A UFC fighter has a "Black Power" tattoo and r/ufc cant handle it.

32  2018-06-09 by dreamo95


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cain has a brown power tattoo

also if u want to see a mayocide watch this fight tonight, cm punk is getting that ass beat

Even in the MMA fandom, no one likes or respects CM Punk. Dana is turning the UFC into a reality show/WWE2 and it's awful now.


Lol WWE has always been less fake than UFC.

hick mayos don't understand the historical context of white and black power

what else is new

historical context

considering the context in which "context" gets used, it usually just means rules for thee but not for me. i don't think this is particularly bad though.

I can understand why your using an alt.

it's not an alt, i just delete my posts. i am a chapo MDE though.

i think you've found your home

it usually just means rules for thee but not for me.

One is a KKK slogan and one is a civil rights movement slogan. It's that easy.

But there should be unambiguous rules that allow us to classify statements as good or bad based on syntactic structure ideally. This will make our lives more simpler.

It's called not being an autistic shit

this image will never stop being funny

"black power" is a bit misleading because at the end of the day, niggers are slaves who would be extinct if it wasn't for white people's empathy.

lol theres no context its just black people being insecure and wanting exceptions to rules like it literally always is

Imagine getting offended at that lmao

Mayo fragility fully on display

Just look 👀 at this thread, mayo fragility is on full fucking display

"Mayo"? Is this the white version of "nigger"? How precious! No white people better be offended, though, right?

How is it "fragility" if a white person is offended by racist terminology, but a black person in the same instance would be simply standing up for his rights? Seriously, go fuck yourself.


Prime example of cumskin fragility

Imagine thinking you can stop the mayocide by complaining about a tattoo

/u/boyoyoyoyong hit me up with those DINDU statistics, fam 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Speaking of DINDUS! /u/WeWuzKANG5 hey! This is a good post. Lol

Got you ed, 42% of welfare recipients are black while they only make up 12% of the U.S. Population. Meaning about half of all melanated Americans are on welfare.

Meaning about half of all melanated Americans are on welfare.

Yes, and fish swim. We don't need to discuss basic truths.

Historically oppressed people are poor, checkmate liberals.

Yeah those Chinese who built the railroads are truly struggling today, it's even worse for more recent Asian immigrants

You should really read a book or something if you think the US Chinese population has it's roots in railroad workers, there were like 70K Chinese people in America in 1940.

Recent African immigrants are among the most successful.

You should stop making excuses for basketball Americans, they're the only minority group who seem to not be able to get ahead.

Its a shit post i couls have used the irish, it doesn't matter, we get Asians who barely speak English whose kids go on to become doctors

Yeah those recent African immigrants are the best and brightest of africa but thanks for making my point. we've also started importing Somalis and that hasn't turned out as well.

the best and brightest of africa

That's like saying a restaurant has the best tasting shit sandwich

Niggers are inferior to literally every other race in the world.

That's true but when someone claims shit like oppression is holding blacks back and then says Africans are doing well, it's like so we only oppress blacks who've been here a while

And yet your women list after them for than any other males 🤔🤔🤔

Couldn't possibly have anything to do with americas race fetism, and the media spreading positive lies about their bodies.

Maybe if mayo's didn't have such small dicks the media wouldn't report it 🤔

>Doesn't matter I'm historically illiterate it's just a shit post reeeeeeeeeee

>The Irish though

>Thanks for making my point for me 😏

It's like racenerd bingo

So when can we stop blaming historical oppression on them not be able to get ahead.

You can replace irish with any minority group that isn't basketball american and you get the same result

Asians come here not speaking English but get ahead and become the most successful people in the country. Half of basketball Americans are on welfare and can't get ahead despite the fact they can get into college simply by being able to read.

So when can we stop blaming historical oppression on them not being able to get ahead.

It's been 50 years and they still haven't recovered from 400 years of systemic oppression, lazy darkies.

You can replace irish with any minority group that isn't basketball american and you get the same result

Replace them with another minority group that came here as chattel slaves and get back to me.

Imagine blaming something that ended 150 years ago for today. Hey dumbass we've got first and second generation immigrants doing great, apparently not speaking the language and coming from coming from an alien culture is easier then something that occurred decades ago. Your white guilt is fucking hilarious, I'm an immigrant, my folks didn't speak a lick of English yet somehow made it but apparently we had it easier then a group that still can't make it despite trillions of dollars spent and the bar being lowered to try and get them to succeed.

> Blacks have been equal since slavery ended

> White guilt

> I'm an immigrant though

Racenerds are so fucking generic

Good job actually refuting anything, you should continue to live in non diverse areas, we wouldn't want you to be enriched by there beautiful culture. Race nerd what a fucking faggot. And white guilt you have it my dude

pls debate my important opinions about race

Peak racenerd

Spills his white guilt on multiple posts but isn't debating. What does your wife's boyfriend think of your level of faggotry

Goes on r/drama to unironically debate racefag bullshit, gets mad, only knows white guilt and cuck insults.

Truly incredible that you haven't kept yourself safe yet.

Imagine blaming something that ended 150 years ago for today.

Wow jim crow/systematic discrimination against black people ended 150 years ago? Thats a new one

Dude mayocide lmao

lol wypipo

This is why /r/mma is the better subreddit

MMA fans are a bunch of super sensitive whiny mayo bitches. Who woulda thunk.

lol why do black dudes even get tattoos its like putting charcoal on a blackboard

That fight was honestly the most bizarre spectacle I've seen from the UFC.

CM Punk looked and fought like an aids patient.