Man released from jail for grand theft auto jokes about killing a woman before, on r/cigarettes? bonus: autistic slapfights

42  2018-06-10 by Honk4Tits


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


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But I can look back at it with the levity I see fit. I went to a very expensive private film school, come from a certain kind of family, ok? Im not your average punk motherfucker. Its just when an unconventional artists lifetyle gets a bit real


I went to a very expensive private film school, come from a certain kind of family, ok? Im not your average punk motherfucker. Its just when an unconventional artists lifetyle gets a bit real

I went to a very expensive private film school, come from a certain kind of family, ok? Im not your average punk motherfucker. Its just when an unconventional artists lifetyle gets a bit real

/r/cringeanarchy says you're an anti-white anti-1800s housewife degenerate subreddit that is unbased and wants everyone to take estrogen pills and soyyy soyy soyyy Drumroll please gents and ladies LADIES ONLY I'm sandbox exploring the controls and dynamic 3d controls for my arm pointing my finger at LADIES ONLY: churn that butter raise my children or you get the single action army to the asshole leaving the cunt intact for more based 1800s wife and kids procreation *chirp) Classico EL MONSTRUO TEXANO mulatto + indigena = zagat + el mIEONstruo = sam hyde lips

Hey guys, audience: .....SOY!




Wtf these people laugh at "drumpf" lemayo Fuck DAE FUJCK ubisoft their battlefield 5 vee /v/ BATTLEFIELD /V/ BASED ARMIE

Do u need a hug? 🤗

Is this another sperg account that I'm going to be blamed for?

Sounds like a confession to me.

Wow, there really is a sub for everything.

Thank you, but I think I'll stick with using grindr

Why the fuck r/cigarettes exists and why do people post there

Hey u/SoccerHorse, my Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, 'If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.'. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- 'Don't ever smoke. Please don't put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because your post gave me cancer anyway.

Man released from jail for grand theft auto jokes about killing a woman

From that title I thought he was imprisoned for making "joking" death threats in GTA Online.

Imagine my disappointment about the actual thread.

Just go to /r/smokingfetish like a fucking adult

Fuck yeah! Subbed

Ya’ll sound like a bunch of uncreative capital-l Lames who’s only ongoing conceit is that “duohhh you shouldn’t kill people don’t kill people” like I don’t know that, like I wasn’t the one who spent a year in jail, or who got jumped by mexicans and had to get in more fights than I can count on both hands, or have to get weekly drug tests and bi-weekly ongoing court appearances, changing my life forever. Going from attending a basically world class film school to living in a shit town because of probationary arrangements. And yeah I’ve had to phsyically defend myself because of this more than most people will have to do in their lives, jail changes you. Ya’ll are the little comment thread liliputian army to me I hope you fucking know that. That combined with the fact that I was not actually implicated in the death, which I’ve explained numerous times, means this shit doesn’t put so much as a halt in my step so long as you literal motherfuckers keep harping your asses to kingdom come. Taste it, leave it, taste a little more, come back for thirds, and always remember to wipe the little poop smear off your thumb before getting back to typing your stupid response. Oh and smoke Marlboros. Thanks.

u/SoccerHorse please explain your clinical retardation

Once a 6 foot young albino black guy wanted to fight me over a game of chess. I brought him to the ground and punched his wide ass nose until it bled. Yeah 0 points for style. Also on a couple separate occasions I got punched in the back of the head from behind a couple times. Once by a “wood” or another white guy because he was attempting to defend me from getting in a fight with a group of mexicans for getting in their business. He wanted me to fight him instead, which I of course didn’t know, so i turned around and punched him and wrangled him to the groud, putting him in a sling for a couple weeks. Later that night, actually at 3am when they serve you breakfast, a group of about 3 or 4 of those mexicans attacked me out of nowhere. They came at me so fast I didn’t get so much as one good punch in, and then disappeared back to their bunks, leaving me to stay awake for a while so I didn’t sleep with a possible concussion. The next few days, with two black eyes and my nose bleeding brown, I was called into somewhat of an interrogation room and was pressured to point out who did it to me. I didn’t say a word, and held the claim I had fallen off the bunk bed. I would later get kicked out of that tank for throwing my dinner tray at the wall two days in a row. I would spend the next couple weeks in partial solitary, but kicked out the glass panel of the door because I got pissed off, about 900$ and a possible felony in itself. So i was moved to “the hole”, the worst part of the jail, in solitary confinement surrounded by basically the loudest craziest people in the jail. Was moved out of there to a better arrangement, but, in the common area there, flipped out for a very specific reason and broke the TV cabinet, a table, chairs in one go -about 1000$ worth of state property, and was tackled into the ground by a large group of people and put in 7 point straps for about 5 hours. Theres more though. The type of experience that kind of thing gives you, with the necessity to maintain your dignity, really teaches you about life. My pleasure, though, I can explain the autism and inability to form complete sentences in the future per request.

Thanks for massive lines of copypasta that I won't ever read fully

Ask for more and then turn up your chin. You know what a bitch is, bitch?

Reeeeeee at me harder sweetie

I might, theres a certain satisfaction in people begging for more, even if all they can muster is low-grade, affected confrontation. God gives me the grace to see through that



Oh i get it, like ‘out’ as in reinforcing to yourself and others the guilty feeling you experience glomming on to other people with the same feeling is an actual spectrum of emotions in this crazy world all the actors are merely on the stage and the stage is merely a drag stage and if it ain’t referring to your butt you ain’t clued in hunny. Yeah fucking genius. It sure takes special reinforcement for that shit, because its pure base-level inanity. There’s a reason the word, here we go, faggot has such a bite to it. So, taste it, cuz you have to learn to love the sting, or else you’ll out of being out! Biiiiiiiiitch

Yeah I like dick, you got a problem with that? I bet you kiss girls, faggot


Mayocide when

What tf are you, some mixed race fuckin fanatic over there with a resentment for whites? And for straight people which may or may not exist up to you, good game come again. Curious though. This is a dandy fuckin thread for sure, funny stuff

everyone on r/drama dreams of the day of mayocide
