Speaking from an unknown cave deep in Afghanistan, Star Wars Fans release a statement taking responsibility for recent social media attacks on the Disney Empire and threatens escalation if their demands are not met.

45  2018-06-10 by Sc0ttyDoesntKn0w


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


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You know, say what you want about ISIS and Osama Bin Laden (PBUH), but at least they had more legit reasons to be pissed than these Starwars Justice Warriors.

Star Wars has never been that good. I'm more pissed we haven't gotten any non-action Star Trek films. And pissed is a huge exaggeration because who cares

Clearly, Star Trek is Cultural Judeo-Bolshevik librul commie hogwash that pushes multiculturalism and diplomacy or some gay bullshit like that

Meanwhile, Star Wars is about a mayo farmboy escaping from a planet ravaged by sand niggers to become the ultimate Chad. He does this by converting to an ancient Religion and using discipline and violence in order to defeat the baddies, who are based off Nazis. And as we all now, National Socialists are left-wing commies (it's still socialism, stupid).

It also features a princess who is degraded by a disgusting slug to become a literal sex slave and there's some allusions to brother-sister incest, so there's plenty of material for incels to jerk off to.

Orville: The Motion Picture is overdue.

Tbh the US provoked Osama. US policy created Osama.

You can't say that man, the U.S.A. is a Nation of Peace.

Yeah, I'm sure Osama thought that while the rockets were blowing up children around him.

Those were Rockets of Peace, and how do you know those children weren't terrorists?

Good point, if my dating pool got blasted I'd be pretty pissed off too.

There were no rocket strikes in Saudi Arabia, I dunno what you're talking about.

So I shall talk to you about the story behind those events and shall tell you truthfully about the moments in which the decision was taken, for you to consider.

I say to you, Allah knows that it had never occurred to us to strike the towers. But after it became unbearable and we witnessed the oppression and tyranny of the American/Israeli coalition against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind.

The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorised and displaced.

I couldn't forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children sprawled everywhere. Houses destroyed along with their occupants and high rises demolished over their residents, rockets raining down on our home without mercy.

The situation was like a crocodile meeting a helpless child, powerless except for his screams. Does the crocodile understand a conversation that doesn't include a weapon? And the whole world saw and heard but it didn't respond.

In those difficult moments many hard-to-describe ideas bubbled in my soul, but in the end they produced an intense feeling of rejection of tyranny, and gave birth to a strong resolve to punish the oppressors.

And as I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children.

And that day, it was confirmed to me that oppression and the intentional killing of innocent women and children is a deliberate American policy. Destruction is freedom and democracy, while resistance is terrorism and intolerance.

This means the oppressing and embargoing to death of millions as Bush Sr did in Iraq in the greatest mass slaughter of children mankind has ever known, and it means the throwing of millions of pounds of bombs and explosives at millions of children - also in Iraq - as Bush Jr did, in order to remove an old agent and replace him with a new puppet to assist in the pilfering of Iraq's oil and other outrages.

TL;DR: Standard politician call to war speech, designed for tricking gullible young men into embracing radical causes.

You are fairly close to having a point here

i'd say 50% america 50% ussr

inb4 pizzashill wall of text

MBA grad from Saudi
OMG he was only fighting back


What does him having an MBA have to do with vicarious oppression?

Have you ever read how Islamists recruit people?

Bin Laden's overall strategy for achieving his goals against much larger enemies such as the Soviet Union and United States was to lure them into a long war of attrition in Muslim countries, attracting large numbers of jihadists who would never surrender. He believed this would lead to economic collapse of the enemy countries, by "bleeding" them dry.[86] Indeed, al-Qaeda manuals clearly express this strategy. In a 2004 tape broadcast by al-Jazeera, bin Laden spoke of "bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy.

But I'm sure he was a good boy who loved peace. Jihadis have existed for 1400 years, you have to be a simpering moron to think the guy who supported the Taliban regime, you know, the ones that ethnically cleansed even true MuslimsTM only got into being a jihadi for muh dead kids. He wanted to bring more war to Muslim countries, he was more interested in destroying the kuffars than in saving his awaam.

But I'm sure he was a good boy who loved peace.

No, that's called illiteracy. A better version of what I'm saying would be:

Baumeister points out traces of the myth of pure evil not just in children’s comic books, but in the stories we tell to make sense of everyday life, too. The nightly news tends to focus on stories about arbitrary attacks on unsuspecting innocents. In the wake of the Columbine High School shootings, Time magazine emblazoned its cover with smiling pictures of the two perpetrators, accompanied by the headline THE MONSTERS NEXT DOOR. President George W. Bush played into the myth when he said that the terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks were driven by pure hatred of “our freedoms”—adding “these terrorists kill not merely to end lives, but to disrupt and end a way of life.”

Reality is complicated. Evildoers are rarely motivated by pure sadism and victims are not always entirely innocent. Violence is often the result of mutual provocation and escalating hostility. Heinous acts are often committed by people who are essentially ordinary, and who believe they are in the right. Through the myth of pure evil, however, we twist reality, with all its infinite shades of gray, into a black-and-white caricature of unassailable good versus irredeemable evil. “The myth of pure evil depicts malicious, alien forces intruding on the world of well-meaning, unsuspecting, virtuous people,” Baumeister wrote. “The world often breaks down into us against them, and it almost invariably turns out that evil lies on the side of ‘them.’”

Work on that comprehension.

Jihadis have existed for 1400 years, you have to be a simpering moron to think the guy who supported the Taliban regime, you know, the ones that ethnically cleansed even true MuslimsTM only got into being a jihadi for muh dead kids. He wanted to bring more war to Muslim countries, he was more interested in destroying the kuffars than in saving his awaam.

I think you don't actually comprehend terrorism or what drives terrorism or how terrorists recruit.

How exactly does attacking the largest superpower in the world with the stated goal of bringing them into your country so as to bankrupt them morally justifiable?

Everyone is morally gray.

What about the Natzees Pizza? What historical wrong were they motivated by? How was Hitler a tragic hero? Give me some hot takes.

I don't think you comprehend terrorism.

Says the mutt. Lol. Other than Guardian and NYT opeds, how many muzzie fundies have you actually seen? There's entire villages where I live where kuffar like me have been driven out en masse, the moment the awaams population hits ~60%. I've been stuck in a bloody riot because some atheist muzzie from a neighbouring country was participating in the city's literary meet. None of these people are oppressed and neither was Laden, they just hate infidels.

How exactly does attacking the largest superpower in the world with the stated goal of bringing them into your country so as to bankrupt them morally justifiable?

This is a war. Do you just not understand asymmetric warfare? If you believe the US had wronged you, and you were no match for the US in terms of military ability, how else exactly are you going to fight them outside of this?

Better yet, do you think the the US being a superpower exempts them from retaliation? Almost no war is morally justified. The constant wars we launch on countries all over the globe aren't "morally justified" yet we still do them.

When the US bombs and kills civilians, that's ok in your world, when someone retaliates by doing the very same it's a problem.

What about the Natzees Pizza? What historical wrong were they motivated by? How was Hitler a tragic hero? Give me some hot takes.

Are you like intentionally just not reading anything you linked? You seem to have completely missed the point of my argument and are just injecting strawmans all over the place, either because you aren't smart enough to understand the point, or you just don't care and have opted for willful ignorance.

Says the mutt.


Other than Guardian and NYT opeds, how many muzzie fundies have you actually seen?

How many papers have you read on counter terrorism, the motivation of terrorism, or why it happens?

I've been stuck in a bloody riot because some atheist muzzie from a neighbouring country was participating in the city's literary meet. None of these people are oppressed and neither was Laden, they just hate infidels.

Well, you seem to actually just not be able to comprehend the situation here. If you unironically believe terrorists exist simply on the basis they "hate infidels" you're just brainwashed.

This isn't to say terrorists are justified or good people, but your understanding of the problem is primitive at best.

No country or person cares about the out group, that's fine and expected. It's the people who are so psychopathic that they don't even care about the in group that are truly evil. Laden didnt care about anything more than punishing America, despite knowing that anything he did to America would be repayed a hundred times over to his chosen in group, the Ummah. He actively seeked out a foreign invasion into Afghanistan when things were relatively calm there, drunk off the power trip a lot of fundies seem to have where they believe the war in Afghanistan was what led to the dissolution of the USSR. He wanted war, he craved it ever since the Soviets retreated and he became purposeless in life.

This is a war.

Which war is that?

How many papers have you read on counter terrorism, the motivation of terrorism.

Just the one.


It's also the one all the terrorists read, give it a try.

No country or person cares about the out group, that's fine and expected. It's the people who are so psychopathic that they don't even care about the in group that are truly evil.

You have no idea what you're talking about. WHy is it so many people on this subreddit try to discuss subjects they have no formal education on, spewing random shit like this?

Laden didnt care about anything more than punishing America, despite knowing that anything he did to America would be repayed a hundred times over to his chosen in group, the Ummah.

Wow, it's almost as if, you know, people aren't rational. It's almost as if revenge is a powerful motivator, and once you reach a certain point, it consumes you and you want to hurt those that hurt you, at least in your own perception, no matter what the cost.

He actively seeked out a foreign invasion into Afghanistan when things were relatively calm there, drunk off the power trip a lot of fundies seem to have where they believe the war in Afghanistan was what led to the dissolution of the USSR. He wanted war, he craved it ever since the Soviets retreated and he became purposeless in life.

Hint: it's called war. In his perception, the US was his enemy, an enemy that was to be defeated at all costs. His strategy was to drag the US into a war they couldn't win, one that would consume massive amounts of resources.

Which war is that?

The war he was in with the united states.

Just the one.


It's also the one all the terrorists read, give it a try.

Well, if there was any doubt that you had no relevant education on the topic at hand, it was just dispelled.

Idk about all this back and forth. People should just appreciate Bin Laden for what he was: a good excuse to kill Muzzies. 🙇🏿🙇🏿🙇🏿🙇🏿

When did we bomb Saudi Arabia

Feel free to go read what he said. I copy pasted it in another comment.

You can only blow civilians up for so long until they start blowing your civilians up.

We did far worse things to German and Japanese civilians than we did to the ummah.




Good try, shitlord, but I'm NOT culturally appropriating Arabic as a wypipo?

لا، أنت

Imagine being this upset about space capeshit


Autism? In my Star Wars fandom?

Falling for bait stinkier than the inside of a Tauntaun

Just mayo things

This is the most obvious false flag i have ever seen

I have it on good authority everyone trying to provoke these attacks are russian trolls.

What evidence do we have of harassment attacks other than facebook and twitter posts? It's all #fakenews trying to yet divide us once again on the topic of star wars.

That or Disney's horrific self bullying paying people to harass it's own actors to cover up their racist storylines.

I mean, I wouldn't even be surprised at this point if that was the case. I also desperately want to believe that most of the incel shit I see on this website (like the mental droppings of the healthy individuals at /r/MaleForeverAlone ) is just Russian bots trying to stir a panic

Unfortunately, if the last couple of years are anything to go by, there is no lower limit to the levels of tardedness the human mind can achieve


I doubt even the Russians are that cruel.

I thought mayos loved Asian bitches.

Yeah but she saved a black man from dying

It's a false flag. Same people who claimed responsibility for the bot attack on RT that never happened.

Rotten Tomatoes Says Its 'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Audience Score Is Authentic

On Tuesday I spoke at length with Rotten Tomatoes spokesperson Dana Benson regarding the movie ratings site's Audience Score of 55% for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. I was curious to know whether there was any merit to conspiracy theories that have circulated in recent days alleging organized vote campaigns to drive down the film’s scores from their “proper” levels, and why there is such a big disparity between the mediocre Rotten Tomatoes audience ratings and other, higher critics' and viewers' responses, such as the “A” rating from Cinemascore.

Benson, who is the Vice President of Communications at Fandango, the parent company of Rotten Tomatoes, told me that Fandango and Rotten Tomatoes are fully confident in the ratings and scores for the Star Wars picture. She assured me that Rotten Tomatoes has gone to great lengths to verify their ratings' accuracy and authenticity.

“We have several teams of security, network, and social database experts who constantly monitor reviews and ratings to ensure that they are genuine,” Benson said. “They haven’t seen anything unusual with The Last Jedi, except that there has been an uptick in the number of written user reviews submitted. Aside from that, everything is normal and we don’t see any unusual activity. We looked at The Last Jedi compared to other blockbusters and it has been consistent with those past films.”

One widely circulated story about an anonymous individual who runs the Facebook page “Down With Disney’s Treatment of Franchises and its Fanboys” claims that this person created bots to manipulate the Rotten Tomatoes score. But Benson and other company reps I spoke to dismissed such claims as nonsense. Although anyone can post whatever they want on the site in the effort to drive ratings either up or down, Rotten Tomatoes has nearly two decades experience at identifying and controlling for such efforts to push the scores in one direction or another.

Rotten Tomatoes Dismisses Claim ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi’ User Ratings Were Skewed by Bots

Did an alt-right fanboy group — supposedly unhappy with “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” over its alleged “feminist agenda” — game Rotten Tomatoes’ user ratings to push down the score? The website says the claim is hogwash.

“The Last Jedi” currently has a 92% aggregate critics’ score on Rotten Tomatoes, making it “Certified Fresh” — but registers a score of just 54% among users. Out of nearly 135,000 ratings tabulated by the site as of Thursday, the average user rating was 3.2 out of 5. The marked discrepancy between critics and audiences was already apparent when the rankings first were released last week.

Now, someone affiliated with a Facebook group called “Down With Disney’s Treatment of Franchises and its Fanboys” has claimed that he enlisted bots to spam Rotter Tomatoes with negative reviews of “Last Jedi,” according to a report by the Huffington Post. That’s allegedly because he was angry about “Star Wars” producers emasculating characters like Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) and Poe Dameron (Oscar Isaac).

But it’s far more likely that thousands of disgruntled “Star Wars” fans are actually responsible for the weak Rotten Tomatoes user score. Asked about the claims outlined in the HuffPost piece, Rotten Tomatoes said the security team tasked with managing the scores hasn’t seen any unusual user activity that would indicate its scores have been successfully tampered with.

“For ‘Star Wars: The Last Jedi,’ we have seen an uptick in people posting written user reviews, as fans are very passionate about this movie and the franchise,” a Rotten Tomatoes rep said, but the number of written reviews being posted by fans is comparable to 2015’s “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.”

“The authenticity of our critic and user scores is very important to Rotten Tomatoes and as a course of regular business, we have a team of security, network, social and database experts who closely monitor our platforms,” the rep added.