r/Braincels discover Islam.

35  2018-06-09 by reallyrunningnow


Cool story, bro


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Incels converting to Islam en masse would be perhaps the greatest drama factory in the world.

To criticize Islam for being a misogynistic and patriarchal religion or not 🤔


That would be utterly and absolutely amazing for butter stocks.

I see the same shit here in the American South. The majority of my graduating class that married are now porkers, especially the women who wanted nothing more than to get knocked up by some army mook and pop out little warrior babies.

That's why you threaten her with the words of divorce.

We have an out, their mayos. Mayo stairs status automatically overrides any other intersectionality.

Islam is the only opportunity I have

I am 23, in the UK and I will join Islam to get a woman AND be treated equally with respect.

In Islam there is a "holy" rule where people should marry according to their social class (read : looks+money+status). But still if you are 4/10 in a Western Country on a minimum wage you will get a fat muslim girl that is likely a virgin or had no more than 2 husbands before her. She will be 4/10 too. Plus muslim women have decent skin and exotic faces. The moment you join Islam, you get a social circle with people who are nice and kind to you. I am benefitting this even now, as a "convert". I think this is the best perk.

Alimony and involving the court system is a sin in Islam. Marriage is arranged usually after the first time you talk to the woman and it's only a holy ceremony. No wedding and bullshit involved. You must provide shelter, food and and the big, black, polyester bin bags they wear. If she manages to find a way to cheat while she is always inside the house, then her family+friends will abandon her. I am integrated in muslim circles for 2 months now and go to mosques (read: club for men) and I am telling you the truth. You are free to find out for yourself. There are online muslim communities. Ask them. If a divorce happens(holy divorce) you must continue to provide for 3 months, by muslim law, no more. By the way the period is 3 months because they usually find a new one for 3 months.

She has the right to refuse sex only if you are drunk or if she is sick and went to the doctor and he confirms.

Getting a wife in Islam is easy as the men in the mosques will tell their wives to present her single friends and word will go around. It happens. I saw. Also there are websites like www.singlemuslim.co.uk

Think about it, if sex in Islam is allowed only through marriage, average women are left out for average men. I haven't met a muslim who knows a guy who has 4 brides, like western people think. Only leaders have that many.

Get a fat arabic girl ASAP. It's still human contact and muslimahs have decent skin and exotic faces.

Inb4 negativism cope that all the muslim Chads have harem with 1000 brides - lies. You are talking out of your ass. Not true. Die.

I am not a muslim and don't believe in a messenger. Fuck Muhammad and if you do choose Islam, please never lose your common sense and don't ever believe in muhammad.

Sidenote: when mudslimes savage out the western cucks I will get to be one of them and survive. Woooot.

Edit 1: lol forgot to mention - while your wife is on period, it's forbidden for you two to talk, because, and I quote the Quran, she is mad in those days. This fact alone illustrates Islam. A religion for men.

Edit 2: caucasian muslims are not a rare thing. The whole area under Russia is a muslim territory and they are white. Also being a convert is not as rare as you might think, a lot of men like me figured it out and I am not a genius.

Edit 3: ISIS is created by the US. There are tons of evidence one google search away, first results. Obviously they created it to have a reason to "save" countries i.e. rob them out of their resources and ALSO to keep you all away from Islam because it's so good.

Making fun of /r/braincels users is no different than getting entertainment by going to the gladiator arena in Rome. I continue my existence by drinking the tears of the wee ones like you. The weak ones. The soft ones. Do you have a girlfriend? No, probably not. And you wouldn’t admit to being an incel even if you were. I am carved from marble, 6’4”, and have had no shortage of Stacy ass in my day. I’m able to successfully juggle my play life and work life. Everything comes easy for me, because I’m good at everything I do. Including, but not limited to, making the soft ones such as yourself cry.




Men blowing their own way

They want to convert so they can stone women.

My Jewish uncle always told me he was going to convert so he wouldn't have to listen to women run their mouths.

Like a 2/10 joke at best

Are the 72 virgins Beckys or Stacys?

The ideal marriage life in Islam means:

Staying a virgin until your marriage.

Marrying one partner and at least trying to stay with him/her until the rest of your life.

Literally the same view as the Christian ideal.

Fuck, they really are dumb

Christcucks can't get 3 additional wives if they're successful

Superiority of Islam proven again

Christcucks don't get to make their women wear ninja costumes so other men can't see them.