The SRS vs anti SRS slapfight invades yet another innocent subreddit.

48  2018-06-10 by Snowayne2


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


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What a good little 10 year old you are

also u/XVengeanceX

fart noises


/u/XVengeanceX, why do you pretend to like gays when it's obvious from your post history you hate being attracted to men yourself?

You know what? I'll bite.

What the fuck are you on about?

Are you gonna sperg out here as well?

Please, as if any of you are worth my time

Sick burn.


Sorry, no habla espanol, Buddy!

"Let me show you how much I don't care by sperging out even more. lel u r not even worth my time XD"

He's one od those people who can't leave a Reddit thread unless he's had the last comment, doesn't care tho xDdddD

I mean, dude unironically cares about retarded internet culture wars.

You’re here, aren’t you?

You spend the majority of your time arguing with people you'll never meet on reddit about things that don't matter like vidya.

There are malaria infested puddles worth more than your time.

Did you enjoy your time at the Boston degeneracy parade? Also, not having the data to link, how fucking poor are you?

youre a disgusting vile piece of shit that deserves to get hit by a meteorite you white traitor/nonwhite piece of shit. youre vile and disgusting and have no place on this planet. hope the boston gay pride parade gets hit by a meteorite.


reminder that 68% of whites admit to having pedophilic urges.

I'm calling you a gay uncle tom retard.

You know what? I'll bite.

Such a brave badass

Mind explaining why SRS comments always seem to have 90 upvotes a week after the thread was posted? It's almost as if SRSters are brigading pieces of shit or something. Really makes you think.


Ya know, I used to be self conscious about how much time I spend arguing petty shit on the internet. Maybe I'm wasting my life away. Maybe I have a narcissistic superiority complex and a deep need to "gotcha" people to squelch my insecurity.

And then I spent 3 minutes reading your post history, and I realized I've still got a long way to go.

As a SRSer she must already believe all Cis gay men must be gassed. It's a requirement to join there. Especially if you are a cis gay man, because they don't want any of them speaking up in their space.

But like all of their kind, it's just a performance of empathy and progressiveness from sociopaths.

You're part of the 45%, /u/XVengeanceX !

There might be a problem with balancing... considering people would.... have to choose to be Nazis... publicly

Sometimes being a nazi chooses you.

"SRS totally doesn't brigade subreddits, that's just a myth"

Can we just admit that any shit*says subreddits are brigading central?

Like seriously, SPS, SRS, whatever, they're usually like that.

Complains about brigading while obviously brigading the linked thread

Lol ok

...but i didn't brigade the linked thread?

But what about /r/Drama???

But what about /r/shitredditsays???

It's weird though, why are some anti-SRS comments made two days later also upvoted?

For example, here's one that currently has 26 upvotes:

SRSters are the biggest bunch of whiny children around, I swear.

Either you are a gamer, and are one of those whiny children yoy mentioned, or you are not, and should fuck off back to SRS, you fat fuck.

I'm of the opinion that SRS users are braindead

Gamers are the biggest bunch of whiny children around, I swear

I don't know u/XVengeanceX. By working in the real world, I've seen much annoying people than gamers. They are bad, but they can't even hold the candle to the "ordinary people" I have met in real life.

/u/jesusworesandals mind explaining why the most vile of insults are allowed from SRS users, but as soon as someone responds, you need to put on the mod hat and issue warnings?

So "gamer bro piece of shit" is most vile, but "get back to the kitchen, you cunt" is not? Dude. Come on. Seriously. How much are your straining your brain doing these mental gymnastics?

Volunteer Mods are not on all the time. We don't have the time to go through the comments of every post. We get reports, we then investigate. If you don't like how a subreddit is run, there are over 600,000 subreddits to choose from.

So "gamer bro piece of shit" is most vile, but "get back to the kitchen, you cunt" is not?

No, I'm saying they're both vile.

Volunteer Mods are not on all the time. We don't have the time to go through the comments of every post.

They're literally in the same chain, this is a pretty weak excuse. And I know for a fact that the comment in question had been reported.

No, you don't know for a fact. I see all reports, dude. There is no report for that comment. The reports started for his "get back to the kitchen, you cunt" Comment and his "fag noises" comment. are seriously going to try and argue with a mod of a subreddit whether or not something was reported? Do you not understand how reporting works?

No offense but "Didn't see it" is a weak excuse. If someone is insulting some other person, an ideal mod should check what he's responding to. Flame wars are never one-sided.

No offensive, but none of you are contributors to that subreddit, so I'm starting to no longer care about your opinions.

No offense, but wouldn't you agree that mayocide now?

You guys are posters on /r/Drama not to point out drama, but to stir up more of it. interest is going into the negatives. Thank guys. You enjoy your day.

I asked you if you want to destroy disgusting wh*toids and your response is some pretentious holier-than-thou shit what the fuck I just wanted a genocide


Why are the same outrage culture people, who are against Racism and and other ism and hate the American South, always using "y'all"?

Mental deficiencies.

"Gamers are whiny!!!"

Proceeds to be even whinier.

A lot of sexual tension in that thread. Gamers vs. SRS reminds me of those 80's romcoms where the main characters start the movie hating each other but then you realize they were only trying to repress their true feelings.

Really is too bad that /u/XVengeanceX and /u/Dr_Bukkakee are probably too obese to ever bump uglies. More Sixteen Snack Cakes than Sixteen Candles, imo.