Two Transgenders Blow Out Girls In State Meet

136  2018-06-09 by WeWuzKANG5

From the article:

You wonder how the other runners may have felt. On Monday, when Connecticut had its State Open track and field championships at Willow >Brook Park, one person broke the State Open records for girls in both the 100 and 200-meter runs. That person was a biological boy.

Asked about the two girls who worked for years who got knocked out of the finals by Miller and Yearwood and the two girls who finished seventh and eighth in the finals who were denied a chance to compete in the New England championships, CIAC executive director Karissa Niehoff said, “We do feel for them. Fully agree it doesn’t feel good. The optic isn’t good. But we really do have to look at the bigger issues that speak to civil rights and the fact this is high school sports.”

He stated, “I’ve been stopped by at least five coaches, all of them saying they really liked what I said in the paper. How come other coaches aren’t talking? This is a big issue a lot of coaches have, that we’ve got to do something, but how come you’re not saying anything? I’ve said what I needed to say. I’m getting a little annoyed with the coaches that we haven’t been able to get together and do what’s best for everybody.”

Video of the races:

Twitter is lit over this:

Terry Miller of Bulkeley, a transgender, won the events. In the 100 meter dash, the runner-up was Andraya Yearwood of Cromwell, also a transgender.

Discussion on reddit:

A german sub? :

Someone is upset they called the boys/girls? transgenders:

Are you suggesting trans I dentity is fake? Yes, yes they are:

Where's the outcry from womens groups:


A brave fellow:


Women aren't even the best at being women.

Unfortunately it isn't posted on any subs that are left currently.

I don't know when we decided juwanna mann shouldn't just be a bad comedy, but the foundation of future sports participation


The pissed off look on the other girls’ faces after the race says it all.

Did r/gendercritical have anything on this? There couldn’t be a more blatant example of why the TERFs have a point.

Nobody has posted this on GC yet, not sure why. Maybe I will.

I would but I don’t think the menz are welcome there

If you're respectful it's fine, but I'm talking to an r/drama poster here, so... Funny enough that's how I found this place. Someone attacked me on a GC post and I traced them back here. Anyway, I already posted it.

Are you from limerick?

If you're respectful aren't a penis wielder it's fine

I laughed, but that's simply not true. We need to be at least somewhat inclusive to brainwash at least a portion of males. 25% is the tipping point, and we're getting close. Trudeau is our greatest success so far, and our efforts are snowballing. Feel free to visit our sub 😈

Trudeau is our greatest success so far

The Canadian PM? I thought he loved the transes.

Feel free to visit our sub

I'm already banned for having a penis.

Oh, you thought my comment was serious? Lol. I like this place, it's fun, can I stay? I'm gonna be an internet troll now 😄

Ok, but you should work on your delivery.

Here you go 🍕🍕🍕

Welcome home.

Yeah you should def stick around, I like your style.


We're not trolls we're cultural commentators

Ruthless review

Daddy brought manly back baby.

I'm not so sure about that. Looks like Merkel put him in the naughty chair.

as the males hate their own gender, and admit they the entire male sex drive is a desire to rape, and literally all sex with women is rape, and any and all relationships that men have with women are oppressive.

basically the man has to be self hating to the point of near suicide to want to post in a terf group, you really, really don't like men.

That's why men are the suicide worldwide champs. 2018 rounds look like were winning too step up your game

Ok, we’ll see how this goes then.

I just checked. The user that attacked me probably got banned as their comments are removed. I didn't report them, though (can't remember the username either) Do I need to emphasize the 'respectful' part?

Unironically thrilled to have you here buddy

Infiltration phase 1 complete. Headed back to headquarters for further instruction.


Implying the real reason GC hates trannies isn't because they are men in sheep's clothing.

If you're respectful it's fine

translation: recite our religious dogma and don't step out of line.

do it fam!

From what I've heard, neither of them are even allowed to be on HRT due to their age and legal requirements. They are essentially pre-transition in that case.

So they can run a completely mediocre boys’ time and be declared a winner in the girls’ race. 👍🏿

Did r/gendercritical have anything on this?

Well, it got posted to the TERF debate sub. There's probably some good drama there, but I didn't really read through it.

I saw that already and checked the related /r/GenderCritcal thread. It had no drama.

It's not a debate sub. Most GC posters continue to hurl abusive words at the trans posters day after day while the trans posters try their best to remain respectful. In the end, only the trans posters get banned.

now that's progressive

It doesn't get more woke than this.

Tell these young men good job beating girls.

Levels, Jerry. It's all levels!

Are they sure they're trannys? Nigger women are disgusting.

shut the fuck up, u/feeepo



Wow bro, "trannys"? Way to be insensitive. Dick.

I know: surely feeepo is a dick.

After all, the plural of "tranny" is "trannies".

Hate to steal Ed's shtick, but: 😴😴😴😴

First and second place were trans?

Biotruths! Mother nature must be a TERF.

There is something hilarious about feminists that have been denying biological realities for years getting a taste of reality.

tfw when the retard anti-left sees the inter-sectionality purges against all dissenting liberals as somehow evidence of a liberal monolith.

This new far-right (inter-sectionality) has nothing to do with liberalism. It is a highly conservative anti-science identity cult.

This new far-right (inter-sectionality) has nothing to do with liberalism. It is a highly conservative anti-science identity cult.

Truly the ramblings of a deranged person.

"Nazis were liburals! Dont disrespect Jesus! Man and Woman"

kys tbh.

ADAM and eve not adam and STEVE ok. praise jesus :DDDD

When spurdo comes to life

The “Anti-Science” part is correct

More buzzwords than a startup companies' marketing Powerpoint

tfw when your such a fucking retard that language itself is "buzzy"

tfw tfw retard tfw tfw

kys kys retard kys kys

Ah yes, the Glorious Intersection between Nordcucks, Slavsquatters, and Mediterraneans.

Imagine thinking that pizzashill is a righty.

High school girls =/= to feminists. You're acting like a Trump supporter. Anything goes as long as it pisses off some hypothetical person who has made you angry. We're all going to end up sitting around watching the world burn as long as we think the other side is getting BTFO.

High school girls behave the safest social way possible. Current mainstream is feminism, so they don’t mind too much.

Thanks for mansplaining high school girls to me, professor.

I'm sure you know a lot about high school girls, Dr. Nassar

I’m not wasting of my man abilities, and believe me, right now I’m spreading on a lot of space as well.

I hope you are taking up at least three seats on the subway.


Keep yourself safe

no u

trying to seriouspost at pizzashill

I'm just having a little fun.

I find it pretty alarming how little you guys know about feminists. Every time you bring up something they unironically believe people show up to hand-wave it away as "not real feminists" even though it's in the mainstream at this point.

These people are real, there are a lot of them, and yes they believe stupid shit like this.

Brah, Martha Nussbaum is a feminist, so is Janet Radcliffe Richards.

The later literally said that there probably is a very decent amount of biological diffefence between male and females.

If you just say feminists full stop you are including reasonable academics like them with batshit crazy twitter broads

Even someone more radical than them like Butler has still some pretty reasonable ideas. Her argument in favor of porn is pretty interesting

The later literally said that there probably is a very decent amount of biological diffefence between male and females.

The thing is that when push comes to shove and it comes time to make actual policy decisions, you'll find all of that lip service evaporates when it comes to situations where it wouldn't benefit women.

If you just say feminists full stop you are including reasonable academics like them with batshit crazy twitter broads

One reasonable person when weighed against a million unreasonable morons isn't equal or balanced out in any way.

People like you who constantly bring up these, frankly, aberrations and hold them up as "gotcha" are arguing semantics because for some reason you can't let go of the idea that there must be something salvageable in this giant festering heap of garbage.

This is why this continues to go on and why these fat retards keep getting a pass, because of morons like yourself who keep making excuses for them, no matter how lame or how irrational.

is this pasta?

I don't even have to address what feminists do and don't do to make my point. You're gloating over teenage girls needing to accept males who aren't even transitioning onto their track team. It's like real people are just collateral damage to people trying to prove how woke they are and people who hate feminism and uppity women. It's the same attitude as the guy I saw who said he voted for Trump because he thought it would make Amanda Marcotte cry if Trump won.

I'd vote for Trump to make Amanda Narcotte cry. she's a vicious, sexist piece of shit.

Well, there you go. You can cast your spite vote in 2020.


Frist of all how dare you

Are they denying all sexual dimorphasism other just certain parts because I here people say stuff like your saying but I've not really seen anyone arguing that ALL differences are fake/cultural. I'm honestly just curious if they're so diluted to think all sex differences are social constructs.

I actually have. The argument was that until women's sports receive equal funding and support as men's we have to assume the differences are cultural.

Jesus fuck lol. Imagine thinking high schools have stronger boys because funding.

Well, these are the same retarded blimps that think they can lose weight by spending more money on diet foods and jenny craig.

It's a spectrum. Some deny biological differences, some deny biological causes for differences in behavior.

Some deny biological differences

And they're paid to teach kids about it too

There's gotta be some context to this that justifies it, right?

You can watch the whole debate if you want, but there isn't.

As far as I'm aware, neither of them are on HRT because they are forbidden from doing so due to their age. It's a whole different ballgame once you introduce hormone therapy.

It's a whole different ballgame once you introduce hormone therapy.

Not really. Being loaded to the gills on Estradiol isn't going to make all that muscle you built with testosterone magically go away, or the bone strength, or the ligament and tendon strength.

How do you think steroids works in the first place?

Any sport where having more strength is an advantage, will definitely favor a tranny because of all those years spent training with testosterone in their blood.

It's like if the girls they were competing against took steroids for most of their life to train, then decided to clear a few months before a competition.

There's a reason professional sports ruling bodies have a minimum time requirement for hormone therapy. It does take time for muscles to lose their mass. That doesn't mean it doesn't eventually happen.

Furthermore, having a larger skeleton (which isn't a universal occurence in trans women mind you) is not necessarily an advantage as muscle mass decreases over time. Go look at pictures of trans women who are gym rats. They don't look like fucking Arnold. Estrogen taken over a sufficiently long time span doesn't allow for it.

Go look at pictures of trans women who are gym rats. They don't look like fucking Arnold.

Literally one of the first results, LMAO. Those gigantic shoulders don't lie, dude. That's a man.

There's a reason professional sports ruling bodies have a minimum time requirement for hormone therapy. It does take time for muscles to lose their mass. That doesn't mean it doesn't eventually happen.

Yeah, actually, it can not eventually happen depending on how much test the tranny is still taking.

Also, even if it does, the net result would be a gain that is otherwise unobtainable naturally. That's exactly how stereoids work for fucks sake.

You take a cycle, pump up, clear, lose a little bit, but overall get a gain. Then repeat. Except in this case, there's no loss cycle until you get to the end of potentially years of a constant gain cycle. It's fucking obscene to think that this is in any way, shape or form, fair.

I get the feeling that a) not only do you have no clue what you're talking about, but b) you're seriously underestimating how potent a growth hormone testosterone is.

If you were to give an average woman the amount of testosterone that is floating around in your average teenage boy, she would literally gain muscle from not doing anything. Thats how potent it is, and you're asking that genetic women, who never had this advantage, couldn't have this advantage without actually cheating are supposed to be put up against trannies that, like in the case in this article, aren't even on female hormones?

You're retarded. There's no other way to say it.

My entire point in my other posts is that these two were not even on HRT. They weren't allowed to be. I also pointed out that in professional sports in which trans people participate require minimum times spent on hormone therapy. Yes, it takes time but it does eventually result in loss. This isn't just my personal opinion.

Continuing on the topic of performance and gender testing the IOC released a statement before the 2012 summer Olympics.

"The new rules state that a panel of independent medical experts will examine through a blood test the testosterone levels in a woman and will then make a recommendation about whether she could be eligible to compete."

The IOC and NCAA have decided after extensive research (independently) that Hormone profile is the primary determining factor for gender qualification in sport.

The Olympics requires 2 years post surgery before being allowed to compete at an INTERNATIONAL event.

The NCAA requires only one year of HRT.

This was determined the minimum to not have any unfair advantage as evidenced by the quotes from respective authorities below. “Requiring sex reassignment surgery before allowing participation for the high school or collegiate student athlete is medically unnecessary and not linked to competitive equity IOC regulations requiring surgery for Olympic transgender athletes have been controversial and it would be unreasonable to ”make this requirement for high school and college students."

“Research suggests that androgen deprivation and cross sex hormone treatment in male-to-female transsexuals reduces muscle mass; accordingly, one year of hormone therapy is an appropriate transitional time before a male-to- female student athlete competes on a women’s team" [Eric Vilain M.D., PH.D., Professor, Director of the Center For Gender-Based Biology and Chief Medical Genetics Department of Pediatrics, UCLA]

“Transgender student athletes fall within the spectrum of physical traits found in athletes of their transitioned gender, allowing them to compete fairly and equitably.”

[Dr. Nick Gorton American Board of Emergency Medicine, Medical Legal Consultant]

Furthermore, the difference need to be put into perspective when transgender women are compared with cisgender women they fall within a female range after the required time period (1 year NCAA, 2 years post-op IOC). “Differences within the sexes are considerable and often times larger than differences between the sexes ”

[Dr. Walter Bockting, Ph.D. President of WPATH, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School]

These facts are presented based on scientific literature as cited here Elbers JM, Asscheman H, Seidell JC, et al. Effects of sex steroid hormones on regional fat depots as assessed. here Australian Sports Commission. Transgender in sport. (accessed 22 Mar 2005).

here as contrasted between these two ↵ Stamm R, Veldre G, Stamm M, et al. Dependence of young female volleyballers’ performance on their body build, physical abilities, and psycho-physiological properties. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 2003;43:291–9. [Medline][Web of Science] ↵ Viitasalo JT. Anthropometric and physical performance characteristics of male volleyball players. Can J Appl Sport Sci1982;7:182–8. [Medline] and here Pilgrim J, Martin D, Binder W. Far from the finish line: transsexualism and athletic competition. Fordham Intellectual Property Media & Entertainment Law Journal2003;13:495–549.

And the rest of these studies

↵ Federation Internationale de Volleyball. Medical regulations, ed. 2004. (accessed 23 Mar 2005). ↵ Lausanne Declaration on Doping in Sport (adopted by the World Conference on Doping in Sport). 1999. (accessed 23 Mar 2005). ↵ Ritchie I. Sex tested, gender verified: controlling female sexuality in the age of containment. Sport History Review2003;34:80–98. ↵ Batterham AM, Birch KM. Allometry of anaerobic performance: a gender comparison. Can J Appl Physiol1996;21:48–62. [Medline] Thomas JR, French KE. Gender differences across age in motor performance: a meta-analysis. Psychol Bull1985;98:260–82. [CrossRef][Medline][Web of Science] ↵ Shepard RJ. Exercise and training in women. Part I. Influence of gender on exercise and training responses. Can J Appl Physiol2000;25:19–34. [Medline][Web of Science] ↵ Dickinson BD, Genel M, Robinowitz CB, et al. Gender verification of female Olympic athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002;34:1539–42. [CrossRef][Medline][Web of Science] ↵ Simpson JL, Ljungqvist A, de la Chapelle A, et al. Gender verification in competitive sports. Sports Med 1993;16:305–15. [Medline][Web of Science] ↵ Introducing the, uh, ladies. JAMA1966;198:1117–18. ↵ Doig P, Lloyd-Smith R, Prior JC, et al. Position statement. Sex testing (gender verification) in Sport. Canadian Academy of Sports Medicine. 1997. (accessed 23 Mar 2005).

There is no "residual" advantage and often times transgender athletes are at a disadvantage due to severely lowered testosterone levels in comparison to native females. Cisgender women have a higher testosterone than transgender women who have had reassignment surgery and the related information.

Other issues that arise in the form of practicality. Here is an example from back during the crossfit controversy.Her numbers pale in comparison to other female athletes

Crossfit profile comparison between her and CLB:

Back Squat: 225 lb Clean & Jerk: 165 lb Snatch: 125 lb Deadlift: 275 lb

These numbers pale in comparison to the top competitors as well as compared to many other regional athletes.

I'll reiterate again, this only applies to transgender women athletes who go on the appropriate hormone regimens. It's important to note that HRT's goal is to bring a trans person's hormone profile in line with those of ther identified gender. Testosterone generally ends up well below the levels of cis females. In a few cases some trans women have been prescribed extremely low doses of testosterone to get them in line with average female levels. This hardly constitutes shooting up steroids. Anyone using high levels would be considered cheating, just like any cisgender athlete would.

Not just a larger skeleton, but proportionally larger joints that produce more leverage, longer femurs and narrower hips that allow for wider range of mobility, etc.

Can't wait until they have to make up sporting events just for cis-women or else they'll never win any medals

"Bigger issues that speak to civil rights" right... let's destroy civil rights to make civil rights

And no one's surprised, right? I barely do any cardio and I probably still could beat most chicks in a sprint, bicycle race, or whatever.

Karsten Braasch back in 1998 easily beat the Williams sisters and he wasn't even top 200 at that point.

Allowing transgender people to compete against women is anything but fair.

Most chicks barely do any cardio either, and a serious female athlete would absolutely demolish you in a sprint or a bicycle race.

But at the top levels there is absolutely no competition.

Women's sports exist because otherwise women would never medal or really even get to compete. And ultimately, it's participation that's important here - as that one dude said, this is high school sports.

So now they're creating the same situation all over again. And I seriously feel bad for the transgender girls, but this is becoming obvious. And that trans boy wrestler is the other flipside of this. Transgender athletes of either type tend to dominate women, and are probably not competitive with the guys. They need their own category. But there aren't enough of them. That sucks.

Someone suggested instead of men and women's categories they just have biological women's and open. Sounds good to me.

The "open" category doesn't really change much. The NFL is open, but that doesn't mean that either women or transgender people can meaningfully participate. Transgender athletes of either stripe aren't competitive with the men.

Or we can legalize unlimited testosterone for everyone. Imagine the possibilities!

The NFL is basically that already

Imagine the possibilities backne!

Literally just divide the categories by testosterone percentage, up to a certain limit of course because health risks. Encourage women who want to compete with men to bulk up on the hormones, done.

Encourage women who want to compete with men to bulk up on the hormones, done.

Have you seen female sumo though? I don't mean to kinkshame if that's your thing of course.

Well sumo wrestlers are supposed to look like that. I don't fap to every women I see ya know.

On male sumo wrestlers it looks somewhat natural. Except Aoiyama.

Pls no kinkshame

Fun fact: unlike actual fatties, most of a sumo wrestler's fat is subcutaneous.

That wouldn't work. Testosterone has effects over time, so even if someone tests low for it, it's already completed its work in strengthening muscles, ligaments and bone.

Not to mention that biological men also have a greater number of androgen receptors in their muscles, giving test an even greater effect.

Naw they just have to accept that they're not going to win anything. Either be transgender or compete. If their gender identity is so important to you then accept that.

At the end of the day shouldn’t that might just have to be dorm then that as a Trans Person you just have to give up? You have to give up things when you are Trans Like getting into heaven so why not competitive sports?

There is no heaven, you mong. And sports are good for kids, I’d rather we find a way.

Kids shouldn’t be Trans. It’s child abuse. Jax has a micro penis because she was trans as a child now they have to cut her colon out to give her a Franken Pussy

The winner right there ran for the boys team until this year, because transitioning isn't allowed until 16. She's got a bigger dick than you have.

That shit is a blatant lie started by Blaire White. She claimed that Jazz couldn't get SRS and it was never true.

Also, what you said is so debased from reality it "isn't even wrong."

One does not become trans. You simply are or you aren't. Whether a person is able to transition or not has no bearing on whether they're transgender. If you forced testosterone, for example, on a cis gender girl she would not magically become transgender except insofar as the resultant development of masculine secondary sexual characteristics would likely cause her a great deal of distress.

Still, I don't think you'd call a guy with gynecomastia transgender either despite experiencing what is essentially body dysphoria due to having breast tissue development.

Oh Bullshit. See the clip below. Her mother should be arrested for child abuse. Are you comparing a guy with man boobs to Transgenders? Bottom line if you are born with a Penis YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A MAN. So if you are born with a penis and you choose to play competitive sports then you play on the Men’s Team

Haha, dude you're acting like she has no options. As if you even give a fuck even if HRT made it impossible for her to have SRS (which the very video you linked makes quite clear she can have done with a graft and that the result is not the end of the world). You're not in the slightest concerned with what's best for her. It's true the the graft is necessary in her case, but it's also necessary for any trans woman who has too little tissue for the usual technique.

You apparently have zero reading comprehension skills. Not only that, you're definitely clueless about intersex people as well. I highly doubt you have any logically consistent position to fall back on.

I'll ask and answer for you to save time. How do you define a woman?

Is it the ability to reproduce? Many women are born infertile, yet I doubt you'd call them men.

There are women born with XY chromosomes who develop phenotypically nearly identically to other women due to androgen insensitivity. In several cases they were not even aware of their chromosomal mismatch until they reached puberty and had genetic testing done. However, they were born with vaginas and still developed feminine secondary sexual characteristics.

There are cases where people are born with both sets of genitalia partially developed. At birth the doctors decided essentially on a whim which gender to assign the child. Upon growing older it often turns out they made a mistake and the child strongly identifies the opposite way.

Here is an article from the notorious liberal rag The Journal of Nautre.

For most people, what practically constitutes a woman is WSYIWYG. That can be really unfair to people who have ambiguous appearances, but it's a decent rule of thumb and I fucking guarantee you live by it whether you know it or not. If you see a woman in public with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome it's not like you're going to know it or even suspect it.

Shit, let's say you had a sister and she finds out about having that condition. Would you be all, "welp sorry bro you're a man because of those chromosomes. I refuse to ever call you a woman again."

Physically becoming a tranny doesn't make you a tranny

Holy shit, what?

Dunning-Kruger Effect is in full force here.

Tbh I'm unaware of what that is

age of 60


Why not just eliminate them?

The problem stops existing to need to be solved.


are u suggesting Tranny-battles? hmmm

Tranny-battle royale

Two men enter, one woman leaves.

Doesn't take a lot of cardio for sprints, and there is quite a large gap between average men's and women's 100m times.

In theory when trans people take that hormone thing to pass as the other gender they lose a good deal of muscle and so on

and thats why is balanced

idk how true it is though

if that's the case the bone issue still remains. Man and women have different frames, men have broader shoulders and narrower hips for instance. This is beneficial when gaining muscle, you'll have a better frame to work with. So for something like Wrestling, MMA and such this would be a tremendous advantage. Possibly for cycling, running, etc. as well.

It impacts things a bit (and varies a lot by biology and regimen), but they’d still have a huge advantage over cis women

Injuries will probably be a lot higher, though

I barely do any cardio

You don't say.

Why should I do cardio? It's not beneficial, I'd have to eat more and would probably get worse results. Also it's a waste of time.

I'll only do cardio when I need a calorie deficit.

Why should I do cardio?

Clearly not to pick up adult women.

How would cardio help with picking up chicks? You get a good physique by lifting, not by doing cardio.

Cardio is for potential sexual assaulters who have to be able to quickly escape from the crime scene.

adult women


I just want you to know I downloaded Eromanga Sensei because of that video, you weeb cunt.

best way to watch it was back when it came out, the discussion threads were always fun.

For your heart

Come the zombie apocalypse, you're fucked.

You folks really need to read up on the effects of HRT.

I probably still could beat most chicks in a sprint, bicycle race, or whatever.

Most of them probably, but not the ones who squat enough weight to be able to kick down a door without effort

we already had this thread, Juwanna Man references and all, yesterday.

Title of the other post was better too, but yours is higher effort, so idk

Bummer, never saw it.

Yeah I read that one yesterday. Simultaneously demanding to see medical records and demanding to know whether they have permission to disseminate them, in one paragraph 😂😂😂

I hate this word, but that icon is so soyboy that it hurts.

I imagine the drawing is pretty accurate except for the hairline

Nah, guys like this always draw their cartoon avatars to be more attractive than they actually are.

Right? It's like the guy told the person who drew this picture "Make the most punchable face in the history of mankind".

They have those readily available.

The rose

the fucking rose

the icon

it hurts 😂


Huh, he looks like less of a faggot in his actual picture than his icon.


rose emoji


Men make the best women in current year. Deal with it.

Men make the best women everything.

Men don't make the best boobs.

Every single top plastic surgeon is a man.

As if natty boobs don't trump them every single time. Get out of here.

Women don't make their own boobs though

Inb4 mothers make boobs. No, that's just a biological process women don't actually consciously shape

You didn't make your own legs, then.

A 400 pound neckbeard will have beautiful luscious breasts that no man could resist nuzzling.

They only make any money because women have no sense of aesthetics, or else they'd only have that surgery post mastectomy

The more i see this stuff and how people are saying "you can't call them transgender" I'm inclined to believe that in the near future this is gonna get more and more crazy, and it'll be transphobic to call these people "trans". People are saying "they're women and they've always been like that" and I bet they are gonna want to just be called women

The intersectionality cult is not sustainable. They already turned on feminists, socialists, communists, scientists, and atheists, all you have now are diagonal of center demi-queers, black nationalists, and Islamists.

The intersectionality cult is not sustainable.

This is because taken to it's extreme, the ultimate minority is the individual, because surprise surprise, everyone has different life experiences and hardships.

They'll keep chopping up people into smaller and smaller groups until maybe we end up back at something like classical liberalism

The left should have stuck to class issues, tbh. Like MLK wanted to do before he died. That, and universal freedoms, like freedom of conscience or freedom of speech.

many classical marxists pretty much think like u

First, the institutionalization of North American radicalism in the middle-class bastion of academia creates incentives for intellectuals to minimize the political importance of their own class privilege, and focus instead on other identities (in turn divorced from their economic inflections).

Yep. I also read something about how there is structural and social power. Like, you can give someone social power, such as the power to choose the pronouns people use to refer to them, without giving them any structural power. I wonder if this is done on purpose in some ways.

Thanks for the link.

That state doesn't require hormone therapy to participate as a girl, btw.

I feel pretty bad for everyone involved, tbh. It's very hard to make this situation fair to everyone. The fact that state records were broken makes everything that much more dramatic, too.

If it goes this way, women’s sport is over. They’ll probably have to megre it with men’s and then screech indefinetly about women being low performers. In fact, that sounds like a win for progressives.

maybe we should create just one category and automatically quit 25% of any man score in any sports 🤗

So Bolt will get 2 seconds off?

This is so hot.

tfw intersectional feminism makes it acceptable for me to chop off my gonads and proceed to beat the ever loving shit out of women in sports, and even combat sports

What a time to be alive.

testosterone is a social construct

Cissies BTFO

I think everyone is missing a key detail. Black people beat white people in a race again. Nothing to see here.

user reports:
1: trannyposting is literally the worst form of agendaposting on /r/Drama

True, but /u/WeWuzKANG5 needs to find some justification for his hourly tranny Google search.

You cut me deep horrible font.

are you on hrt atm or are you planning it long term?

I change my gender with mental will, lately I identify as different endangered species.

i see you dodged my question in a very smooth way

Wow, you're serious; no not taking any tranny meds.

are you sure?

cus you definitely seem very emotional concerning trans things in particular

Well, they're degenerate and hilarious so I guess you could say they make me emotional tranny defender.

they're degenerate and hilarious

but so are you! no need for this derision and self-loathing my friend

Nah I love me some me, go be arm chair psychologist for someone else.

go be arm chair psychologist for someone else.

you know what, i think even my skills will come short of trying to fix that which is your broken self

Mom... dad... stop fighting please...

Mom... Second mom... stop fighting please...

Fixed this for you.

thats an unfortunate title

Needed to change nothing.


lol @ anyone who thinks this is a sport. It's people running next to each other and seeing who can run a fraction of a second fastest. That's not a sport, that's people being hyper-competitive over something stupid and coming up with a way to make it socially acceptable.

this is a weird thing to get worked up about

You could make this comment on any thread in r/drama.

yeah but this one was apolitical

lol the dinosaurs 🦖 could outrun all these losers

Sucks for the fastest girl.

Based trans people