MDEtards have a totally reasonable discussion in their sub about vampiric Jews and their blood libel

2  2018-06-09 by Plexipus


I'm not even sure what your point is. Yeah I'd rather sleep with a dakimakura of my waifu Renge-chan than with some random 3D slut but that doesn't mean I'm desperate, it's the opposite, it implies that I have standards.


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MFW I'm the only one who knows the Jews are immortal and can be killed by sunlight Have you ever seen a Jew in the sunshine? Yeah, I thought not.

Jews are genetically inferior but still allegedly control everything significant in the modern world

Gets the ol noggin joggin

The guy is arguing that Jews are literal Neanderthals who started hunting people when the mammoths went extinct.

Truly one of the most moronic sentences I've ever had to write.

have you seen their foreheads

When you're so contrarian that you find yourself defending the Salem fucking Witch Trials it might be time to reassess your world view

how about no

you can easily tell a jew by their sloped forehead and cranial structure, thats why phrenology was discredited

nothing really out of the ordinary wheres the controversy

sterotypical vampires have always been jews, and they literally suck human blood after a circumcision as a ritual

pretty hilarious to pretend omg anti semitic canard

were you always a stormfaggot? I remember you being saner a few years ago but I might be wrong

how is that even racist lol have you sen the count in sesame streets nose

55% upvoted

ahahah MDEtards sure are triggered

I'm sad my thread failed but my blood matzoh was almost done and my shipment of fresh goyim children from Tucson never arrived