The Democrats of Reddit finally admit they're a bunch of kids who refuse to grow up

17  2018-06-09 by SonyXboxNintendo11


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


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Anytime I see that controversial posts have 50+ upvotes my small heart grows three sizes. It's not time to unleash hot folded steel on the normies just yet.

I am a republican teenager and I look nothing like this

Is it me or are teenagers an important par tof the political redditors crowd? LSC, T_D, etc etc seem to have a relatively high concentration of teens.

Studies have shown that currently, teenagers and young adults are generally more right-leaning than ever since the 1950s.

Most of reddit is 25 and younger


Progressive retards obsessed with Cartoon Network show.

u/Ed_butteredtoast <--

incoming snoozepost


Close enough

Being openly Republican as a teenager is a mistake. You pretend to be retarded to get gussy. Its why the Hogg's movement is going to fail: there aren't any good looking girls involved with it.

Imagine thinking anyone sputing politics in high school has a chance of getting gussy.

Can we just admit that anyone whio's not a centrist is literally retarded?

Goddamn, the republican butthurt is strong in there.

In the deep lore of code name kids next door the delightful children are basically the good guys. They want to destroy immaturity. KND are just tards who never grow up.

Wouldn’t actual maturity be not giving a shit if a bunch of kids want to act goofy and weird?

Well no the knd were literally terrorists. They attacked the adults based on their childish interpretation of how adults operated.

Well that's different than saying they want to destroy immaturity.

posted by /u/SongXBoxNintendo11


'Why do these people I constantly shit on get angry when I do it?'