be is that natural selection figured all that out and if that means it's fake then everyone's is fake because everyone got it from natural selection. Unless you straight-up just magically sense that there's a God and he gave us free will and also magically sense that my free will doesn't have empathy and I only have the empathy natural selection gave me while others have it from this spiritual source in their own free will without natural selection giving it to them as a biological trait. Holy fuck dude, do you see how convoluted this gets? It's just changing the definition of the word "empathy" at that point, from a feeling, to specifically the instances of that feeling that emerge from the soul instead of from biology, which just isn't part of the fucking definition of empathy or feelings in general, even if it's real, which it's obviously fucking not because if you think you're magically sensing God's will and the differences between people's souls and the particular version you happen to be sensing is that retarded, you're clearly just insane.

Perhaps you should start blaming yourself. See if it works.

Works for what? I used to do it, it worked at making me hate myself and hope I would get the strength to kill myself. Eventually I realized a world where everyone feels like this would be OK, since it took interpersonal feelings to make it so intense rather than just a one-way crush and therefore if everyone were like me on that stuff it would always be mutual especially since from continued experience it seemed that level of codependency really did require a two-way relationship in order to develop, I figured out it was OK to wish everyone felt like I did instead of hating myself for not feeling the way they did. What the fuck is wrong with you that makes you want me to reverse that decision? It would be illogical and wrong as fuck, all just to do immense damage to myself and those that care about me. The fuck?

A world where everyone behaves like you is unhironically my idea of hell.

And a world where nobody does is unironically my idea of hell. The difference between us is I recognize your right to wish for the world you'd fit in, while you're the smarmy fuckbag piece of shit that thinks I need to be warped into your preference regardless of my self-identity. I wish everyone were more like me, but you'll actually go out there and try to impose that wish on others completely disrespectfully and, in this case, with disdain, vitriol, and cruelty.

Can you please have someone film your next court hearing?

No, partly because most American courts don't allow recording in court rooms, but mainly because there's almost zero chance of a 21-year-old in America being charged for receiving nudes from high-school-age lovers without doing something horrible with them like forwarding them around or posting them online.

Until now I thought that story was made up but you are at a similiar level of denial and entitlement.

Yeah, someone who doesn't even drink because they recognize that an individual is responsible for their choice to drink when their drunk self inevitably does stupid shit, sounds almost exactly as entitled as someone who thinks they're wronged when they're not allowed to drive drunk. Makes perfect fucking sense.

Best of luck. Perhaps one day we'll find a cure for whatever you have.

If we do, it won't be used, because most people don't agree it's OK to forcibly change people's neurochemistry to turn all of society into a monolith of whatever sort of people you prefer. Most people do agree that it's not OK to want that, though, so maybe someday we'll find a cure for your desire to purge those of a different neurological type than you, and that cure will be get you the fuck out of the gene pool.

woah dude holy fuck. darqwolff, you are some of the most amusing nonsense I've ever come across

I didnt read all of this...but what in the absolute fuck is wrong with you.

And a world where nobody does is unironically my idea of hell. The difference between us is I recognize your right to wish for the world you'd fit in, while you're the smarmy fuckbag piece of shit that thinks I need to be warped into your preference regardless of my self-identity. I wish everyone were more like me, but you'll actually go out there and try to impose that wish on others completely disrespectfully and, in this case, with disdain, vitriol, and cruelty.

Yeah, look, I'll ignore every other piece of this rant to focus on this one:

Yes, I would want to change people like you - not forcibly tho, unless you did something that forced society to protect itself - although I believe that for the benefit of society people with personality disorders should be strongly encouraged to get meds.

Why? Because you are dangerous. One day you'll really cause damage - the only thing stopping you right now is your complete lack of motivation or skills and even so you are probably making the life of your family a nightmare, like narcs usually do - even tho your complete lack of empathy makes it impossible for you to realize it.

You're still a pedo

I've never seen a strawman argument this literal before.

Either you don't understand what a strawman argument is, or you're so retarded you assume I fabricated all the previous interactions listed.

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument that was not presented by that opponent.

My added emphasis.

What argument did I refute that was not presented by my opponent?

Spoiler: you'll just change the subject to some one-liner because you don't have an answer, or your answer will just be some dishonest bullshit, like you'll just say my opponent didn't present an answer they did, or take some piece of hyperbole from my comment and pretend not to understand what hyperbole is.

This prediction literally can't be incorrect, because there simply wasn't an argument I refuted without it being presented by my opponent for you to have as a real answer.

It's been quite some time since I've seen someone so dumb who thinks so highly of their intelligence.

Go ahead and link where the dialogue above happened.

Lol, you could have just admitted it was the second option when I said:

Either you don't understand what a strawman argument is, or you're so retarded you assume I fabricated all the previous interactions listed.

Why the fuck would you think I'd care so much about you being retarded enough to assume I made it up that I'd track down links to like 20 different threads, half of which I never even gave enough of a fuck about to respond to?

Yeah, you just admitted it's a strawman. If you could've linked anything you would've. Effort isn't a concern for you when you're trying to win an internet argument and everyone here has seen that. But please, continue to tell us all how little you care.

If you could've linked anything you would've. Effort isn't a concern for you when you're trying to win an internet argument and everyone here has seen that.

No, as I said, your estimate of the ratio is retardedly off.

This hit the ratio though. As retardedly off as your estimate of the ratio is, it's not quite too retarded to warrant a decimation, like your previous version was.

Here's everything relevant I can find from the dude in my inbox - so not including all his spam about other shit - from the past month or so:

I said that was all the relevant stuff I could find, but I actually skipped like half of it because some friends showed up and I decided to rush so I can go hang out with them.

And that's just from the pool of stuff from this particular account. A lot of it was probably from other alts, some of which you can see in the threads of the comments linked here.

Have fun trying to find all the alts and put together the timeline, or you could just realize it's fucking retarded to think someone would just fabricate all those interactions

Did you really think that any of those links supported your imaginary dialogue? They don't even come close. Strawman confirmed.

because some friends showed up

At least try and make your lies somewhat plausible.

No, a pedophile is someone who's attracted to children, and you're probably aware of the difference between an actual child and the teenagers whose nudes are legally called 'child porn' so this is not even your usual stupidity, just insane hostile bullshit.

If you got bored, why did you type all this shit? You absolute mongoloid.

more personally offensive and far from realistic than calling me a pedophile for thinking high school girls look good

I mean just off definition, [](you're a pedophile). You should probably stop commenting nonsense on reddit before your comments are used against you in likely future legal proceedings.

How can you be retarded enough to think people who think high school girls look good are automatically talking about whatever freakishly small number of people get into high school as children, yet not realize you're too retarded for your thoughts to be worth peoples' time?

I don't care if my thoughts are or aren't worth your time or not. I'm saying that A) you have been in possession of CP and B) you are willingly admitting that you have no problem with receiving more CP in the future.

You are actually admitting to crimes, and no amount of BleachBit can save you. You can delete your account if you like, but it won't help. If someone actually wanted to pursue this, your ass could go to jail.

Let's not forget that what's been deleted is never really deleted. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

He admitted that he's currently in possession of CP lmfao

Ugh even worse. How can someone be that dumb?

/u/DarqWolff can you answer this?

depends; why are you so fucking gay?

Why do you have to prey on underage girls?

If by "prey on underage girls" you mean receive their nudes, and by "have to" you mean want to, then 1) because they look really amazing and 2) it reassures me a bit against my trauma getting to see them.

If this isn't what you meant, I don't understand the question.

Also, for future reference, "prey on" is a phrase for when you take from someone or harm them for your own gain, not for looking at naked pictures. It's actually really inflammatory and comes off as hostile to refer to things as preying on people without understanding what it means.

Like, you know that whatever your personal moral calculus might be, you're 100% on the wrong side of painfully clear federal & state law here, right?

I am absolutely not your attorney and can't give you legal advice, but if I were you, I would knock this shit off immediately.

underage girls …… look really amazing

This manchild is a danger to society.

I'm not allowed to suggest that you kill yourself. That is all.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

> Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, a self-described feminist

Ruh roh.

lol you're a pathetic cuck

This is no suprise and also good for dramacoin.

I've basically stopped caring when someone gets #metoo'd, unless they're literally being accused of a crime.

That's terrible, it's unironically my favorite hashtag movement of all time.

The problem is that it hashtags both serial rapists and guys who nonconsensually grabbed an ass a couple of times. Makes it hard to maintain real outrage in the population.

Battery is a crime

Battery needs to be charged.

Yes that is correct

So far it's been all people that suck, and it taught us that anyone claiming to be a male feminist is probably a rapist.

Ah, so you're less on the "I'm glad men are starting to respect women" kick and more on the "Let all the celebrities burn" bus.

Why not both?

Because every time a celebrity burns it means someone got assaulted

The assaults already happened. I'm glad the guilty are burning for them, and I want more bodies on the pyre.

Hoping for more people to get burned for raping people is hoping that more people got raped. Idk, it's all counterfactual weirdness.

You can't fool me. It's rape, all the way down.

You retard. Is hoping more get convicted for murder being pro murder?

"I hope more people get convicted for murder" and "I hope that there are more murders that people get convicted for" are equivalent statements - the possible world you're hoping exists is the same.

Except unsolved murders are a thing.

That's the kind of progressive stack I can get behind.

Critical logic malfunction

In an odd moment of accuracy, SNL nailed this in their "Girl At A Bar" sketch

Roy Moore though? You just know that guy fucked a twelve-year-old in 'Nam.

And didn't say all rapists were male feminists. I said all male feminists were rapists. Glad Roy Moore burned too.


Like two weeks after I turned 18, I had an affair with someone who was almost ten years older than me. Of course, I never dreamed of starting a hashtag because firstly it was awesome, and secondly, I'm a straight dude and she's a woman, so even if I were enough of a retard to be upset, nobody would care.

Drama is good though.

Also I did not consent to reading that seriouspost.


Or even an awkward date. Aziz Ansari annoys the hell out of me, but he shouldn’t have been crucified over what they got him for.

John Lasseter got hit just for hugging people too much.

Mine is /#WhiteToesGoodPussy

How many fucking hashtag movements are there that you could create a list of favorites in the first place?

The concept of #MeToo is just interference, drowning the public in noise so they can't hear the proper signal. The proper signal is actual systematic rape and abuse of children, especially in Hollywood and it's circles. Don't talk about that though, let's talk about how an actor "inappropriately touched a woman's ass" 30 years ago.

Even though Weinstein is one of the frontrunners to this kind of shit, he's not even in the news enough -- the media is always running interference with some non-story of "inappropriate comments/touching" from some actor, completely mundane things that affects no one. It's intentional noise.

This but unironically

Buzzfeed and news in the same sentence still gets me.

BuzzFeed confirmed Russian spy organization.


Airborne Field Artillery Regiment is the only a.f.a.r I know.

all feminists are rapists

This is what happens when you hire a little bitch as a Prime Minister.

Also a crime: that outfit

Actually looks like a Trailer Park Boys character.

Exactly, I don't see what's wrong with it at all. It's just traditional Canadian garb.

Bet you he had some sick devil sticks too

That's perhaps the least flattering hairstyle I've ever seen.

Looking very AIDS there

Ahh fuck! I'm fuckin shot!


Anyone wanna too long, don't care this...

That would be the title

An obscure editorial from August 📼2000💥🖥🕛 resurfaces and gains notoriety when the non-partisan site, 🚨Breitbart🙌, writes upon it. It is an editorial detailing of Trudeau🧑🏻 apologizing for inappropriate 👋🏻"handling"👋🏻 of a young strange women the day after the incident. The peculiar editorial implies the 28 year-old Justin groped the young strange female reporter working for Advance, National Post, and Vancouver Sun at a 🎵music 💊festival💉 sponsored by a brewery🍻. Buzzfeed💩, the organization known for great vital journalism, reached out to the reporter and then-editor but failed. 😭 They did receive the obvious canned statement from the PM's press secretary.

I think Justin could be a serial-tit-elbower.

Thanks for the peculiar but quite neutral sounding gist. I appreciate it.

when the fuck did the score of posts become hidden

also yes fuck this cuban faggot

Justin can grope me anytime he wants. I surrender to your whims, Justin. Call me 🤙

How many more stairs can one man fall down?

since no one gave a shit about trump doing it, this will probably blow over. too bad

Nah, because all the people who claimed to give a shit about Trump doing it now have to explain why they don't care about this guy doing it.

It's great for drama coin.

Canadians are far more cucked than Americans, "little potato" is a Feminist and has stated women should be "believed". This is far too fun not to watch.

I'm no fan of Trudeau, but Frank Magazine and Breitbart aren't exactly bastions of responsible journalism.

I met Justin Trudeau just last week:

I was in Toronto and I happened to run into him at a local diner. He was sitting alone and it looked like he'd only just started eating, so I decided to just go up and say hi (if his friends were there I would have just let him be). Anyway, I walk up and say hello and tell him that although I disagree with his policies, I respected him nonetheless. Nothing. No reaction. Doesn't say a word. He just sits there, staring right through me. Staring intensely, but with no emotion whatsoever.

I begin to feel awkward, so I say "sorry to disturb you" and start to walk away but before I even get a chance to turn he just gets up suddenly and starts walking toward me, still making full eye contact. At first I thought he was going to try and barge into me or something, but at the last minute (like an inch away from me) he turns and heads toward the trash can. Then he starts dumping everything on his plate into it. One by one. Potatoes, carrots, everything. He picks up each bit of food up, holds it high above the can and drops it. Some of it (the steak) didn't even make it into the trash because he wasn't looking at what he was doing.

Finally his plate is empty and this is the part that really fucking weirded me out. He looks around to check no one (but me) is looking, then slides the plate under his jacket and walks out.

I was just astounded, it was pretty surreal.


METOO.. I groped some lady the other day...


A man part of a group of molesters is a molester. Business as usual.


This is rich, seeing as how he is a sanctimonious Canadian.


18 years ago

Lol who cares

We seriously are not linking fucking buzzfeed? Come on

Why do you focus on underage girls?