Daddy, for the 850th time reveals he's an economic illiterate that doesn't understand trade.

237  2018-06-10 by pizzashill


This is a nice post and all, but I'm guessing that the only reason anyone is even arguing about this because these people believe 3D is superior to 2D.


  1. This Post -,*,

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Either this bot is programmed to respond to certain words with certain copypasta or this is really someone's alt

This is 24d chess he's playing, of course you wouldn't understand it

Referring to what he called “ridiculous and unfair” tariffs on U.S. imports, Trump said, “It’s going to stop — or we’ll stop trading with them. And that’s a very profitable answer, if we have to do it.”

Fucking chess master. Not trading is more profitable than trading!

You've got to stop obsessing about the tangerine man, it's really not healthy and get you nowhere

wow this

A) Baiting Trumptards into arguments they can't win is not obsessing.

B) It gets me everywhere. It's like turning on a deer feeder and sitting up in my tower waiting for the magatards to show up.

Whatever you have to tell yourself, I prefer the femoid hating pizzashill tbh

It's ok to make fun of 70 yr twatter spergIng retards

Fake news.

Daddy is 71.

>Imagine liking someone because of their political positions.

You need to ensure your personnal safety posthaste.

Do you mean his persAnal safety?

it’s literally the same seriousposting style either way though

pizzashill is one of our most consistent posters

I think you are legit special needs bro.

Really, or am I just so far above your head it looks that way?

Trump's a literal retard whose political beliefs are just a reflection of the last person he talked to. He's been hanging out with Kim Jong Un, so of course he thinks that a complete cessation of trade is a good idea.

Hopefully Kim can get Trump to see the innate beauty and power of Jauche.


Which is German for liquid cattle shit

The word is juche

Close enough then

The world is jauche

Why does German have a word for liquid cattle shit???

Not just one, but multiple depending on where you are

Trump is literally turning into a spiritual chink.

The yellow fever claims another victim.


I want him to stop. I want him to show just how much of a genius he really is. The farmers and manufactures will praise him for the move.

American farmers are, by and large, welfare queens

It’s the American people that are all welfare queens. Without farm subsidies food prices would be higher.

Not really, we could just import food from elsewhere as we already do with a lot of produce. The reason we need to maintain domestic agriculture is national security, not price.

Yeah, importing all your food is super cheap. That’s a very good idea you just had. You are very smart. We could just import enough food for 300 million people. Brilliant.

It’s price, not national security.

Why do you think we have farming subsidies?

politiks. The same reason we had cigarette subsidies. the same reason nearly every business is subsidized to some extent. Because it's a capitalist government of by and for capitalists.

Because it's a capitalist government of by and for capitalists.

I'm sure if the agriculture industry was owned by the workers, they would suddenly decide to stop extorting the people.

Europe and Canada subsidize and sell cheap food. Africa is poor and also sell food on the cheap. We import a million other things; I don't see why food is any different.

If we imported 100% of our food and allowed our farming industry to stagnate and vanish; well if everyone suddenly stopped trading with us we’d be straight fucked. Striking a balance between import and domestic growth is key.

If we imported 100% of our food and allowed our farming industry to stagnate and vanish


You can't run a country on IT workers and college students shit posting exclusively.

I’m sure you don’t.

I’m also sure the continent of Africa doesn’t have a uniform subsidy policy.

I'm pretty sure a continent doesn't have a uniform policy as well.

the point of trade is to import shit you can't produce in bulk, not to expend your resources importing the stuff you can produce.

Not quite. Sometimes you should buy something you can produce, if it's not worth the effort.

For example, suppose Lebron James buys a giant mansion, and it takes eight hours to mow the lawn. The problem is, Lebron needs to go to work to earn millions of dollars. The value Lebron gains from mowing his lawn is less than the value Lebron gains from playing basketball, so he pays some random dude to mow his lawn.

Similarly, the US is good at making software and tanks and banking. This earns the country a lot of money. Meanwhile, sewing underwear doesn't earn the country a lot of money. Thus, collectively, the citizens of America should overwhelmingly work on fields that make a lot of money, and let Vietnam sew their underwear.

The academic term is comparative advantage.

It's a matter of national security / stability AND price.

just import food e-coli from elsewhere

Without Military spending comprising half the government budget, everything would be higher. And no coffee and bananas (or chocolate).

Now you know why he's been bankrupt so many times.

Not losing anything is better than losing but ok

It's worse for them.

It potentially is tbf. Well the posturing, at least. With many of these countries they have such a good deal With us that they will come to the table sooner or later where the government isn’t a barrier to entry. Essentially we hold all of the cards, but previous presidents have been owned by big money and foreign interests so it want their place to renegotiate these types of deals. Shits common sense, but reactionary mayos with TDS aren’t ever going to like anything he does imho

reduce transit of product and lowered demand and production

He's a global warming hero!

One color uno.

This article is literally fake news. Do people really fall for this shit? He literally did not say he would end all trade with allies. Are you people fucking retards?

Are you? How did you not realize that was a shitpost

the man we chose to represent our county is only pretending to be retarded

Is it any wonder /r/drama voted for him?

Yes I come to r/drama to stay up to date on current events. I'm very upset when someone posts a fake news article. How dare he.

Yes, but consensually

1D tic tac toe.

This isn't drama. Or are you planning ahead; did you know that you'd sperg out when people told you this isn't drama thus creating drama?

How is a literal retard trying to start international trade wars not drama?

Because it's boring.

TIL a moron attacking allies and trying to start trade wars isn't drama and boring.

It is tbh. Now if someone was sleeping with someone or someone called someone a racial slur it might be more interesting.

Like clockwork, this will die down once we realize everything is just fine and then something else will pop up so you can get magic internet points from other leftist zealots by posting more dumb histrionic shit like this.

The globalists are aligned against America though.

Lets flood /r/drama's front page with furry pics then.

Furries agreeing with each other isn't drama you retard.

Go blow a mosque or something, pal.

If it was boring, why click on the comments? Why not just click on a less boring post?

because it's literally not. the only one being dramatic here is you, as usual. you could've at least posted to some people arguing or something but no, "DADDY DID A THING" and here you are to REEEEEEEEEEEEE like clockwork.

Just an FYI, this is drama, actual drama. The leader of the united states being an economic illiterate out to start trade wars is drama.

just an fyi, no, no it isn't. some retard saying a thing might happen is not drama just because it makes you buttblasted.

you being a spastic retard in these comments? now, THAT'S drama.

It's drama. You just don't know what drama is.

i think i know why you hate trump so much, pizza.

you see in him the same kind of retard that you, yourself, are. it's like looking in a mirror for you, two fat, balding, demented retards who can't see anything beyond their own delusional rambling.

Yes that's exactly it. Probably isn't the fact he's a learning disabled ape with a large cult following of like-minded retards that are a threat to the future of my country.

trump is a retard

no u retard


Wait so the president threatening trade wars isn’t drama but pizzasill posting about is? Must be hard to talk with Trumps dick in your mouth

lol calling pizzashill a retard now means i'm a trump supporter

the absolute state of r/drama

No saying Trump threatening to cut off all trade ISNT drama but pizzashill IS makes you a Trump supporter, that or you don’t know what drama is

calling Trump a retard means you're a trump supporter

lol idiot

I missed that you called him an idiot. My bad. But still him making those threats is actual news.

yeah i hate trump plenty, but i also have a kneejerk reaction to immediately disagree with pizzashill anytime i see him say anything. i like to rile him up.

i also have a kneejerk reaction to immediately disagree with pizzashill

Clearly he is the one being riled up here.

It's literally a dramatic event that potentially holds consequences for people around the globe. Classic drama material.

It’s leader of the free world, not just the states.

What other countries are the free world? Britganistan? Fransyria?


It's the french caliphate fam.

sucking daddy's cock this dutifully

being this triggered on /r/drama

no u


HAHA gotem!

Not clicking that. What now, cuck?

Someone call nute gunray. Has anyone gassed the ambassadors yet?

Holy shit lmao

Imagining fucking economic policy so badly you can't Mercantalism right?

Are you advocating mercantilism? Because if you are, you're an anti-American retard.

Are you advocating mercantilism? Because if you are, you're an anti-American retard.

A) I don't support mercantalism.

B) I'm a retard because I support the system of economics whose only tenent is no matter what else the only form of legal and fungible currency is of first edition CDs of The Spin Doctors breakthrough self titled album.

So you're like 30+? Ewwwww

The Spin Doctors breakthrough self titled album.

This is beautifully subtle bait.


No dude. You're drama.

it is

no it isn't LALALA I can't hear you

Not surprised you'd be this retarded. Lol.

be r/ed_bustedass

call literally anyone else retarded

o i am laffin

Dude literally no drama lmao

Dude the state of drama memes lmao

Post bussy

Dude Post bussy lmao

It's not a meme. Do it, queer.

Butt why

Otherwise you'll be banned

dude memebans lmao 😎

A leader threatening to cut off all trade with their allies is pretty fucking dramatic tho.

Or funny. Depends on perspective.



> This agenda post is bad because it's not my agenda

Oh no my guy is starting shit.

Move along folks nothing to see here.

The real drama is in the comments

As W predicted. Subhannallah

omg my sides


Listen NEET, this is good to negotiate tariffs. The US has been getting screwed for years and Trump actually offered completely free trade at the summit and Italy and a few others were on board. It's unfair to be in a giant trade deficit when you are the number one consumer power in the world. I wouldn't expect you to grasp any economic ramifications because you can't even figure out to use your dick.

Oh boy, I sure love being called a NEET by economic illiterate morons that don't understand tariffs and think the US is somehow getting the short end of the stick.

Want to know how I know you're not smart enough, educated enough, or competent enough for this to be worth my time?

It's unfair to be in a giant trade deficit when you are the number one consumer power in the world.

Right here. You don't even know what a trade deficit is. You have no idea how trade works period.

You're just a moron, getting bamboozled by another moron.

I find it funny how many people on this subreddit throw around the term "NEET" and then reveal themselves to be completely ignorant on the subject at hand.

/u/pizzashill resident neet expert

I do like the notion that being a NEET and economic literacy are somehow mutually exclusive, like knowing what a trade deficit is somehow a requirement to be gainfully employed.

Anyone who could properly explain a trade deficit and the purpose of tariffs without screaming about the president for one goddamn minute probably has excellent amount of social skills and knowledge.

Too bad no one of that caliber exists in /r/drama or in known media outlets

Team Pizza 🍕 🎺 🍕

But, dude, "trade deficit" has the word "deficit" in it, and I know that deficits are bad. Therefore, trade deficits are bad.


It's unfair to be in a giant trade deficit when you are the number one consumer power in the world.

If you're not just trolling, which I think you probably are, it's actually completely fair for the number one consumer power in the world to have a giant trade deficit. That's what happens when you buy more than you sell.

I love when people hate on trade deficits. Yes I too complain about basically free money so other countries have the benefits of selling to my fat ass.

I'm currently running a huge trade deficit with the grocery store, Amazon, AND several local restaurants.

... I know you're joking but kinda?

You haven't been paying the full cost of imported goods for a long longggg time.

I just meant I buy a lot more from them than they buy from me.

I think you misunderstand the core concept honestly

Impossible, I've taken college classes and very nearly passed them.

Well I think you should declare war on them.

It'll be fast, easy, and profitable! The real question is, why wouldn't I?

I feel like Jeff Bezos would cut off all your skin and wear it.

Have you considered the possibility that Trump is trying to change that? It's not good for an economy to be based entirely on consumption for a long time. Germany and China, for instance, have tons of value added taxes that steer their economies towards investments, which means they have tons of surpluses instead of debts. Tons of people like to shit on Trump but I've never seen anyone answer me why exactly should America continue to be a completely consumption oriented economy as compared to a number of other successful countries?

Only 70% of U.S. GDP is consumption.

Singapore 37%, China 39%, Sweden 44%, Norway 45%, Denmark 47%, Iceland, South Korea 48%, Germany 53%, I could go on. There are no first world countries with a higher number on this than America.

There are no first world countries with a higher number on this than the US.

Fuck yeah, USA number one!

why exactly should America continue to be a completely consumption oriented economy as compared to a number of other successful countries?

Germany and China, for instance, have tons of value added taxes that steer their economies towards investments, which means they have tons of surpluses instead of debts.

You answered your own question. If a US politician so much as utters the word "tax" half the country goes in to a reeeee'ing shitstorm like it's Stalin's second coming.

Trump may be intellectually disabled. Does it worry you that you base your understanding of international relations on what he wants?

Do you actually want to make iphones and breath carcinogenic chemicals for 50c an hour? Those are the jobs Trump wants back.



I'm not American so I don't care either way. I'm just saying that your country being oriented towards consumption forever is not a plan that will work. At one point or another the rest of the world will stop trusting your ability to pay your debts back, and when that happens it will be good for the US to be more oriented towards savings and investments than consumption.

If you guys think that it's fine to keep going this way forever then you'll suffer more in the future.

I'm not American either.

So the USA has lots of money. What they don't have is lots of goods. So because the USA has more money than goods, it benefits them to swap money for goods.

This is what you and Trump don't understand. A trade deficit is not inheritently bad. It reflects that you want to buy manufacturing capacity. Do you actually want to work in a sweatshop? Those are the jobs that are outsourced. So if you want those jobs back then you need to agree to work in sweatshop condition

The US has lots of money because it acts as the world's reserve currency. This was set up in 1971 so that money would flow as investments to 3rd world countries, then flow back into the US from those 3rd world countries as investments through the US (and UK's, for instance) financial system.

This setup works as long as the world believes that the US and the dollar are "safe". Any time you get any kind of instability in the world, people will flock the dollar because it's the safest currency, and this gives the US "a lot of money". The problem with this setup is that the US is increasing its national debt rapidly. Both Obama and Trump did this, and whoever comes after Trump will likely have to continue to do it as well (if things don't go south before then).

At some point, people will start questioning if the dollar really is a safe haven and if the US really has the ability to keep up with its debt burden. When this happens and people don't trust the dollar as much anymore, it will be good for America to not be entirely reliant on consumption and to have local industries that are able to produce all sorts of things, because the buying power of the average American citizen will be decreased in comparison to what it is today.

A trade deficit is not inheritently bad.

Yes, a trade deficit with any single country isn't inherently bad. But the case with the US is that it's buying more than it's producing with multiple countries. Like I said, its economy is mostly oriented towards consumption. In the long run this isn't good.

The US "has lots of money" because it acts as the world's reserve currency. This was set up in 1971 so that money would flow as investments to 3rd world countries, then flow back into the US from those 3rd world countries as investments through the US (and UK's, for instance) financial system.

This setup works as long as the world believes that the US and the dollar are "safe". Any time you get any kind of instability in the world, people will flock the dollar because it's the safest currency, and this gives the US "a lot of money". The problem with this setup is that the US is increasing its national debt rapidly. Both Obama and Trump did this, and whoever comes after Trump will likely have to continue to do it as well (if things don't go south before then).

At some point, people will start questioning if the dollar really is a safe haven and if the US really has the ability to keep up with its debt burden. When this happens and people don't trust the dollar as much anymore, it will be good for America to not be entirely reliant on consumption and to have local industries that are able to produce all sorts of things, because the buying power of the average American citizen will be decreased in comparison to what it is today.

A trade deficit is not inheritently bad.

Yes, a trade deficit with any single country isn't inherently bad. But the case with the US is that it's buying more than it's producing with multiple countries. Like I said, its economy is mostly oriented towards consumption. In the long run this isn't good.

The USA has lots of money because they have a large population and are an advanced economy.

The reserve currency helps but they're still the world's largest group of the richest consumers. That wouldn't change whether or not the USA is the world's reserve currency. That's also not related to trade deficits.

They have an overall trade deficit but that's more than made up for with domestic GDP. The USA has shit loads of money and don't want to do really shitty manufacturing jobs. So they use that money to pay other countries to do those horrible jobs.

The reserve currency helps but they're still the world's largest group of the richest consumers. That wouldn't change whether or not the USA is the world's reserve currency. That's also not related to trade deficits.

We just disagree. I don't think you understand economics enough to be having this discussion with me.

Feeling is pretty mutual. If we're talking about the standard understanding of economics then you agree with Trump. Any acceptable economist thinks he's a fucking moron. Which he is. Honestly just stop getting your information from reddit only because you'll only find opinions that generally agree with you here in regards to Trump.

My argument in regards to your lack of understanding of economics, though, has to do with the fact that you don't seem to understand how money flows work, and not necessarily with the fact that you disagree with Trump.

Really? Thiel?

The fact you're bringing up the world reserve currency without mentioning the word petrodollar is not impressing me.

Every single mainstream advocates for free trade. Trump is massively opposed to that. What are you talking about? There just isn't a school of economists that advocate for what Trump advocates for.

It's unfair to be in a giant trade deficit when you are the number one consumer power in the world

all of my wuts. Do you just not understand what it means to be a consumer?

its a centipedo, he cant even tie his own shoelaces, much like /u/chadcyberbully

Why do I have all this credit card debt when I'm buying things all the time?!

What are corn subsidies?

It's unfair to be in a giant trade deficit when you are the number one consumer power in the world.

I'm thinking this might be a joke, but Poe's law strikes again.

I'm talking rates not raw numbers, obviously the total imports would amount to a trade deficit. I'm saying as the number one consumer of goods we have the highest buying power. It doesn't make sense to be fucked over by high tariffs unless we reciprocate. Or we can just go total free trade.

So when you said trade deficit you meant something different?

So why should the US put up with unreasonable tariffs that they have for years? How is that fair at all?

So why should the EU put up with unreasonable tariffs that they have for years? How is that fair at all? We negotiate a fair or equal rate and the US retaliates that's retarded.

centipedos gonna centipedophile

Oh look, it's retarded.

Aren’t you the stupid faggot that gets BTFO by the galaxy brains at r/politics constantly?

That's the only thing I ever went to that libcuck echo chamber. But that must mean constantly to you. What I said was true so not BTFO by anyone. Especially those Democucks

You got destroyed. You tried to cherry pick a few statistics about gen Z while ignoring the rest.

Hint: They're more in line with left of center democrats. Not the GOP.

OK since I just graduated high school last week I think I know what my generation is like more than

So to be clear here, you believe your anecdotal opinions are more credible than actual data we have on the subject?

I showed data that supported my article they attacked three sources , they showed an opinion piece I also shared my anecdotal opinions.

No you didn't you fucking mongoloid. You linked drivel cutting out the rest of the data and tried to frame it in a way that supported your pre-existing delusion.

Gen Z is more diverse than any generation. Frank N. Magid estimates that Gen Z is 55% Caucasian, 24% Hispanic, 14% African American, 4% Asian and 4% mixed race or other. He also states that Gen Z exhibits positive feelingsabout ethnic diversity in the U.S. and is more likely than older generations to have social circles that include different ethnic groups, races, and religions. This makes them more sympathetic to movements regarding racism, such as Black Lives Matter, and less tolerant for institutionalized discrimination against different religions, ethnic groups or immigrants.

Generation Z is more liberal in areas like marijuana legalization, and transgenderissues, according to a study done by The Gild. 56% of 13-to-20-year-olds said that they knew someone who went by gender neutral pronouns such as “they,” “them,” or “ze,” compared to 43% of people aged 28 to 34 years old, according to the results of the Innovation Group’s major new study. Over a third of Gen Z respondents also strongly agreed that gender did not define a person as much as it used to. This figure dropped to 23% among Millennials who were 28 and up.

75% of Gen Z support same sex marriage. They’re more likely to have grown up around same sex parents, and therefor don’t see this as unusual—or illegal.

76% are concerned about global warming. This makes sense considering the amount of environmental disasters they’ve witnessed so far, including the 2013 Colorado forest fires (most destructive wildfire in history,) tornado in Joplin, Missouri in 2011 (single deadliest tornado in US history since advent of modern weather forecasting,) the flooding devastating Mississippi river valley (one of largest and most damaging floods recorded in past century,) and much more.

It has been reported that Generation Z are, “the least likely to believe that there is such a thing as the American Dream.”

Having grown up bombarded by mass shootings in their own country, and terrorist attacks overseas, this generation more likely supports gun control.

Gen Z has nothing in common with the GOP. That's just a talking point they jumped on, something they fed to stupid people. Hint: that's you.

I conceded socially liberal yes but far more fiscally conservative. That was my argument. Imagine thinking gay marriage and weed riles up Republicans anymore.

Yeah, you don't know what you're talking about. Most of the country is "fiscally conservative" including most Democrats.

The GOP is not the party of fiscal conservatism. They're the party of "spend a lot while also reducing revenue."

Hillary Clinton, for example, is a fiscal conservative. As is most of the democratic party. Claiming someone being "fiscally conservative" means they're a republican displays you just aren't very educated on the subject.

Someone gave you a piece of paper asserting you had knowledge?

The only time you went and you managed to come off more fucking retarded sounding than some of the biggest pearl clutching morons on the entire site. You got owned, you’re a NEET, liberals live in your head rent free and you’re still purple-faced buttmad about it.

I'm not a neet I just graduated from HS and start college in the fall.

I know this is /r/drama, but damn dude, why in gods name do you even have a strong opinion before actually learning even the ABC's of international trade? You outed yourself as a near illiterate here.

Whats there to discuss with a dipshit who don't even comprehend high school level education?

You're at a deficit because you are the number one consumer power in the world. You want to buy more shit than you have to sell.

THat aint my daddy


drama post by pizzashill

it's an agenda post

Imagine my shock


11 points (59% upvoted)

Looks like the DDF is here

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

What the fuck is the point of this bot even

Un-fuck imgur on mobile.

Don't use a shit Reddit app then

I was just answering your question, the original link works fine for me. A few months ago every imgur link that wasn't direct was fucked for everyone on mobile and that's why the bot exists.

ya'll have shitty mobile apps

Imgur is bloated and shitty and doesn't even load half the time if you use tor, but the images aren't bloated and always load

Use a better app bruv

I've not even using an app, I'm just using firefox on desktop

3 hours.


Why is the first image log and the second image linear

1.) It makes the improvement under Trump's administration look less impressive.

2.) Stock prices reflect contingent claims on the revenue of companies, which in aggregate should be expected to rise at the same rate of growth as the economy. This growth is compounding so log-linear best allows for inter-temporal comparison.

So why isn’t unemployment log?

Unemployment is a percentage measure, and not compounding.

Even still, a 10% change in unemployment from 4% to 3.6% will look smaller than a 10% change in unemployment from 10% to 9%. Graphing unemployment in log would reflect the changes more clearly from year to year, just as that would for stocks

Long term evidence is that if you tell me GDP Y in period T I can tell you that in period T+t it will look something like Y*(1.04)t. There is no such relationship for unemployment. Changes in it do depend upon the absolute value in the last period, especially if near the Keynsian lower bound which I think is the case in the US, but not in such an explicit way and with reference to other structural figures.

What this boils down to is graphing them in their respective ways lets you draw straight lines most often.

/r/drama econ discussion already better than /r/economics

If you find specialist discussion in the wild anywhere on Reddit it's more likely to be coming from a source of some authority. But /r/Economics is especially bad. Maybe the worst.

It's probably because the website they were using had logarithmic scales as a default. Here's the same graph on a linear scale.

cuts off most of bush's years to make him look bad due to economic crash

so you are doing the same thing that trump supporters do...

The joke was that the bad part of the bush years, not his whole two terms, was because of Obama according to trumptards, why would trumptards give credit for good years to obummer?

Because he brought Sharia law, communism, and Pokemon Go to America.

As a mexican't I'm already fucking tired of this shitter threatening to tank our economy every second day.

Imagine if the value of your currency was dependent on whatever some elderly baboon saw on TV.

Build the wall.

keep safe.

That's why we need a big beautiful wall.

thats now what keep safe means, smartypants

I'll use a rubber.

you can just cut it off, its not like it sees a lot of use anyway

Lol epic

Annnnnnnnnnnmy day now

After the red tide in 2018 flushes a few rinos.

I think we're going a split House and Congress

You thought Hillary would win.

Well nothing is certain anymore, aside from the Warriors deep dicking the Cavs


You thought Hillary would win.

Only retards thought Trump would win. He like a 30% chance.

No he had 100% chance. Only retards who thought overssmpled polls thought that they were correct.

No he had 100% chance

Imagine being this retarded

The day of voting his chance was 100%. The polls were horribly biased and wrong, they were what was in error. Elections are not dice rolls.

The day of voting his chance was 100%

No it was still 30%

The polls were horribly biased and wrong

Do you have any evidence of that?

Historically the opposition party is usually favored to win elections in large numbers.

So far, democrats have been winning lots of elections recently.

But then, they also gave in a chunks of red meat to the ruling party which is also making them energized.

So chances are, we are going to get a house majority republican, and house senate democrat split.

They have? Hmmmm

Red tide

Well, communists do have a history of building walls.

Hang yourself from it!

Should extend all the way around the u.s wouldn't want any more Americans escaping.

why are you telling him to do it

lol yeah how’s that wall building going so far, btw?

I mean if you're worried about the economy and you live in Mexico then youre probably doing bettering than everyone else who has to worry about their corpse being chopped up and hung from an overpass or which donkey to fuck.

Something something school shooting cousin fucker mayos


It can't be so bad when Mexicans area willing to hide in spare tires for 6 hours just to pick grapes here

Burn. That's gotta hurt.

Those are Central American guys. Mexicans just fly in and don't fly out.

Just Guatemalans. Not all of Central America is shitty, Costa Rica is a safe and developed country with a really vibrant culture and lotsa natural wonders.

Costa Rica is lovely, but Honduras, eg, is pretty rough.

You don't have an economy anyway.

I mean I live in America so...

Look at the value of the USD. it's been trending downward ever since inauguration.

USD shot up in 2017 and has been spiraling down ever since

Almost as if the Euro is recovering from an absolute walloping.

it's been trending downward steadily ever since inauguration.

Except, when it's not. eg. The entire year of 2018.

/u/pizzashill is always best after his shareblue check clears.

Are you even going to try to defend this economic illiteracy? How's it feel to be so indoctrinated, so under the spell of tribalism that you'll pretend Trump isn't a moron.

Economy is only on the rise. Don't see the problem here.

Jesus Christ the public school system in this country needs massive reforms.

If there’s ever no hope for the situation, just sit back and watch them collapse into their dependent minds when its truly shown how fucked over we’ve become due to his negligence. Stop warning your idiot friends and family members about dangers like “Nigerian princes” and “free credit scores” and let natural selection weed out the bad seeds. They need to fall a few times before they’ll learn anything

Implying any learning will happen

lolno, it'll just be the blame game as usual

Implying that public schools were good

you work at mcdonald’s and are addicted to video games. thanks for the econ lesson champ!

Surely this bull market will never end, and ending all trade with allies will have no effect on it.

You know I keep hearing how bad this is, but no one is saying why. Countries protect their industries but expect ours to bend over. Fuck that. Either we have really free trade or we play tit for tat.

Well the main thing is that if your employer relies on transatlantic trade then you have no job now.

most industries do

Really no job now? Like they were just all fired?

Typically economic activity takes longer than 2 seconds to play out

Well obviously it'd take a while, although you'd probably get mass panic selling on the stock market if he announced it which might speed it up a bit.

Yeah, we've established you don't understand trade or basic economics.

I mean most people don't? Not many people have majored in economics, I doubt many have taken a course.

Though I would love to know what's the benefit of a one way 150%+ tariff.

Still no answer.

Because there's no point. It's like trying tot each a rat physics or something.

I've been down this road with you enough times to know it's a waste of my time trying to tell you anything because you're a walking dunning kruger effect.

Because you have no answer, which means a site like even Vox hasn't come up with a long yet wrong one for you to cut and paste.

No, it's because I literally do not believe you are competent enough to understand trade, mainly because the way you framed the question.

You believe countries are in competition with each other, you believe trade deficits are somehow bad.

It's literally not worth any more of my time because as I said, you don't care about being right.

Anything linked to you will be dismissed. The economists will be wrong. You're a cultist, not a real person.

Wow, such a loss losing a bunch of dumb hicks without the brain capacity required for higher education.

but no one is saying why.

Because the American economy would collapse if America stopped all international trade

But we aren't? Don't be retarded.

So when a country has subsidies they are literally giving you money. This is free money. If fucking over the working class wasn't a winning move then Republicans never would have won an election.

Read the Art of the Deal. He is negotiating.

Art of the Deal

You mean that book Tony Schwartz wrote?


being this retarded

Your ancestor probably bought shares of the Brooklyn Bridge from Trump's grandfather.

He can't read or write idiot. He literally got fucked over on the ghostwriting deal for that book.

Imagine thinking that paying someone to do tedious bullshit when you are a billionaire means you are illiterate. Sad!

Imagine giving away the entire advance and 50% of the profits. That's unheard of. It may be the worst ghostwriting deal ever made.

Trump's just trolling le libcucks, fucking epic troll when he collapses the global economy and we have to live in nuclear mudhuts after WW3


lmao this whole thread is a shitshow. Great work!

You dumbass

For an obvious troll account... its really.. boring... step up your game man.

Nah don't need to, just like calling you dipshit out nice and succinctly

God I wish I was being paid to make fun of the most prolific lolcow in recent years, quite possibly in all of American history!

Wait, you know what, I thought of something sad: we never were able to see the impulsive thoughts of powerful lolcows throughout history. They lived and died able to maintain the illusion that they weren't complete idiots, with a few exceptions like Nero and that one lady in Pompeii who learned publicly that she was so unlikable that she lost her boyfriend to bussy.



Trump is either bunkers or a genius we all just don't understand.

I'd go the latter.

You are the former

agenda post 😴😴😴

why you gotta expose me like that 😤

It's comforting that Trump is out there being loud and shit because he just attracts the absolute dumbest people on the planet who seem to think they're intelligent for mocking him. It's the easy joke that every idiot can make, Durrr I'm smarter than the prezidin. u don't understand trade!!!! EPIC

Trump literally doesn't comprehend Trade and your average person pulled from the street is more intelligent than Donald Trump.

Indeed. I'll trust a pizzashill over a billionaire when it comes to economics. Papa John is going to be an awesome president in 2020.

Yes indeed, because everyone know being rich means you understand macro economics.

Sure, the economists, you know, the actual people that do in fact understand this say he's wrong, but dude, Trump is rich!

I honestly can't even imagine being this fucking stupid. Like how do you even tie your own shoes if you think being wealthy means you understand economics?

You can afford shoes?

I don't really care what you think as long as you admit to me that you understand your argument was absurdly fallacious.

This is awesome. It's like you care, but you don't. I can see why r/drama values your insight so much. You voting Chuck E. Cheese in 2020? There may be game tokens in it for you.

I honestly want you to get help. You're either literally insane or you're a senile old person. I don't even think you're intelligent enough to comprehend how stupid you are.

Maybe Chuck E. Cheese and Papa John can reform mental health care.

Maybe, because Reagan setting you tard apes loose did a number on America.

Awwww, you do care. How sweet. I award you one "Atta Boy!" virtue signal. You can show it to your team mates at your next pizza party.

Lmfao @ the billionaire meme this is america

He's a billionaire because his dad was a billionaire, and his dad before him.

If you think he's a "self made businessman" or whatever he's calling himself these days I have a bridge in Brooklyn up for sale.

No one in his family was ever a billionaire you dumb fuck. Go away.

You know he inherited over $400 million and managed to get a worse rate of return than the real estate market he invested in?

Drumpfty Stillskins is a BUFFEWN! I am the eternal enlightened hat tipper, Drumtp you bufoon.

Autism rates through the roof--why doesn't the Obama administration do something about doctor-inflicted autism. We lose nothing to try.

Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.

Why do you hate national security so much, u/pizzashill?

Someone should tell him that free trade will definitely trigger the libs so he can stop this shit.

downvoted .

Looks like he got a few pointers on diplomacy from Kim Kong In.

Seriously though why haven't I woken up from this dream yet? I've been stuck in this absurd and logically impossible nightmare timeline for like 16 months now and still haven't woken up so I can laugh and say "thank god literally none of that happened."

If the post has "Daddy" in it it's guaranteed to be retarded.

And yet here you are commenting on the post...

Guess where confeve beans come from.

Hint: not America

at this point you have to consider the very real possibility that he’s not actually advocating this, and is just saying words

Are there any defenses of this statement anywhere beyond the trite “triggering the Europeans” crap? Do trump supporters on Reddit actually think it’s realistic to stop trading with Europe if they don’t do what trump says?

You are asking serious questions at the perpetually "pretending to be retarded" crowd.

Keep in mind, if you shit in food and feed that to the trumplicans but say "lol librul tears lmao", they are going to eat it happily.

I’m just trying serious post and cut through the shit. I’d imagine that it’s all uniform delusion out tin the trumposphere but I’m curious if there’s any real thought about it.

> trumposphere

> real thought

Pick one


Man who inherited $400 million dollars has money!

Trump refused to release his tax returns and lost a libel suit against a reporter who said he was worth $250 because he refused to actually prove he was a billionaire.

Q: Now Mr. Trump, have you always been completely truthful in your public statements about your net worth of properties? A: I try. Q: Have you ever been not truthful? A: My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with markets and with attitudes and feelings, even my own feelings but I try. Q: Let me just understand that a little bit. Let's talk about that for a second. You said that the net worth goes up and down based on your own feelings? A: Yes ....[29]

But yeah, definitely a billionaire.

these LIBERALS👹👿out here building🔨their own HOUSES🏡 with 4 WALLS😤😤when they won't even support ONE1️⃣WALL around the BORDER🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😎😎😎😎the DemoCRAPS💩💩have ALWAYS been the party🎊👿of HATE😡😡😡😡😡I wonder🤔🤔if they're TRIGGERED😱😱‼️‼️because there's TWO2️⃣GENDERS✅🙋🏼‍♂️💁🏼what can you expect from 👦🏿👦🏿🚫OBUNGA🚫👦🏿👦🏿and the LEFT??!!⬅️⬅️Send this to all your ❌🚫👎🏽👎🏽LIBTARD👎🏽👎🏽🚫❌friends to totally ⚠️TRIGGER⚠️them and spread the WORD❤️❤️🔑🔑of CONSERVATISM😂😂😂🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽😎😎😎😎😎👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

Did someone just out-Butteredtpast the original?

This, but unironically. What America needs is more conserve-autism.

Mainstream media proves, for the 850,000th time, starting from the beginning of the election campaign, it doesn't understand Trump's methods.

authoritative source on economics

If I wanted a dipshit faggots opinion on economics, I would ask my gay inbred neighbor.

Gateway pundit is the only authoritative source libfags!

Can't wait for the masses to turn on this idiot and give him the gaddafi treatment. They will fuck his whole family into oblivion as well.

I know pizzashill can't help being pizzashill but you fuckers could definitely choose not to upvote this shit. Content vote ranking systems were a mistake.

Voting was a mistake. President Daddy proves it.


Are you saying unreasonable people can rise to the top? I am fucking shocked.

Dont look at me, did my part to foster qualitytm content

fyi, if anyone else complained about this they would immediately be called a daddy supporter by /u/Ed_ButteredToast and his ilk. i've seen it happen way too many times.

I think they alternated between calling me a reactionary racist and an SRS posting SJW enough that I've reached a point where I get to claim true centrism.

Depends on the month and current mood of the sub. Today though you are definitely Daddy Defense Force.

Cry harder lol.

But look at all these free drama! The lolcows just come in walking by themselves!

I upvote lolcows.

Big surprise there.

This is like the badly written preamble of a shitty COD game where Russia annexes the US and then goes to war with the UN.

Is that where COD is at these days?

I know it isn't, because they would never made a COD where the USA loses, but they've fallen a long way from Modern Warfare 1 - Tom Clancy the Game.

It's almost the plot of MW2: where the US loses to Russia until the player stops them, and MW3: where the EU loses to Russia until the player stops them.

Cucked heads of state that don’t suicide bluff at opportunity


9th dimensional Pong.

Perfect RETARD president to reflect our perfect RETARD country.

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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low effort tbh

I keep expecting Penn to make a formal apology for not stamping the stupid out of him.