Loser writes wall of text on r/childfree about how much he hates his fucking wife. Only one commenter dares to question why a non-childfree dad would come crying to them for sympathy, so maybe he should go find someplace else to uncork his whine.

53  2018-06-10 by Death_Trolley


You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


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Fuck, this is the most accurate description of the husband in that post. 💖

Truly a sentient bot, our snappy.

/u/helpmywifeisamombie I'm sorry you have to go through this bs 😔

Hope luck finds your way.

This is r/drama, not r/grouphugs don’t embarrass yourself

Shut the fuck up! 😡

If only their parents were childfree 😢

That applies to many subs on reddit.

This is going to turn out to be a complete troll "throwaway" account. Which one of you did this?

seriously though, this is why i'm terrified to get married. the wife who stops fucking you after you have a kid , gets massively fat and doesn't care about being hot anymore, is such a cliche that it probably happens in 80% of marriages.

Just tell her that you're happy to look elsewhere if she isn't up for it. That will solve things one way or another.

just wait 10-15 years so we can marry and live with our 2D waifus in VR

tbf it's not only a women thing, most dudes who get married get fat too. Just something about the relationship security, less pressure to be attractive, slowing down metabolism as you get older, less incentive to exercise, etc. Best one can do, if you really have to get married, is it being with someone who shares an honest passion for a healthy lifestyle including a well-balanced diet and regular exercise.

yeah but this dudes wife used to have that and then suddenly started binging on cookies and never exercising.

lifestyle changes are always a risk when you get married, so if you have to at least you can hedge your bets by choosing someone like that. Of course she might still end up becoming fat but at least you have a better chance for it not to happen.

individual cases will always differ but if you both engage in and share a healthy lifestyle (like exercising together) that's probably a good starting point.

yeah, well i wouldn't date any one who isn't into health and fitness anyway. i work out a fuck load and live really healthy, i don't relate to people who aren't the same tbh.

Don't marry a retard?

that's 90% of women

lol yeah, i'm sure most men just never thought of that !!

dude, people change, you have no idea what a girl will be like in 20 years. plus they just get lazy and stop putting effort in after a decade most of the time, and that seems to be most men's experience, no real changing that.

"thank god im not like his bitch of a wife, i only project all my controlling tendencies on my cats uwu" - childfree probably

If you think they don't throw rocks at kittens you're a fool.

Nah the entire sub is a hive mind of fussy fur babies = worth love and spending thousands of dollars on but human children = shouldn’t be in public places, blight on society. They can’t even be normal about owning a frickin dog.

When I say our relationship as a couple is important, she says "no, what matters is being mom and dad". She refuses to go to marriage counseling because "there is no problem, we both love our child".

That's applicable to that sub since it serves as a huge cautionary tale to the fence sitters.

Divorces parents who are happy and who love their kids and are in their lives are way better than "stay together for the kids" types who are miserable.

He just needs to let himself get caught wanking to bussy and the situation will resolve itself

Gosh I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t wanna go on a date or fuck that guy.