Fuck Islamabad International Airport.

21  2018-06-10 by pitterpatterwater

Like seriously, way worse than Benazir Bhutto International. Yeah sure it looks modern but it manages to fit like a fourth as many seats due to the useless open spaces for "aesthetics" purposes.


Finally someone said it.


Banned from /r/Worldnews

Already am lol. According to the mods they actual consider any insulting a religion to be be breaking the rules.

same here lol

I was banned for telling an anti-immigrant idiot to keep themselves safe.

Thank u for you service o7

^ rofl

Never having been there (or plan on going tbh) I can guarantee it is still better than Tacna International Airport in Peru.

There's no airport as bad as the Jeddah airport. Literally one of the most disgusting, inefficient, depressing places in the world. Always hated going through there.

It should be tried and found guilty as a War Crime then droned into glass

The Jeddah airport is truly horrific

Karachi's airport is actually pretty good tbqhwyf

Yeah, its really nice.

All pakistani airports suck compared to Indian ones tbh