"I was literally shitting my pants with rage at the things he was saying. The mental gymnastics were astounding."

98  2018-06-10 by TayTaysMayoGussy


Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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/u/CookingPapa23 Thanks for the great quote, big boy! <3

As tempting as it is, please don't argue with the trolls. Just hit report and we'll mop them up, like the stale puke that they are.

/u/mizmoose I thought you people were supposed to be jolly :-(

Those are guys, fat women like u/mizmoose is miserable and blames everyone and everything for her obesity but her inability to not stuff her mouth with twinkies

MODERATOR OF: r/BodyAcceptance r/VOATinAction r/askHAES r/healthateverysize r/BodyPositivity

/u/mizmoose oomph, what a resume

Were you not already familiar with her work? She's a mainstay here.

Damn son I've been sleeping on /u/mizmoose

Occasionally (very occasionally) she'll wade in and start throwing shit back at us in a fun way, but for the most part she's just horrible and bitter.

C'mon /u/mizmoose come play with your autist friends

What happened to this guy's account in the last 4 hours?

OP he ded


Occasionally (very occasionally) she'll wade in and start throwing shit back at us in a fun way, but for the most part she's just horrible and bitter.


And if she slept on you, you would suffocate and die! Zing!

if you ask her why she's obese she'll claim to live in a food desert or something. she could just eat less and hop on a treadmill instead of moderating shitty subs but she probably lacks the self-control to do so.

Food deserts.

Ahh that brings me back to Redditโ€™s cause of the year in 2014.

Glad that myth died

she'll claim to live in a food desert

food desert, more like food dessert amirite

Man I dated a girl once who refused to shut the fuck up about food deserts. She was a upper middle class white girl who was obsessed with social justice because of course she was.

I was young and retarded. Don't worry, I'll never make that mistake again.

(If anyone wants to see the comments that were making the fatties sperg tf out)[https://www.removeddit.com/r/BodyAcceptance/comments/8p13ru/why_do_people_have_an_issue_with_fat_women_but/]

I am disgusted by all fat people equally.

You should not self-hate m8

Is this bantz?

Bantz a make her dance

Na he hacked ur webcam. You need to work on those fat rolls buddy.

Iโ€™m more disgusted by OPs who delete their accounts for no reason. Who even was he and whyโ€™d he delete his account

Maybe banned because of all his mean pings.

Reddit admins and mods live obese people for some reason

Cant think of a single reason why \s

/u/NiftyFox23 what say you?

I was literally shitting my pants

Disgusting. I hope they use the term 'literally' as loosely as the term 'discrimination'.

Nope, it's a storied American tradition.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

eww, can you not you fucking faggot.

/u/CookingPapa23 which one is you?


better diet --> less anger shits in your pants


"Women are already disenfranchised"

I agree that women have and continue to experience systematic disadvantages based on their gender. However, this can't be conflated with 'fatness'. In the US, UK and Australia, overweight folk make up nearly half the adult population. Fatness in these societies is the norm.

No, you idiot. Don't concede an inch to their retarded framing.

You know it's 99% bullshit, the purpose of this whole oppression "theory" is to manipulate you.

Go fuck yourself, asshole. The dude was being a major prick, a bit like yourself. Why don't you go back to the cave you crawled out of

what the fuck is wrong with you



That isn't how it works on a primal level, this is all learned. Beauty and what one considers attractive usually is heavily swayed by cultural beauty standards.

Buy then

There are common themes, (clear skin, bright eyes, glossy hair) but those are markers of health in both sexes and we deem it beautiful for the reasoning of it being a health marker.

Health marker IS primal.

Like, goes to a fucking cave man.

/u/NiftyFox23 You don't actually believe what you're saying, do you?

I do because 1. Personal experience and 2. Research???

Jesus Christ, pick up a book. Beauty standards are vastly different throughout the world and throughout history.

Now, piss off.

Lol that's so disingenuous, there are many universal standards of beauty

People like /u/NiftyFox23 spend so much time doing mental gymnastics when they could have been doing actual gymnastics and burned some calories, smdh

I do because 1. Personal experience

Men finding you unattractive because you're overweight doesn't say anything about society as a whole, it just says that you're lazy.

  1. Research???

Like what?

Jesus Christ, pick up a book.

Which book? Any book?

Beauty standards are vastly different throughout the world and throughout history.

This is what fat girls tell themselves to try to delude themselves into thinking they're attractive. Yeah, there have been a handful of primitive tribes that found/find obesity desirable. There's also been primitive tribes that have practiced cannibalism. Does that mean we should start eating each other? Surely if some tribes do it, it means it's okay, right?

Now, piss off.

LOL fatty mad

Ok. But being fat is still unhealthy.

Is someone smoking a cigarette through their tracheotomy attractive?

What about someone who self mutilates and has scars and cuts all over their body?

You can engage in whatever unhealthy choices you want, you can't complain about people finding them unattractive.

We need enforced monogamy so male incels can be paired up with ugly women.

Ugly people can't help it. Fat people can. Being fat is a physical manifestation no self control. It's unattractive on so many levels.

I'd much prefer a butterface to a butterbody.

I would never hire a fat person (if I was in a management position) for this reason.

fat people are volcels. Every pig fat lathered fry they shove in their mouth is a conscious decision to be celibate

You have problems.

Like fat people making healthcare more expensive because they're indulgent and lazy? True.

You're not allowed to use alts to upvoted your comments.

/u/Starship_Litterbox_C BTFO!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

I don't have a choice, and neither do you. Hierarchy is incapable of addressing the social, political, economic, and ecological issues which it has created. We are fast falling deeper into the anthropocene extinction event. Within the next hundred years, we will either have anarchy as in a non-hierarchically structured society or we will have anarchy as in rule by a cannibal biker gang. Choose which anarchy you want.

Lol thinking anyone agrees with you

Like fat people making healthcare more expensive because they're indulgent and lazy?

Are you sure they do, actually?

Mass produced insulin is dirt cheap, blame your "pretend free market" healthcare with FDA flat out not allowing foreign producers, not even with tariffs, just like no, you can't import those $1 insulin-preloaded needles from India.

On the other hand, dying of heart attack in your fifties saves like 30-40 years of progressively more expensive healthcare money, especially at the higher end where you get a sci-fi tentacle thing keeping you alive when you can't remember not just your own name but also how to breathe.

It's the same as with that research by Winston or something that showed that smokers are actually making healthcare cheaper by a lot, because dying of lung cancer is pretty cheap, the cost of morphine to provide palliative care basically.

Big if true.

Obeeeese even.

They dont because they die earlier

fat chicks were only considered "attractive" during hard times as it implies you're probably rich if you can stuff yourself like that every day.

fat chicks are a huge turn-off, skinny Asian chicks are where it's at ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰

Fat chicks (normal by modern burger stamdards) were only considered attractive in the same sense that Donald Trump is considered attractive.



There are still cultures where being chubby is widely considered attractive, but her whinepost about how women are considered worthless if they're ugly is still retarded.

Nowhere in history was being a fupa-bearing Amerifat attractive though.

Right? Even in history and in cultures that valued fat women as status symbols (because of fucking famine), they were at most overweight or rubenesque. They would have recoiled in horror to see someone with actual morbid obesity.

esus Christ, pick up a book

Put down the fork first!

I picked a book at random; it told me everyone poops.

  1. Research???

Better yet, tell us what books to pick up.

What is up with faggots like you pretending to do research but always coming up with nothing?

Pretending to be knowledgeable while at the same time stifling knowledge is both retarded, and incredibly hilarious.

Proably not one on english??

Which culture preferred the obese to healthy weight???

Hey, did you read my write up where i owned Mizmoose?

Clearly you don't have the brain power to understand what I said. It's okay, give yourself time.

Beauty can be perceived two different ways. 1. What can be seen as healthy. 2. Personal preference (this is what can be drastically different depending on the person or culture.)

Almost every one find clear skin attractive but where one like prominent noses and dark hair, another can like green eyes and a lithe frame. This is heavily influenced by culture and what time in history you are in. At one point in time, a curvy body with round hips and small breasts were considered ideal, another time large belly's, hips, and breasts were. After that, having the body of a small boy was the ideal.

And this is just the western world. Think of lotus feet (foot binding), neck stretching, breast ironing, or forcing young girls to gorge of 16,000 calories a day so that they can have the ideal fat amount.

Take your head out of your ass for a second, you might learn something.

Clearly you don't have the brain power to understand what I said.

Yeah, but I have the brain power to understand that if I take in more calories than I expend I'll become fat, so I don't do that. I also have the brain power to understand that no one else is obligated to find me attractive because I'm not a creepy she-incel like you, trick.

Almost every one find clear skin attractive but where one like prominent noses and dark hair, another can like green eyes and a lithe frame. This is heavily influenced by culture and what time in history you are in. At one point in time, a curvy body with round hips and small breasts were considered ideal, another time large belly's, hips, and breasts were. After that, having the body of a small boy was the ideal.

You're not talking about what is desirable, you're talking about what is trendy in fashion. Yeah, it fluctuates between curvy and very skinny and fit, but the common denominator is "thin."

People don't find fat people attractive. Please show me the "research" that says otherwise. When people do studies on what men actually find attractive, fat feminists just freak the fuck out, refuse to accept what they're hearing and double down on the same bullshit that you're spewing right now.

And this is just the western world. Think of lotus feet (foot binding), neck stretching, breast ironing, or forcing young girls to gorge of 16,000 calories a day so that they can have the ideal fat amount.

Your argument still doesn't make any sense.

You're saying, "it's okay to be fat because there are some cultures that find fat attractive, like the one's that bind feet and iron breasts and torture young girls."

That's like saying "it's okay to murder people because there were people like Ted Bundy who murdered people."

You didn't answer my original question. If fat is beautiful because some primitive tribes think so, is cannibalism okay because some primitive tribes believe it is?

Take your head out of your ass for a second, you might learn something.

Quit eating like a pig and being a lazy shit, you might not have to try to convince yourself you're attractive and you might actually become attractive.

Lol at that article. Jesus Christ.

"Men actually prefer curvy women, it's science!!!" "Okay well we did a study and it looks like the opposite is actually true" "YOU'RE PERPETUATING TOXIC MISOGYNY!!!1!!!!"

Men do prefer curvy women though. That means women with a good hip:waist ratio, not the fatties who hijacked the moniker to feel good about their own over-consumption of calories.

Almost every one find clear skin attractive but where one like prominent noses and dark hair, another can like green eyes and a lithe frame.

This comment reads like

I was walking in the middle of the road and then went to the cliff and jumped off for no reason.

Do you realize that semantically speaking, you are talking nonsense?

No society ever - historical or today - finds prominent nose and dark hair to be the top of aesthetic pyramid.



Obese people have never been found generally attractive throughout history. The ideal size definitely changes, but a BMI of 30+ was generally considered freakish until recently.

That said, it doesn't really matter, as everyone can control their body size any way. If you aren't considered generally attractive, you can lose the weight and people will flock to you since it's so rare to find someone at a healthy weight these days in the Western world.

No one finds diabetes attractive honey.

Fat people are gross in general. Personally I find fat women to be more disgusting though, probably because I'm not gay and a fat woman seems like a waste of an otherwise maybe perfectly fine body.

Same thing goes with symmetry and proportions. The brain doesn't look at a not thin body and thinks "unhealthy, no value".

No, that's exactly what it does. If her BMI is over 22 it immediately screams "Do Not Want!"

the amount of time you spend talking about your preference in women vs the amount of time you spend posting on reddit leads to me to believe you will never actually be in the company of a real woman. ever.

so don't worry, bud. these hamplanets you're so disgusted by will totally never come to your basement. i promise.

so don't worry, bud. these hamplanets you're so disgusted by will totally never come to your basement. i promise.


not even a loli meme? what am i not good enough for you? i thought we were friends.

you're right because i don't like lolis i like 50000 year old vampireangeldemons

Fat people struggle with stairs anyway.

You sound like you fuck fat.


otherwise maybe perfectly fine body.

There is not a single woman at a healthy weight whose body isn't attractive, barring deformity.

If your standards are cellar-level low maybe.

The only way to make a woman's body unattractive is to drape 30 pounds of quivering lard upon it. Every single slender or athletic woman's body is at least moderately aesthetically appealing.

tbh I'm finding it hard to argue with this.

I was like "maybe if she has NO tits?" but tbh I only find small tits unattractive on fat chicks so

Because it's true! Go to /r/progresspics if you wanna see this in action. Look at how each and every one of them looks 1000 times better after weight loss, as they made the transition from ugly, gasping troll to aesthetically pleasing, healthy human being.

I had this epiphany a few years back. If you're a healthy weight, practice good hygiene, and have at least a moderately good sense of fashion, barring deformity, it's really damn hard to be considered ugly by a majority of people. Shocker!

Consider every truly ugly person in your life and see how all of them violate at least one of those rules in some way. Of course humans prefer fit and healthy (mentally and physically) potential mates/friends, it's nature's way of promoting good stock. Are you a pizza face because you can't keep your greasy unwashed paws off your face? You're probably more susceptible to disease, gtfo the gene pool. Are you a 30 year old autist who still wears baggy clothes with peach fuzz and a bowl cut? You're probably not in the best place mentally/socially, shave or gtfo the gene pool.

This post is locked due to invasion of the empty-brain-pans.

/u/mizmoose OMFG take a joke

She'd rather take a snack break than do her job properly.

Why are people more likely to "be concerned with the health" of the female friend rather than the male friend?

Why do they lie like this? About something so demonstrably false? There is no end to people worshipping fat women and hating fat men. Fat women are portrayed from media to government as being strong and empowered, while fat men are portrayed as bumbling and disgusting.

Ya what an absurd statement. Men aren't handled with kid gloves when it comes to obesity while women are. It's messed up -- it's just as unhealthy for both genders, yet we are only open with men about it. Women reinforce this shit with each other all the time. Honesty would work out so much better.

Woah! That subreddit is an insanity mine.

one would imagine (unfortunately) that pants-shitting is the default state for the landwhales that inhabit that sub.

Men shouldnโ€™t have issues having sex with fat women but some do.


Ew what

And this is a good thing.

Because women's value is based off of how attractive we are and since fat is seen as ugly, we lose all value.

I forget, who is objectifying women again?

Even if you don't care about what other people think it's still a good idea to lose weight if you're obese. It's harder on your own body to live that way.

/u/NiftyFox23 Oogling over the bodies of Chris Hemsworth and the like liteeeraalllly never happens, and certain no more worth is put on them for it, less on those who don't look like that......

Is it opposite day? Or just delusional persecuted detached from reality feminist day (also known as everyday)?

Take a deep breath and tell yourself "This is why aliens never visit us, nor will they even try to touch us. They don't want to catch human traits"

How can it be misogyny when women hate fat women too?

Because fat women are the dumb fucks that are literally smashing weight scales with a hammer. Holy shit that's a complex one.