Gendered parenting, as girl is told she's pretty instead of handsome. And should you beat a child until they stop believing in white male patriarchcal deities?

53  2018-06-09 by mukumukum


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of no longer adding anything useful to the discussion.

Imagine being so stupid you think you're arguing with someone who doesn't think the genders are different. I mean, why have them at all?

I've said it before, and this sub always seems to hate it... but this is why I think transgender people really do exist. Male and female brains are different, and it's completely possible that in some cases during prenatal development, the nervous system might not go the same way as the rest of the body. There are elements of transgender politics that are crazy (like the idea that not wanting to fuck one of them is wrong), but there is a pretty solid biological explanation for how someone could truly be transgender.

This is why the internet is a good thing, by the way. Straight FTM/MTF couples can now meet and have normal penis-meets-vagina intercourse with the parts just swapped, MTF lesbians can meet other MTF lesbians, and straight guys with futa fetishes can get that itch scratched without flying to Thailand. It's a wonderful time to be alive.

Mental illnesses does occur in some individuals

Go ahead and call it mental illness if you want, but then it's a mental illness that's caused by having a brain type that doesn't match your body.

There is absolutely zero science to back up what you're saying. You can have mental issues causing you to believe it, but there, to my knowledge, is absolutely no psychosomatic abnormality in the manner you're describing.

I did research on mental illness as part of my undergraduate thesis. I may be wrong though and if you have any papers I would definitely appreciate reading them.

/u/BasicallyADoctor this guy! Lmaooo 😂😂😂😂😂😂

There is a shitload of science to back up what he's saying you retard.

Link it then, burden of proof and all.

For the sake of argument, let's say you're right.

So fucking what? Wouldn't you agree that the best way to treat this "mental illness" is to let people live the way they want?

As long as they're not hurting anybody who cares what they do. We should still acknowledge the mental illness though.

a mental illness that is cured by transitioning, i really don't understand why people use this line

Is pedophilia cured by touching children?

there is no cure to paedophilia, if there was wouldn't you want paedophiles to receive it?

inb4 edge

They hated /u/dootwiththesickness because he told them the truth.

That little girl is legit messed up. The comments on the video are focused on her eyes, which are bad, but it's also her posture. She's so tense, it must be exhausting for her.

I wonder why all our kids are either autistic or weird like this.

Does this imply that boys can't be pretty? As a pretty boy I can't help but feel slightly offended.

Ok buddy

Questions like “do you think you’re smart” or “pretty” or “what do you like about yourself” are all tough because boys are generally raised to be very confident while girls are not. It’s a problem and it’s got nothing to do with ADHD. It’s gendered parenting.

u/trudith that's also a huge part of ADHD. It's so common that it appears regularly as a hot topic in r/adhd. Stop being so ableist.

/u/trudith guys are raised to be confident? motherfucker in what world do you live?

Ah, ADHD. The disease where you no longer have to be responsible for any of your actions.

Teachers should just be allowed to have rulers like in the old days.

I for one am very interested in the medical side effects that start showing up from 20+ years of regular amphetamine use during development.

20+? Maybe 10, maximum. Symptoms tend to go away during adulthood.

20+? Maybe 10, maximum. Symptoms tend to go away during adulthood.

I don't think for the majority of people. Adderall flows easily on college campuses?

I couldn't just focus extra hard, as any little thing would distract me from the idea of focusing.

I would throw you in the sensory deprivation room for a half hour then.

Idk. Maybe some people have this "disease" but imo half of the kids prescribed are normal 7 year olds and it's easier to dope them up then teach them to get their shit together.

Part of the reason it flows so easily is because it's useful, lol. Doctors really don't hesitate to take you off it if you admit your symptoms are fading. At least that's my experience.

Symptoms tend to go away during adulthood.

also known as "growing the fuck up"

Yeah I haven't heard a good explanation for why it happens (happened to me,) but this is probably a good approximation. i just like this clip about ADD

Questions like “do you think you’re smart” or “pretty” or “what do you like about yourself” are all tough because boys are generally raised to be very confident while girls are not.

You gotta be kidding. All girls ever hear is how perfect and beautiful they are. Boys get to clean mom's buttplug collection and are lucky if they don't get burned by more than 2 cigarettes in 1 night.

Your childhood sounds really traumatic dude, stay strong