What sub recently got banned?

65  2018-06-08 by JonRedcorn862

The amount of serious shitty discussion going on in threads on here is incredibly problematic.


This sub is cucked after taking down the suicide help post.

It's probably a summer thing kids are out of school and shitting up my internet.

First off it’s early june you retard. Third off, kids go on the internet and go to school at the same time you fucking retard. Grow the fuck up you little bitch.

No u


Southern public school kids are out already. And considering the quality of Southern schools, it's a plausible explanation.

Oh please, California is 46th in education. Couple southern schools are doing better than us 😀 fucking inbred rednecks. Being all schoolsy.

virtue signaling alert


Don't blame California. 99% of the people won't even learn the language..

Deport yourself

t. Latinx

By the grace of Allah (swt) I'm not on the disgusting american continent

We delivered a box full of iPads to an African village and they started acting like faggots on Reddit within less than 4 hours!!

Are challenged in some way?

Are challenged in some way?

I don't think so. I think you're remarkable. I think you're amazing to be able to do that, and with all those disadvantages..

Oh you're a mdegenerate, how surprising


It's not a comeback you literal mothbreather. It's an observation and a factual statement about you and your lot

It's not a comeback you literal mothbreather.

I honestly can't tell if you're legitimately special needs or if you've just been drinking. You used it as a response to an insult dumbdumb. You tried to make a comeback and it failed terribly. Now that I've pointed out how fucking stupid you look, you're trying to back pedal. I shouldn't have to give you a play by play for you to understand how fucking retarded you are.

You mdegenerates are so stupid and unfunny I can't even. Sam Hyde lost, get over it and keep yourselves safe

You mdegenerates are so stupid and unfunny I can't even.

You're actually too stupid to understand how fucking stupid you are. This isn't even fair. I'm just going to go. For your own sake, I hope you show more humility in your professional and personal life. Arrogant moron isn't a good look.

I'm just going to go.

Good. Take the rest of the Incel manlet with you

You were just leaving, the door is that way πŸ–•πŸ–•πŸ–•

I understand why you're in such a hurry for me to leave.

This is getting tiresome. Leave and never return you worthless waste of life

See you around. Don't dwell on it too much. You still have a lot to look forward to.

You said you were leaving? Don't let me keep you from your important task of being a very good boy for daddy.

Yeah, you should explain that one to me if you want me to be upset. You know, you come across as a real weird guy.. Has anyone ever told you that? I'll bet they have. They did didn't they?

Gtfo incel manlet centipedo, keep yourself extremely safe asap

Haha wow. That one must have hurt.

Oh yes, your wit really wounded me πŸ˜₯

I'm so not mad that I made a strange, vague threat and posted a smile emoji..

Your words are as worthless as your life is, centipedo

Burning commentary.. Hey, if you're going to be so mad that you need to stalk through my post history and follow me to other subs to fitemeirlbro, could we just pick one spot to do this? ..because I don't think I could handle having two conversations with you..

My bad my bad! I forgot complaining about TROMBULT DRLUMPFFT tweets was the avant garde of edgy, interesting comedy! You're right there with top edgemasters at CNN and the NYT! How dare I! Sorry for interrupting. You were making the witty quip of the century, something like "GRRABBLDAAMBLEGRUSTLE ME NO LIKEY TRUMBULT DROMBFGT TWEET!"?

Oh shit! His boyfriend comes in swinging his purse! It's getting wild now!

Oh shit! His boyfriend comes in swinging his purse, still upset about last week! It's getting wild now!

This is fun guys. I feel like I'm a participant on Flavor of Love..

This is a little too revealing of you, your loneliness shines through. Wanna edit?

I'm going to copy and paste this to the other thread you stalked me to and respond to it there. Kay?

We're over here now:


.np link

Ban this fucking tourist

Mom help!

Haha you want someone to come and help you so bad. I can see why though. It should be obvious enough that even you understand you sound like an idiot.

You're a special kind of mdegenerate, I've changed my mind about you.

You can stay if you deliver these ridiculous "ur so mad and Don't say mean things about Daddy" rants in a steady stream.

Do you accept the offer?

(Also don't use np links on this sub, lolcow)

You can stay if you deliver these ridiculous "ur so mad and Don't say mean things about Daddy" rants in a steady stream.

Can I tell you something? I've been able to make sense of like, 2 things you've posted since we started talking.. That's okay though. The fact that you were so upset as to go through my post history, follow me to a different sub, and sperg out on me in a completely unrelated thread speaks volumes about you and anything that you could possibly have to say.

Hey if your boyfriend that was sobbing and throwing his drinks at people from earlier wants to get in on that, here's where your man was chasing me around.. Don't be jealous.


Can I tell you something? I've been able to make sense of like, 2 things you've posted since we started talking..

You're a mdegenerate, shouldn't expect to much of yourself

I've changed my mind about you.

You can stay if you keep saying mdegenerate in a steady stream.

Do you accept the offer?

Jfc how fucking weak can mdegenerates bantz be smdh πŸ˜–πŸ˜–πŸ˜–

I'm leaning towards you not staying now

Haha yeah, that was pretty weak, huh? I bet you have no idea why that's funny. I'll wait here for you to avoid talking about it.

Not funny at all, sad tbh

Haha, yeah, real sad, right? I was thinking the same thing the first time I read it.. I thought 'Whoever posted that sounds painfully awkward'.

I could make this as obvious as possible and you would still never get it without me flat out telling you.

Are you angry because you got dishonorable discharge for raping kids in Afghanistan or smth?

What happened? You don't want to talk about my weird post about some creepy pseudo-sarcastic gatekeeper proposition about whether or not I permit you to stay in my sub?

dishonorable discharge for raping kids in Afghanistan

That's nice of you to look up military terminology just to be able to have this conversation with me. I know how curious you are to learn about new things. No, I wouldn't even get discharged for that. The ANA would probably make me a general.

my sub

Uh oh retard alert

Uh oh retard alert

Another stunner of a comeback.

What? You don't want to talk about whether or not I permit you to stay in my sub? If you keep delivering a steady stream of zingers like "Uh oh retard alert" I might allow you to stay.. Do you accept?

Wew lad

Yeah, that's pretty much what I expected.

I don't think you have high expectations of anything, least of all yourself

Are you just saying random things now?

Seems like you have accepted your fate, good

Every 3rd post is like shaking a Magic 8 Ball made by retarded kids in Taiwan..

Outlook good

It gets better, don't kill yourself

lol I didn't even shake it that time.

dont hurt yourself. its ok to cry.

Thanks for showing me that it is.

no u

I would say try harder, but I know you're doing the best you can. That's alright.

do you know what a lolcow is?

The guy I've been milking for lols all day?

so you have learned something today, good.

what about np links? do we use them here?

how about voting, is it allowed to downvote a lolcow?

describe your ideal bussy, 300 words.

The more territorial you get over /r/drama the more strange it makes you look. You make these big jumps, going from acting like you don't care (badly) to sperging out about 'lolcows' and chanting sub lingo on repeat. You're a really weird dude and I wouldn't be at all surprised to find out that you had been diagnosed with some kind of mental deficiency as a kid.

make a thread about me you fucking pussy ass literal weakling

I don't think we need it. This thread has become about you.

such a cowardly centipedo, how typical

lol look the guy that can't think is making assertions about other people.

make the thread you pathetic little manlet

You're not that important! I'm sorry!

well you've certainly set a new standard for pathetic behaviour so i guess thats what we'll take away from this fruitless endeavor.

you are a cowardly centipedo and i hope you Keep Yourself Safe

well you've certainly set a new standard for pathetic behaviour

That's funny, you regurgitating /r/drama memes the entire thread, calling desperately for help from anyone/everyone, and being a general aspergers car accident, and you still walk away with your head held high. Good for you.

Keep Yourself Safe
















speaking of car accidents, are you gonna delete your comment in r/army?

You have this tendency to completely ignore an entire post and focus on a single word or phrase. Why is that? Why do you have such a hard time addressing full posts? Is it an embarrassment thing? A reading comprehension thing?

what does centurion mean? is it greek ? hmmm

The irony being that the Romans modeled their politics, religion, architecture, and clothing on the Greeks, to tge point that it was considered high-class to speak Greek as a Roman. You may not know much, but you sure are stupid lol.

imagine trying to justify your 3rd grade knowledge about the world by saying romans and greeks are basically the same anyway lmao

You understand the argument as well as you understand history. What's your level of education again? You didnt answer last time I asked you. Which box do you check under the "education" section of your gas station job applications: "some high school"?

Imagine trying to backpedal after you said romans=greeks lmao

Imagine having just learned the imagine meme. Imagine slurping schlong behind the locker room so much that you miss the part in freshman world history that talked about the romans and how much they emulatef the Greeks.

Make the thread faggot

The Greek centurions are coming for you


Time for your meds.

make the thread incel

You are so painfully the incel here bud. What you're doing is called projection.

no u

Or did you wash out in basic?

"Wash out" lmao. Ever meet one of those guys that tries to use the lingo, but doesn't know the lingo?

So you couldn't even manage bct.


lol you have no idea how basic training works. You literally can't wash out. You get recycled like your 3rd time in 5th grade dumdum.

You literally can't wash out. You get recycled like your 3rd time in 5th grade dumdum.

Ah, that explains a lot

What, were you confused about why you were the only 9th grader with a drivers license?

No I just wondered how a dysfunctional mdegenerate would manage basic training, I was thinking too highly of the US army. Of course they need functional retards like you

functional retards

The special needs guy called my functional.. Thanks for the boost. I needed that today.

Thanks for the boost. I needed that today.

I have no doubt, it must be a difficult life for you

It is. I'm teaching a special needs class worth of stupid how to talk shit.

you should post your REKKING of me on this sub, you have literally crushed me with your boundless wit.

do you know what wit means?

you should post your REKKING of me on this sub

What are you talking about? It's already on this sub. We're still in the process. I can't take all the credit. You are a huge self-own without even realizing it.

You are a huge self-own without even realizing it.

so make a thread about it you fucking imbecile

Why would you want that? Do you not realize how dumb you look posting 'wew lad' and 'mdegenerates' 30 times? Do you think saying "it's okay don't kill yourself" and "do you know what a lolcow is?" makes you look witty and trolly? Do you really want more people than those that might see this to know that you were so fucked up about me that you stalked me to 5 different subs and said weird shit there too?

You either don't care that you look retarded, or don't know you look retarded, and I really think you just don't know..

make the thread, weak ass faggot



/u/eva_unit_hung teach this poor mdegenerate the ways of the lolcow if you please.

he needs to make atleast one, hopefully more, threads about how stupid i am and all that. you know how it goes.

teach him the ways of the lolcow! as you are one of the best in the game

Stop calling for help. This is the 7th or 8th time you've tried to tag someone else in.

youre the one who needs help, thats why i summoned eva

youre the one who needs help, thats why i summoned eva

Yeah that doesn't make any sense, but I'm finding out that this is the norm for you. You're calling for help from your friend on /r/drama. It's okay to admit you need help.

he's not my friend, he's one of your kind.

lolcow extraordinaire.

no matter, seems he is in his cuckshed atm or hes just been broken enough that he doesnt like commenting here anymore(which is it /u/eva_unit_hung ?)

anyways, how do you think your comment in r/army is going?

he's not my friend

Aww you don't have a friend? I'm sorry. That's hard to deal with. Chin up dude.

anyways, how do you think your comment in r/army is going?

I was hoping you could tell me, since you're upset enough to follow me around raging out. You're a weird guy /u/kippot.

I was hoping you could tell me

its not going well im afraid :(

imagine getting so heavily left behind by your battle brothers, that is if you even served at all. i kinda doubt it.

stolen valor i think

Just like the military, 99% of the people on that sub are professional smoothie drinkers.

stolen valor i think

Funny that someone committing stolen high school diploma is making that guess.

What's your MO?

Modus operandi? What?

It's greek

I know, and it doesn't make any sense in the context you used it in.

No its roman

Roman isn't a language. The Romans spoke Latin.

no its greek

Freeze peach, centipedo. Heard of it?

You know what I like about you? You're just a crazy guy, and you don't even care how crazy you look, you just keep saying crazy things like nobody is listening.

Said the incel manlet, trying to appear as anything but himself

You're so analytical. That's another thing I like about you. So observant.

You're so upset and emotional, it's like reading an open book

You're so upset and emotional, it's like reading an open book

Haha that's something, coming from the guy that got so upset he stalked through someone else's post history and followed them to an unrelated thread in an unrelated subreddit to keep sobbing over the conversation they had in this sub. Strange thing to say coming from you, right? But that's like, one of 12 other strange things you've said during the course of this conversation lol.

It gets better, but you need to work on yourself. Don't hurt yourself when you're thinking about your pitiful existence, it gets better. Are you a vet?

You should know, right? Don't you have my post history? Why do you get quiet every time I bring up the fact that you literally stalked through my post history to chase me to an unrelated sub, about an unrelated thread? You know how weird that is? You know that says without a doubt that you are angry about what I said to you. I think that's hilarious. You're hilarious.

Notice you avoid including your posts in the screenshot. You're so clever. Nobody you spam that at will have any idea how mad you are.

Wew lad, isn't it time to stand up and take a few paces, try to calm down?

Yeah you're probably right. I should probably stop being so upset that I stalk through your post history to follow you to other unrelated subreddits to bitch at you. I'm going to stop doing that. I understand how fucking weird and desperate that is. You agree don't you, that it's a weird and creepy thing to do? Don't you think that makes me look mad and desperate?

Don't you think that makes me look mad and desperate?

Yes, but you don't have to be a mdegenerate, you could always take a step up the ladder and be an ancap or something

I should probably stop being so upset that I stalk through your post history to follow you to other unrelated subreddits to bitch at you. I'm going to stop doing that. I understand how fucking weird and desperate that is. You agree don't you, that it's a weird and creepy thing to do? Don't you think that makes me look mad and desperate?


At least we've reached a consensus about something, right?

You're a mdegenerate, that much is clear

There is a black man in your gif, degenerate racemixer

Oh. You don't like black people?

I love black people. Mayo on the other hand.....

You're upset about a black guy in my gif..

Do you like or do you not like black people? Why is it difficult to give a consistent answer?

what are your thoughts on the impending mayocide?

That I hope you're the guy in charge of it.

are you saying you do not support the mayocide?

Tbf He gets legitimately angry and uses that impotent rage to cook up some delicious pasta

I think it's hilarious that you came here to help your friend. You guys are cute together.


It says a lot that you're still this buttburned after a week. Rent free, right?

Hey bby I miss u 😘😘

It's been an entire week bro. Maybe it's time for some changes in your life. It's not normal to be this affected by reddit.. You get that, don't you?

A day is too long and a week feels like an eternity away from you bby 😘😘

You and that other guy are a couple real strange dudes. You guys should hang out and do whatever it is you guys do like, I dunno.. choke cats?

choke cats?

Only if you count Friday’s feline fursona fellatio

Whatever that means, knock yourselves out.

make the thread, mdegenerate

make the thread, mdegenerate

where did you go? make the fucking thread bitchboi

Could you stop talking about 'sk8erbois' for a little while dude? Hanging out with you is getting weird. All you ever talk about is 'sk8erbois'..

Oh, you can't read either

My bad

"/r/drama has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /r/drama is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. MDExtremists are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for /r/drama to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Braphogs and MDExtremists will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, /r/drama will not survive."

Trump Wall 2016, founding director of MDEBRAAPA, the MDE Institute for Jewish Supremacist Studies in Sweden

The fuck are you talking about? Southerners go out the exact same time as northerners. And way after June -- we're talking around the 21st of July here.

"/r/drama has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /r/drama is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. MDExtremists are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for /r/drama to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Braphogs and MDExtremists will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, /r/drama will not survive."

Trump Wall 2016, founding director of MDEBRAAPA, the MDE Institute for Jewish Supremacist Studies in Sweden

New summerfiends and MDE rapefugees

purge the xenos (from mde at least)

"/r/drama has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /r/drama is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. MDExtremists are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for /r/drama to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Braphogs and MDExtremists will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, /r/drama will not survive."

Trump Wall 2016, founding director of MDEBRAAPA, the MDE Institute for Jewish Supremacist Studies in Sweden

It was bound to happen. /r/drama has grown decadent and lazy. Your women want real men. Shut up and get replaced.

"/r/drama has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /r/drama is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for /r/drama to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, /r/drama will not survive."

Trump Wall 2016, founding director of MDEBRAAPA, the MDE Institute for Jewish Supremacist Studies in Sweden

It is in the Braphogs interest, it is in humanities interest that /r/dramaites experience a genocide. Until /r/drama children are burned alive, /r/drama women raped, mutilated, murdered and all /r/drama men who have not been previously slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorized; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss /r/drama privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder /r/MDEnorities have.

  • Samuel Levitts Hyde



"/r/drama has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /r/drama is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. MDExtremists are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for /r/drama to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Braphogs and MDExtremists will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, /r/drama will not survive."

Trump Wall 2016, founding director of MDEBRAAPA, the MDE Institute for Jewish Supremacist Studies in Sweden

something something in good company. The more likely reason is people see this as a playground so they can be "le edgy" and not get bened by the mods. Also Father Time seems to be in a deep slumber.

How to awake grandfather time.

ΧΧ™Χš ΧœΧ”ΧͺΧ’Χ•Χ¨Χ¨ Χ–ΧžΧŸ בבא.

When, long ago, the gods created Earth

In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.

The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;

Yet were they too remote from humankind.

To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,

Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.

A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,

Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.

/r/ineeedit got banned for spam? which is weird because I visited it the day before and it was regular posts.

Aww, I vaguely enjoyed that sub occasionally

It was literally just advertising for shitty products

What was wrong with that sub? I thought it wasn’t hurting anyone

Well thanks for getting my hopes up! Imma just kill myself now.

does not exist

Top 10 Anime Betrayals

Nah that's just me being a tard

It's cringeanarchy fags. they keep trying to seriously bring up points when i talk about mayocide

"/r/drama has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /r/drama is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. MDExtremists are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for /r/drama to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Braphogs and MDExtremists will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, /r/drama will not survive."

Trump Wall 2016, founding director of MDEBRAAPA, the MDE Institute for Jewish Supremacist Studies in Sweden

just a week ago i split a liberal faggot atheist jews brain open after I totally obliterated him all because he used the word problematic. I tore him apart piece by piece, every weasel word, every heeb trick, all of them i picked apart to the amusement and bewilderment of ~10 people.

I deconstructed every aspect of his arguments, forced him to spell out and define his views, backing him into corner after corner, and dousing him with gasoline as I did. Eventually after having exhausted every kike trick in his bones, picked apart every part of who this jew thought he was, and shone the light onto him like a cockroach in the dark, he scuttled away to the safe space inside. While i continued to hold the now attentive crowd and in their daze and amazement at having witnessed the complete and utter evisceration of a man, from his deepest insecurities to his pathetic faggot views. Drenched in his psychological viscera I preached my sermon on race, politics, kikes, niggers, muslims, faggots, on every single major core red pill and they took them all, from midnight until dawn I deprogrammed them and enlightened them to reality.

Only pausing for a laugh when the faggot atheist jew boy decided to strut back out, perhaps emboldened by his poz peer enclave he had retreated to. This time carrying a hammer. The joy and pleasure I had in humiliating his pathetic attempt of a violent threat. The crowd watched on as I met his threat of violence in kind, and told him, staring in his black beady kike eyes, "Do you really think that's a good idea? I doubt a limp wristed JEW like you has even ever swung a hammer to a nail, and yet you waltz out here, with a yellow teethed grin, expecting to what? Hmm to what? To attack me with that hammer? Hmm do you wanna SMASH A NAZI huh KIKE? GO AHEAD TAKE A SWING YOU FAGGOT, SEE WHAT HAPPENS. IVE BEEN MORE THAN CIVIL WITH YOU, BUT IF YOU WANT TO GO AND MAKE THIS VIOLENT, I WILL DEFEND MY LIFE. I'M GONNA TAKE THAT HAMMER OUT OF YOUR HANDS AND IM GONNA SMASH IT RIGHT INTO YOUR TEMPLE, CLAW SIDE, THEN IM GONNA RIP YOUR EYEBALL OUT AS I PRY OUT YOUR ORBITAL BONE AND IM GONNA STOMP ON IT ON THE GROUND. Then I'm gonna walk away...Thats what I thought, yup put it down and go scurry away like the rat you are. Ahahahahaha you know youve really REALLY REALLY pissed off a jew when they get so mad they start thinking they can be violent, its like i fried his little schizobrain in an oven. That's all on him though I was being cordial, pleasant even! But nooo he wanted to take it somewhere violent, and I wish a nigga would oooooooo, but its better this way, I'm not ready to be politically violent, and I certainly AINT gonna start with that fag."

TICK TOCK πŸ•πŸ•–πŸ•š


"/r/drama has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. /r/drama is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. MDExtremists are going to be at the center of that. It's a huge transformation for /r/drama to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Braphogs and MDExtremists will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, /r/drama will not survive."

Trump Wall 2016, founding director of MDEBRAAPA, the MDE Institute for Jewish Supremacist Studies in Sweden

Please stop posting in my thread you fucking shriveled chode.


You're fun.
