Total degeneracy.

162  2018-06-08 by PM_ME_UR_FIGURINES


Avoid parenthetical insultsโ€”they just diminish your authority. Throughout the post, you're best points seem to be lost in a sea of self-aggrandizement and scattershot thinking


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Americans were a mistake.

Whites were a mistake

Anthony Bourdain did nothing wrong

Too soon or right on schedule?

anthony bourdain isn't white, he's like sicilian or something

Half French half Jewish.

Goddamn yinzers.

I'm all for mixing and diluting the mayo

inb4 DUDE MAYO LMAO from /u/headasplodes ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

You know what, ed? I appreciate you. You just took one for the team by not predicting that comment, but preventing it. You're like an autistic guardian angel for other autists.๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜‡๐Ÿ˜‘

I wasn't going to. You fucked up ed.

for a counterjerk sub you faggots really run unfunny shit like bussy and mayo into the dirt just like any redditor would

no, responding to this with another bussy or mayo joke doesnโ€™t make you an epic troll

yes, i am smarter than you and can tell what your future plans are

enjoyed tthis post? consider sending me your support at !

lol who blustered your bussy

Also a libertarian Linux user. Dude has life all figured out.

No step on snake plz

That's too much pedophilia for me.


thinks he's funny


i am by far the funniest person here

Then delete your account. Do it.

why are you so angry at me ed what did i do to you

Awww no bb. It's just that deleting your account will help you in being more funny.

thats a false statement

Can't say that without trying! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜‰

also a false statement

I don't find bussy funny. I masturbate furiously whenever I bussypost.

stop trying so hard

Ed, what do you do for a living?

Because you are on here literally 24/7.

Probably has a desk job or some shit.

you have to be an ed alt because he's the only person in the entire fucking universe who would imply that he has a job

Reddit pays in karma

ketchup is honorary mayo though


catsup, dog?

I like making homemade mayo, adding some dill and then mixing it with a little dave's scorpion pepper sauce. Pretty good imo.

Damn this sounds pretty mouth sex

This has to be one of the signs of the apocalypse

coke + heroin = speedball

i prefer pepsi

Speedballs: the Goldilocks of Schedule I substances.

Just like the color of vomit.

Shit like this is the only stuff that still makes me mad anynore

It's just fry sauce, aka the "secret sauce" most low tier burger places have

Secret sauce at McDonald's is thousand island dresseing.

In some states, that shit is more available than ketchup.

shrimp louie too

Yeah but it ain't Chick-Fil-A sauce.



mayonnaise will expire before ketchup

art imitates life.

theres one that is ketchup, mustard and mayo. amazing

would legitimately eat that

anyone that doesnt like marie rose sauce is on my hit list

Good for fries, cron dogs and tater tots.

Can't wait for mayonnaise and mustard, Mayotard.

Mayonnaise + Spermicide = Mayocide.

add relish and it's thousand island dressing

That looks absolutely disgusting, and is a perfect summary of mayo culture.

Add Tabasco and you have yourself a tasty condiment.

They eat that shit all the time in Utah

Idaho too

Fucking Mormons.

There's a place called Boise Fry Company that mixes your standard 19 kinds of ketchup and fry sauce with millennial hipster bullshit like organics and pumpkin flavoring. But they do sell a tasty fucking buffalo burger.

This is called "cocktail sauce" in Belgium and is somewhat popular. I've heard American mayo is disgusting though.

American mayo and ketchup are unironically only not terrible when they're combined. Everyone in this thread is missing out by eating their fries with shitty ketchup and eating mayo in contexts that aren't eating fries with ketchup and mayo.

The US just has a terrible sauce culture. If you ask people here what they eat with their fries you get 18 different answers out of 20 people.

Mayo and fries are awful, a meme spawned by Eurofags and self-hating contrarian Amerimutts. It's the same deal with Leafs and muh poutine.

Vinegar is the best condiment for fries. And mustard is the overall top-tier condiment.

Mayo and fries are awful


[In my best Worf voice:] If you were any other [wo]man, I would kill you where you stand.

A lot of American mayo is shit; the brand in this photo is basically the only decent one. It has a slightly different texture but a similar taste to what you get in Belgium. The texture makes it not as good for fries though.

I would buy it!


Isn't this just Cocktail sauce?

needs lemon

No, this is thousand island. Cocktail sauce isn't dairy.

There's no dairy in mayo RREEEEE

Who in the world would think that Mayochup sounds better than Ketchunaise?


gotta ketch-an-aiids

ketch an aids!


Japs deserved the bomb.

today it's condiments - tomorrow it's fucking white jimbocide!

I did this when I was younger. Tastes a bit like Russian dressing actually. (I realized that later).

it makes great chip dip. my nanny use to make it all the time when i was little.

So Heinz is just ignoring Marie Rose sauce or are they marketing to the lowest common denominator again?

You know how when people are in prison and they order stuff through commissary and try to mix it in with their ramen to make some great recipe? They're officially less fucking morally degenerate than any of you who ingest the M-sauce. I hope all of you get AIDS, that your children get AIDS, and your parents somehow retroactively get AIDS all because you chose the wrong condiment.

You'll want some chips to go with that...

It's like bloody mayonaise...surely drama should be all about that?

I love fancy sauce

Um this has been a thing for years in Puerto Rico... just that our has flavor (salt, pepper, garlic)

This is illegal you know